General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Help me here........

Message started by raydawg on 08/04/18 at 20:50:17

Title: Help me here........
Post by raydawg on 08/04/18 at 20:50:17

I think I heard some recent administrations, one of its top spokesmen, say something to the effect that you don’t let a good disaster go to waste....

Anybody help me here?

Oh well, I just saw this article and couldn’t help but think of the irony.....

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 07:26:35

What irony?

You think that partisanship should take precedent?

Did you make that same comment when chis christie appealed to the Obama administration?

However, you do bring up an interesting point.  Because this president is who he is, we find ourselves asking "what will he do?" in these situations.
Our president is so petty, partisan and thin-skinned that it would come as no surprise that he would only look at the wildfires in California as way to make political gains.  It would also not surprise us to hear him at one of his rallies saying something to the effect of "Oh, poor Jerry Brown - he hates me except when he needs my help with his fires.  Can you believe that?  What a typical democrat.  Losers!"

How did we get here?  Look no further than the mindset of our current president.


Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by raydawg on 08/05/18 at 12:14:51

I remember the last administration threatening to withhold federal funds if gender free bathrooms and lockers were not part of the schools, or something to that effect.

Yeah, I would call it ironic.
Just like Harry Reid.
All that stuff was pre Trump.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 13:17:14

66756D70756373140 wrote:
I remember the last administration threatening to withhold federal funds if gender free bathrooms and lockers were not part of the schools, or something to that effect.

Do you have a specific example?  Was it in response to a natural disaster relief request?

Yeah, I would call it ironic.
Just like Harry Reid. (I think you might be thinking of mitch mcconnell)
All that stuff was pre Trump.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by Serowbot on 08/05/18 at 13:52:38


Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by MnSpring on 08/05/18 at 14:17:55

342A252429342F32400 wrote:
Do you have a specific example?  

You KNOW, that you KNOW, that is true.

“… Obama ordered all schools to make all bathrooms transgender or face a loss of federal funding…”
(And from the opinionated, ultra-liberal site at that)

But what about this ?????
“…Dems said nothing when Obama punished ‘sanctuary cities’ …”

This is a FUN  Cartoon:  
However,  WARNING, Snowflakes may MELT when they see this

Was it in response to a natural disaster relief request?
That was not even remotely funny.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by raydawg on 08/05/18 at 14:40:22

1006110C14010C17630 wrote:

Drunk and stupid, still?

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 15:16:39

2D0E331012090E07600 wrote:
[quote author=342A252429342F32400 link=1533441017/0#3 date=1533500234]Do you have a specific example?  

You KNOW, that you KNOW, that is true.

“… Obama ordered all schools to make all bathrooms transgender or face a loss of federal funding…”
(And from the opinionated, ultra-liberal site at that)

President Obama did not personally issue the guidance.

But what about this ?????
“…Dems said nothing when Obama punished ‘sanctuary cities’ …”

Hmm - not quite as "the same" as you think - read the letter...

This is a FUN  Cartoon:  
However,  WARNING, Snowflakes may MELT when they see this

A cartoon?  Really?

Was it in response to a natural disaster relief request?
That was not even remotely funny.

It's not meant to be funny.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by raydawg on 08/05/18 at 18:21:11

Withholding schooling funds to advance ones own personal beliefs, regardless of natural disaster makes no difference.
Be it a natural disaster, with attached funds, for a different purpose.....
And making folks vote on that bill, is wrong.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 18:26:02

5E4D55484D5B4B2C0 wrote:
Withholding schooling funds to advance ones own personal beliefs, regardless of natural disaster makes no difference.
Be it a natural disaster, with attached funds, for a different purpose.....
And making folks vote on that bill, is wrong.

"One's own agenda"?  You mean Obama acted on his own?


How did Obama hold Chris Christie over a barrel?

Not that our president has done that with Jerry Brown, but you can certainly see how it would not be out of character for him.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by raydawg on 08/05/18 at 18:38:30

You miss, or just don’t care to see the point, or I am not exampling it very well....
Either way, I done with it.
Too hard to dialogue/discuss stuff via this type on exchanges.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 18:46:43

75667E63667060070 wrote:
You miss, or just don’t care to see the point, or I am not exampling it very well....
Either way, I done with it.
Too hard to dialogue/discuss stuff via this type on exchanges.

You're the one that started the topic and asked for help.

I agree with you, you are indeed not "exampling it well".

Why is it that when you're challenged you back away?  This is not a personal attack, I truly want to know.  In your original post, you found it "ironic" that Jerry Brown is seeking federal support from the president.

What exactly was your point?

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by raydawg on 08/05/18 at 21:05:49

I didn't take it personal.....
That is exactly what I mean however. People read into a post based on their own perceptions, and it gets all convoluted....
I can't defend/explain your perceptions, of me, nor am I going to try.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 21:13:42

23302835302636510 wrote:
I didn't take it personal.....
That is exactly what I mean however. People read into a post based on their own perceptions, and it gets all convoluted....
I can't defend/explain your perceptions, of me, nor am I going to try.

Did your original post have a point?  If so, I'm curious as to what it was.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by Serowbot on 08/06/18 at 07:48:16

495758595449524F3D0 wrote:
Did your original post have a point?  If so, I'm curious as to what it was.

For God's sake,... Why?....  ::)

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/18 at 10:58:32

To the question in the original post.   Yes.

Despite Brown, The 49 States should help, the Victims that need help.
DO NOT give the money to Brown to distribute.
(Which would be the SAME, as giving money to a Dictator,
for humanitarian aid, and the Dictator spends it on Gold $hitter Seats).

Which I Firmly Believe Brown will spend it on programs that benefit, HIM and his  Buddies.

Make the other 49 States money available to ONLY, the fire victims.
NOT,  Brown’s  Pockets.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 11:45:28

1E3D0023213A3D34530 wrote:
To the question in the original post.   Yes.

Despite Brown, The 49 States should help, the Victims that need help.
DO NOT give the money to Brown to distribute.
(Which would be the SAME, as giving money to a Dictator,
for humanitarian aid, and the Dictator spends it on Gold $hitter Seats).

Which I Firmly Believe Brown will spend it on programs that benefit, HIM and his  Buddies.

Maybe you believe that, but Brown's not that stupid.  You think anyone with a shred of common sense would do that?  Take money for disaster relief and spend it somewhere else?

Make the other 49 States money available to ONLY, the fire victims.
NOT,  Brown’s  Pockets.

Fortunately mn, that's not how it has ever worked.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/18 at 11:49:44

786669686578637E0C0 wrote:
"... Fortunately mn, that's not how it has ever worked.

Found some more Ocean front lots in Iowa.
Are you interested ?

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 11:55:20

4A695477756E6960070 wrote:
[quote author=786669686578637E0C0 link=1533441017/15#16 date=1533581128]"... Fortunately mn, that's not how it has ever worked.

Found some more Ocean front lots in Iowa.
Are you interested ?


So am I to infer that money set aside for disaster relief are spent someplace else?  I'm not saying it's never happened - there are indeed shady folks out there.  But I don't recall it happening in recent memory.

But you seem to be convicting Brown before he's proven guilty.  Why?

Also, do you have specific incidents as to when this might have happened in the past?  When has disaster relief been misappropriated?

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by LostArtist on 08/06/18 at 12:19:50

544A454449544F52200 wrote:
[quote author=1E3D0023213A3D34530 link=1533441017/15#15 date=1533578312]To the question in the original post.   Yes.

Despite Brown, The 49 States should help, the Victims that need help.
DO NOT give the money to Brown to distribute.
(Which would be the SAME, as giving money to a Dictator,
for humanitarian aid, and the Dictator spends it on Gold $hitter Seats).

Which I Firmly Believe Brown will spend it on programs that benefit, HIM and his  Buddies.

Maybe you believe that, but Brown's not that stupid.  You think anyone with a shred of common sense would do that?  Take money for disaster relief and spend it somewhere else?

Galveston sure tires though.... After Ike, HUD gave Galveston money to rebuild housing for section 8, the city fought like hell....  I still don't think they've built or figured out what to do with the section 8 housing...  it's been 10 YEARS...  

Make the other 49 States money available to ONLY, the fire victims.
NOT,  Brown’s  Pockets.

Fortunately mn, that's not how it has ever worked.

idk, FEMA gives money directly to individuals not through the state...  Wish they'd done that in Galveston.  

"It’s our form of apartheid": How Galveston stalled public housing reconstruction in the 10 years after Ike

but that's FAR from the problem Brown has in California, those people aren't poor, he wants them there for taxes at least.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/18 at 12:23:03

3E202F2E233E25384A0 wrote:
"... Fortunately mn, that's not how it has ever worked. ..."

“…So am I to infer that money set aside for disaster relief are spent someplace else?…”
So am I to infer that you don’t believe that?
(I’ll reserve some of those lots for ya  LOLOLOLOLOLOL)

“…But I don’t recall it happening in recent memory,
Also, do you have specific incidents as to when this might have happened in the past?  When has disaster relief been misappropriated? …”

The way you talk, (That you, 'said', you have kept up on several years worth, of decisions of Judges, who no one ever knew would have been selected form a list, to be nominated for S.C. ?) Do you really believe, that the rest of us, are to believe that you know nothing about Louisiana, & New Orleans ? And how  BILLIONS, were, STOLEN, and WHO are the people in Jail now ?

“…But you seem to be convicting Brown before he's proven guilty.  Why?…”

Brown has had several Decades, of really stupid decisions, on which to place a decision on.

Before the current POTUS was elected, you have done nothing but slam, what ever he does.
That is, whatever he does, even when you are proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are wrong.
You do nothing but, HATE  Trump. At all cost. and whatever he does.
And it most certainly looks like, you, HATE all people, that say, some of the things Trump does/has done, are good things.

So, again to your:
“…But you seem to be convicting Brown before he's proven guilty.  Why?…”
Prove to me, that Brown is a honest person ?

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 12:38:10

64477A595B40474E290 wrote:
The way you talk, (That you, 'said', you have kept up on several years worth, of decisions of Judges, who no one ever knew would have been selected form a list, to be nominated for S.C. ?) Do you really believe, that the rest of us, are to believe that you know nothing about Louisiana, & New Orleans ? And how  BILLIONS, were, STOLEN, and WHO are the people in Jail now ?

Do you have any specific examples?

“…But you seem to be convicting Brown before he's proven guilty.  Why?…”

Brown has had several Decades, of really stupid decisions, on which to place a decision on.

Again, what are your examples of why you would consider him guilty before even giving him (the State, actually) a chance?

Before the current POTUS was elected, you have done nothing but slam, what ever he does.

Because he, as a person, is worthy of that contempt.  Do you disagree?

That is, whatever he does, even when you are proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, you are wrong.

Again, do you have examples?  

You do nothing but, HATE  Trump. At all cost. and whatever he does.

Yes, I despise the man.  He is not worthy of the office of President of the United States.

And it most certainly looks like, you, HATE all people, that say, some of the things Trump does/has done, are good things.

No, I don't hate them.  I simply can't understand why they continue to support him.  I think they are foolish. (and no worries, I'm sure they think the same of me)

So, again to your:
“…But you seem to be convicting Brown before he's proven guilty.  Why?…”
Prove to me, that Brown is a honest person ?

Has he ever been sued?  Has he ever been indicted?  Has he ever been under investigation?  Does he have a criminal past?

The answers to those questions are no.

So, since he's not a personal friend of mine, all I have to go on is his record.

Now back to you - can you prove that he's not an honest person?

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/18 at 12:44:48

150B040508150E13610 wrote:
"...Do you have any specific examples?..."

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  

Absolute TROLL  101  !

Answer questions, with a question.

 ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 12:52:37

4E6D5073716A6D64030 wrote:
[quote author=150B040508150E13610 link=1533441017/15#21 date=1533584290]
"...Do you have any specific examples?..."

;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  

Absolute TROLL  101  !

Answer questions, with a question.

 ;D   ;D   ;D   ;D  

Is it?  I don't think so.  I answered your question and then posed one to you.  Can you answer it?

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by raydawg on 08/06/18 at 15:17:18

233D32333E233825570 wrote:
[quote author=23302835302636510 link=1533441017/0#12 date=1533528349]I didn't take it personal.....
That is exactly what I mean however. People read into a post based on their own perceptions, and it gets all convoluted....
I can't defend/explain your perceptions, of me, nor am I going to try.

Did your original post have a point?  If so, I'm curious as to what it was.[/quote]

Thanks, I appreciate your interest.....
But again, this format seems to be more about personality’s than it is about debate and consensus......
It’s hard enough to dialogue live, this media is next to impossible.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 15:27:24

7A69716C697F6F080 wrote:
[quote author=233D32333E233825570 link=1533441017/0#13 date=1533528822][quote author=23302835302636510 link=1533441017/0#12 date=1533528349]I didn't take it personal.....
That is exactly what I mean however. People read into a post based on their own perceptions, and it gets all convoluted....
I can't defend/explain your perceptions, of me, nor am I going to try.

Did your original post have a point?  If so, I'm curious as to what it was.[/quote]

Thanks, I appreciate your interest.....
But again, this format seems to be more about personality’s than it is about debate and consensus......
It’s hard enough to dialogue live, this media is next to impossible.

OK.  I'll leave it at that then.  There was no point.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by raydawg on 08/07/18 at 12:00:59

5E404F4E435E45582A0 wrote:
[quote author=7A69716C697F6F080 link=1533441017/15#24 date=1533593838][quote author=233D32333E233825570 link=1533441017/0#13 date=1533528822][quote author=23302835302636510 link=1533441017/0#12 date=1533528349]I didn't take it personal.....
That is exactly what I mean however. People read into a post based on their own perceptions, and it gets all convoluted....
I can't defend/explain your perceptions, of me, nor am I going to try.

Did your original post have a point?  If so, I'm curious as to what it was.[/quote]

Thanks, I appreciate your interest.....
But again, this format seems to be more about personality’s than it is about debate and consensus......
It’s hard enough to dialogue live, this media is next to impossible.

OK.  I'll leave it at that then.  There was no point.


Perfect, thanks.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/07/18 at 14:06:20

Loopy lefties won't allow for intelligent brush, tree, removal. No way to mitigate fire.
Gosh, California is not being run intelligently?
Wadda Surprise

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/07/18 at 14:11:48

26393F3825221323132B39357E4C0 wrote:
Loopy lefties won't allow for intelligent brush, tree, removal. No way to mitigate fire.
Gosh, California is not being run intelligently?
Wadda Surprise

Over and above the orange wonder, I take the words of the firefighters and professionals.

But let's not forget - the original thread was about disaster relief.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by verslagen1 on 08/07/18 at 14:51:47

67787E7964635262526A78743F0D0 wrote:
Loopy lefties won't allow for intelligent brush, tree, removal. No way to mitigate fire.
Gosh, California is not being run intelligently?
Wadda Surprise

JOG, california is no different than texas, vast open areas with nothing but scrub.
How do you manage that?  Bring out the sheep and let them chew it to the ground?

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/07/18 at 15:00:17

Dammifino, but Texas is not on the news. California is. And they Used to proactively clear . That's what needs done. Preventing runaway fires can't cost nearly what waiting for the inevitable raging fire brings.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by Eegore on 08/08/18 at 05:47:49

 I'd be interested in hearing how to mitigate fire in the current geographical space of CA that is affected.  Its done in CO to a degree but a lot of private land gets in the way, and almost nothing about CO BLM mitigation process works in CA since the topography and foliage densities are different.

 Where is the information that indicates that CA used to proactively clear in the past at a rate higher than they do now?  The BLM doesn't show this information.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/08/18 at 16:18:18

I remember when they did.
I remember when they took precautions in Yellowstone.
I'm over sixty. And I was paying attention.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/09/18 at 00:43:09

607E71707D607B66140 wrote: would come as no surprise that he would only look at the wildfires in California as way to make political gains. ...

He's already done that!

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by Eegore on 08/09/18 at 06:01:02

 Have they reduced fire mitigation techniques on Yellowstone?

 Who has indicated that there are fewer mitigation methods being used in CA today than in the past?  Where is this information coming from?

 I ask because CO has increased mitigation and also has had more fires.  So more fires is not an indication in CO of how much land has had mitigation measures taken.  The logic that the BLM has done less because there are more fires in CO is incorrect.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by raydawg on 08/09/18 at 06:07:01

52405457404644210 wrote:
[quote author=607E71707D607B66140 link=1533441017/0#1 date=1533479195] would come as no surprise that he would only look at the wildfires in California as way to make political gains. ...

He's already done that![/quote]

Oh gee, so you did get the gist of my post to begin with.....
Why all the diversionary action then?

Yes, Obama did it too, that was my point, morally.  

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by verslagen1 on 08/09/18 at 07:58:08

In cali, all property owners are responsible for cutting fire breaks around the perimeter of their property and a defensible fire zone around structures.

Wild fires are historically prevalent in cali and promotes growth.
The poppy fields is one example, and typically explode in growth after a fire.

It was said in the past that these wild fires are being fed with fuel that hasn't burned in a 100 years due to the fire suppression efforts in the past.

Title: Re: Help me here........
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/09/18 at 13:56:56

Whatever policies have been used, I think it's reasonable to say
New ideas are needed.
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