General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Who could have seen that coming?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/18 at 09:25:49

Title: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/18 at 09:25:49

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by LostArtist on 07/16/18 at 12:24:35

that's your croneyism in work for ya

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by raydawg on 07/16/18 at 13:44:52

62415D5A6F5C5A475D5A2E0 wrote:
that's your croneyism in work for ya


Make it 1000 bucks a hour.
We can all live happily ever after  ::)

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/18 at 04:27:36

How is that a croney capitalist issue?
Dems carried the torch
Dems pushed for the$15.00 minimum wage
It screwed things up
Now they are reversing course
And you see crony capitalism...

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by MnSpring on 07/17/18 at 16:48:31

65465A5D685B5D405A5D290 wrote:
that's your croneyism in work for ya

WHAT   !!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheese and Rice, the Democrats, in one case, actuality woke up, and realized, “what happens when ideology crashes into reality”.

And you CRY ?

Cheese and Rice !

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/18 at 21:26:21

Yet, the NEXT IDEA that erupts in that skull will be accompanied by a certain knowledge that he has never been Wrong so this new idea will be a good one.

You can't legislate wealth.
If you can, then why not$100.00 per hour?

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by WebsterMark on 07/18/18 at 05:03:41

This bombed in Seattle. It bombs anywhere its tried. In St Louis, there was this push for $15 min wage and a day long strike at fast food places to shine light on the issue.

My point is does a society really want fast food workers making enough money in a job like that? Honestly, it seems to me only the manager should make good pay, the other jobs are temporary or part time.

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/18/18 at 05:10:58

Employees should be paid what the job is worth. Merit raises are important.
Flipping burgers isn't fifteen bucks an hour work.

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by LostArtist on 07/20/18 at 08:53:26

glad you are all so happy with the voters' decision being overridden by corporations and their cronies in government...  

it's almost like you don't actually believe in democracy or something...  

oh, and these people are getting a cost of living wage regardless of whether they are paid if by their employers, they are getting it via the charity of whoever they live with, via government welfare, via food stamps, via ever other way they can... seems you all are okay with corporations redistributing their cost of labor onto other taxpayers...  seems like you are all okay with socializing the cost of work afterall

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by LostArtist on 07/20/18 at 08:56:00

716E686F72754474447C6E62291B0 wrote:
Employees should be paid what the job is worth. Merit raises are important.
Flipping burgers isn't fifteen bucks an hour work.

maybe, but flipping burgers, assembling sandwiches, cleaning out the grill, maintaining the grill, working in a hot kitchen, wiping off tables, cleaning bathrooms, cleaning the parking lot, taking out the trash, keeping an eye on stock so they don't run out, predicting the right amount of burgers to cook for a lunch rush so people don't get testy when they have to wait forever for a burger, etc....    I think it's getting there....  It'd be nice if minimum wage was tied to inflation at least.

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by LostArtist on 07/20/18 at 08:59:11

093B3C2D2A3B2C133F2C355E0 wrote:
This bombed in Seattle. It bombs anywhere its tried. In St Louis, there was this push for $15 min wage and a day long strike at fast food places to shine light on the issue.

My point is does a society really want fast food workers making enough money in a job like that? Honestly, it seems to me only the manager should make good pay, the other jobs are temporary or part time.

yes, I'd rather they make enought at ONE job so they aren't dragging @ss when the come in to make my food so they remember to be clean and sanitary and give a crap about the job they have instead of the 3 jobs they need just to live.  

but I understand that companies only see workers as a cost and not an added value... well, except In and Out Burger, they actually do a decent job with their employee wages. oh and Buckee's here in Texas, there's a reason customers LOVE those places, it's not because they have unique products.

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by MnSpring on 07/20/18 at 09:31:03

5A7965625764627F6562160 wrote:
"... well, except In and Out Burger, they actually do a decent job with their employee wages. oh and Buckee's here in Texas, there's a reason customers LOVE those places, it's not because they have unique products.

Goooooollieeeeeeee  Geeeeeeeeeeeee,

Ya think it could, possibly, be, that one company excels, and one does not, because the way they treat their employees ?

Rather than have the Ultra-Liberal, Progressive Socialists, DEMAND, Make a LAW, that something is done, the Way the, Ultra-Liberal, Progressive Socialists, wants, and NO  OTHER  WAY ?

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by faffi on 07/20/18 at 14:20:28

Why should flipping burgers be valued less than catching fish or producing corn or fixing cars? For one reason or another, jobs are valued not on how hard they are to do, but how much education they need and how many are able to do them, not how tired you are after a day's work. CEOs that suck at their job still make 10 or 100 times more than a brilliant burger-flipper.

I do agree specifically that making burgers should not be high on the agenda, just as with any kind of fast-/junk food. But that should IMO be politically regulated, not by keeping wages down. YMMV.

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by MnSpring on 07/20/18 at 17:21:59

7671767679100 wrote:
Why should flipping burgers be valued less than catching fish or producing corn or fixing cars? For one reason or another, jobs are valued not on how hard they are to do, but how much education they need and how many are able to do them, not how tired you are after a day's work. CEOs that suck at their job still make 10 or 100 times more than a brilliant burger-flipper. I do agree specifically that making burgers should not be high on the agenda, just as with any kind of fast-/junk food. But that should IMO be politically regulated, not by keeping wages down. YMMV.

OK, so, “…jobs are valued not on how hard they are to do, but how much education they need and how many are able to do them,…”.
So, how much education would it take to, ‘flip a burger’, and how many are able to do that ?
So, how much education would it take to, ‘operate on a Brain’, and how many are able to do that ?

Then is not your statement in Blue, above, contrary to, “…Why should flipping burgers be valued less than catching fish or producing corn or fixing cars?…” (Or Brain Surgery) ?

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/20/18 at 19:42:48

it's almost like you don't actually believe in democracy or something...  

Your neighbors tell you how much to pay YOUR employees.
It's time to realize that an employee who will COST $120.00,+unemployment insurance, plus workers compensation, plus the employers share of social security,   just might not be able to generate enough cash flow to justify that paycheck.

Yeah, just TELL the employer what that high school kid costs.

Talk about a tyrant..
That's what you want.
A pure democracy is nothing more than mob rule.

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by faffi on 07/20/18 at 23:59:04

Isn't just as much a tyrant to try and force people to work for as little money as you can get away with to maximize your own profit? That system is also why so much of the production in the world takes place in low cost countries where desperate people work for 16 hrs a day 7 days a week and still doesn't make enough money to keep from staying hungry, let alone being able to support a home.

Despite trying to provoke a little, I do not think a brain surgeon and a burger flipper should earn the same. However, I do think that a job worth doing should pay enough that two grown-ups doing it should make enough money to be able to support a small family without working more than 40 hrs per week each. Not a wealthy life, but clothes, food and a roof over their heads.

Title: Re: Who could have seen that coming?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/18 at 08:33:23

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