General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Let's agree to moderate the forum.

Message started by eau de sauvage on 07/24/18 at 21:23:57

Title: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/24/18 at 21:23:57

Below is my reasoning for proper forum moderation that I posted in faffi's post. As you know I suggested dropping this forum altogether, to the predictable howls of outrage. OK fair enough but tell me why can not we agree to have the forum moderated to normal civil standards.

If the post below is too long to read though then I sum up my suggestions thusly... We open a thread where everyone agrees to a set of political forum rules, much like already exists on other forums. Like for example the I invite you to check out some of their relevant rules.

What I suggest is merely a couple of basic rules like no personal abuse whatever, in fact no playing the person at all. Play what was said. With Zero Tolerance, for everyone. Secondly nothing at all that is off topic. Instant post removal.

These two items are about as basic as you can get. My suggestion is that we have a thread where we all clarify and agree to what is considered personal abuse. This has nothing to do with politics it's just normal civil behaviour.

If people cannot agree to this, so that Serobot, does not have to make fine distinctions and be accused of bias, then if a post is reported he has the tools to remove it.


It's not that 'this section can now be closed', because of the implication that it 'won't alter anyone's opinion', but rather 'it should be closed because it's simply a steaming pile of dogsh!t, and it give the entire site a putrid odour.

Compare and contrast this forum with the forum, which in many ways is identical apart from the specific bike. Namely both bikes are Suzuki, and both bikes are 30 year old designs. Both forums have similar amount of very knowledgeable members and both have a similar level of activity.

There are community participation threads and tech threads. However the suzukisavage site has this putrid political forum which I find to be an embarrassment. It wasn't so bad before Trump because closet racists and black hearted nationalists (as opposed to patriots) would generally be a bit reticent about coming out.

However with Trump his modus operandi to stay in power is not to win the popular vote but to strategically win key states and key lobby groups, gun rights groups, and evangelical hypocritical christian groups. The only way to use these groups in a strategic way is to divide the nation and set Americans against Americans.

The way to do this is to play on fears, which is what the immigration bs does. So knowing this Trump purposely makes it OK to be a racist prick, this is why Rosanne Barr can come out and likenl Valerie Jarrett to Planet of the Apes. This is not the first either I refer you to this article where Pamela Ramsey Taylor referred to Michele Obama as 'an ape in heels'.

Trumps reinforces this with his 'sh!thole' countries remarks. Then after the Charlotteville racist 'there are fine people on both side', it's again a sly dogwhistle to say it's not only OK to come out as racist but it's OK to come out as a white supremacist.

Now what has this got to do with this forum today, I don't hear you ask? This... like Rosanne Barr the closet racists who on the whole are as thick as two planks and therefore unable to argue a point, find a forum for their stupidity and ugliness and feel empowered. Somehow they can now air their ugly creepy racism with apparent pride and they shore each other up.

This is what Trump has let out of the box. This ugliness is always there in any society but only in autocratic, theocratic or fascist regimes do we see it out in the open.

Whether or not opinions are changed is not the point, the point is that this forum has become just another platform for the right wing nut jobs, and as you can see from the forum, this political section is utterly f.ucking unnecessary.

First amendment, first amendment, they cry but there's no such thing as first amendment on a private forum, there's not such thing as 'censorship' on a private forum. And anyway there already is censorship, if I said what I really think I'd certainly be censored.

The forum has become so ugly that I can post a link to a worthwhile article to read and then the first post comes in by one of the nut jobs who post here referring to a different thread where I suggested Australia's free health care as a reason why I would not be jealous of the United States, as his only answer to a post of mine was that I 'must be jealous'. He then uses that remark as a first post in a thread with only a link to an article to say suggest I make use of my country's free health care, implying of course that I must be mentally ill.

Now one can only feel sorry for someone so creepy as to come up with that as an answer to a thread premise, but the point I'm making is that is what this forum has become. I would be embarrassed to send anyone to this Suzuki savage site now in case they came across the ugliness of this forum and I certainly will refrain from any further contributions to this site as long as the political forum remains.

However there is an alternative and that is proper moderation and I'm willing to do it. What that means is that posts with any personal attacks or indeed any personal references are automatically removed only what someone has written should be address, you address remarks.

Next anything that is off topic, should also be removed. After all this is a political forum.  People can then feel free to post even right wing nut job stuff, but then if someone answers their post with a factual reply they don't have to worry about getting abused. So we do not censor anyones opinion but we do remove personal abuse as an answer.

So if anyone wants to complain about the removal of this forum then please explain why we all do not agree to proper moderation. We can have a debate, a sticky thread where everyone can come in an agree to a set of rules that we all follow. That way once we've all agreed then we can self moderate. How does that sound.

For example I would suggest no personal abuse at all. I can't see how anyone could possibly object to that. Then perhaps we might debate what we consider to be personal abuse and where the limits are and once we all agree then we post it up as a detail forum rule.

Then if anyone feels these agreed forum rules are broken it can be reported to a mod like Serowbot who can remove the post based not on his personal opinion but based on the agreed rules.

It's one or the other, remove the forum or agree to proper rules. The only other way is the pile of dogsh!t that we currently have

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/24/18 at 21:49:59

Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Not, I will show you mine, if you show me yours first.

Personally, I struggle pert near everyday with scripture, when my verse of the day, which I read every morning when I awaken, talks about loving others, etc.
It’s so much easier to blame “them” instead of working on my sinning nature.
I wish I could validate it as such, but then it would be like trying to ride a horse, to understanding, wisdom, and knowledge..... on a merry-go-round.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/24/18 at 22:59:03

7D6E766B6E78680F0 wrote:
Personally, I struggle pert near everyday with scripture, when my verse of the day, which I read every morning when I awaken, talks about loving others, etc.

No offence intended Ray but the scripture hasn't worked for you. Look I've put up a proposal, that no reasonable person can disagree with. We currently have a moderator Serowbot, but his hands are tied because he has no rules to go on and currently the task is impossible unless we begin with a clean slate.

If everyone agrees that a good and EASY to understand moderation rules are implemented then we can start a thread where we all nut out exactly what we agree what posts Serobot is entitled to delete. Once we all agree then I'm sure that Serobot will not have to do any work as we will automatically self moderate.

This can only work to everyone's benefit.

Are you with me. If we can get MnSpring, Yourself, Jog, and a few other regular posters to agree, we can begin a thread where we collectively write the Political Forum Rules, much as is done on many other forums.

Surely this is a good idea? If scripture worked we wouldn't have religious wars.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Eegore on 07/25/18 at 07:35:03

"If scripture worked we wouldn't have religious wars. "

 Except for the parts where scripture says to engage in war.

 I'm not going to say I disagree with a set of forum rules, but I think its considerably easier to just be professional and treat people with respect, even if they do not do the same to me.

 Problem on my end solved.

  I for one enjoy seeing other points of view about my personal life, for instance people were actually upset on here that I cut an old belt off a bike instead of removing it.  People make fun of the fact that I have employees, they call me an @sshole, they call me a liar, they say I am a disgrace, dangerous, rigid, and even get upset that I use modern tech like audio text on a phone or Alexa.  

 Who would have thought I'd learn all this on a motorcycle forum?  I have no problem with it.


Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/18 at 08:29:08

The problem we've had in the past with moderating, is knowing the difference between personal attacks and aggressive attacks on public figures...

I believe personal attacks are bad for the site... and should not be allowed.
...but in this anti-PC climate, civility has become a sign of weakness.

How do you get around that?...
I don't know.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/25/18 at 09:04:42

24362221363032570 wrote:
[quote author=7D6E766B6E78680F0 link=1532492637/0#1 date=1532494199]
Personally, I struggle pert near everyday with scripture, when my verse of the day, which I read every morning when I awaken, talks about loving others, etc.

No offence intended Ray but the scripture hasn't worked for you. Look I've put up a proposal, that no reasonable person can disagree with. We currently have a moderator Serowbot, but his hands are tied because he has no rules to go on and currently the task is impossible unless we begin with a clean slate.

If everyone agrees that a good and EASY to understand moderation rules are implemented then we can start a thread where we all nut out exactly what we agree what posts Serobot is entitled to delete. Once we all agree then I'm sure that Serobot will not have to do any work as we will automatically self moderate.

This can only work to everyone's benefit.

Are you with me. If we can get MnSpring, Yourself, Jog, and a few other regular posters to agree, we can begin a thread where we collectively write the Political Forum Rules, much as is done on many other forums.

Surely this is a good idea? If scripture worked we wouldn't have religious wars. [/quote]

I take no offense.
I think you miss the premise of what I shared.
If anyone needs others to believe, behave, etc, in such a manner, and they don't......
And you find fault in that, acting justified in your actions because they caused it.....
Demanding, suggesting, they change, with, or without your own change, that is a ultimatum.

I don't think you grasp the fact that its YOU, who are in charge of his own joy and happiness, peace and serenity......
Not the actions of other.
Of course they can impact it, then the choice is yours to weigh, is their company worth keeping.....
That is solely your own decision, which can not be delegated to others, and your sole responsibility to yourself.

Simply put, without all my lecturing  ;D

If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

That is not intended as a dig, wishing you to go, no.....
But as a a repair to ones problems.
This wisdom truth has been passed along for generations, because it works.

If you care about yourself....
If the actions of others, on the site frustrate you....
Cause you anger, grief, or to lose your buzz....
Then you, and only you, decide whats best, for you.

You can't blame others, none of us can, this mindset is what is driving all this ugliness in much of the social media, etc.

It can never bring about lasting peace, never, it isn't theoretically possible, its not.    

PS: Just to clarify you remark about scripture not working for me.
Honestly, your statement is about as ignorant as they come, not dumb, ignorant, you know the difference?

Before God and His word, I really was lost, of no value, miserable.
Not enough drugs or booze, toys or chicks, money or whatever, to provide me a sustainable understanding of what happiness and joy is.

I simply could not live by the lies of man, his false promise, anymore....

The pusher man, the pimp, the salesman, and yes, even some preacher men, lied to me.

I was no longer a husband, a father, a friend, who cared about others, only my own self pity and loath.

My Jesus gave my wife a husband, my children, a father, and friends....
a true friend.
Not a enabler, no, but one who holds them accountable to our friendship, and expects them to hold me to the same.
Correct me with love, and except love as freely as you give it away.....

I can thank my Jesus, daily, for such a chance.

Your statement/observation, is spoken out of pure ignorance of the facts.

I am far away from perfect, I accept that, it gives me cause and reason to keep suiting up and getting into the game daily.

In AA, they have a saying, it prolly escapes a lot of folks.
I know when I first shared it with my wife, years ago, I think her innermost thought was prolly closer to WTF, instead of understanding the depth to what it reveals/says....

It is: I am a grateful alcoholic

Have a good one mate, hope I didn't bore you too much  :D  

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/25/18 at 09:12:47

7167706D75606D76020 wrote:
The problem we've had in the past with moderating, is knowing the difference between personal attacks and aggressive attacks on public figures...

I believe personal attacks are bad for the site... and should not be allowed.
...but in this anti-PC climate, civility has become a sign of weakness.

How do you get around that?...
I don't know.

I don't think treating "like for like" works to good either.

It really isn't that hard of a thing to do.
Do you argue with everyone, everyday, who causes you grief?

Do you chase someone who cut you off?
Cut in line?
Said something lame of stupid?
Do you get in the face of a salesperson who is rude, demanding to see management?
Do you get pizzed because your 10 buck 12 ounce beer at the sporting event only held 9 ounces after the foam settled?

Me thinks a lot of folk around are like petulant children back in grade school.....
You had to try and manipulate others to your side in order to prove to another kid what a turdball they were.

Is it so tough to figger out that if you don't like Mexican food DON'T go into a Mexican restaurant?  

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by MShipley on 07/25/18 at 10:29:13

It's not that 'this section can now be closed', because of the implication that it 'won't alter anyone's opinion', but rather 'it should be closed because it's simply a steaming pile of dogsh!t, and it give the entire site a putrid odour.

Compare and contrast this forum with the forum, which in many ways is identical apart from the specific bike. Namely both bikes are Suzuki, and both bikes are 30 year old designs. Both forums have similar amount of very knowledgeable members and both have a similar level of activity.

There are community participation threads and tech threads. However the suzukisavage site has this putrid political forum which I find to be an embarrassment. It wasn't so bad before Trump because closet racists and black hearted nationalists (as opposed to patriots) would generally be a bit reticent about coming out.

However with Trump his modus operandi to stay in power is not to win the popular vote but to strategically win key states and key lobby groups, gun rights groups, and evangelical hypocritical christian groups. The only way to use these groups in a strategic way is to divide the nation and set Americans against Americans.

The way to do this is to play on fears, which is what the immigration bs does. So knowing this Trump purposely makes it OK to be a racist prick, this is why Rosanne Barr can come out and likenl Valerie Jarrett to Planet of the Apes. This is not the first either I refer you to this article where Pamela Ramsey Taylor referred to Michele Obama as 'an ape in heels'.

Trumps reinforces this with his 'sh!thole' countries remarks. Then after the Charlotteville racist 'there are fine people on both side', it's again a sly dogwhistle to say it's not only OK to come out as racist but it's OK to come out as a white supremacist.

Now what has this got to do with this forum today, I don't hear you ask? This... like Rosanne Barr the closet racists who on the whole are as thick as two planks and therefore unable to argue a point, find a forum for their stupidity and ugliness and feel empowered. Somehow they can now air their ugly creepy racism with apparent pride and they shore each other up.

This is what Trump has let out of the box. This ugliness is always there in any society but only in autocratic, theocratic or fascist regimes do we see it out in the open.

Whether or not opinions are changed is not the point, the point is that this forum has become just another platform for the right wing nut jobs, and as you can see from the forum, this political section is utterly f.ucking unnecessary.

First amendment, first amendment, they cry but there's no such thing as first amendment on a private forum, there's not such thing as 'censorship' on a private forum. And anyway there already is censorship, if I said what I really think I'd certainly be censored.

The forum has become so ugly that I can post a link to a worthwhile article to read and then the first post comes in by one of the nut jobs who post here referring to a different thread where I suggested Australia's free health care as a reason why I would not be jealous of the United States, as his only answer to a post of mine was that I 'must be jealous'. He then uses that remark as a first post in a thread with only a link to an article to say suggest I make use of my country's free health care, implying of course that I must be mentally ill.

Now one can only feel sorry for someone so creepy as to come up with that as an answer to a thread premise, but the point I'm making is that is what this forum has become. I would be embarrassed to send anyone to this Suzuki savage site now in case they came across the ugliness of this forum and I certainly will refrain from any further contributions to this site as long as the political forum remains.

However there is an alternative and that is proper moderation and I'm willing to do it. What that means is that posts with any personal attacks or indeed any personal references are automatically removed only what someone has written should be address, you address remarks.

Next anything that is off topic, should also be removed. After all this is a political forum.  People can then feel free to post even right wing nut job stuff, but then if someone answers their post with a factual reply they don't have to worry about getting abused. So we do not censor anyones opinion but we do remove personal abuse as an answer.

So if anyone wants to complain about the removal of this forum then please explain why we all do not agree to proper moderation. We can have a debate, a sticky thread where everyone can come in an agree to a set of rules that we all follow. That way once we've all agreed then we can self moderate. How does that sound.

For example I would suggest no personal abuse at all. I can't see how anyone could possibly object to that. Then perhaps we might debate what we consider to be personal abuse and where the limits are and once we all agree then we post it up as a detail forum rule.

Then if anyone feels these agreed forum rules are broken it can be reported to a mod like Serowbot who can remove the post based not on his personal opinion but based on the agreed rules.

It's one or the other, remove the forum or agree to proper rules. The only other way is the pile of dogsh!t that we currently have

[color=#ff0000]Are you kidding me?????? all you said above is it is the fault of everyone that does not think like YOU. I am insulted and think you should be kicked off just because of your presuppositions laid out about everyone that is a conservative and voted for and like Trump.  Actually take the time to look at what you are saying. This is the problem with the left and progressives in general. You want to mark everything you don't like as bad and silence it. Personally I think the problem is that I post relevant articles and the left wing nut jobs that still follow the Socialist Obama have to interfere with my conversation. Every statement posted above is political.

I rarely post out here, not because of the crazy Trump loving Right wing nuts but because of the Trump hating Left wing nuts.

You think this is because of Trump? This crap has been going on for years out here. In fact I would tell you the decisiveness really took off about ten years ago when Obama was elected and spent the next 8 years dividing America. It is what progressives do. If we silenced every person on the left that hurt my feeling or insulted me on this forum there would be no one left.

If you need a "Safe Place" go to another forum. THAT IS FREEDOM.[/color]

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Serowbot on 07/25/18 at 10:54:13

66756D70756373140 wrote:
[quote author=7167706D75606D76020 link=1532492637/0#4 date=1532532548]
I don't think treating "like for like" works to good either.

It really isn't that hard of a thing to do.
Do you argue with everyone, everyday, who causes you grief?

Do you chase someone who cut you off?
Cut in line?
Said something lame of stupid?
Do you get in the face of a salesperson who is rude, demanding to see management?
Do you get pizzed because your 10 buck 12 ounce beer at the sporting event only held 9 ounces after the foam settled?

Me thinks a lot of folk around are like petulant children back in grade school.....
You had to try and manipulate others to your side in order to prove to another kid what a turdball they were.

Is it so tough to figger out that if you don't like Mexican food DON'T go into a Mexican restaurant?  

Thanks for the lecture,.. now take a look at yourself...
Did I attack you personally?...
We are discussing civility here...

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by jcstokes on 07/25/18 at 11:31:12

And if you don't like. care for, or concern yourself with what appears to be American politics and social issues, stay away from this part of the forum. I usually do.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/25/18 at 13:25:35

696070776C686670030 wrote:
And if you don't like. care for, or concern yourself with what appears to be American politics and social issues, stay away from this part of the forum. I usually do.

Can I say BINGO without hurting your feelings?  ;D

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/25/18 at 13:28:14

3026312C34212C37430 wrote:
[quote author=66756D70756373140 link=1532492637/0#6 date=1532535167][quote author=7167706D75606D76020 link=1532492637/0#4 date=1532532548]
I don't think treating "like for like" works to good either.

It really isn't that hard of a thing to do.
Do you argue with everyone, everyday, who causes you grief?

Do you chase someone who cut you off?
Cut in line?
Said something lame of stupid?
Do you get in the face of a salesperson who is rude, demanding to see management?
Do you get pizzed because your 10 buck 12 ounce beer at the sporting event only held 9 ounces after the foam settled?

Me thinks a lot of folk around are like petulant children back in grade school.....
You had to try and manipulate others to your side in order to prove to another kid what a turdball they were.

Is it so tough to figger out that if you don't like Mexican food DON'T go into a Mexican restaurant?  

Thanks for the lecture,.. now take a look at yourself...
Did I attack you personally?...
We are discussing civility here... [/quote]

Now take a look at yourself, while I am looking at myself  ::)

How this escapes folks, I've no clue.
I guess you can fault others because you is civil, they ain't.....
That is so convenient.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/25/18 at 13:37:56

5B48504D485E4E290 wrote:
I take no offense.
I think you miss the premise of what I shared.
If anyone needs others to believe, behave, etc, in such a manner, and they don't......

Au contraire, young Ray, it is you who misses the point, which is that you do not see the analogy between ordinary laws of society. God really has nothing to do with this.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/25/18 at 13:42:06

787161667D797761120 wrote:
And if you don't like. care for, or concern yourself with what appears to be American politics and social issues, stay away from this part of the forum. I usually do.

When you say 'care for' do you mean 'care about'? Because I do not care for American politics being down here in Oz, but I do care about the impact that your crazy pants president has down here, not to mention our soldiers end up dying in pointless US wars from Vietnam to Iraq.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by faffi on 07/25/18 at 14:10:50

Personally, I think there are two ways to run a section like this on a primarily motorcycle-related forum; very limited moderation or only motorcycles discussed.

I'm also a member of KZ650 forum, and every time we start discussing politics or religion, things heat up pretty much like here. Unlike this site, though, people quickly moderate themselves and see that we have more fun discussing bike-related stuff and try and solve technical issues rather than argue with each other over topics we will never agree on anyway.

Since I joined more than 6 years ago, just one member was banned altogether. Why? Because he constantly tried to start arguments, regardless of the topic, plus going after members he disapproved of. Other than that, as mentioned, people moderate themselves.

So to finally get to the point; my suggestion is to leave this section as is or close it completely. General moderation tend to leave half unhappy and the other half happy, which again will stir their own angry discussions.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/25/18 at 14:33:10


This is just a new twist, tactic, of PC mindset.
I will be civil if you are.
You don’t Agree with me, you ain’t civil  ;D
Love it.
That should sustain you for a spell.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/18 at 17:58:28

They only want
Common Sense gun laws.
They decide what common sense is.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/26/18 at 01:45:03

64776F72776171160 wrote:
This is just a new twist, tactic, of PC mindset.

Actually the twist is all yours, we ask for forum rules to stop pointless flaming on (as Trump would say) all sides. Yet it appears that only those who support Trump want a forum with no rules. Why is that do you suppose?

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/18 at 02:11:34

It's been fine for years.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by MShipley on 07/26/18 at 04:17:25

Some actually believe in freedom! Freedom means you can say and think what you want even if I don't like it. I have been in and out of this forum for many years. It is no different today than then. The forum dosn't change just because you or I show up or leave. The forum does not create incivility! The people do.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/26/18 at 06:37:23

4B594D4E595F5D380 wrote:
[quote author=64776F72776171160 link=1532492637/15#15 date=1532554390]Haha....
This is just a new twist, tactic, of PC mindset.

Actually the twist is all yours, we ask for forum rules to stop pointless flaming on (as Trump would say) all sides. Yet it appears that only those who support Trump want a forum with no rules. Why is that do you suppose?[/quote]

You do not need anyone’s permission.
Just do it yourself, if you feel its needed, and will make things better.
Lead the way, sorta going against the flow, like Trump  ;D

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/18 at 06:50:46

Okay,... so it's settled...
Everyone will act like a grown up,... except for the children.


Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Eegore on 07/26/18 at 07:37:43

 I think we should set up a forum initiative identifying what a child is and how they act so we know who is a child or otherwise acting like one.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/26/18 at 09:10:11

4464666E7364010 wrote:
 I think we should set up a forum initiative identifying what a child is and how they act so we know who is a child or otherwise acting like one.


Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by MnSpring on 07/26/18 at 12:42:03

“… It wasn't so bad before Trump because closet racists and black hearted nationalists (as opposed to patriots) would generally be a bit reticent about coming out….”

So, it was fine, before Trump was elected.
But now it is bad, because, someone says, ANYONE, who voted for Trump are: “…closet racists and black hearted nationalists…”
And give the inference that they are NOT, “…patriots…” ?

(And of course, it is entirely Trumps fault, Barr and Taylor, said the things they said)

“…we ask for forum rules to stop pointless flaming…”
Really, Wow, Outrageous. WHO could possibly be doing that  ?????

“… it appears that only those who support Trump want a forum with no rules. Why is that do you suppose?  …”

Could it be that a group of people, are spending to much on ‘Burn Creme’ ?

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/18 at 12:51:31

Since being a nationalist, which I assume is to prefer and support and want prosperity for my country, is apparently wrong,
I'd like to know what others call being a nationalist
What is a patriot?
I figure I'm as much or more of a patriot as anyone here.
Somehow I don't believe my understanding of the word is what the left envisions when they read the word.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Serowbot on 07/26/18 at 12:56:51

Nationalism is the "Family Feud" version of patriotism... :-?

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by verslagen1 on 07/26/18 at 13:03:43

7660776A72676A71050 wrote:
Nationalism is the "Family Feud" version of patriotism... :-?

with ketchup?

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/18 at 13:14:14

Then would someone be so kind as to at Least help me identify childish behavior?
Is that childishness or an admission that you can't define the words you use?

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by LostArtist on 07/26/18 at 14:26:44

this sounds good to me:

Patriotism is the love and affection one feels for his country. The feeling of patriotism is based on the values a country espouses and the way it strives to improve. Patriotism is based on the belief in the inherent goodness of the system of government in a country, and the goodness of its people. The word patriotism is derived from the word patriot, from the Latin word patriota meaning fellow citizen, and the suffix -ism, meaning a system or doctrine.

So when some of us want to extend our constitution over non-citizens, that's patriotic.

Nationalism is the love and affection one feels for his country. However, nationalism is rooted in the belief that one’s country is superior to all others, and carries the connotation of disapproval of other nations or a rivalry with other nations. While patriotism does not disparage other countries, nationalism builds up one’s own country by tearing other countries down. Nationalism supports dominating other countries. The word nationalism is derived from the word nation, which comes from the Latin word nationem meaning origin or tribe, and the suffix -ism.

When someone imposes tariffs on our allies due to "national security" and a fundamental misunderstanding of the words "trade deficit." because he wants to "win." that's nationalistic. (maybe not the best example)

words in red are my own, not from the cited source. so they aren't nearly as refined or thought out.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by MnSpring on 07/26/18 at 17:30:26

322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 wrote:
They only want
Common Sense gun laws.
They decide what common sense is.

I get such a Kick out of that.

Every time I hear someone say:
 ‘Common Sense Gun Laws’,
I say:  “Ok, What are they ?”

And I get the;  “Um,  Oh,  well, ah, maybe, well, ah, well, um, uh,  …”
(And the Doe in the headlight look)

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/26/18 at 18:40:14

I ask direct questions
Get childish responses
But I'm the goofball.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/26/18 at 18:41:24

694A7754564D4A43240 wrote:
[quote author=322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 link=1532492637/15#16 date=1532566708]They only want
Common Sense gun laws.
They decide what common sense is.

I get such a Kick out of that.

Every time I hear someone say:
 ‘Common Sense Gun Laws’,
I say:  “Ok, What are they ?”

And I get the;  “Um,  Oh,  well, ah, maybe, well, ah, well, um, uh,  …”
(And the Doe in the headlight look)

No, ya just gotta read between the lines of their ears....
Common sense would be for only short people, like Bot, to possess...
That is why they call them “squirt guns”  ;D

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/27/18 at 09:52:24

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
Since being a nationalist, which I assume is to prefer and support and want prosperity for my country, is apparently wrong,
I'd like to know what others call being a nationalist
What is a patriot?
I figure I'm as much or more of a patriot as anyone here.
Somehow I don't believe my understanding of the word is what the left envisions when they read the word.

Without understanding what you mean when you say
I don't know if I agree.
If you don't want to explain it, then don't be shocked that
You're uncomfortable with the chaos.
How about answering simple questions?
Wouldn't you want that for a rule.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/18 at 02:10:17

I guess if it's not a rule, you don't care.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/18 at 09:04:06

This is why I didn't get excited about the rules idea.
I have seen it before.
Funny how it's lefties who want rules
While they totally fail to behave in the simplest way to be decent.
They won't Explain what they mean.
Won't answer basic questions.
Unless everyone understands the definitions, how can we discuss?
I guess some people need a rule, but why not just answer my questions?

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/28/18 at 09:41:05

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
This is why I didn't get excited about the rules idea.
I have seen it before.
Funny how it's lefties who want rules
While they totally fail to behave in the simplest way to be decent.
They won't Explain what they mean.
Won't answer basic questions.
Unless everyone understands the definitions, how can we discuss?
I guess some people need a rule, but why not just answer my questions?

Perfect, nuff said.
Thread closed  ;D

Edit: Jog, it defaults to their reasoning of only trying, wanting to help....
How can ANYBODY or ANYONE be against that?
I preach and witness about my savior, how he can make EVERYONES life better.
How if we were to be like Jesus, civility and selflessness would be the norm.
I mean, I am only trying to help....right?

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Eegore on 07/28/18 at 09:44:13

 Before questions are even asked there needs to be standards in place such as:

Keep dialogue productive
Strive to meet the goal, not derail it
Don't complain, don't label, don't get offended
Agree and move on or disagree and move on - but move on

 Another one that would apply here is to just accept answers instead of continually asking more questions to try to get an answer you agree with.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/28/18 at 09:47:59

5676747C6176130 wrote:
 Before questions are even asked there needs to be standards in place such as:

Keep dialogue productive
Strive to meet the goal, not derail it
Don't complain, don't label, don't get offended
Agree and move on or disagree and move on - but move on

 Another one that would apply here is to just accept answers instead of continually asking more questions to try to get an answer you agree with.

I love your spirit, but sadly, this has never been the case in the world, much less a lil’ motorcycle board.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Eegore on 07/28/18 at 09:52:22

 Yeah I have no reason to believe the above guidelines would be attempted.  Why would they?  The forum keeps going so why change?

 Those guidelines are more for engaged groups of people working together, not really open forum on the internet where there's minimal, if any, consequences for what you say.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by raydawg on 07/28/18 at 10:01:04

5171737B6671140 wrote:
 Yeah I have no reason to believe the above guidelines would be attempted.  Why would they?  The forum keeps going so why change?

 Those guidelines are more for engaged groups of people working together, not really open forum on the internet where there's minimal, if any, consequences for what you say.

Yeah, accountability sure is selective, ain’t it?
Look how long Harvey the rapist and all his other Hollywood media’s got a pass.
But hey, when defending your own, it’s only sex.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/18 at 10:50:45

I have seen
Used as if they are bad.
But, I don't understand.
So,I asked for the definitions.
But I need rules to follow?
Just type your definition of the words I've asked about and YOU can help create a better forum.
No rules needed.
Common sense Wil solve problems.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/18 at 13:37:38

I guess having rules to squabble over is more important than actually creating an environment that allows ideas to be dissected and analyzed.
Gosh, has anyone seen my shocked face?
Oh, never mind, I took it to the masseuse to get the cramps rubbed out.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Eegore on 07/28/18 at 14:15:11

 I asked someone on here to provide references on a topic that they claimed they had multiple times but they refused, and still continued the conversation.

 I asked multiple times about what jobs were brought back by Trumps policies and never got an answer.

 It happens.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the yforum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/18 at 14:26:27

Expecting me to GO FIND articles I've read and referenced is not even close to asking for someone who is wanting Rules of engagement and such explain what they mean by a word.
Jobs have returned
Different employers
Different job titles
The Magic Wand worked.
Only Trump COULD have done it.
Obama couldn't.
He didn't even believe it was possible.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by faffi on 07/28/18 at 15:20:16

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/28/18 at 15:33:35

That doesn't speak for itself.

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/18 at 06:24:13

09292B233E294C0 wrote:
 Before questions are even asked there needs to be standards in place such as:

Keep dialogue productive
Strive to meet the goal, not derail it
Don't complain, don't label, don't get offended
Agree and move on or disagree and move on - but move on

 Another one that would apply here is to just accept answers instead of continually asking more questions to try to get an answer you agree with.

Very well put Eegore.  I agree.

(but I have to admit, it's pretty funny to look at the very thread that asks about moderation goes off the rails as it does...)

Title: Re: Let's agree to moderate the forum.
Post by Eegore on 08/02/18 at 09:58:02

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