General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Plastic Guns

Message started by WebsterMark on 08/02/18 at 05:16:07

Title: Plastic Guns
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/18 at 05:16:07

I've been traveling so missed how this all started, but why all the hoopla over 3-D printed guns all of a sudden? A slow news day or what?

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by Eegore on 08/02/18 at 05:39:44

 They were restricted under law, the Justice Dept has been fighting the public release of the blueprints for years and now they are to be released to the public.

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/18 at 06:20:19

sounds like a free speech case. I'll try to read up on it today because that's a fascinating topic. I assume you couldn't publish detailed nuclear weapon plans online, could you? Even if you could, the only ones capable of making one would already know, wouldn't they?

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by MShipley on 08/02/18 at 07:23:50

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
sounds like a free speech case. I'll try to read up on it today because that's a fascinating topic. I assume you couldn't publish detailed nuclear weapon plans online, could you? Even if you could, the only ones capable of making one would already know, wouldn't they?

Yes it is a free speech case however as everything it is being politicized. Actually you can google and build a gun at home now. The cat is already out of the bag. It is legal for you to build a gun for personal use. There is a lot of hyperbole on plastic guns being undetectable but that is not really true. You can not make the springs, firing pins or bullets without metal. Besides there is a law that says ALL guns must have 3.7 oz of metal in them to be legal. This came about back when Glock started making polymer weapons. I have polymer weapons now... all the manufacturers make polymer weapons. The other issue is that 3-D printers use PVC which can not withstand the pressures of an exploding bullet. You may get off one shot but more than likely it will be your hand that is taken off.

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by MnSpring on 08/02/18 at 08:44:16

Look just here, how many times the liars,  just keep repeating Lies, about Guns.
After they have been told, Over and Over and Over, about what that laws are, by many different people.

Yet they Still, LIE,
by giving the impression, anyone, anywhere, from anyone, can buy a gun just like a tea cup off flee-bay.

Now to the, ‘plastic’ gun.
(Not that it matters, because the, LIARS, will just keep on LYING, for the reason that people that do not know about firearms, will believe, by their LIES, ALL  firearms are bad)
3-D printing, has been around for  35-40 YEARS.  It was/still called CNC Machining and other things.
When it started, the input was by a human, who told the machine what to do.  Which because that impute was recorded, (first on a piece of paper with holes punched in it, then today by some fast moving electrons, like a SD card), so the movements could be replicated, much faster, than a human could do. 100’s of years before that, their were machines that did the SAME  things, but a a much slower pace, because their was only human impute, for each piece.

Today, one only has to put a piece in. Then the, ‘computer’ measures that piece. Than that information is recorded, and can be replicated.
So you want to do this, and have 1/2 a million + laying about to buy the machines. You take apart a gun, every single piece, that is  EVERY SINGLE PIECE, which can be 100’s, is recorded, then re make one, out of, plastic, because the machine that will cut the plastic, cost only a few thousand, where one that cuts metal, and cost up to a Million.  (Oh, and is how a ‘gun’ is made today)

Now, for the ‘guy’ that released the copy of the recorded electrons.
Guessing it is the same as one getting all sorts of bomb making information on the web.
And most similar to photos/videos of naked humans doing various things.
A item to be argued about if that, ‘information’, can or cannot be released.
(Don’t think the, ‘I know Porn when I see it’, argument is going to work, yet the gun grabbers are certainly using it)

Now for the, ‘practical’ thing about that plastic gun.
1. It is a VERY crude piece.
2. It is a single shot.
3. It would cost 20 to 50 times more to create, than just buy one.
4. It, STILL, Needs some metal parts.
5. It is, Really, I mean REALLY,  un safe.
And #5.
A-Yep, someone, who has a brain the size of a pea, just may make one, and commit a crime with one.
But never mind, NEVER, waste a good, (DFI Shooting), (or a spin/lie), to further the goal of, BANNING  guns.
So, the Anti-Gunners, are, CRYING, and doing everything they can do, to ‘BAN’, ‘Because …” !

And OH, a firearm, can, and has, been made, by people, in their backyard, for probably only 400 + Years !

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/18 at 09:16:18

Right now, it's more parlour trick than practical,...
The question is, where will we be in ten years?...  :-?

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by MShipley on 08/02/18 at 09:35:08

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
Right now, it's more parlour trick than practical,...
The question is, where will we be in ten years?...  :-?

in ten years it will be just like it is now.... the lawful will follow the rules and the unlawful will not....

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by Eegore on 08/02/18 at 10:19:21

 The legal issue was about distribution, not creation of guns.

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by Serowbot on 08/02/18 at 11:16:15

Isn't it illegal to own a gun without a serial number?...

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by MShipley on 08/02/18 at 11:21:37

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:
Isn't it illegal to own a gun without a serial number?...

No, it is illegal to sell a gun without a serial number. It is legal for me to make all the guns I want for my personal use. By law they must contain 3.7 oz of metal.

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by Eegore on 08/02/18 at 14:00:39

"No, it is illegal to sell a gun without a serial number"

 Exactly.  This is one of the things people get wrong when trying to advocate.  I am told all day long my guns are illegal because they are unregistered, and have no forms of identification.  

 The long legal issue with the "plastic guns" is not the guns, its the distribution of the information.


Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/18 at 14:06:09

Am I the only one on here who made a .22 zip gun out of an old car antenna as a kid?

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by LostArtist on 08/02/18 at 15:12:45

7C625958415D5448310 wrote:
[quote author=4254435E46535E45310 link=1533212167/0#5 date=1533226578]Right now, it's more parlour trick than practical,...
The question is, where will we be in ten years?...  :-?

in ten years it will be just like it is now.... the lawful will follow the rules and the unlawful will not....[/quote]

so why have any laws then...  

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by verslagen1 on 08/02/18 at 15:24:31

587B67605566607D6760140 wrote:
[quote author=7C625958415D5448310 link=1533212167/0#6 date=1533227708][quote author=4254435E46535E45310 link=1533212167/0#5 date=1533226578]Right now, it's more parlour trick than practical,...
The question is, where will we be in ten years?...  :-?

in ten years it will be just like it is now.... the lawful will follow the rules and the unlawful will not....[/quote]

so why have any laws then...  [/quote]
So we the victims will continue to pay to protect the rich rather than defending ourselves.

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by MnSpring on 08/02/18 at 15:34:33

"...I am told all day long my guns are illegal because they are unregistered, and have no forms of identification..."  

Calling a firearm, ‘registered’, because it was purchased at a dealer/store, is wrong, their is NO  Federal  ‘Registration’.
(Their may be a State, County, City, Township, that has a local law that a, firearm must be, ‘registered’)
So if you have a gun, sell it to your friend, (transfer through a gun shop), that is NOT, registration. (The gun shop thanks you, you just paid them $30.00 +/-, for .$0.0001 cents of ink)
Many people believe that when they fill out the federal 4473 form, That, is, ‘Registering’.   It is NOT.

A, ‘registered’ something, like a gun, means the Federal Government, KNOWS, John Doe HAS, a certain, make/model/cal/barrel/sights/etc firearm.  So when the time comes, (as  a group of people want), to, ‘Round Up All Guns’, the government, knows, Exactly what/kind/cal/and how many you have.  (Fully Auto firearms, ARE, Federally registered)

Now before the Snowflakes all get their Panties in a bunch.
Their, IS, a method to, ’Track’ a firearm, if one is found used in a crime,
well unless someone filed off the ser #, and is selling out of the trunk of car in a dark alley in Chicago.
(OBTW, how is that, ‘War’, on Drugs going ?)

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by MnSpring on 08/02/18 at 15:45:20

182A2D3C3B2A3D022E3D244F0 wrote:
Am I the only one on here who made a .22 zip gun out of an old car antenna as a kid?

And played in a ’Sand Box’.  (Isn’t that for Cats ?)
Or built a, ’Tree House’. (Isn’t that for the Birds ?)
Or put a Penny on a Rail Road Track,
Or know what a, ‘Gig’ is.
Had a BB gun at 8 year old.
Or built a raft and floated down the river.
Or slid down the hill in the winter, and passed through the bottom wire of a fence, by propping it up with a stick and laying down on the sled.
Or went to a, skating rink, to skate, then later see these, ‘bumps’, on the opposite sex in the warming house.
And on and On and On and On and ON.

And the people, that did those things, and many others, are called ’STUPID and Old”,
by the kids today,  who walk around, with their head down, playing a game on their phone, while walking into a Streetlight pole.

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by MShipley on 08/03/18 at 05:58:59

74574B4C794A4C514B4C380 wrote:
[quote author=7C625958415D5448310 link=1533212167/0#6 date=1533227708][quote author=4254435E46535E45310 link=1533212167/0#5 date=1533226578]Right now, it's more parlour trick than practical,...
The question is, where will we be in ten years?...  :-?

in ten years it will be just like it is now.... the lawful will follow the rules and the unlawful will not....[/quote]

so why have any laws then...  [/quote]

I did not say we should not have laws! I said in ten years you will have the same result. Honest people will follow the laws and dishonest people will not. Kinda like our immigration laws.

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by faffi on 08/03/18 at 12:32:40

About guns, fake and real

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by MnSpring on 08/04/18 at 10:16:37

626562626D040 wrote:
About guns, fake and real

Just a, Few, of the laws, in that country.
Clearly, the US must immediately adopt such laws,
because that will, STOP, all accidents.

Guns are capable of harmful and fatal consequences;and gun laws are quite stringent in Sweden. To be a gun owner requires a license, and this is tightly controlled by regulations. A potential gun owner needs to meet requirements to be granted a license.

It is stipulated that all firearms are to be stored/kept in an approved gun safe.

It is illegal for a civilian in Sweden to carry a firearm, unless for a specific, legal purpose;such as hunting or attending shooting ranges

The applicant must be a member of an approved shooting club for at least six months

a gun registered for sport shooting may not be used in hunting.

It is considered a privilege, rather than a right, to own a firearm in Sweden.

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by faffi on 08/04/18 at 10:51:49

And your point is?

In Norway, the police is not armed. They want to carry arms, but so far are not allowed. Weapons are locked inside their cars and can be unlocked with permission if the situation demand it. Personally, I hope it stays that way.

The police in Sweden, with a population about twice that of that here in Norway, have shot and killed 6 people so far this year alone. They have been generally armed since 1965. In comparison, I believe the police have killed 4 people in total during the past 15 years.

Obviously, if you want more dead people, which will not always be criminals, having an armed police force seems to be effective.

Does the lack of weapon make it dangerous to be a police officer in Norway? Well, since WW2, ten police officers have been killed on duty, 7 of those where shot, so one can say the risk is pretty low.

The same number for Sweden is 16 killed on duty, so statistically slightly lower risk, but the numbers are too small to be conclusive on whether carrying a weapon makes it safer to be a police officer or not.

Is it better for the population? Well, there are 4 times as many  murders in Sweden per capita (10 per 100,000 vs 2.5), significantly more violence and sexual offences as well as a lot more theft. Hence there seem to be no preventive gains from having an armed police force.

Title: Re: Plastic Guns
Post by WebsterMark on 08/05/18 at 05:47:44

I watched Live PD Friday and Saturday nights. It's an excellent social exercise/experiment to watch it. Some felt for the police, some felt for the perpetrators. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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