General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Right Side Of History

Message started by T And T Garage on 09/04/18 at 09:08:21

Title: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/04/18 at 09:08:21

Nike, for one.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/18 at 01:30:16

Dikks sporting goods isn't doing so well after they joined David Hogg.

The NFL buys Nikes, but for how long?

The nation is polarized. Taking a side simply pisses off about half of the potential customers.

Whoever decided to do that better hope it works out a lot different than I think it's gonna.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by faffi on 09/06/18 at 02:42:14

Globally, I think Nike will gain substantial cred. Probably more so the harder Trump-supporters go against Nike.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by thumperclone on 09/06/18 at 04:27:31

I don't get the whole thing
if he/they want to kneel whats the BFD?
no difference than the kid that doesn't want to pledge to the flag
this is a freedom of speech right
there are more important things happening under the big top lead by an orange clown

make it an issue to distract from the real BS going on

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by WebsterMark on 09/06/18 at 05:31:00

The right side of history is paying a man who wore Pig/Cop socks?

I listened to him speak once and he's an idiot. He couldn't articulate his views with paper and crayons.

And just what exactly is his issue? That the black community, which kills each other with regularity, fathers that abandon children 70% of the time, a culture that celebrates violence, and on and on...somewhere near the bottom of that list is police brutality. And I'm supposed to go buy a tennis shoe because he skipped over all these self-induced, self-destructive behavior and focused on one that has the least effect on their community?

This just perpetuates the myth that cops shoot unarmed black men with regularity. The Hands Up, Don't Shoot lie. Sorry, but the black community has themselves to blame, they have race hustling Democrats to blame. They are self destructing before our eyes and Nike will only help to keep that destruction moving along while they sell a few shoes.

Right side of your history maybe, not mine.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/18 at 12:16:46

6A766B736E7B6C7D7271707B1E0 wrote:
I don't get the whole thing
if he/they want to kneel whats the BFD?
no difference than the kid that doesn't want to pledge to the flag
this is a freedom of speech right
there are more important things happening under the big top lead by an orange clown

make it an issue to distract from the real BS going on

It's a conspiracy. IDK who is doing it. Maybe you can explain.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/06/18 at 12:20:50

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
[quote author=6A766B736E7B6C7D7271707B1E0 link=1536077301/0#3 date=1536233251]I don't get the whole thing
if he/they want to kneel whats the BFD?
no difference than the kid that doesn't want to pledge to the flag
this is a freedom of speech right
there are more important things happening under the big top lead by an orange clown

make it an issue to distract from the real BS going on

It's a conspiracy. IDK who is doing it. Maybe you can explain.

Conspiracy??  Are you serious???

No jog, it's a protest about the disproportional amount of police killings of African Americans.

That's it.

Watch here:


Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/18 at 12:31:19

Maybe you should read what I'm replying to.

make it an issue to distract from the real BS going on.

I'm well aware of what the idiot has claimed.
Fine with me that they protest. They are Wrong about it and the numbers show that, but it is fine to protest.
I've said it before.
If kneeling is a political statement
So is standing.
Nobody should ever be forced to perform an action against their conscience.
Baking a cake to celebrate an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/06/18 at 12:40:45

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
Maybe you should read what I'm replying to.

make it an issue to distract from the real BS going on.

I'm well aware of what the idiot has claimed.
Fine with me that they protest. They are Wrong about it and the numbers show that, but it is fine to protest.
I've said it before.
If kneeling is a political statement
So is standing.
Nobody should ever be forced to perform an action against their conscience.
Baking a cake to celebrate an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.

Abomination?  LOL To you maybe, not to everyone.

As to the distraction?  Yeah, our own president and his supporters are making it an issue to distract from the utter failure he is.

There's your conspiracy.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/18 at 12:49:15

Your memory is limited to what you want.
Go back to the uproar for weeks before Trump said something.

Yeah, trump is talking about it, every day, over and over..
You're delusional.
Look at the empty seats.

Your grasp of the religious beliefs of others

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/06/18 at 12:57:23

3E2127203D3A0B3B0B33212D66540 wrote:
Your memory is limited to what you want.
Go back to the uproar for weeks before Trump said something.

He commented immediately on it.  There was no "before".  The man watches fox news like a nielsen family and tweets during "his shows".

Then sure enough, his followers got in line and joined him in unison...

Yeah, trump is talking about it, every day, over and over..
You're delusional.
Look at the empty seats.

No jog, just realistic.  As soon as the deal with Nike went through, thin-skinned donny made a tweet.  He followed up with several more.  Maybe you should read his twitter feed more.

Your grasp of the religious beliefs of others

Nor does yours on us.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/18 at 13:30:55

When my conscience doesn't agree with what you want me to do it does.
I get to say

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/06/18 at 13:39:53

3A252324393E0F3F0F37252962500 wrote:
When my conscience doesn't agree with what you want me to do it does.
I get to say

So do I.

We all do.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/18 at 14:59:44

Even bakers?

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/06/18 at 15:03:58

342B2D2A3730013101392B276C5E0 wrote:
Even bakers?


Not to say there aren't consequences to one's actions.

But freedom is not free.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by Eegore on 09/06/18 at 15:51:13

 I'm pretty sure Nike did a lot of research and demographic analyzation before making this decision.

 I for one do not think the majority of Nike sales are white middle-upper class families, I imagine minority groups collectively purchase more Nike product.  "Product" not just shoes.  I have no proof of this or research.  This is strictly an opinion based off of personally viewed situations.

 Other factors were most certainly taken into consideration, such as the outrageously large social media metrics culled from the major platforms, all at Nike's administrative and marketing fingertips.  A multi-billion corporation such as this doesn't just sign on a controversial public figure that is tied to a multi-year contract without a little research going into it.

 I can provide no supplemental information on this topic that supports my opinion by means of verifiable data, research or other.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/18 at 22:40:56

I for one do not think the majority of Nike sales are white middle-upper class families, I imagine minority groups collectively purchase more Nike product.  "Product" not just shoes.  I have no proof of this or research.  This is strictly an opinion based off of personally viewed situations.

I agree. But they are going to lose a bunch of rightys.  Just because their best demographic is happy doesn't insulate them from losses. Piss OFF half of the potential customer base..
Genius maneuver.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by Eegore on 09/07/18 at 07:00:32

 I agree that they will lose some customers however it is a well studied phenomenon that boycotts rarely last long and in most cases less than 10% of the US citizens that claim they will boycott actually put it into practice.  There is a ton of study on this.

 Can anyone think of a company that has failed recently due to boycott, or due to the choice they made for a temporary advertising campaign?

 It is estimated by APEX, an accredited and historically accurate advertising research firm estimates that negative publicity that exceed 48 million will typically outlast any loss in consumer level purchases.  The same firm estimates, among others, that Nike has received about 165 million in free, although controversial advertising.  

 They may lose some initial income but I don't foresee this ad campaign crippling their holdings or capital.

 I have no research, references, or other information available at this time, this is strictly opinion based off of personal observations and communication with associates in the field.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/18 at 09:22:08

I don't see anything there I would disagree with. Dikks sporting goods took a hit, but they will recover.
I suspect some of the most angry lesbians eat at chick filet again.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by Serowbot on 09/07/18 at 09:43:14

Levi's takes a stand...

Levi's Just Took a Major Stand Against Gun Violence in America
"Americans shouldn’t have to live in fear of gun violence. It’s an issue that affects all of us—all generations and all walks of life.""

"We can’t insulate ourselves from every threat. We can’t “harden” every place we gather—whether it be our schools, workplaces, shops, churches, or entertainment venues. But we can take common-sense, measurable steps—like criminal background checks on all gun sales—that will save lives."

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/18 at 09:47:22

342B2D2A3730013101392B276C5E0 wrote:
Even bakers?

tt  Wrote: All.  Not to say there aren't consequences to one's actions.
But freedom is not free.

Again  typical  Spin.
From a, ’Spin’, Master !

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/18 at 09:52:46

Nike, announced it’s, ‘In bed with Kaepernick deal’,
Just, AFTER, they signed the contract with the NFL
Nike wants the best of both worlds.
(For the Panty in a bunch, a rather standard decision foe any business, get what you think you can get)
The few burning, just laughable, because they already spent the money.
It won’t affect the bottom line, that they won’t buy again.

The target is: People, that say, ‘Mommie  Mommie I Want’, and mommie buys.
(They don’t have a clue, who knelt and who did not, and why, they just see older kids in school, and they want to be sheep-el)
People that have a bunch of tattoos, designer cloths, Diamond earrings, and stand in line for food stamps.
People that beat-up, kill, other people, to get their shoes.
People, that start to melt, if they don’t get absolutely everything they want, ‘given’, to them.
People that belong to a, group, which ’someone’ said, ‘everyone in this group buys red nikes’.
‘ ‘ ‘ and another said blue, and another said white, and another said green with strips, etc, etc, etc,
Those are the people, that BUY, Nike, then throw them away, because they are not perfectly clean anymore, and buy another pair.
That, is a big chunk of money.  Just like the big chunk, from the Signing the NFL Contract.

Also, I am sure that the, ‘FREE”, advertising was a big part of the decision.
I thought the amount would be 50-60 Million.
It has been said: “…The same firm estimates, among others, that Nike has received about 165 million in free,…”
Don’t care whatever the product is, or whatever association the product maker has.
165 MILLION  in FREE  advertising nice little chunk.

“… Can anyone think of a company that has failed recently due to boycott, or due to the choice they made for a temporary advertising campaign?…”

Don’t have any data on any fortune 500 companies.
Do have, ‘realistic observed’, data on a small town Liquor store.
Sm Town, was a store, the owner did good, he got sick, a new person bought it.
That person, was doing good for a couple of years.
Then Just before the election, I was in their as was another customer.
I talked to the other customer, and remarked, I had heard NO ONE, offering any support for HRC.
The other customer offered the same observation.
Suddenly, the new owner spoke up, (first time I ever heard him talk political)
He said:  “well I  support HRC, given her money, and will vote for her”
As the two of up had already paid, we just walked out.
That was Late Sept 16. I know I, spoke to others about the insentient.  (Sure the other person did also) By end of Oct, just driving by Ray Charles, could see business was greatly down.  By the end of Nov, he was closed.
(Christmas & 4th July, are to of the biggest times in that industry)

So a, un-announce, no ’social’ media, no FB/Twitter/Etc comments made.
A ’Snowflake’ business, just could not stay in business.

Interesting, did anyone keep track of the coffee shop, that publicly said, ’no cops’.
Wonder if their business is up or down after making that announcement.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by WebsterMark on 09/07/18 at 10:31:16

6E786F726A7F72691D0 wrote:
Levi's takes a stand...

Levi's Just Took a Major Stand Against Gun Violence in America
"Americans shouldn’t have to live in fear of gun violence. It’s an issue that affects all of us—all generations and all walks of life.""

"We can’t insulate ourselves from every threat. We can’t “harden” every place we gather—whether it be our schools, workplaces, shops, churches, or entertainment venues. But we can take common-sense, measurable steps—like criminal background checks on all gun sales—that will save lives."

Yea, Levi's will stop gang bangers from shooting each other here in St Louis. Who knew all we had to do was ask a bluejean company to say something.....

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/18 at 10:42:03

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
Levi's takes a stand..."

Don't have the financial records of Levi.
Yet 'Observed Reality' shows they were loosing sales,  LONG,  before they took the, 'Anti Gun  Stand'.

One can purchase blue Denim pants, that are Better, and cost 1/4 - 1/3 of the Levi brand, from 20 + companies.

The, Anti-Gun stand, I believe will work out as well as,  'Dic ks'  Anti-Gun Stand.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/07/18 at 10:56:26

7B586546445F5851360 wrote:
[quote author=342B2D2A3730013101392B276C5E0 link=1536077301/0#13 date=1536271184]Even bakers?

tt  Wrote: All.  Not to say there aren't consequences to one's actions.
But freedom is not free.

Again  typical  Spin.
From a, ’Spin’, Master !


Tell me - how is that "spin"?

Do you know what "spin" is?

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/18 at 11:51:44

263837363B263D20520 wrote:
Do you know what "spin" is?

Well seeing as how, you lack understand of a concept, and the word context.
I’ll,  ‘splan’ it do ya.

In your past posts, you frequently stated your position that the, ‘baker’, should be forced to make a custom cake, for 2 gay people.
Regardless of the fact that the religion he believed in,  said he should not.

With the fact that you have also said several times, you don’t believe in, believing in anything, (Religious/Deity), you believe the baker should, ALSO, not believe, as you say you do not believe. Therefore they, (in your belief) must make a cake, because any believe they have is Invalid.  Simply because, you, say you do not believe in any belief.
(Which you have proved wrong by your posts, or your talking out of two sides of your mouth)

Now let’s re-cap.  Understanding the Context, (Theirs that word again, which you have a very hard time with)
JOG said:”… Nobody should ever be forced to perform an action against their conscience. Like Baking a cake to celebrate an abomination in the eyes of the Lord…”
Then you said: “…Abomination?  LOL To you maybe, not to everyone….”
Which in Context, (Remember that word you don’t understand?), says, ‘Jog’s statement is invalid, because, you, think it is invalid’.

Next, JOG says: "Your grasp of the religious beliefs of others
Then you respond: “…Nor does yours on us….”

Think about that. You Just said, in, CONTEXT.
‘A persons religious belief does not count’

Then JOG said: “…When my conscience doesn’t agree with what you want me to do it does.  I get to say  No,…”
(Now the the Panty in a bunch people, when JOG says, “conscience”, I am believing that means, any Religion/Faith/Deity, because that is the, 'Context’, of the discussion)
And you say: “…So do I. We all do…”

Tell me which side of you mouth are you talking out of ?
The side that says you do not believe any Religion/Faith/Deity?
Or the side that said,  Now you believe?

Now more specific: JOG said: “…Even Bakers…”
Then your, ’Non Answer, or  ’Spin’.

Here are some real answers,
which a non Troll posting person, could say.
“No, not Bakers”  -  “Yes, including Bakers”

But you can’t, can you LOLOLLOLOLLOL

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/18 at 12:02:35

The economy is so good even
Colin Kaepernick can find a job.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/07/18 at 12:43:39

183B0625273C3B32550 wrote:
[quote author=263837363B263D20520 link=1536077301/15#24 date=1536342986]Do you know what "spin" is?

Well seeing as how, you lack understand of a concept, and the word context.
I’ll,  ‘splan’ it do ya.

In your past posts, you frequently stated your position that the, ‘baker’, should be forced to make a custom cake, for 2 gay people.
Regardless of the fact that the religion he believed in,  said he should not.

Nope, I never said that.  I said, that opens up a slippery slope of discrimination.  You should really try to pay attention mn.

With the fact that you have also said several times, you don’t believe in, believing in anything, (Religious/Deity), you believe the baker should, ALSO, not believe, as you say you do not believe.

I never said that.  You're lying.  Shame on you.

Therefore they, (in your belief) must make a cake, because any believe they have is Invalid.  Simply because, you, say you do not believe in any belief.
(Which you have proved wrong by your posts, or your talking out of two sides of your mouth)

Wow - you're lying so much it's sad.

Now let’s re-cap.  Understanding the Context, (Theirs that word again, which you have a very hard time with)
JOG said:”… Nobody should ever be forced to perform an action against their conscience. Like Baking a cake to celebrate an abomination in the eyes of the Lord…”
Then you said: “…Abomination?  LOL To you maybe, not to everyone….”
Which in Context, (Remember that word you don’t understand?), says, ‘Jog’s statement is invalid, because, you, think it is invalid’.

You don't seem to understand a simple idea.  Just because you believe in something doesn't mean that others don't.  How in the world does that invalidate the other position??  If I don't believe in Allah, but someone else does, that doesn't invalidate those people....

Maybe you need to be taught in motorcycle terms.  SO, if you like Harleys, and I don't, that's doesn't invalidate your love of Harleys.

How do you not understand that basic principle?

Next, JOG says: "Your grasp of the religious beliefs of others
Then you respond: “…Nor does yours on us….”

Think about that. You Just said, in, CONTEXT.
‘A persons religious belief does not count’

Towards MY beliefs (and people like me).  Context mn, CONTEXT.  Your lack of understanding astounds me.

Then JOG said: “…When my conscience doesn’t agree with what you want me to do it does.  I get to say  No,…”
(Now the the Panty in a bunch people, when JOG says, “conscience”, I am believing that means, any Religion/Faith/Deity, because that is the, 'Context’, of the discussion)
And you say: “…So do I. We all do…”

Yes, you have that right.  We all have that right.  But if you're in a business, there might be consequences.

You have the right to be a racist.  You can live freely in this country and still be a nazi.  But if you run a business under those beliefs then there might be consequences.

Is any of this sinking in??

Tell me which side of you mouth are you talking out of ?
The side that says you do not believe any Religion/Faith/Deity?
Or the side that said,  Now you believe?

I only have "one side".

Now more specific: JOG said: “…Even Bakers…”
Then your, ’Non Answer, or  ’Spin’.

Um, I answered "Yes"

Here are some real answers,
which a non Troll posting person, could say.
“No, not Bakers”  -  “Yes, including Bakers”

But you can’t, can you LOLOLLOLOLLOL

I did.  You need to pay better attention.

Bless your heart.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/18 at 14:30:45

;D ;D  ;D ;D  ;D ;D  ;D ;D  ;D ;D  ;D ;D

726C63626F726974060 wrote:
>'''You're lying.  Shame on you.

I'll just take one little piece.
How Many times have you said, you are, Agnostic.
How many times  ?????????

Now you are using the word, 'Bless', which their is no other reason to use it, unless, YOU believe it means something.

So, Are You  LYING, when you say you are, Agnostic, ?
Or are you LYING, when you, 'Bless' & 'Pray', for someone ?

LOL,  Which is it, Which one are you LYING ?

(Can't wait for the, 'spin',  LOOLOLOLOLOLOL)

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/18 at 15:38:22

Everybody knows
Bless your heart
Is Bible thumper P.C. for
Fukk You..

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by MnSpring on 09/07/18 at 15:59:12

647B7D7A6760516151697B773C0E0 wrote:
Everybody knows
'Bless your heart',  Is Bible thumper P.C. for   Fukk You..

WOW,  Didn't know the he/she called tt,
is a  BIBLE  THUMP-ER  !!!!!!

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/07/18 at 18:55:39

5A794467657E7970170 wrote:
;D ;D  ;D ;D  ;D ;D  ;D ;D  ;D ;D  ;D ;D

[quote author=726C63626F726974060 link=1536077301/15#27 date=1536349419] >'''You're lying.  Shame on you.

I'll just take one little piece.
How Many times have you said, you are, Agnostic.
How many times  ?????????

Now you are using the word, 'Bless', which their is no other reason to use it, unless, YOU believe it means something.

So, Are You  LYING, when you say you are, Agnostic, ?
Or are you LYING, when you, 'Bless' & 'Pray', for someone ?

LOL,  Which is it, Which one are you LYING ?

(Can't wait for the, 'spin',  LOOLOLOLOLOLOL)

a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

So, does that make any sense?

Oh mn, bless your heart.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/07/18 at 18:57:23

524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 wrote:
Everybody knows
Bless your heart
Is Bible thumper P.C. for
Fukk You..

I'm not a Bible thumper jog.

Or am I?.....

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by T And T Garage on 09/07/18 at 18:58:50

785B6645475C5B52350 wrote:
[quote author=647B7D7A6760516151697B773C0E0 link=1536077301/15#29 date=1536359902]Everybody knows
'Bless your heart',  Is Bible thumper P.C. for   Fukk You..

WOW,  Didn't know the he/she called tt,
is a  BIBLE  THUMP-ER  !!!!!!


I'm a male (make a note of it if you'd like) and I'm not a Bible thumper.

Bless your heart mn.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/08/18 at 02:34:54

243A353439243F22500 wrote:
[quote author=524D4B4C51566757675F4D410A380 link=1536077301/15#29 date=1536359902]Everybody knows
Bless your heart
Is Bible thumper P.C. for
Fukk You..

I'm not a Bible thumper jog.

Or am I?.....[/quote]
Nobody said you were.
You don't HAVE to be a Mexican to say

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by thumperclone on 09/09/18 at 04:12:16

breaking news:

Nikes' on line sales up 30%

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by WebsterMark on 09/09/18 at 05:46:50

Being here in St Louis, which is something of a ground zero given the Michael Browm situation, I've still yet to hear a coherent description of a realistic vision of what people like this guy is wanting to see happen. So somebody tell me.

And don't say no justice, no peace cause that doesn't really mean anything specific . Don't say the police should stop killing blacks cause that's not true.

I've got to buy a new pair of golf shoes this week so tell me why i should reward Nike for trying to push me to the right side of hist and buy theirs?

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by Eegore on 09/09/18 at 07:10:41

 I don't think Nike is trying to push you anywhere, they have no reason to care what you think is wrong or right.

 They create advertising campaigns for sales increases and do so by analyzing demographic information.  This isn't Nike Corporate taking a political stand, its for money.

 Nike must have run metrics that show they should see an increase in sales if they run this campaign.  Nike is not analyzing political standings and attempting to get guys who buy golf shoes to think different about politics, religion, or anything else.

 They are taking a loss on your sales hoping to gain in other demographics.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by WebsterMark on 09/09/18 at 08:03:16

Fair enough and totally true.

Okay, then what is Kapernick trying to say? What is BLM trying to say? What are the protestors trying to say? Someone explain it.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by MnSpring on 09/09/18 at 10:50:02

534D42434E534855270 wrote:
"... a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God ..."

OK, so, ’NO Faith”  AND, ’No Disbelief’.

So, ’No Faith’, would say, you do not believe in any ‘blessings’, that are used by a ‘religion’.
Therefore, using a, ‘blessing/s’ that are used by a ‘Religion’,
is something one would not do, because one does not believe in them.
So by using them, one would be, Lying, when they say them!

Now, ’No Disbelief’, would say, one has, ’No Disbelief, in the Blessings, which are used by other, ‘Religion following people’.
Yet if one feels free to use them. (‘Blessings’ that, ‘Religious’ people use).
One is using them to, ‘make fun, of people of a ‘Religion’ which uses those words as a Blessing’.
(That would make that person a What ?)

So to refine,
Are you Lying when you say you are, Not Religious ?
Or are you Lying when you say you, are Religious ?

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by Serowbot on 09/09/18 at 14:47:18

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
Whoever decided to do that better hope it works out a lot different than I think it's gonna.

2F332E362B3E29383734353E5B0 wrote:
breaking news:

Nikes' on line sales up 30%

It did... :-?

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/09/18 at 15:34:44

Sales bested 2017’s 17% increase over Labor Day, according to Edison Trends, despite Trump’s protests of the campaign

This is because people who are not complete f.ucking imbeciles, meaning the bulk of the US population, understand that this is about police brutality and the waaaay disproportionate killing of black people by police. Which itself is but a manifestation of America's dark past. Which Trump stokes at every opportunity because this is the charade that got him elected and the Republican Party don't care about anything as long as they can push their agenda of tax cuts for the wealthy, and stacking the Supreme Court for a generation which will ensure that their voter suppression tactics and ridiculous gerrymandering of voting districts keeps them in power.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by MnSpring on 09/09/18 at 15:47:20

6C706D75687D6A7B7477767D180 wrote:
 Nikes' on line sales up 30%

Curious if that have anything to do with Nike’s ’Sale’.
“Stock up on men's clearance gear and take advantage of signature Nike items on sale."
Or the, Coupons offered, on, ‘Groupon”

Of course, the sales are the SAME, up/down, as the Labor Day last year.
Just this year it is higher, yet following the Same, up/down.

Looking at the chart, looks a lot like, Last years Low, is compared to this year high.

Also suspect the estimate of 150  MILLION dollars of Free advertising,
just may has something to do with this.

As soon as the Kaepernick campaign starts dropping in sales, (and it will),
Nike will move on to another person.
Their is nothing political, on Nike’s part, except to get the rush of 150 MILLION of Free Advertising.
Just like ANY, other business would.

To say that Nike Sales have anything to do with the hatred of Trump, and his policies.
Would be the same as, tt saying, Pray/Bless.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by Serowbot on 09/09/18 at 15:51:56

7655684B4952555C3B0 wrote:
To say that Nike Sales have anything to do with the hatred of Trump, and his policies.
Would be the same as, tt saying, Pray/Bless.

And if you believe that,... we have ocean front property here in Tucson at bargain prices... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by MnSpring on 09/09/18 at 16:03:22

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:
And if you believe that,... we have ocean front property here in Tucson at bargain prices... ;D ;D ;D

Great !
Fantastic !

Just be certain, that it is not a arroyo,
with sewer water running in it.

Title: Re: The Right Side Of History
Post by Eegore on 02/21/19 at 18:18:12

 Locally this business was in the news for having to close down after pulling Nike due to the Kaepernic issue.  I know of one more in CO that closed after the holiday sales for the same reason.

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