General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Change the title

Message started by WebsterMark on 07/17/18 at 05:05:11

Title: Change the title
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/18 at 05:05:11

You could just as easily change the title to: One motorcycle forum, two radically different narratives.

The writer of the cartoon dilbert, wrote a book and he describes it as if we're watching different movies.

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by Eegore on 07/17/18 at 05:57:11

 If it weren't for the radically different narratives this would be a boring section of the forum.  

 A lot of online traffic now uses algorithms to direct us to like-minded websites and such so having people share different ideas instead of just reinforcing their own is a good thing in my opinion.

 I could do without the insults and the petty jabs at each other since what we think about each other doesn't change how the other feels about any topic.  

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/18 at 06:41:55

Variety is the spice of life.

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by raydawg on 07/17/18 at 08:04:24

4E6E6C64796E0B0 wrote:
 If it weren't for the radically different narratives this would be a boring section of the forum.  

 A lot of online traffic now uses algorithms to direct us to like-minded websites and such so having people share different ideas instead of just reinforcing their own is a good thing in my opinion.

 I could do without the insults and the petty jabs at each other since what we think about each other doesn't change how the other feels about any topic.  

Yeah, but again, what about PC doctrine?

Trump IS the result of its rampant manifestation, and implementation.....

Do you doubt that?

BTW, I love being challenged, it either shores up my beliefs, or tears them down, not much middle ground, tho it does exists..... for folks in this type of domain, not so much.

However, lots of folks out there who really just go on with life, playing by the current rules, and prolly have a lot happier free time  ;D  

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by Eegore on 07/17/18 at 14:23:09

"Yeah, but again, what about PC doctrine?

Trump IS the result of its rampant manifestation, and implementation.....

Do you doubt that?"

 If you are referring to Political Doctrine then yes I somewhat agree.  

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by raydawg on 07/17/18 at 14:57:03

49696B637E690C0 wrote:
"Yeah, but again, what about PC doctrine?

Trump IS the result of its rampant manifestation, and implementation.....

Do you doubt that?"

 If you are referring to Political Doctrine then yes I somewhat agree.  

I see it as a major component.

Tell me, is Berkeley our role model of civility?

That is not free exchange and debate.....
Neither is Hollywood, CNN, that is indoctrination, like a cult religion.
Why not defeat wrong, misguided beliefs, with dialogue?

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by Serowbot on 07/17/18 at 15:35:23

2E3D25383D2B3B5C0 wrote:
Tell me, is Berkeley our role model of civility?

That is not free exchange and debate.....
Neither is Hollywood, CNN, that is indoctrination, like a cult religion.
Why not defeat wrong, misguided beliefs, with dialogue?

Is Trump our role model for civility?... Is his dialogue the cure?...

Is the cure to a flawed role model, election of the worst role model possible?
Would you tolerate any of Trump's behaviours in your own child?...
Would you allow your child to call people the names Trump has?,... to treat women as he does?... to use the language he does?... to lie like he does?... even to eat what he does?...

Trump is not righting PC,... he's playing to the ugly side of America's humanity.

On the Right,... the number of White supremacists running for office is markedly up...
On the Left,... the number of women running for office is markedly up...
Which direction is for the good of America?...

That was rhetorical... Please don't try to defend White Supremacy...
That's Trump's job

Trump is your wrecking ball...
You can't build anything with a wrecking ball...

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by raydawg on 07/17/18 at 15:55:28

No, Trump in a loud mouth buffoon, I have said that many times....
However, you keep failing to understand he is the result of the loudmouth liberals how use the same tactics he does.
That is what is driving folks like you looney.
It’s all funny, haha, hump Sara Palins kids, etc,
Then get mad when it’s on you.

Go back and look at some of your post prior to the election....
You were condescending, cocky, and rude, often.

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by Serowbot on 07/17/18 at 16:11:57

485B435E5B4D5D3A0 wrote:
Go back and look at some of your post prior to the election....
You were condescending, cocky, and rude, often.

I treat like with like...  
Don't you see yourself here?...

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by raydawg on 07/17/18 at 16:56:37

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
[quote author=485B435E5B4D5D3A0 link=1531829111/0#7 date=1531868128]
Go back and look at some of your post prior to the election....
You were condescending, cocky, and rude, often.

I treat like with like...  
Don't you see yourself here?...[/quote]

That is a wee bit like, “ I know you are, but what am I?”

Of course I do.
I have stated that those of us who post in this forum are the “useful fools” that the media and other operatives make money on, etc.
Look at the extremes.
Obama was going to turn the USA into a Muslim nation.
Trump is a Russian traitor now, selling out the USA.

Can’t you see that, is the question?
You want repair?
You gotta give and take.....
You want respect, respect others.
No where does it say we have to agree, that is never the goal to solving issues....
But set the example, and stay above the pettiness....
That just shows weakness of argument.

Now of course we all are guilty of this, everyone....
That was what organized sports were suppose to teach us.
You play your best.
You accept the results.
And you play again, a new game, win, or lose....
That taught us to be humble with winning, and good sports, with losing.

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by WebsterMark on 07/17/18 at 17:27:20

On the Right,... the number of White supremacists running for office is markedly up...
On the Left,... the number of women running for office is markedly up...

I'm calling BS on this as a fact and that it means anything.

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by raydawg on 07/17/18 at 17:57:17

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:

On the Right,... the number of White supremacists running for office is markedly up...
On the Left,... the number of women running for office is markedly up...

I'm calling BS on this as a fact and that it means anything.

Yeah, it’s right up there with if you eat carrots, you are gonna die  ;D

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by MnSpring on 07/17/18 at 18:20:51

2D3B2C31293C312A5E0 wrote:
"... Trump is your wrecking ball...
You can't build anything with a wrecking ball...

Let’s see, one has a building, that is a Piece of $hit.
To build a new one, the old one has to come down.

Hmmm, seems to me, a, “…wrecking ball….”, is needed !

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/18 at 05:09:11

Is Trump our role model for civility?... Is his dialogue the cure?...

Is the cure to a flawed role model, election of the worst role model possible?
Would you tolerate any of Trump's behaviours in your own child?...
Would you allow your child to call people the names Trump has?,... to treat women as he does?... to use the language he does?... to lie like he does?... even to eat what he does?...

Hell no, I wouldn't. But I didn't hire Trump to be a role model. I hired him to pull us out of the fire we're in from the last guy who WAS hired as a role model.

Times were desperate and we got the only man who could do the job. There will never be another Trump.

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/18 at 06:08:24

142621303726310E223128430 wrote:
There will never be another Trump.

Praise Jesus...

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/18 at 06:12:32

162423323524330C20332A410 wrote:

On the Right,... the number of White supremacists running for office is markedly up...
On the Left,... the number of women running for office is markedly up...

I'm calling BS on this as a fact and that it means anything.

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country. The GOP is terrified.
"In at least five state and national races across the country, the Republican Party is dealing with an uncomfortable problem. Their party’s candidates are either a card-carrying Nazi, a Holocaust denier, a proud white supremacist, or all of the above."

All The White Supremacists Running For Office In 2018

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/18 at 06:49:11

This means nothing without historical figures from the past and you should know that. The article didn't provide figures from the past as a means to judge any significance. Wonder why?  I can show where there are socialists (remember Nazi Germany was socialist) are running for office now but that doesn't mean anything without data from previous years either.

And so what if nuts are running in greater numbers? Extremists from both sides are emboldened. It would only be a genuine issue when the mainstream of one of the Parties supports them and frankly, the left is far more likely to go in that direction. Mainstream Republicans would never support a Klan member (Dems did, remember?) but mainstream Dems are supporting soft socialist now.

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/18 at 08:04:05

Hitler was "socialist" in name only...
The Party name was a subterfuge,... and you know it.

Yes,.. extremist's on both sides are emboldened...
The Right side extremists happen to be racist Nazis...
Why are they emboldened?...
Because Trump is one of them....

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/18 at 08:44:48

That's f'ing nonsense. Trump is not a closet KKK racist extremist. Get real If so, pretty funny caused he's hired plenty of blacks in his life.

He's got a different take on things than you do so you call him a racist rather than confront the realities of today's world.

If I find a report showing black on white crime increaded during Obama's term,(which I'll bet was the case)  would you also assume he was one of those pushing for violent confrontation against whites? No, and I wouldn't expect you to.

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by Serowbot on 07/18/18 at 09:47:47

Does this sound socialist?...
It sounds Trumpian to me...

From WIKI...

National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism (/[ch712]n[ch593][ch720]tsi[ch618]z[ch601]m, [ch712]næt-/),[1] is the ideology and practices associated with the Nazi Party – officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) – in Nazi Germany, and of other far-right groups with similar aims.

Nazism is a form of fascism and showed that ideology's disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system, but also incorporated fervent antisemitism, scientific racism, and eugenics into its creed. Its extreme nationalism came from Pan-Germanism and the Völkisch movement prominent in the German nationalism of the time, and it was strongly influenced by the anti-Communist Freikorps paramilitary groups that emerged after Germany's defeat in World War I, from which came the party's "cult of violence" which was "at the heart of the movement."

Title: Re: Change the title
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/18 at 09:59:55

None of those things apply to Trump.

For one thing, anti-semitism is a problem on the left, not the right and
eugenics was the original sin of the lefts favorite "not for profit" Planned Parenthood which has done more to lower the black population than anyone else could have imagined.

As was recently seen in #sidewalksusie (look it up if you're on twitter), the left seems to have an awful lot of closet racist. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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