General Category >> The Cafe >> Prayer request

Message started by LANCER on 08/19/18 at 08:36:02

Title: Prayer request
Post by LANCER on 08/19/18 at 08:36:02

I find myself in the hospital this morning from a possible seizure event this morning.  There does not seem to be any follow-on symptoms.  Waiting for an ambulance ride to a Tulsa hospital for more in-depth and detailed scans and assorted tests.
Will update when more info is available.
Pray for a good outcome and no hindrances to RIDING.
Thanks guys.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by verslagen1 on 08/19/18 at 09:36:57

Thoughts and prayers offered for both you and paula to be strong and recover fully.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by Armen on 08/19/18 at 10:09:22

Pretty scary stuff.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by faffi on 08/19/18 at 13:34:54

Hope you come through with a clean bill of health. A young employee of mine (18 yrs old) blacked out 3 times for no apparent reason, and we were worried. But it was a virus and he has not had any further issues whatsoever.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by GOF on 08/19/18 at 14:45:55

Prayer and good thoughts for all good news!

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by MMRanch on 08/19/18 at 18:36:08

Lancer !  

I need more ridding buds , not less …  :-?

Praying its not anything you can't put behind ya in quick order .  ;)


Best thoughts and wishes for Paula too.  :)

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by LANCER on 08/20/18 at 03:55:38

Still hanging out in the hospital in Tulsa; no follow on episodes so all is well on that regard.
Will see a Neurologist this morning some time so bopefully  he/she will have something to contribute.
Waiting .............. [ch128526][ch127949][ch128591][ch127995]

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by LANCER on 08/20/18 at 04:02:02

Just popped into my head:
“Praise God from whom all blessing flow,
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Father Son and Holy Spirit”

Did ya enjoy my singing ? [ch128513]

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by youzguyz on 08/20/18 at 04:34:28

Intermittent problems will drive you crazy...   Be it the motorcycle or the human internals.

Try to remember what you were doing prior to the incident.

Sure hope you and the docs figure out what caused it so you can not do that anymore.  :D

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/18 at 06:15:15

Be aware that the contrast agent used for mri isn't perfect. It messed me up.
Looking for a problem CAN cause a problem.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by springman on 08/20/18 at 07:59:35

I'm glad I read that verse and did not hear it from you! :o

Prayers going out for the both of you. Be well my friend!

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by Gary_in_NJ on 08/20/18 at 08:49:49

Good luck Lancer. I hope it's all confirmed to be nothing significant.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by engineer on 08/20/18 at 10:22:35

Good luck Lancer.  We're all thinking of you.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by LANCER on 08/20/18 at 10:24:13

I made a break for it this morning and got out on a clean break.
Paula and I stopped at the Classic Diner in Henryetta for lunch, some of you guys may remember that place.  Good country food.
We are at moms now for some homemade strawberry shortcake.
Perfect stuff for a diabetic ! [ch128513]

The Doc said they were unsure of what happened to me.  They suggested checking some of the meds I take for migraines, especially Gabepentin.  Apparently long term use can result in episodes like this.  My son is a Dr. of Pharmacy and had some suggestions for alternatives.  I will of course follow up with my primary care Doc and go from there.

Thank you all for your prayers.
God is in control and HE is our source for Peace That Passes Our Understanding.

[ch128521] [ch128077]

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by LANCER on 08/20/18 at 13:20:50

It is good to be home.  

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/18 at 16:15:40

If you have migraines, suggest you take magnesium.
You can have hair tested for metals and minerals, about$100.00.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by MMRanch on 08/21/18 at 09:37:00

you take magnesium.

It works on my bovine group … no migraines that I can tell of !    ;)

I might need  to start having my turn at the salt lick too , sound like a good idea !   Really , it makes me wonder if any of us get al the stuff our bodies need ?    :-?

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by LANCER on 08/22/18 at 02:49:43

233C3A3D20271626162E3C307B490 wrote:
If you have migraines, suggest you take magnesium.
You can have hair tested for metals and minerals, about$100.00.

My magnesium level has bee too high in the past so I need to watch it carefully.  This low level the other day was unusual so I just added a little back into the mix.  I’ve had migraines since 1979 so this is not a new thing for me at all, but thank you for the concern.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by LANCER on 08/22/18 at 03:03:59

657765777A69666B60280 wrote:
you take magnesium.

It works on my bovine group … no migraines that I can tell of !    ;)

I might need  to start having my turn at the salt lick too , sound like a good idea !   Really , it makes me wonder if any of us get al the stuff our bodies need ?    :-?

Our soils have long been depleated of minerals, that is why fertilize is used so much.  Besides that, crops are typically picked/harvest early while still green so they have time to get it to store shelves all over the world.
Ever wonder why fruit and veggies you buy have little to no flavor any more ?  That is why the roadside farmer/seller do so well, their stuff is picked much closer to the RIPE stage, and actually has good taste to it.  I grew up playing and then working with my grandfather in the peach, almond and walnut orchards, picking “ripe fruit” from the peach trees.  It was full of flavor and lots of juice, so much that it run down your neck when you would bit into them.  That is some goooood stuff.  You will never find that in a typical store.  I never have and I look for it all of the time.  I love peaches.  They were big, plump and juicy...soft ball size.  They peaches in the stores are usually so small they would not even pass the “cannery” size test, they would be thrown out.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by raydawg on 08/22/18 at 07:13:17

Maybe its just Oklahoma  ;D

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by springman on 08/22/18 at 07:30:35

Wow! You guys got me to thinking about my grandmother on my mother's side. She had a small farm and once I was old enough to drive she would get me to take her from the city to the farm when I visited her. She had mango trees, oranges, tangerines, cashews, sugar cane and I cannot remember it all. But picking the fruit fresh from the tree and eating it was amazing. Or cutting some sugar cane, peeling it and then chewing it to get the sugar juice was delicious. And then to top it all off, we would build a fire with bricks around it, put a metal 55 gallon drum lid over the fire on the bricks, roast the cashew nuts and then eat them. Great memories but you actually got me teary eyed thinking about it.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by MMRanch on 08/22/18 at 08:11:15

Hay Springman

  put a metal 55 gallon drum lid over the fire on the bricks, roast the cashew nuts  

Do you recon putting them in the smoker might have the same effect ?   I might have to try that !     ;)
On the Grill ?  :-/


Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by Oldfeller on 08/22/18 at 10:00:08

My wife is done with her cataract surgeries and her recovery period and she went back to school this past Monday.

Weather is beginning to moderate a bit, will be getting properly cooler up in the mountains soon.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by verslagen1 on 08/22/18 at 11:52:18

0E1C0E1C11020D000B430 wrote:
Hay Springman

  put a metal 55 gallon drum lid over the fire on the bricks, roast the cashew nuts  

Do you recon putting them in the smoker might have the same effect ?   I might have to try that !     ;)
On the Grill ?  :-/


I think that would be the same as putting them in a skillet over an open flame.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by raydawg on 08/22/18 at 12:20:43

5F7C7476757C7C7562100 wrote:
My wife is done with her cataract surgeries and her recovery period and she went back to school this past Monday.

Weather is beginning to moderate a bit, will be getting properly cooler up in the mountains soon.


Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by springman on 08/23/18 at 07:08:52

Oldfeller, glad to hear your wife is doing better.

MM, I don't know what it would be like to smoke the cashews. Let me know how it turns out. I can tell you the roasted ones are delicious.

Lancer, I'm glad to hear you are doing better. Please take care of yourself.

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by MMRanch on 08/23/18 at 20:44:12

OldFeller , glad your wife is back to doing something she loves to do.  :)

I hope this cooler weather is agreeing with your health .


I hate it that my ridding buddies are all loosing their ability to ride.   I've got a lot "Vested" in you fellers !   Ya'll need to heal up , and be ready to ride around middle Tn. next summer.   I was ridding up near "Cristal Ridge" this afternoon and it dawned on me ... I never took ya'll up there , its only 30 min's from my house.  Its kinda  like an eastern version of the Texas Hill Country (not as big) ;D.


Lancer , that version of the  Skyway ya'll have in Oklahoma was a really cool ride , and your place is more centrally located for gathering , so we need you to get better !  ;)


Justin , I'd like to meet ya at one of our gathering sometime , and you too   engineer .

Old Indian turned out to be a really nice feller and I hope his wife didn't give to hard of a time for going "Out Ridding w/the Boys", I hope to see him again next summer sometime too.    


Heck ! Sometimes I even feel like those 800 mile days are all behind me now !  :-/

Title: Re: Prayer request
Post by LANCER on 08/24/18 at 05:07:10

3E3D3F24232A202C234D0 wrote:
Oldfeller, glad to hear your wife is doing better.

MM, I don't know what it would be like to smoke the cashews. Let me know how it turns out. I can tell you the roasted ones are delicious.

Lancer, I'm glad to hear you are doing better. Please take care of yourself.

Doing good, thanks.
Apparently one of my meds causing the episode is the best guess for now.
I’m in the process of working it down and then eliminating it.
Nothing was said about driving or riding so I’m good to go.  [ch128513] » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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