General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Ileagal Votes, again.

Message started by MnSpring on 06/29/18 at 10:57:57

Title: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by MnSpring on 06/29/18 at 10:57:57

(Starting a new thread so lost doesn’t get his/her underwear in a bunch)

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
By more than 3 million votes ?

6076617C64717C67130 wrote:
Does it matter?...
Illegal votes did not impact the election.
That's the point.

The, ‘POINT’, is.  I believe it matters, greatly.

Look at the Country, Most of the people that voted for HRC, lived in densely populated Urban areas.
Most of the People that voted for Trump, lived in Rural areas.

 Contrary to the many voices of the Ultra-Liberals, who were staying after the election, that the ‘Rural’ area are, (to the effect), Stupid people. And the Cities are the, Smart People.  Thus the, ‘Electoral Vote process.
Perhaps one has to view, that as, ’turned around’, now ?

To that point, how many ‘low income’, (Subsided) housing projects, (and like), are in the Rural area, compared to the Urban areas. ?

Now, I know a bit about the State I live in, and it has 10 Electoral votes.
(One vote for every Fed District, and 2 votes for the entire population of the State)
Minn has 8 Congressional Districts.
Of that, 5 , voted for Trump.  3, voted for HRC.

Of the three, 1st is the, ’Twin Cities’ area, 5 Counties, and the largest population’s, vs, land area, in the State.
Also the largest population of Somalians, in the USA,  Refugees brought here, 10 +/- years ago.. Also the largest population of homeless in the State. And a thriving population of people, whose, "Work", is to Not work.  They voted for HRC.

Next #2, The Southern S/E, corner. Home to 4+ Very Large, Nation known, business, who employ, (well Just about Any Breathing Body), and don’t look to close.  Which every year or two, get raided, pay a fine, and go on with business.

Now the 3rd, in the N/E corner of the State. These would be classed as the, ‘Limousine Liberals’, which Many of them, so NOT, spend the Winter in Minn. They voted for HRC.

Those three urban areas, have more population, than the rest of the State.  So the, ’State Vote was to HRC.
Here are the Numbers.  State total,  C = 46.9 / T = 45.4 %   County’s,  T = 60.1 / C = 34.1 %

So just the 3, Urban/Metro areas, out voted the 5, Rural areas, by  1.5%, That ALL,
YET, HRC, took ALL 10 ‘Electoral Votes’,

48 states have a winner-takes-all rule for the Electoral College. In these States, whichever candidate receives a majority of the popular vote,  takes all of the state’s Electoral votes.
Their are only 2 States, Maine and Nebraska, which each ‘District’, vote, (1)  is recorded, and the total States vote, (2) is recorded.
(ALL  States need to go this, and its IS, a  States Decision)
So Minn would have been 5 for C,  and 5 for T. Calf would have been 34 for C, and 21  for T.

All this is interesting.  Yet still does not, PROVE, their is a whole Bunch of Illegal voting going on.
And, proof, rather hard to get, just like, you sitting on the couch with a beer & a book, a knock at the door, and a Cop their, asking, “Did you go through that stoplight yesterday”. What ya Gonn say ?
Which is the same as Fed asking a States Auditor, ‘You let anybody who is not a Citizen vote”.
What ya think they will say ?

So it is, Observing. like watching water run downhill on my driveway. And if I never saw a river, believing water runs down hill their also.

I, have Observed, BUSSES, of people, getting out at a Polling place, being handed a piece of paper, then back on the buss, going to another poling place, handed a piece of paper, then doing the same thing over and over again.
(Al Franklin’s   RIGGED  Election)
I have Observed, a area next to the River in the T/C’s, Change. Where one could go anytime. Movies, Restaurants, Bars, Parties, all sorts of fun.  Today, you don’t even go near their, in the DAY time.
I have Experienced 2  people telling me, that, a  ’so & so’  for 100.00 Cash will make you up a ‘green card, and a SS card which looks real.  Working in two different small towns, in central Minn.
All in a State, where one has to, ‘Prove’ a Citizen to vote.

So I believe that a State/City, which has NONE, and or does NOT enforce ANY  relegation to vote.
Which has a population of of 35 MILLION, MORE people than Minn. 
A  State, which, Allows, ANYBODY to Vote.
Does not have any, Illegal people voting ?
 Does Water tun, UP  Hill ?
 (Gee no wonder can’t find any Ocean Front lots around Tucson AZ)

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by Serowbot on 06/29/18 at 11:19:34

I think yer' panties are bunched up...

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by Eegore on 06/29/18 at 14:04:12

 Are there any investigations that prove there were illegal votes cast?

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by verslagen1 on 06/29/18 at 15:43:49

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by Eegore on 06/29/18 at 16:31:41

 I was hoping for something more current, but then again without due process its just speculation.

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by MnSpring on 07/06/18 at 13:12:17

Let’s see.  The  multitudes of Illegals voting, especially in Calf, ‘does not happen'.
According to a person who has his head deeply in the sand, and another who has to see the, ’numbers’ in a ’study’, which have been, ‘peer reviewed’.

“No one knows how you voted”, is what a former POTUS, who was campaigning for HRC said.  And the Media gratefully repeated it, over and over and over, and over and over, and over again. And the Illegal Alien, ‘Voted’, because he/she heard, (or was told), ’No one knows who, voted’.  (Yes Virginia, their is a difference, as to what was said, and what some people, ’thought’ was said, and it was Deliberate !)

So a commission created to discover illegal votes, is much the same as Police, coming into a restaurant and asking. “Is their anyone in here, who has put, no parking cones, in front, then when the place is full,  parked where the cones were, after picking them up and putting them in the trunk ?  If their is, please step forward and receive your ticket”.
They will NOT  get a truthful answer.

So in a State, which has a much higher requirement to be able so Vote, there are Huge cases of multiple votes, which are covered up by the States AG. (Gee lookie who wants the job now !) And a area which has a large portion of illegals, shows a vote, which does NOT reflect the People that Work and PAY, in this State.  Has a Problem. (By Observation)

What kind of a problem would a State, oh lets say, Calf, have ?  (By Observation)

The solution?  A Requirement  proof, of Citizenship.

But of course, the DFL  spends 100 times MORE money, (to do whatever they do to get a vote for them), than they could spend in, paying for a B.C. for, poor people that qualify under some program.

Speaking of B.C.’s, I got one in 1970, and recently for another one, (for the enhanced MN DL, which STILL has not happened), and it said the SAME things !

Again the mechanics of the solution.
A D.L., (or ID card)  has two boxes to check on it.  
One says Citizen.   One says Not Citizen.
And a D.L/Identity card, is required to Vote.
Again, can’t afford a ID card & B.C. one of the poor programs will help.

Then, after that is in place, their will be numbers on a piece of paper, to push back and forth on a desk.

In the meantime.  Get on the horn, and get your State to be like Maine & NE, as far as the Electoral Vote.
(Which if Calf was, the State vote would have been 34 C, 21 T.   Not 55 C.)

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by verslagen1 on 07/06/18 at 13:27:04

We could do like them 3rd world countries and require a finger print with a stain that won't wash off.

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by MnSpring on 07/06/18 at 13:33:54

776473726D6066646F30010 wrote:
We could do like them 3rd world countries and require a finger print with a stain that won't wash off.

That would work well,
in the case of the same people voting Multiple Times.
As in how, Al Franken, was elected.

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by MnSpring on 07/26/18 at 17:13:55

“…San Francisco's Department of Elections last week made the move to start allowing non-U.S. citizens to vote in the city's school board elections,…”

What is  REALLY  Scary is:

“…31 percent said they supported the measure…”

(Wondering if those were the, 'non-U.S. citizens' ?)

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/28/18 at 01:06:24

2F392E332B3E33285C0 wrote:
I think yer' panties are bunched up...

Maybe Mn should get a three pack of manties™ and share them round with Ray and friends.

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by LostArtist on 07/30/18 at 12:27:53

50734E6D6F74737A1D0 wrote:
“…San Francisco's Department of Elections last week made the move to start allowing non-U.S. citizens to vote in the city's school board elections,…”

What is  REALLY  Scary is:

“…31 percent said they supported the measure…”

(Wondering if those were the, 'non-U.S. citizens' ?)

school board does not equal national elections ....

Title: Re: Ileagal Votes, again.
Post by MnSpring on 07/31/18 at 11:48:21

5F7C60675261677A6067130 wrote:
school board does not equal national elections ....
Interesting, guess you have never lived outside of TX,
So you don’t know, have never seen, or experienced,
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