General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> TDS on display

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/18 at 10:09:06

Title: TDS on display
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/18 at 10:09:06

A Massachusetts woman charged with assault with a dangerous weapon after police say she intentionally drove her vehicle into a man’s car when she became angry about his Trump bumper sticker, pleaded not guilty on Monday.

Chloe Wright, 25, also faces a hit-and-run charge and another for vandalizing property.

"On June 30, a man called Barnstable police to report a hit-and-run crash. He told responding officers he had been driving south on Bearses Way in Hyannis, and was stopped for a red light at the intersection of Route 28 when the driver of the car behind him began honking the horn, according to a police report," the Cape Cod Times reports.

The man continued driving onto Bassett Lane and the car followed, with the driver still honking, the man told police, according to the report. When he stopped again for a red light at the intersection with North Street, the driver also began yelling, the man said.

Thinking that something might be wrong with the back of his car, the man stepped out into the road. The driver began yelling at him about a Donald Trump bumper sticker on the back of his car, he told police.

“She said, ‘You voted for Trump?’” the man wrote in a statement. “I said yes. She called me a racist and several other names.”

As the man began recording the incident on his phone, the woman drove around his car, prompting him to step back into the driver’s side door opening, he told police, according to the report. The woman then drove at him and hit the open door, he said, according to the report.

“She bent my door and I had to lean back to avoid getting hit,” the man wrote. “She also hit the side of my car.”

The woman then fled, police say.

But the man's video showed the license plate number of the woman's car and police traced it to Wright, the report says.

She’s due back in court August 28 for a pretrial hearing.


Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by Eegore on 08/02/18 at 10:27:47

 A trump supporter stabbed someone at a political gathering where I live.  I saw some things like the article shows.  I feel it goes both ways, this is based off of my personal experience and research not collected verified and analyzed data, my assessment may not be correct.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by raydawg on 08/02/18 at 10:28:41

You use to be taking a chance driving a SUV into Seattle, a few years back.
The so called environmentalists would break windows, tear off mirrors, spray paint it, etc....
Often while folks were still in it.

Both sides have their crazies.
Some of the stuff the MAGA zealots write in comment sections make me wonder how they even survived thus far in life....

I’m glad I live on a island, away from most of the idiots who get so worked up over stuff they really have no grasp on.
Like lemmings running off a cliff, I hope the water drowns them, if they come my way  ;D

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/02/18 at 13:38:42

Obama Bumper Sticker Leads to Road Rage Outburst

"A Tennessee man and his 10-year-old daughter who were in a car with an Obama bumper sticker are grateful for their safety after another motorist allegedly rammed them in traffic. Mark Duren was driving when he noticed Harry Weisiger behind him, pointing to the bumper and flipping him off. Duren tried to drive away but found Weisiger at his back: "I looked in the rear view mirror again, and this same SUV was speeding, flying up behind me, bumped me."
The anti-Obama driver rammed Duren's car, then kept pushing, moving the car toward the sidewalk. Duren, his daughter, and Weisiger were not injured, but Weisiger has been charged with felony reckless endangerment, WKRN reports."

tit, tat.....  

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/18 at 19:35:36

How about that?
Idiots everywhere..

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by MnSpring on 08/03/18 at 08:32:18

7E6167607D7A4B7B4B73616D26140 wrote:
How about that?
Idiots everywhere..

Jog, you know that is not right.

If their is violence against Trump, a Trump supporter, or someone who says nice things about a Trump supporter.    
It is absolutely Justified, and those Trump supporters NEED  to know, Trump is the wrong person to believe in.
And any retribution they receive is entirely their own fault.
(So say the stand in the street, criers)

If their is violence against HRC or BO. It most certainly the under-educated, rabble rousing, Nazis and KKK members who are all Deplorable.
And it should be stopped immediately, and all the harm doers involved put in chains and burnt at the stake.
(So say the stand in the street, criers)

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/03/18 at 12:44:54

63407D5E5C4740492E0 wrote:
[quote author=7E6167607D7A4B7B4B73616D26140 link=1533229746/0#4 date=1533263736]How about that?
Idiots everywhere..

Jog, you know that is not right.

If their is violence against Trump, a Trump supporter, or someone who says nice things about a Trump supporter.    
It is absolutely Justified, and those Trump supporters NEED  to know, Trump is the wrong person to believe in.
And any retribution they receive is entirely their own fault.
(So say the stand in the street, criers)

If their is violence against HRC or BO. It most certainly the under-educated, rabble rousing, Nazis and KKK members who are all Deplorable.
And it should be stopped immediately, and all the harm doers involved put in chains and burnt at the stake.
(So say the stand in the street, criers)

you protest too much...  and quit projecting your interpretations on the actual facts. that's how you end up with fake news.

there's no one calling the BO supporter assaulter anything like you suggest, no KKK, no Nazi, no deplorable comments... nothing in the report or by any comment here.  You bring that, not me, not JOG.  

And no one is praising the Trump supporter attacker either, no one is saying they are justified, not in the article, not in the comments here. Just in your head.

I can guarantee your statements could be reversed with equal credibility.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/04/18 at 05:46:01

Tell you what; buy two nice cars. Put Hilary stickers on one and Trump stickers all over the other.

Park the Hilary anywhere you want in the country. A dark Walmart parking lot in the South for example. Park the Trump car in certain neighborhoods in broad daylight in San Francisco, Portland, Manhattan etc...   We all know what the likely outcome will be. If you don't believe that, you're lying to yourself.

The left is more violent that the right. Always has been. It's the left that was the KKK, it's the left that turned the dogs loose on civil rights marchers, it's the left that's wears black hoods and attacks, its the left that's Antifi, it's the left that's far closer to the inevitable violence associated socialism. It's ironic the ridiculous Hitler comments when the Nazi's were the German socialist party which is the direction of some of  today's current Democratic party.

The left is violent.  Own it.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/04/18 at 07:50:15

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
Tell you what; buy two nice cars. Put Hilary stickers on one and Trump stickers all over the other.

Park the Hilary anywhere you want in the country. A dark Walmart parking lot in the South for example. Park the Trump car in certain neighborhoods in broad daylight in San Francisco, Portland, Manhattan etc...   We all know what the likely outcome will be. If you don't believe that, you're lying to yourself.

The left is more violent that the right. Always has been. It's the left that was the KKK, it's the left that turned the dogs loose on civil rights marchers, it's the left that's wears black hoods and attacks, its the left that's Antifi, it's the left that's far closer to the inevitable violence associated socialism. It's ironic the ridiculous Hitler comments when the Nazi's were the German socialist party which is the direction of some of  today's current Democratic party.

The left is violent.  Own it.

you're so wrong about ALL of that, I'm not sure it's worth trying to correct you.  

First, you conflate the "left" with democrats, they are NOT the same. without getting into all the changes, you just need to admit that the democrat party from the 1800s IS NOT the same as today, as I'll admit that the republican party from the 1800s IS NOT the same as it is today. And it's simpleminded and ignorant to use that as part of your argument. cause today's KKK votes republican, today's Nazi's vote republican, that is undeniable.  

I've said this before...  maybe you'll actually respond this time

"no. leftists are not "far, far more violent"

"Information on terrorist attacks and the terrorists themselves in the United States is available from the Global Terrorism Database, the RAND Corporation, and other sources. I further grouped the ideology of the attackers into four broad categories of Left Wingers, Nationalists and Right Wingers, Islamists, and Unknown/Others.

Terrorists murdered 3,342 people on U.S. soil from 1992 through August 12, 2017. Islamist terrorists are responsible for 92% of all those murders. The 9/11 attacks, by themselves, killed about 89% of all the victims during this time. During this time, the chance of being murdered in a terrorist attack committed by an Islamist was about 1 in 2.5 million per year.

Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists are the second deadliest group by ideology, as they account for 6.6% of all terrorist murders during this time. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the second deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history, killed 168 people and accounted for 77% of all the murders committed by Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists. The chance of being murdered in a Nationalist or Right Wing terrorist attack was about 1 in 33 million per year.

Left Wing terrorists killed only 23 people in terrorist attacks during this time, about 0.7% of the total number of murders, but 13 since the beginning of 2016. Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists have only killed five since then, including Charlottesville. Regardless, the annual chance of being murdered by a Left Wing terrorist was about 1 in 330 million per year."   "

but above ALL that your desire and MnSprings desire to constantly assume the worst of your enemy, the left, while only assuming the BEST of your side is why there's a divide in America, and sure, it happens on the left as well, but until you stop it,  be the change you want to see.

Until then, why bother talking with you?  You're going to assume I'm lying or trying to deceive you or that I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, as long as you think I'm evil, or stupid or misled, or trying to "destroy America"  etc...  then why should I bother trying to debate issues with you when you are already forever dead set against even listening and hearing what I'm saying.

that's why there's never been a deal.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/04/18 at 07:56:52

10332F281D2E28352F285C0 wrote:
[quote author=4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 link=1533229746/0#7 date=1533386761]Tell you what; buy two nice cars. Put Hilary stickers on one and Trump stickers all over the other.

Park the Hilary anywhere you want in the country. A dark Walmart parking lot in the South for example. Park the Trump car in certain neighborhoods in broad daylight in San Francisco, Portland, Manhattan etc...   We all know what the likely outcome will be. If you don't believe that, you're lying to yourself.

The left is more violent that the right. Always has been. It's the left that was the KKK, it's the left that turned the dogs loose on civil rights marchers, it's the left that's wears black hoods and attacks, its the left that's Antifi, it's the left that's far closer to the inevitable violence associated socialism. It's ironic the ridiculous Hitler comments when the Nazi's were the German socialist party which is the direction of some of  today's current Democratic party.

The left is violent.  Own it.

you're so wrong about ALL of that, I'm not sure it's worth trying to correct you.  

First, you conflate the "left" with democrats, they are NOT the same. without getting into all the changes, you just need to admit that the democrat party from the 1800s IS NOT the same as today, as I'll admit that the republican party from the 1800s IS NOT the same as it is today. And it's simpleminded and ignorant to use that as part of your argument. cause today's KKK votes republican, today's Nazi's vote republican, that is undeniable.  

I've said this before...  maybe you'll actually respond this time

"no. leftists are not "far, far more violent"

"Information on terrorist attacks and the terrorists themselves in the United States is available from the Global Terrorism Database, the RAND Corporation, and other sources. I further grouped the ideology of the attackers into four broad categories of Left Wingers, Nationalists and Right Wingers, Islamists, and Unknown/Others.

Terrorists murdered 3,342 people on U.S. soil from 1992 through August 12, 2017. Islamist terrorists are responsible for 92% of all those murders. The 9/11 attacks, by themselves, killed about 89% of all the victims during this time. During this time, the chance of being murdered in a terrorist attack committed by an Islamist was about 1 in 2.5 million per year.

Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists are the second deadliest group by ideology, as they account for 6.6% of all terrorist murders during this time. The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the second deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history, killed 168 people and accounted for 77% of all the murders committed by Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists. The chance of being murdered in a Nationalist or Right Wing terrorist attack was about 1 in 33 million per year.

Left Wing terrorists killed only 23 people in terrorist attacks during this time, about 0.7% of the total number of murders, but 13 since the beginning of 2016. Nationalist and Right Wing terrorists have only killed five since then, including Charlottesville. Regardless, the annual chance of being murdered by a Left Wing terrorist was about 1 in 330 million per year."   "

but above ALL that your desire and MnSprings desire to constantly assume the worst of your enemy, the left, while only assuming the BEST of your side is why there's a divide in America, and sure, it happens on the left as well, but until you stop it,  be the change you want to see.

Until then, why bother talking with you?  You're going to assume I'm lying or trying to deceive you or that I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, as long as you think I'm evil, or stupid or misled, or trying to "destroy America"  etc...  then why should I bother trying to debate issues with you when you are already forever dead set against even listening and hearing what I'm saying.

that's why there's never been a deal. [/quote]

Very well put Lost!

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by MnSpring on 08/04/18 at 08:45:05

6D4E5255605355485255210 wrote:
"... then why should I bother trying to debate issues with you when you are already forever dead set against even listening and hearing what I'm saying. ..."

Let’s see If I have this right, you said:

“… then why should I bother trying to debate issues with you when you are already forever dead set against even listening and hearing what I'm saying. …”

So the people, YOU call out, are evil, because they do not listen to YOU.

Yet it is perfectly OK, for YOU, to NOT listen to them, or others.

554B444548554E53210 wrote:
 Very well put Lost!

So glad you, Agree !

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/04/18 at 09:07:06

14370A292B30373E590 wrote:
[quote author=6D4E5255605355485255210 link=1533229746/0#8 date=1533394215]"... then why should I bother trying to debate issues with you when you are already forever dead set against even listening and hearing what I'm saying. ..."

Let’s see If I have this right, you said:

“… then why should I bother trying to debate issues with you when you are already forever dead set against even listening and hearing what I'm saying. …”

So the people, YOU call out, are evil, because they do not listen to YOU.

Yet it is perfectly OK, for YOU, to NOT listen to them, or others.

554B444548554E53210 wrote:
 Very well put Lost!

So glad you, Agree !


So, you're glad I agree with Lost?

Well, I am too.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by MnSpring on 08/04/18 at 16:16:16

4665797E4B787E63797E0A0 wrote:
:... And no one is praising the Trump supporter attacker either, no one is saying they are justified, not in the article, not in the comments here. ..."  

Really ? Post 6.
When the poster is asked: "...You don't think he's been mistreated?..."
the poster says: "...I don't think so..."

So again, tell us all, about the time that someone.
Stood in the street and blocked traffic, and cried.
Donned masks, looted, stole, set fires, destroyed property, and cried.
Shouted down a County Attorney, gave death threats, lied, and stood in that building and, cried.
Camped put in front of a police station, endangering everyone's lives in that community, left TONS of garbage, Lied, and Cried.
And on and on and ON  it goes.

So again, tell us all, about the time that a group of, 'conservatives', stood in the street and cried?

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/05/18 at 05:17:38

Own it. Leftist are violent. Swapping ideology around to have fun with numbers is cute but doesn't change the simple reality about decorating a car and parking it. All of us know that. Leftist are violent.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/18 at 06:58:37

724047565140576844574E250 wrote:
Own it. Leftist are violent. Swapping ideology around to have fun with numbers is cute but doesn't change the simple reality about decorating a car and parking it. All of us know that. Leftist are violent.

no, all of us DON'T know it, some of us look at fact and stats to make our judgement.

you just assume it because it makes you feel better about yourself and your side.  and the ONLY WAY you can justify it is  by IGNORING FACTS AND REALITY and assuming the passage of time doesn't change things....

and about decorating cars...  have you seen Top Gear??  


Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/18 at 07:20:38

0724193A3823242D4A0 wrote:
[quote author=4665797E4B787E63797E0A0 link=1533229746/0#6 date=1533325494] :... And no one is praising the Trump supporter attacker either, no one is saying they are justified, not in the article, not in the comments here. ..."  

Really ? Post 6.
When the poster is asked: "...You don't think he's been mistreated?..."
the poster says: "...I don't think so..."

So again, tell us all, about the time that someone.
Stood in the street and blocked traffic, and cried.
Donned masks, looted, stole, set fires, destroyed property, and cried.
Shouted down a County Attorney, gave death threats, lied, and stood in that building and, cried.
Camped put in front of a police station, endangering everyone's lives in that community, left TONS of garbage, Lied, and Cried.
And on and on and ON  it goes.

So again, tell us all, about the time that a group of, 'conservatives', stood in the street and cried?


Charlottesville comes to mind.....

also, the segregation movement in the south, yes, they were democrats, BUT, they were conservatives, they were trying to literally conserve their "way of life" they wanted to conserve the "status quo" of their time, they had the power, so, is it a riot when the Police do it?  Is it a riot when it's supported by the state???  
many peaceful demonstrations were turned violent by police actions.

oh and as for crying....


check the snowflakes on your side ....  

yes I admit the democrats had more or less the same reaction when Trump won, so let's quit pretending that our sides are so different and that one is better than the other... we are all human

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/18 at 07:23:52

2D0E331012090E07600 wrote:
[quote author=6D4E5255605355485255210 link=1533229746/0#8 date=1533394215]"... then why should I bother trying to debate issues with you when you are already forever dead set against even listening and hearing what I'm saying. ..."

Let’s see If I have this right, you said:

“… then why should I bother trying to debate issues with you when you are already forever dead set against even listening and hearing what I'm saying. …”

So the people, YOU call out, are evil, because they do not listen to YOU.

Yet it is perfectly OK, for YOU, to NOT listen to them, or others.

554B444548554E53210 wrote:
 Very well put Lost!

So glad you, Agree !


where'd I call them evil???  I'm saying that when someone sees you as evil, it's almost impossible to change their mind, as you are proof of, you don't even listen when I actually agree with you

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/05/18 at 07:25:39

I keep telling you lost, if you really want a tit-for-tat, you’ll lose.
Do you want videos of Trump’s inauguration? The kid with the Trump hat who got his soda thrown on his face? The guy in Chicago beaten on the street corner. It’s endless. Give up on this one.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/18 at 07:38:01

7C4E49585F4E59664A59402B0 wrote:
I keep telling you lost, if you really want a tit-for-tat, you’ll lose.
Do you want videos of Trump’s inauguration? The kid with the Trump hat who got his soda thrown on his face? The guy in Chicago beaten on the street corner. It’s endless. Give up on this one.

no, I wouldn't lose...

your two examples, matched here:

"Kaylon Johnson, an African American campaign worker for Obama, was physically assaulted for wearing an Obama T-shirt in Louisiana following the 2008 election. The three white male attackers shouted “crappity smack Obama!” and “black person president!” as they broke Johnson’s nose and fractured his eye-socket, requiring surgery."

"It was an attack on a homeless man that gained extra media attention when authorities said the accused assailants were heard saying, "Donald Trump was right," as they beat the man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him."

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 07:49:27

724047565140576844574E250 wrote:
I keep telling you lost, if you really want a tit-for-tat, you’ll lose.
Do you want videos of Trump’s inauguration? The kid with the Trump hat who got his soda thrown on his face? The guy in Chicago beaten on the street corner. It’s endless. Give up on this one.

No mark, I don't think he would lose.  Look at the hate groups in the country right now.  Most of them are conservative.  The KKK, the nazis, the alt-right, white-nationalists, etc.

Left-wing hate groups?  Antifa..... that's pretty much it.

Further, you have to ask - what's the motivation for the violence in these hate groups?  WHY are they violent?

On the right-wing, you have white-pride, racism, anti-muslim, anti-semitic, xenophobia, etc.

On the left-wing, you have anti-fascism, anti-nazi, anti-racism.

Now, you can go ahead and say that the kkk was a "left-wing" group at its founding - but everyone knows that the democratic party of today bares no resemblance to the party in the early part of the 20th Century.  All one needs to do is learn about the "Dixiecrats".

Violence is never the answer and I abhor the violence on both sides.  But again, look at where we are as a country today.  There is a verified nazi running for office in Illinois.  He's running as a republican.  How is that possible?  Why hasn't the Illinois republican party not kicked this guy to the curb?  They barely even tried. (well, lipinski is pretty much a republican, but still...)

Suffice it to say, there's plenty of violence on both sides.  But when you look at the motivation of that violence, that should tell you something.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/05/18 at 07:56:34

You two are showing clear symptoms of TDS if you think the level of violence between the two sides is equal.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 08:01:57

635156474051467955465F340 wrote:
You two are showing clear symptoms of TDS if you think the level of violence between the two sides is equal.

That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it.

In my opinion if you don't have some form of TDS, then that is a problem in and of itself.

Our president is not worthy of the office he holds.

Again, in my (and millions of other's) opinion.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/18 at 08:24:11

675552434455427D51425B300 wrote:
You two are showing clear symptoms of TDS if you think the level of violence between the two sides is equal.

oh, I don't think it's equal, I think the right is more violent.  

I might be willing to compromise for both sides being equal, as I'm not a divider and the more we accept that we are more similar than different the  better we are as a nation.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by faffi on 08/05/18 at 11:17:55

The top gear video is pretty revealing, and I remember laughing well while also being pretty scared that this could happen.

That said, I do not think this is any kind of match, even if some try to make it into a right vs left thing. It isn't. It's about intolerant people who are either daft or have an agenda that resort to violence, regardless of what their standpoint is. Personally, my experience from Europe in general and Norway in particular, is that the right side have more of an agenda, trying to stir riots and also trying to paint a gloom (and false) picture of the situation of the state(s) here.

There have been incidents where illegal nazi-groups have demonstrated for no other purpose than to provoke and where the police have refrained from doing anything.Sadly, there have also been human rights activists as well as just plain citizens that got provoked heavily enough to use violence. Not serious violence, but still enough. I wish they had not because that is what they are after.

However, if you observe episodes with grave violence, it is almost exclusively the right side of the fence that are the trendsetters on this side of the pond.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by MnSpring on 08/05/18 at 14:59:11

Did someone forget, all the collage campuses, where, a different POV, (Conservative)  is Forbidden, or shouted down ?
Did someone forget, the mass shootings, who were the shooters ?
Did someone forget, BLM  shouting down a AG, a Mayor, a Council member, trying to speak ? (in just ONE  city)
And On and On it goes.

From the Chicago Tribune.

Hamburg, Germany, July. As world leaders gather for the G20 summit, far-left “anti-fascist” (antifa) rioters set fire to cars and property, terrorize residents and injure more than 200 police officers attempting to keep the peace. Did you miss it? CNN’s initial reports referred to the “protesters” as “eclectic” and “peaceful.”

“…All too often, people who call themselves progressive liberals are at the forefront of movements to shut down debates…”

Na, Lost & T&T, you will loose, ‘’Bigley”, when it comes to who DOES, more violence.  
Remember, ya just can't count, JUST, the things YOU want, Ya gotta count them all !

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 15:10:57

63407D5E5C4740492E0 wrote:
Did someone forget, all the collage campuses, where, a different POV, (Conservative)  is Forbidden, or shouted down ?
Did someone forget, the mass shootings, who were the shooters ?
Did someone forget, BLM  shouting down a AG, a Mayor, a Council member, trying to speak ? (in just ONE  city)
And On and On it goes.

From the Chicago Tribune.

Hamburg, Germany, July. As world leaders gather for the G20 summit, far-left “anti-fascist” (antifa) rioters set fire to cars and property, terrorize residents and injure more than 200 police officers attempting to keep the peace. Did you miss it? CNN’s initial reports referred to the “protesters” as “eclectic” and “peaceful.”

“…All too often, people who call themselves progressive liberals are at the forefront of movements to shut down debates…”

Na, Lost & T&T, you will loose, ‘’Bigley”, when it comes to who DOES, more violence.  
Remember, ya just can't count, JUST, the things YOU want, Ya gotta count them all !

No mn, we won't lose "bigly".  The only losers are those that follow their party blindly and blame everyone else for the problems of the world.

You should really take your own advice.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/05/18 at 16:05:34

okay, your turn.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 16:41:10

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
okay, your turn.

So, you consider protests "violence"?

I don't.

And again, some of these protests are against groups like the proud boys, the alt-right and white pride activists...

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/05/18 at 17:17:13

Protest? No. But is this what you call protest? Are you cool with this?
This article stopped at a few hundred but you and I both know there are more.

Look, give up. This happens all the time. It's not even close.
At least have the integrity to admit the left's protest and violence towards Trump supporters is unprecedented.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 17:28:39

350700111607102F031009620 wrote:
Protest? No. But is this what you call protest? Are you cool with this?
This article stopped at a few hundred but you and I both know there are more.

Look, give up. This happens all the time. It's not even close.
At least have the integrity to admit the left's protest and violence towards Trump supporters is unprecedented.

No, I won't give it up mark.  Our president is the most divisive in modern history.  The list you referenced are mostly protests and what they're protesting are the nationalist positions of the far right.

I don't support this president or his supporters that have such blind faith in him.

No, I won't give it up mark.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/18 at 17:56:12

don't support this president or his supporters that have such blind faith in him.

How well I remember.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/18 at 19:01:13

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
okay, your turn.

WOW and i though only lefty snowflakes liked being the victim....  you guys have a whole website DEVOTED to it WOW

okay, so you're definitely more organized that what I can dig up, but do you really want to go through that list of 542 with me?    

cause it includes things like:
July 24, 2018: Sen Cory Booker (D-NJ) Says Brett Kavanaugh supporters are “complicit in evil”
July 23, 2018: Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed
July 20, 2018: ‘Hang Trump’ Shirt Peddled on Facebook
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul
July 9, 2018: Motorists scream curse words at Sean Spicer in his yard.
January 21, 2017: Madonna fantasizes about blowing up the White House.


those are all free speech issues, sure there nasty, but conservative radio runs 9 hours a day on at least 2 am stations here, and I'm sure some of those are nation wide programs =, and I know I've heard Louie Gohmert and other conservative representatives and senators speak evil things about Obama and liberals in general

but here, I'll raise your list of 542 with I mean, you gotta discredit 40% of it at least as crybaby anti-free speech crap right?  

"The New America Foundation reports an almost 2-1 ratio of attacks by far-right extremists over Islamist extremists. The Anti-Defamation League reports that from 2007 to 2016, a diverse collection of extremists was responsible for the deaths of at least 372 people in the United States; 74% of these murders came at the hands of right wing extremists. These trends are accelerating, rapidly. In an eight-day period in May, for example, there was a string of violent extremist incidents that received little media attention and, unsurprisingly, no condemnation from the president."

so that's 74% of 372 = 275 murders on your side..

but if you want to count all the hate speech as well....  

I do applaud your side for getting a comprehensive list together though, that's some victim wannabe thinking right there...

and, I thought this was about actual violence, not signs and protests, cause i've got 8 years of tea party signs to pull from if you wanna go there......

you know, things like:

and if it's media you're concerned about there's this:

again I'm willing to accept both sides are equally as bad in a compromise, you know, when you can't find 275 BODIES to match  mine

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/05/18 at 19:03:43

697670776A6D5C6C5C64767A31030 wrote:
don't support this president or his supporters that have such blind faith in him.

How well I remember.

do you support blind faith in ANY man?????

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/05/18 at 20:20:08

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
Protest? No. But is this what you call protest? Are you cool with this?
This article stopped at a few hundred but you and I both know there are more.

Look, give up. This happens all the time. It's not even close.
At least have the integrity to admit the left's protest and violence towards Trump supporters is unprecedented.

Then there's this mark:

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/18 at 05:18:07

5B454A4B465B405D2F0 wrote:
[quote author=350700111607102F031009620 link=1533229746/15#28 date=1533514633]Protest? No. But is this what you call protest? Are you cool with this?
This article stopped at a few hundred but you and I both know there are more.

Look, give up. This happens all the time. It's not even close.
At least have the integrity to admit the left's protest and violence towards Trump supporters is unprecedented.

No, I won't give it up mark.  Our president is the most divisive in modern history.  The list you referenced are mostly protests and what they're protesting are the nationalist positions of the far right.

I don't support this president or his supporters that have such blind faith in him.

No, I won't give it up mark.

By saying "most divisive" and then lying about the content of the list, you have turned down that road named "Justification Ave".

This, in your mind, is justifiable behavior.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/18 at 05:19:59

687679787568736E1C0 wrote:
[quote author=1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 link=1533229746/15#28 date=1533514633]Protest? No. But is this what you call protest? Are you cool with this?
This article stopped at a few hundred but you and I both know there are more.

Look, give up. This happens all the time. It's not even close.
At least have the integrity to admit the left's protest and violence towards Trump supporters is unprecedented.

Then there's this mark:


So? A crazy Bernie supporter actually followed through with it.
Leftist are violent.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 06:32:00

704245545342556A46554C270 wrote:
[quote author=687679787568736E1C0 link=1533229746/30#33 date=1533525608][quote author=1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 link=1533229746/15#28 date=1533514633]Protest? No. But is this what you call protest? Are you cool with this?
This article stopped at a few hundred but you and I both know there are more.

Look, give up. This happens all the time. It's not even close.
At least have the integrity to admit the left's protest and violence towards Trump supporters is unprecedented.

Then there's this mark:


So? A crazy Bernie supporter actually followed through with it.
Leftist are violent.[/quote]

Followed through with what?  A shooting.  Not according to your link.

But I see, it's the classic "I know you are, but what am I" defense.

Well, you are obviously entitled to your opinion.  So be it.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/18 at 07:13:43

This thread has gone as far as it can go. Anyone arguing against the disproportionate level of violence against Trump supporters is ignoring evidence. I fully admit Obama brought the racist lowlifes out from under the wood pile, but his supporters faced nothing compared to the daily onslaught of intimidation and outright violence against them. It will happen again today somewhere.

Leftist are violent.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/18 at 07:29:39

....and right on time. Just saw a video on Twitter where Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk (Conservative commentators) were at breakfast in Philly when they were recognized. Shortly thereafter, a crowd of typically leftist showed up. Police were needed. Oh, those black police were immediately called 'racist, uncle toms etc for protecting the two. Can't find it on YouTube so look it up on Twitter.

Oh, by the way, what's Candice Owens latest claim to fame? She took an editorial written by the New York Time's latest editorialist and changed the races referenced in the editorial to black and Jewish. Candice was immediately suspended from Twitter! That's funny, but
not surprising.  

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 08:09:17

714344555243546B47544D260 wrote:
This thread has gone as far as it can go. Anyone arguing against the disproportionate level of violence against Trump supporters is ignoring evidence.

The same could be said about right wing violence mark.  That's kinda the point.

I fully admit Obama brought the racist lowlifes out from under the wood pile, but his supporters faced nothing compared to the daily onslaught of intimidation and outright violence against them. It will happen again today somewhere.

Leftist are violent.

And so are "rightists" then.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 08:11:18

083A3D2C2B3A2D123E2D345F0 wrote:
....and right on time. Just saw a video on Twitter where Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk (Conservative commentators) were at breakfast in Philly when they were recognized. Shortly thereafter, a crowd of typically leftist showed up. Police were needed. Oh, those black police were immediately called 'racist, uncle toms etc for protecting the two. Can't find it on YouTube so look it up on Twitter.

Oh, by the way, what's Candice Owens latest claim to fame? She took an editorial written by the New York Time's latest editorialist and changed the races referenced in the editorial to black and Jewish. Candice was immediately suspended from Twitter! That's funny, but
not surprising.  

Yeah, I did the same thing to your post yesterday with the caller that threatened to shoot people at CNN - so, tit-for-tat.


Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/18 at 08:11:38

No. the point is the left is far, far greater. Not even close. It's silly to try and argue otherwise.

Leftist are violent.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 08:13:38

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
No. the point is the left is far, far greater. Not even close. It's silly to try and argue otherwise.

I disagree.  I see just as much violence on the right.
But to be clear, I see many more protests against the right from the left.  But it's not violence.  It's freedom of speech.

Leftist are violent.

So are rightists.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/06/18 at 08:51:45

764443525544536C40534A210 wrote:
This thread has gone as far as it can go. Anyone arguing against the disproportionate level of violence against Trump supporters is ignoring evidence. I fully admit Obama brought the racist lowlifes out from under the wood pile, but his supporters faced nothing compared to the daily onslaught of intimidation and outright violence against them. It will happen again today somewhere.

Leftist are violent.

you need to reverse left and right and then you might have a clue....  

right wingers are more violent PERIOD. you are ignoring hundreds of DEATHS/MURDERS, because you suddenly feel like your "Right to privacy" or civility is being encroached upon???? please!  Mosques being burned down, shootings in churches, bullets that contain "pig", radio spouting the evils of liberalism all day long 5 days a week, etc.

and I'm willing to say it's a tie, that both sides have bad actors and are equally violent, and that'd be ignoring evidence... but you keep believing that you're the victim...

I'll give you that lefties are speaking up a more than before, but almost always stop short of actual violence, unless this exterior of right wing toughness is really just all a show...  it's okay Web, you can admit you're just a little snowflake...

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/06/18 at 09:11:28

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
No. the point is the left is far, far greater. Not even close. It's silly to try and argue otherwise.

Leftist are violent.

Why Does the Far Right Hold a Near-Monopoly on Political Violence?

U.S. sees 300 violent attacks inspired by far right every year

maybe you're only seeing the evidence that supports your own views....

Confirmation bias..

I admit, lefties are speaking up more than ever, well in recent years anyway, sometimes it's uncomfortable, rarely is it violent but it does happen.  I'm not blind to that, but the right wing is FAR from innocent. there's plenty of blood on your side's hands as well, this idea that you can wash the blood of the homosexuals, the blacks, the muslims, the jews, immigrants, etc... off your hands because some of your leaders can't eat in peace in public....  or there are protests against your leaders....  yeah, not buying it.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/18 at 12:32:48

It’s no surprise you’re in favor of violence TT. I’m in Chicago at OHare and see you guys had another stellar weekend of murders in Democratic/Liberal Chicago.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 12:41:20

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
It’s no surprise you’re in favor of violence TT. I’m in Chicago at OHare and see you guys had another stellar weekend of murders in Democratic/Liberal Chicago.

Yep, you're right it was a terrible weekend.  But it's still not as bad as the per capita rate in St. Louis.

So there's that.

Nice try though.

But to be clear, I'm not in favor of violence.  I've never once stated that.
You are accusing me with no proof.  That's sad mark.  You shouldn't stoop so low.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by WebsterMark on 08/06/18 at 12:49:56

You are in favor of violent confrontation between leftist and those on the right of the political spectrum.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 12:54:59

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
You are in favor of violent confrontation between leftist and those on the right of the political spectrum.

Well then, I can only assume you equate protesting to violence.

Shouting opposition is not violence.

Violence - behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/06/18 at 13:24:40

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
You are in favor of violent confrontation between leftist and those on the right of the political spectrum.

where'd you get that from?  you are sounding a bit desperate and defensive there...  projecting your own fear of being a victim again...  

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by verslagen1 on 08/06/18 at 14:53:35

0B2834330635332E3433470 wrote:
[quote author=4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 link=1533229746/45#47 date=1533584996]You are in favor of violent confrontation between leftist and those on the right of the political spectrum.

where'd you get that from?  you are sounding a bit desperate and defensive there...  projecting your own fear of being a victim again...  [/quote]
Just search antifa by T&T and you'll see the answer.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by LostArtist on 08/06/18 at 14:59:43

63706766797472707B24150 wrote:
[quote author=0B2834330635332E3433470 link=1533229746/45#49 date=1533587080][quote author=4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 link=1533229746/45#47 date=1533584996]You are in favor of violent confrontation between leftist and those on the right of the political spectrum.

where'd you get that from?  you are sounding a bit desperate and defensive there...  projecting your own fear of being a victim again...  [/quote]
Just search antifa by T&T and you'll see the answer.[/quote]

but, as a Trump supporter, yeah, I know everyone is different, and maybe that's where Web differs from Trump, because Trump has called for violence before, he using violent rhetoric all the time. You know, he likes to "keep it real" like that....

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 15:01:24

465542435C5157555E01300 wrote:
[quote author=0B2834330635332E3433470 link=1533229746/45#49 date=1533587080][quote author=4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 link=1533229746/45#47 date=1533584996]You are in favor of violent confrontation between leftist and those on the right of the political spectrum.

where'd you get that from?  you are sounding a bit desperate and defensive there...  projecting your own fear of being a victim again...  [/quote]
Just search antifa by T&T and you'll see the answer.[/quote]

Fascism, not just the right.

Big difference, or at least I think so.

Do you equate the right with fascism?  I should hope not.

At its core, ANTIFA is a loosely organized group fighting fascism.  It's actually more of a mindset than a group.  However, outliers (much like the nazis on the right) take to violence to make their point.

I've never supported that.  

I support fighting fascism.

Shouldn't we all?

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/18 at 16:49:51

its core, ANTIFA is a loosely organized group fighting fascism.

Thugs and more thugs.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/06/18 at 17:48:28

5C4345425F5869596951434F04360 wrote:
its core, ANTIFA is a loosely organized group fighting fascism.

Thugs and more thugs.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it.

In my opinion, I think you're wrong.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by MnSpring on 08/08/18 at 07:39:36

5F414E4F425F44592B0 wrote:
Yep, you're right it was a terrible weekend.  But it's still not as bad as the per capita rate in St. Louis.

WM, You gotta get stronger Gun bans going in St. Louis.
Look how well they work in Chicago !

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/08/18 at 08:05:33

11320F2C2E35323B5C0 wrote:
[quote author=5F414E4F425F44592B0 link=1533229746/45#46 date=1533584480]Yep, you're right it was a terrible weekend.  But it's still not as bad as the per capita rate in St. Louis.

WM, You gotta get stronger Gun bans going in St. Louis.
Look how well they work in Chicago ![/quote]

Well mn, per capita, my city is far safer than St Louis.  So.....

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/08/18 at 09:32:06

My dumpster fire doesn't stink as bad as that one.
Cold comfort.
Chicago is a shithole.
Pointing to a bigger one doesn't Change anything.
If they reelect Rahm then we can be comfortable in believing that place is full of idiots.

Title: Re: TDS on display
Post by T And T Garage on 08/08/18 at 09:34:40

6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 wrote:
My dumpster fire doesn't stink as bad as that one.
Cold comfort.
Chicago is a shithole.
Pointing to a bigger one doesn't Change anything.
If they reelect Rahm then we can be comfortable in believing that place is full of idiots.

Good thing you don't live here then, huh?
But hey, you're entitled to your opinion.

(and you talk about me being the "problem" on this little forum? - sad) » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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