General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Good shot

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/18 at 14:12:20

Title: Good shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/18 at 14:12:20

Investigators said it all started when the man’s wife pulled into their driveway Tuesday night. Then the two armed suspects jumped out and tried to rob her.

First, they took her purse, and then they tried to force her into the house. However, that is when her husband showed up.

He heard the commotion from inside, grabbed his gun and ended up exchanging gunfire with the intruders. Fortunately, the couple weren’t hit, but one of the suspects was hit in the head, police said. The other suspect took off running.

“One can only imagine what was going through their mind,” Choi added. I’d guess it was something along the lines of thank goodness we could effectively defend ourselves. The victims should be thankful to live in a state that doesn’t go out of its way to interfere with that right, too.

A good guy with a gun not only stopped a bad guy with a gun, but he almost certainly saved lives, starting with his own. Opponents of the individual right to bear arms usually dismiss these scenarios as improbable, if not entirely theoretical. That’s why it’s well worth highlighting such incidents when they occur, even if they largely speak for themselves.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by Eegore on 07/28/18 at 14:24:16

 A man defending his girlfriend using a grill in his own backyard missed and hit a 7 year old girl in the next yard through a wooden fence.  Highlight yours and they will highlight theirs, its a never ending battle unless crime reduces which is the real problem anyway.

 For every good guy with a gun story there's an accident guy with a gun story.  Add suicides and children getting ahold of guns mortality rates and the statistics unfortunately start to tilt towards firearms being more dangerous than good.

 Of course if you add in law enforcement and military use the statistics swing in favor.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/18 at 14:49:55

I'll highlight.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by MnSpring on 07/28/18 at 17:20:04

436361697463060 wrote:
 A man defending his girlfriend using a grill in his own backyard missed and hit a 7 year old girl in the next yard through a wooden fence.  Highlight yours and they will highlight theirs, its a never ending battle unless crime reduces which is the real problem anyway.
 For every good guy with a gun story there's an accident guy with a gun story.  Add suicides and children getting ahold of guns mortality rates and the statistics unfortunately start to tilt towards firearms being more dangerous than good.  Of course if you add in law enforcement and military use the statistics swing in favor.

“…For every good guy with a gun story there’s an accident guy with a gun story…”
Incorrect.  Their is, NO, one to one ratio.  
It is just the that the 80% of the media, promote, over and over and over, any time, a DFI used a gun badly.
Yet when it is used to defend, or simply the visual presence of, Stops, a crime. It is only reported by 20% of the media.

“…Add suicides…”     Yep, take away guns, less, ‘suicides’, with guns. NOT, less, ‘suicides’.

“… and children getting ahold of guns mortality rates…”
Poison, (like drain cleaner under the sink). Falling down the steps. Drowning (pool/lake/bathtub/etc). Electrocution, (something poked into a outlet).  Choking, (small toy/food/etc). ETC.   depending on where you look, Firearms in accidental death of children, rank, between 14 and 16, of the things listed above and more.

“…and the statistics unfortunately start to tilt towards firearms being more dangerous than good…”
For someone who is so in-tune to numbers. using a raw number, without qualifying, is just like saying:
‘Ban Cars, their will be LESS,  ‘ Car Accidents ’.
(Never mind that their will be the SAME  number of, accidents, just with trucks and MC’s)

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/28/18 at 19:22:23

JoG, hope you remembered to clean any sticky substances off the keyboard after you read that article.

And now take it away Jim Jefferies.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by Eegore on 07/28/18 at 22:19:08

"Incorrect.  Their is, NO, one to one ratio."

 I did not say there is a ratio of 1-1.  I meant to convey that there is a story of a firearm related victim for every defense as there are more victims of accidents than there are criminals being killed in the act of committing crime by a private citizen with a legally owned firearm.

 Gang related activity alone in LA or Chicago outnumber annually by far the number of good guy with a gun incidents nationwide.  I don't use media to make these assessments.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by MnSpring on 07/31/18 at 11:34:09

WOW, awesome, no facts and  Spin.
Especially the Spin/Lies of Gifford’s sight.

Apparently, ’some’, will actually believe the spin/lies,
so let me ask, of those people,   Again.

If you take away Guns from Good Guys,
Exactly how is it,
the Bad guys will have, less, guns ?

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by Eegore on 07/31/18 at 14:35:16

"WOW, awesome, no facts and  Spin"

 Are you saying you do not consider the CDC to have facts, or factual data compiled for review?  Or maybe the Department of Health and Human Services, our TC from the NRA uses it.

 I'd be interested in seeing where you get your information, every little bit helps.  I don't use Gifford's website either.

"If you take away Guns from Good Guys,
Exactly how is it,
the Bad guys will have, less, guns ?"

 I don't know anyone that thinks that.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/31/18 at 14:50:50

I don't know anyone that thinks that.

You just say whatever?
If that's NOT what the gun grabbers EXPECT to happen when they make it illegal to own guns, just what are they thinking?      

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by MnSpring on 07/31/18 at 15:08:27

Are you saying you do not consider the CDC to have facts, or factual data compiled for review?  Or maybe the Department of Health and Human Services, our TC from the NRA uses it.

The, ‘Fact’, that their are more bad guys with guns than their are good guys with guns is, Where ?
Can you point that out please ?

I’d be interested in seeing where you get your information, every little bit helps.
Been their, Done that. one time I fell  under the spell, that you had superior means to collect information.
Found out: “… It is unfortunate that you do not have the funds to reference your claims….”

I don’t use Gifford's website either.

Yet, you, put that site in your claim ?

"If you take away Guns from Good Guys,
Exactly how is it,
the Bad guys will have, less, guns ?"

I don’t know anyone that thinks that.    

Perhaps you could ask some of the gun grabbers on this site.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by Eegore on 07/31/18 at 16:09:20

"The, ‘Fact’, that their are more bad guys with guns than their are good guys with guns is, Where ?"

 The CDC information points it out. I already provided the information.  Start here to understand how the data is collected so you can more accurately input search information into the metrics.

 Some already collected information:

 Another detailed analysis by Harvard containing hard data, every number has an associated police report, most with court cases.

 There is an overwhelming amount of information that indicates there are more crimes, accidental shootings and suicides than there are self-defense situations in the US involving firearms.  

"Yet, you, put that site in your claim ?"

 Yes.  While I do not use the site specifically a I prefer information that con be verified directly, that does not mean I will completely leave out information for others to look at.  I think it shows a good contrast between opinion based data, and verifiable data.

"Found out: “… It is unfortunate that you do not have the funds to reference your claims….”"

 You said you did not have the funds, I did not say that.  It was your statement that I acknowledged.

 I provided no input as to how or if you are able to find information and then link that information into a useable state for other people.  


Title: Re: Good shot
Post by Eegore on 07/31/18 at 16:12:39

 I forgot to reference this group as well:

 Their preliminary work has been very accurate for a number of years.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by Eegore on 08/01/18 at 07:04:39

"You just say whatever?
If that's NOT what the gun grabbers EXPECT to happen when they make it illegal to own guns, just what are they thinking? "

 I don't know what they are thinking, I do not attempt to fabricate a thought on behalf of someone else.  Since I do not personally know anyone that wants the possession of any and all firearms to be punishable by law I can not ask them.  As such if I were to state that people who want all firearms to be illegal also in turn believe that criminal possession of firearms will be reduced, is simply made up.  It would be a logic process I imagined and artificially placed onto a person I don't even know exists.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/18 at 07:49:21

I know, you don't have a government study that Tells you what to think, but
UNLESS the gun grabbers EXPECT the bad guys to be disarmed by the same laws that disarm the good guys, they truly are stupid.
Stupid, yes, but tell me
if NOT that?
It's okay to actually come to a logical conclusion without a study.
Take a chance.
TRY it

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by WebsterMark on 08/01/18 at 07:52:23

All I know is there are 300+ million guns in the US today and 99.99% will not be used in a crime today.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by Eegore on 08/01/18 at 11:02:50

if NOT that?"

 I don't know anyone that wants to eliminate all guns from all persons nationwide.  Can you reference anything where someone is pressing for legislation to remove all ownership of firearms for all US citizens?

 Theoretically if there was a person who wanted all possession of all firearms from all US citizens then they may logically think that the removal of all firearms from the US including law enforcement, military, criminal organizations and other nations capable of transporting weapons to US citizens would then result in less criminals having guns.  

 This of course would include the stoppage of all gun manufacturing in the US, and some sort of corrective action for wildlife controlled by  hunting practices, perhaps mass capture and euthanization, or some other control feature.


Title: Re: Good shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/18 at 11:28:01

Take it to absurdity
Ignore the realities
Pretend the point is silly
Demand time wasting irritating explanations to rigidly define what is obvious.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by Eegore on 08/01/18 at 11:32:35

 Its to me the same level of absurdity as saying gun grabbers think fewer criminals will have guns while not providing a single source of information making that assessment credible.

 Nobody I know that is pro-gun control wants all guns banned, and none think that criminals will have less guns.  I'm sure these people exist, yet that does not change the fact that I do not know of any.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/18 at 00:33:53

If bad guys won't be without guns, why limit access to guns for good guys?

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by faffi on 08/02/18 at 03:28:00

Perhaps because there are quite a few accidental killings every year by kids getting hold of weapons or people shooting themselves with unsecured hand weapons? Or young people going crazy and grab dad's gun and start shooting teachers at school?

Basically, not all are fit to have a gun.

Title: Re: Good shot
Post by Eegore on 08/02/18 at 05:55:57

 Faffi points out most of what I am exposed to.

 When I actually talk to gun control supporters the content of the discussion from their points of view largely sit around controlling access of semi-automatic rifles and pistols from teenagers, the developmentally disabled and psychotic individuals.  

 Hunters, hobbyists, home defense is ok for the most part, exceptions mostly coming from people affected by children killing each other with guns found in the home.

 This is why I don't assume what thousands of people think, I ask. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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