General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Get used to it

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/18 at 11:07:34

Title: Get used to it
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/18 at 11:07:34

The manufactured Trump is a bad guy crap is gonna wear out. Stay outraged, stay unhinged, and watch. If Trump wins, we win, and the swamp sends operatives to prison. Former FBI aren't immune.

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by raydawg on 07/22/18 at 12:31:54

JOG, I do believe a organized faction pushed back against Trump....
C’mon, it doesn’t take much intellectual ability to see how the media, DNC, academicians, entertainment, etc, wanted Hillary.
Remember, she was passed over by a lot of these folks in favor of Obama.
She has never overcame her unfavorable handicap.
Trump really is a aberration, he is so far outside the mainstream of politics, that folks believed, in a sense, having him saddled in the presidency was like having just anyone who bought a ticket, to fly on a big jetliner, was ok to fly the jets itself....

Yeah, it’s all part of the swamp for sure, however I don’t see it as a deep state, or any attempt at dismantling our constitution.
Like with BC, his problem was not sex, he made it worse by lying and covering up, as was watergate, a stupid zealot staff member who tried to circumvent the system....
The cover up is what gets ya.

All of this will come out in the wash eventually, even Trumps dirty laundry, and we will move in, hopefully the wiser.

Just look at how imbedded sexual misconduct was allowed in so many places of power, it wouldn’t have if Hillary had won, I am pretty certain of that.
Look at the employment numbers  in the minority community, those are real and extremely encouraging...
It shows the wisdom of teaching a man to fish, he now can provide, instead of waiting for someone to give him a fish....
That is a lesson learned, and never to be forgotten.

Look at the good stuff, not the bad stuff, that is how the media makes its money, and buys power with their lies....

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by faffi on 07/22/18 at 13:58:02

I can get used to this new balance in your posts, raydawg [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Or perhaps I'm just giving them the proper attention  [smiley=shocked.gif] [smiley=grin.gif]  

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by raydawg on 07/22/18 at 14:48:44

0700070708610 wrote:
I can get used to this new balance in your posts, raydawg [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Or perhaps I'm just giving them the proper attention  [smiley=shocked.gif] [smiley=grin.gif]  

Be careful, I might be trying to sell you something  ;D

Really, just use our lives as example....
I will lend myself the luxury of including you in this observation too, because the odds greatly favor me  ;)
Wouldn’t you say this is a true statement:
We know a lot less, than what we DO know....
However, our need to be right, or accepted, etc, allows us to surrender our own opportunities at witnessing ( truth ) and we rely on the testimony of others as a means to justify ourself.....

And we wonder why we have conflict in our lives?

It’s funny, we see the foolishness of the guy flying the plane because he bought a ticket.....
Yet, that is exactly what we do, except we listen to that guy as a expert, before we try and fly the plane  ;D

I think I should just walk, heck, in some cases, I am still crawling like a baby  :-*

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by faffi on 07/22/18 at 15:21:18

I can agree with that. Also, we tend to be very judgmental, especially towards people who are different (opinions/colour of skin/way to dress, political, religion, car, home etc ad nauseam).

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by raydawg on 07/22/18 at 18:20:10

7671767679100 wrote:
I can agree with that. Also, we tend to be very judgmental, especially towards people who are different (opinions/colour of skin/way to dress, political, religion, car, home etc ad nauseam).

It’s because we are prejudice, I believe...
It’s like our 6th sense, we use it to cypher the equation(s) that we hold no knowledge of.
It’s normal, but it now carries a negative connotation because folks have used it out of context.
That has caused a lot of confusion, as well as giving a forum to over generalizations.

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by Eegore on 07/23/18 at 06:51:52

 Wasn't the initial investigation not over the content in this article but over Papadapoulos?  Should one text derail an entire investigation, of any kind?

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by Serowbot on 07/23/18 at 07:47:34

Get used to it,... like you did with Obama?... ;D

I don't think I'll need to...

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/18 at 07:52:38

We did.

I never saw 'Resist' signs in front yards. I never saw videos of people beaten because they had on a "Yes we Can" cap. I never saw the midterm election based on a future impeachment.

We got used to it. We got used to healthcare thrown into a mess, we got used to North Korea nukes, we got used to dead Ambassadors, we got used to liberal Supreme Court nominees, we got used to 'you didn't build that', we got used to a lot of things.

Then there was an election. We won. Get used to it.

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by Serowbot on 07/23/18 at 08:08:10

There is a difference...
Obama was fairly elected, and won with a majority.

Trump won by negative 3 million votes and had help from an enemy state illegally hacking the election...

I don't think getting used to that is a good thing.
This embarrassment needs to go...

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/18 at 08:19:59

Trump won fairly. What was unfair? Trump's won just as fairly as Obama won.

You want unfair: Kennedy beat Nixon because of crooked Chicago. Bush beat Gore despite Dan Rather's lies and Gore's attempt to use lawyers to win.

My Cardinals lost a world series to the KC Royals because of an obvious umpires mistake. Who won that series? The Royals did.

No one can demonstrate Russian ads changed the votes of the 100,000 or so in those five key states that swung the election. Hilary never even set foot in Wisconsin.

I thought Obama was an embarrassment as did millions others, but again, I didn't see Resist signs, I didn't see people beat up and I didn't see an entire election based on electing enough congressmen to impeach. The left is unhinged.

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/18 at 08:23:51

Don't you remember how the right went nuts and threw nuts at the windows of a coffee shop?
Me neither

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/18 at 08:45:39

The question is; does anyone believe Russian involvement, which as far as I've heard was only Facebook and some TV ads, convinced enough people in those five states to switch their votes?

yes or no.

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by Eegore on 07/23/18 at 08:57:49

We did.

I never saw 'Resist' signs in front yards. I never saw videos of people beaten because they had on a "Yes we Can" cap. I never saw the midterm election based on a future impeachment.

We got used to it. We got used to healthcare thrown into a mess, we got used to North Korea nukes, we got used to dead Ambassadors, we got used to liberal Supreme Court nominees, we got used to 'you didn't build that', we got used to a lot of things.

Then there was an election. We won. Get used to it.

 I saw "Terrorist" signs with Obamas portrait on it.  I saw a section of highway blocked off and tons of damage done due to his deportation process in southern California.  Pretty much daily I heard of how bad Obamacare was.

 I saw a lot of investigation into his birth certificate.  

 I didn't see him providing the media with more ammunition to use against him on social media pretty much every day.  If he slept around he did it so well that nobody went public about it, if he thought it was ok to grab women's girl thingies he was smart enough to keep it from being recorded.
 The best thing Obama did was be boring to a lot of youth.

 I'm not saying its equal, but I did not see an absolute complacency to Obama's policy, I saw a lot of resistance but that observation is just mine not a data based overview of actual media coverage or sign placement.

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/18 at 09:20:13

I'm not saying its equal,

That's an understatement. Let's just be clear, there's nothing remotely similar between opposition to Obama and opposition to Trump.

The 'resist' movement is exponentially greater, more violent and worst of all, condoned by the vast majority of the news outlets and the entertainment world.

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by raydawg on 07/23/18 at 09:37:51

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
There is a difference...
Obama was fairly elected, and won with a majority.

Trump won by negative 3 million votes and had help from an enemy state illegally hacking the election...

I don't think getting used to that is a good thing.
This embarrassment needs to go...

Have you moved yet?

So, your promise is as good as the intel you have on collusion and a swayed election......

ZIP, as in NADA  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by faffi on 07/23/18 at 12:21:49

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
The question is; does anyone believe Russian involvement, which as far as I've heard was only Facebook and some TV ads, convinced enough people in those five states to switch their votes?

yes or no.

Absolutely yes. Because it wasn't the ads or the commercials (never heard of either before) but the deliberate fake news as well as targeted news/topics based upon people's opinions. So they could either outrage people or excite them. It wasn't just the Russians; Trump had an office doing the same thing, using Facebook as a means to target individuals specifically. I am convinced this made the difference.

That said, Obama was the first to use Facebook as a low cost, but effective channel to reach voters. He may have used similar tactics to Trump had they been available then, who knows.

But if we disregard the election for a moment, for us mere mortals this phenomena is devastating because not only will fake news escalate in general; fake news will also become more effective because "they" will hand us fake news that we want to hear/believe, and hence the effect will become massively more effective.

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by raydawg on 07/23/18 at 13:42:25

Useful fools is nothing new......

It plays right into the hands of the elitist, and aristocrats, like only white male landowners, are smart enough to decide these matters.....

Kinda like a Black man can't rise above his roots without the liberals.....
And if he strays off that belief/plantation, votes for a conservative, he is no longer a REAL black man, but a sell out Oreo.  

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by LostArtist on 07/23/18 at 13:44:49

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
We did.

I never saw 'Resist' signs in front yards. I never saw videos of people beaten because they had on a "Yes we Can" cap. I never saw the midterm election based on a future impeachment.


cause I saw ALL of those things....  

except replace "Resist" with NObama signs,  and I don't think Obama had "Yes We Can" caps.... maybe he did, and maybe his followers just aren't the cap wearing kind...  But there was violence at some, (not most) Tea Party rallies, and conservative republicans MOST DEFINITELY ran on Impeaching Obama  

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by LostArtist on 07/23/18 at 13:46:16

5C4F574A4F59492E0 wrote:
[quote author=7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 link=1532282854/0#9 date=1532358490]There is a difference...
Obama was fairly elected, and won with a majority.

Trump won by negative 3 million votes and had help from an enemy state illegally hacking the election...

I don't think getting used to that is a good thing.
This embarrassment needs to go...

Have you moved yet?

So, your promise is as good as the intel you have on collusion and a swayed election......

ZIP, as in NADA  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

why the antagonism???  

what happened to the balanced ray????  

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by LostArtist on 07/23/18 at 13:52:34

455A5C5B4641704070485A561D2F0 wrote:
Don't you remember how the right went nuts and threw nuts at the windows of a coffee shop?
Me neither

no, but I head about them vandalizing Obama's family monument, which was to Michelle Obama...

or Vandalizing a car with a Pro Obama bumper sticker :

and while we're at it,

"1. Fired 22 employees

In Las Vegas, a small business owner fired 22 of his 114 employees because Obama was elected and "elections have consequences." The owner told a local radio station he needed to build up a "nest egg" because of "taxes and regulations" Obama would instate. (CBS Local)

[READ: Bloomberg to Ration Gas in New York]

2. Asked the Queen of England to "take us back"

An open letter on the conservative Free Republic apologizes to the Queen of England for "that little misunderstanding we had 236 years ago," and asks the United Kingdom to please "forgive us and take us back." (Free Republic, Gawker)

3. Initiated a boycott against Democratic neighbors

Former Ron Paul aide Eric Dondero, who blogs at, says his response to Obama's reelection is a "personal boycott" against Democrats, be they friend, foe or neighbor. In a Q & A with New York Magazine's Daily Intel, Dondero said the boycott means he just might ignore a drowning Democratic neighbor. (Daily Intel)"

so, we can go tit for tat all day long if you want...  

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/18 at 18:39:19

so, we can go tit for tat all day long if you want...

No we can't. I would win by a mile. Anti-Trump lunacy outnumbers anti-Obama lunacy by a billion to one.

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by raydawg on 07/23/18 at 20:14:42

795A46417447415C4641350 wrote:
[quote author=5C4F574A4F59492E0 link=1532282854/15#15 date=1532363871][quote author=7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 link=1532282854/0#9 date=1532358490]There is a difference...
Obama was fairly elected, and won with a majority.

Trump won by negative 3 million votes and had help from an enemy state illegally hacking the election...

I don't think getting used to that is a good thing.
This embarrassment needs to go...

Have you moved yet?

So, your promise is as good as the intel you have on collusion and a swayed election......

ZIP, as in NADA  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

why the antagonism???  

what happened to the balanced ray????  [/quote]

I ain’t perfect  ;D

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by LostArtist on 07/24/18 at 12:54:08

596B6C7D7A6B7C436F7C650E0 wrote:
so, we can go tit for tat all day long if you want...

No we can't. I would win by a mile. Anti-Trump lunacy outnumbers anti-Obama lunacy by a billion to one.

keep thinking that....   fake news!!!!!   ;D

I have 8 + years of it, your guy is just getting started

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by MnSpring on 07/26/18 at 14:37:37

11322E291C2F29342E295D0 wrote:
I have 8 + years of it, your guy is just getting started

So, does that mean, you are really a, ‘closet’, Ultra-Liberal, when you say you are Not ?  

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by LostArtist on 07/26/18 at 15:41:39

52714C6F6D7671781F0 wrote:
[quote author=11322E291C2F29342E295D0 link=1532282854/15#23 date=1532462048]I have 8 + years of it, your guy is just getting started

So, does that mean, you are really a, ‘closet’, Ultra-Liberal, when you say you are Not ?   [/quote]

how do you figure that?  seeing what you want to see again huh?  

I just did a math problem....

Does someone have to be an "ultra-liberal" to have seen the abuse Obama took from the conservative media for 8 years?  

I see the abuse Trump takes and yes, some of it is unfair, but I don't think he's been called the Anti-Christ yet, or accused of being in a movie as Satan, or hung and burned in effigy

Title: Re: Get used to it
Post by Eegore on 07/26/18 at 16:34:13

 Why does it matter?
 Specifically why is there a supposed measure of which President has more negative publicity?  How could this even be assessed accurately since there are so many variables, including how each President has interacted with the media.

 Things change.  You could always get off the couch, or even donate to media outlets that support and publish your views.  You could even avoid the "Stern Effect" and stop viewing the media that you disagree with, get in the information and opinion vacuum and maybe be happy with what you see.

 Or maybe we could not care which President has it worse, that's my choice. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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