General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I will watch it play out......

Message started by raydawg on 10/07/18 at 09:03:54

Title: I will watch it play out......
Post by raydawg on 10/07/18 at 09:03:54

In negotiations, often its wise to leave the table, sort out the "facts" and look at the BIGGER picture, with hope that folks remove the emotions, that so often taint a persons perspective....

We have hearts, we have life experiences, we have all sorts of input, on a personal level, that really might not be conductive to a viable solution.

The more anger, hate, frustration, is displayed overtly in these differences, the more that person draws from that part of their intellect.

RE: the supreme court.

To expect folks to not have their own ideas, and beliefs, is just not possible, unless we sit robots on the bench, and even that, it falls upon who wrote their program, LOL.

The SC is being thrust into a position it was never intended, deciding law based on a D, or R, philosophy.....

That very expectation runs counter to its purpose of separation of powers, not absolute enforcing of powers, WHO EVER that might be at the moment.

Both parties have tried to use the courts to circumvent the legislative procedures to our system of governing.

The very idea believing that all conservative, or liberal judges, sitting on this court, will solve all the issues to my favor, is a failure to understand our constitutions granting of EVERYONE'S right to pursuit of happiness.
When you expect others to forfeit their right, or that your right, impinges upon theirs, then neither will know true happiness.  

A democracy will allow for dissent, and a HEALTHY democracy will invite exchange, and CHALLENGE, to its ideas and beliefs......

Forcing others via laws, to your beliefs, will never be sustainable, NEVER.

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