General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Example Of Trump's loony supporters

Message started by eau de sauvage on 08/09/18 at 00:27:59

Title: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/09/18 at 00:27:59

Sacha Baron Cohen's 'Who Is America' has to be watched peeping through ones fingers because the rampant stupidity is too much...

In this latest episode he has three Trump supporters who are training to catch illegal Mexicans who are 'taking our jerbs'

They are going to dress up as 15 year old Mexican girls at a Quinceañera. Complete with artificial pudendum based on Wonder Woman's very own.

http:// (

http:// (

http:// (

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/09/18 at 02:36:56

This is frighteningly bizarre..

How freaking loopy are these Trump voters, everything now makes perfect sense. Baron Cohen has them practising, we've got one guy dressed up as a 15year old girl presumably wearing his imitation VJ, they've got rohypnol in the guacamole and they are rarin' to catch those illegals.

These are genuine normal Trump followers. These are the people whom Trump thinks are his audience.

http:// (

http:// (

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by faffi on 08/09/18 at 04:39:44

Stupid people are everywhere. I'm positive you could find supporters of Sanders, Obama, the Majesty her Queen and even Jesus that could easily be led into doing something utterly daft.

In other words, trying to "take" Trump via some random supporters on the very edge of sanity doesn't sit well with me. Give Trump flak for what he does bad and praise for what he does well, but he cannot be helped for who supports him. IMO.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by MShipley on 08/09/18 at 10:18:46

333433333C550 wrote:
Stupid people are everywhere. I'm positive you could find supporters of Sanders, Obama, the Majesty her Queen and even Jesus that could easily be led into doing something utterly daft.

In other words, trying to "take" Trump via some random supporters on the very edge of sanity doesn't sit well with me. Give Trump flak for what he does bad and praise for what he does well, but he cannot be helped for who supports him. IMO.

Thank you for your objective common sense faffi. It is interesting that Eau proposes rules because everyone on the right is so ugly, while he post the most ridiculous things to simply insult the other.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/09/18 at 13:42:25

Thank you for your objective common sense faffi. It is interesting that Eau proposes rules because everyone on the right is so ugly, while he post the most ridiculous things to simply insult the other.

Interesting to note
TT showed up, behaved in the most disingenuous way, created a storm, then suggested
Rules to avoid future problems
Like he created.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/09/18 at 17:31:03


But you miss the point entirely, of course there are stupid people everywhere, no tribe is immune from this, but that's not what I'm talking about here. This is not just stupid, or dumbass or embarrassing, we are talking about so called normal US citizens. We are not talking about people who do not have English as a second language, we are not talking about people who are in some way retarded, we are talking about people who would pass as regular everyday, racists much like you'd see on this forum.

What these people were convinced was reasonable action is so far into the world of flying spaghetti monsters as to be terrifying. No these Trumpanistas, thought that they seriously were going to dress up as 15 year old girls, with imitation guns, while wearing fake female genitalia and breast and drug Mexican with rohypnol thinking that the lure of raping young girls would be irresistible.

No this is not your run of the mill stupidity and in all these sorts of pranks that are so far off the edge of insanity only seem to  able to fool Republicans or blue collar trump supporters. Go figger!

Faffi, you should download the episode and judge for yourself. it was ep 3 btw. I'll clip the scene and upload it if you like.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by Eegore on 08/09/18 at 18:02:02

 The problem with videos like this is that they do not show how much footage they have of uneventful people.

 This is essentially propaganda as the footage is edited to show a pre-selected personality type.  Cohen is not conducting a study here, he is creating entertainment.

 I would be more interested in video interviews, unedited, of 1000 randomly selected people at an event answering the same questions.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/09/18 at 18:09:00

2707050D1007620 wrote:
 The problem with videos like this is that they do not show how much footage they have of uneventful people.

 This is essentially propaganda as the footage is edited to show a pre-selected personality type.  Cohen is not conducting a study here, he is creating entertainment.

 I would be more interested in video interviews, unedited, of 1000 randomly selected people at an event answering the same questions.

To call it 'propaganda, is to not understand the meaning of the word.

That's like trying to mitigate the atrocities of Nazis by pointing to the ordinary people, as is starving torturing then killing tens of thousands of people at a time, was pretty ordinary stuff.

Again you miss the point, it's not about how common this idiocy is, it's about the particular level of idiocy and whether you'd ever see this sort of out and out lunacy in any other than the far right racists.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by Eegore on 08/09/18 at 18:12:21

 How do you calculate the level of lunacy?

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/09/18 at 18:44:08

1737353D2037520 wrote:
 How do you calculate the level of lunacy?

Well that's a fair question. Why not just apply it to yourself. Think about what level of prank you could possibly be tricked into. Think of your political affiliations that you'd be most aligned with and think about to what degree would you not be able to be pranked because what was being suggested was so patently absurd. There will be a limit, but not for everyone, and this group of people who do fall outside of this norm, appear to be exclusively Trump supporters. Like infowars allegation that Sandy Hook parents' dead children were actors. Would you ever believe that?

For example, let's imagine for the sake of the argument that you have legitimate fears about terrorists and homosexuals, a reasonable person with these fears might be able to be tricked into perhaps handing out some outrageous pamphlets, but on an earlier episode of Who Is America, Baron Cohen got a US currently serving politician with these very fears to believe that pulling his trousers down and backing his arse into a would be Isis terrorist with a Kalashnikov and shouting USA USA would genuinely make the said terrorist believe that he would drop his weapon in fear of becoming an homosexual if the senators arse touched him.

This really happened. I know it's subjective but I would say that crosses the line into lunacy.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by Eegore on 08/09/18 at 19:00:22

 Ok I see where you are coming from.

 I would be interested in how many attempts it takes to get a Clinton supporter to do a similar task in comparison to how many attempts it takes a Trump supporter, in identical search protocols.  

 Until I see those comparisons I can't say that Trump supporters are any more prone to entertainment media lunacy that non-Trump supporters.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/09/18 at 19:56:14

@ I would be interested in how many attempts it takes to get a Clinton supporter to do a similar task in comparison to how many attempts it takes a Trump supporter, in identical search protocols.  

Again, that is a very fair ask. As far as I can tell Baron Cohen is not going after republicans or the loony right exclusively, he's going after anyone. He's has a couple of democrats on and he has attempted to make fools of them but they just do not bite. I think he had Bernie Sanders on who just walked out. To be fair he had Roy Moore on who also just walked out. He's had a neutral art gallery proprietor on who did stretch ones credibility. But over all it seems that only the looney right are prepared to bite at the most idiotic propositions. Cohen is more interested in showing hypocrisy and idiocy rather than making a political point because in the end he's a comedian not a political commentator.

In fact being jewish has enabled him to better mock both arab and Israeli stereotypes equally, he has made fun of and been able to show the hypocrisy of the  jewish lobby, and he's ready to use a ridiculous Israeli stereotype to make some of his points.

It can look like he's targeting those extremophiles who support Trump but the fact is that the supporters of his policies just happen to generally be more fearful and easily compromised. I'm sure there are many democrats who would be happy with Trump's immigration policies, but would they be so heartlessly easy to convince that traumatising children is OK.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by T And T Garage on 08/09/18 at 20:59:29

726D6B6C71764777477F6D612A180 wrote:
Thank you for your objective common sense faffi.

I wonder jog - where's yours?  You constantly berate the supporters of anyone on the left.  Perhaps you should really read Faffi's post.

It is interesting that Eau proposes rules because everyone on the right is so ugly, while he post the most ridiculous things to simply insult the other.

Interesting to note
TT showed up, behaved in the most disingenuous way, created a storm, then suggested
Rules to avoid future problems
Like he created.

Seriously jog?  Problems that I created?  I don't think so.  As I've stated, all one has to do is go back in the history of the TT and look.

But I did indeed try to rake it in once I was caught up in it.  My mistake for sure, but at least I was willing.  You were not.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/09/18 at 22:48:08

@JoG, regarding rules of not only civility and respect but also the norms of proper dialectic.

When I first came on this forum my default position is playing with a straight bat and being respectful. Instantly I was bombarded with gratuitous ad hominem attacks. Therefore as far as I'm concerned the gloves are off and that's the accepted behaviour.

After seeing where this was going, I proposed at first to just remove this forum to howls of outrage. Then I proposed that we all agree that it would be much better if we all behaved with respect whether we respected anyone or not. No that was unacceptable to you, and your mates.

So I'm OK with that, you can hurl as much ad hominem bullsh!t at me as you like, doesn't bother me at all. I'm just going to respond to the substance, unfortunately there is very little if any substance at all to your posts. It's basically just a rehash of anything that Trump tweets. I mainly use 'colourful' language not to insult but as intensifiers, it's a normal Australian colloquial way. However if you take it the wrong way, I don't particularly care. Dish it out and take it, fine by me.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by faffi on 08/10/18 at 00:07:10

41534744535557320 wrote:

But you miss the point entirely....No this is not your run of the mill stupidity and in all these sorts of pranks that are so far off the edge of insanity only seem to  able to fool Republicans or blue collar trump supporters. Go figger!

Faffi, you should download the episode and judge for yourself. it was ep 3 btw. I'll clip the scene and upload it if you like.

I do not think I miss the point at all. There is nothing to suggest that these individuals are representative for the average Republican or Trump supporter. Just because you - and I - do not agree with too many of their opinions doesn't make them stupid. It just makes them see the world in a different way with different values.

Finally, I see no way to watch the episodes because I see little humour in taking advantage of daft people in order to make entertainment. Especially when the agenda is beyond that since this is also clearly political.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/10/18 at 01:20:48

I do not think I miss the point at all. There is nothing to suggest that these individuals are representative for the average Republican or Trump supporter.

Well indeed you do miss the point because there is no suggestion that these individuals represent the average republican, in fact to suggest that would be absurd. There is the loony right and there are the higher educated republicans who almost cost the recent Ohio seat that has been solid red for 4 decades and has probably just been held by Troy Balderson after the GOP wheeled out all their heaviest machinery.

No the point was that you'll find the extreme non thinking conspiracy theorists who respond to the most insane idea, tend to be the ones who are targeted by Trump. Which is why normal republicans are appalled at his protectionist and deficit building agenda. Take immigration, now there's nothing wrong with tough immigration and in fact Obama deported more illegal aliens than Trump has over the same period of time. But Trump does not use logic and good policy to further his aim, he uses racism, cruelty and hate. And the policies of the right are always geared towards these goals. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Now if you're going to drag blue collar workers along this agenda geared for the rich then you have to appeal to their innate xenophobia, racism and hate. That was the point.

With regards to the show, this is not just making fun of people in fact most of his targets have been politicians and it is satire and even investigative journalism of the highest order because who would believe that elected officials could be as stupid as they have been shown to be.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by MShipley on 08/10/18 at 06:13:10

There is a reason Jesus told the people to "Pray for their enemies". It is not because the enemy needs prayer, but rather that that you may save your soul from the hate and bigotry that is inside you and will destroy you.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by MnSpring on 08/10/18 at 13:43:13

495B4F4C5B5D5F3A0 wrote:
Well indeed you do miss the point because there is no suggestion that these individuals represent the average republican, in fact to suggest that would be absurd..."

eds said: “…three Trump supporters who are training to catch illegal Mexicans who are ‘taking our jerbs’…”
“…How freaking loopy are these Trump voters,…”
“…These are genuine normal Trump followers….”
“…No these Trumpanistas, thought that they…”
“…this is not your run of the mill stupidity and in all these sorts of pranks that are so far off the edge of insanity only seem to  able to fool Republicans or blue collar trump supporters…”
“…this group of people who do fall outside of this norm, appear to be exclusively Trump supporters….”
And on and on and on.
The above is just from a couple of posts on this subject. Their would be MANY more,  if more of eds’s posts were looked at.

edu NOW, says: “…there is no suggestion that these individuals represent the average republican…”

Wonder which side of the mouth edu is talking with?

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by MShipley on 08/10/18 at 14:04:47

Some people do not realize that they are as bigoted as those they accuse. To make matters worse they think their bigotry and hate are justified, (kinda like Antifa and White supremacist). It is the combination of bigotry, hate and self-righteousness that makes people dangerous.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by MnSpring on 08/10/18 at 17:12:31

011F24253C2029354C0 wrote:
Some people do not realize that they are as bigoted as those they accuse. To make matters worse they think their bigotry and hate are justified, (kinda like Antifa and White supremacist). It is the combination of bigotry, hate and self-righteousness that makes people dangerous.

I agree.  
On this form, I SEE,
someone supporting Antifa  ideals,
(as they have said MANY  times)
And NO One supporting, ‘White Supremacist’.

Yet do see, in this group, some people saying,
that if someone else, believes, something the POTUS does is a Positive thing.
Than it is clear, they must be a, ‘Nazi' or  ‘White Supremacist’.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/11/18 at 17:34:42

Ding, ding, ding, ding..
We have a WINNAH!

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/12/18 at 17:40:41

Looking at mnspring's remarks you can see how thoroughly he has absorbed Trump's method of talking complete bullshit and repeating it until it drowns out facts that are right in front of them. Then his little disgusting racist brethren scuttle in to crow.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/12/18 at 23:14:19

More unwillingness to admit truth.
Lefties Are comfortable calling Trump
Literally Hitler..
His supporters are often called

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/12/18 at 23:17:15

Keep your racist claims to yourself.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by faffi on 08/13/18 at 00:56:51

Thank you for giving me a reason to smirk, jog2 [smiley=lolk.gif]  

(Yes, it really did look like you replied to yourself ;D )

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/13/18 at 01:01:55

I've seen your abilities to discern what is happening.
I'm not surprised that you concluded I was replying to myself, in spite of the obvious fact that there was no reference to racism in my first post, but there was a reference to racism in the post above..
You're a sharp one, alright.

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by faffi on 08/13/18 at 01:09:59

I did not conclude that you did, as you no doubt are aware of, but at first glance that's what it looked like, jog2 having an argument with himself. I found it funny. Not in a degrading way, just funny - slip-ups often are. What would "Funniest home videos" be if nothing went wrong  ;)

Title: Re: Example Of Trump's loony supporters
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/13/18 at 01:28:56

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