General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Creditor has no-firearm policy

Message started by Eegore on 06/25/18 at 09:11:17

Title: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by Eegore on 06/25/18 at 09:11:17

 So I got a briefing about a quick message from a creditor that I don't even use.  It outlined the companies policy regarding the financing of firearms and that it no longer would issue a line of credit to businesses dealing with firearms.

 I know US Bank, and Citigroup did this, I am not sure what other companies are jumping on board.  

 Luckily I run my business on capital but its nice to know ahead of time who I can and cant do business with I guess.  Sounds like good business for creditors that have good lawyers, there will be a gap there that needs filled.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/18 at 13:06:13

Hey, fine with me. I won't be spending money with them.
It's not as if all lenders are rabid lefties. Why, I've even seen references here about how it's the bubs who own everything..  guess not, huh?

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by Serowbot on 06/25/18 at 13:29:15

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
Why, I've even seen references here about how it's the bubs who own everything..  guess not, huh?

Are you sure Trump is your guy?... ;D

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/18 at 22:15:51

After all I've seen in life, no, I'm not Sure HE is, but I am certain Nobody Else was. How it all plays out will be something to think about. One thing is certain, if he fails, it won't be because he was supported by the establishment. The FBI whitewashed Hillary and so many others, and are doing their best to destroy Trump. That's what they do to the good guys. Maybe you haven't figured that out.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by WebsterMark on 06/26/18 at 04:35:22

I agree Jog. Trump was not my first choice to carry this flag into battle but he was the only one who could have.

I remember thinking during the Republican primaries that a vote for Cruz would most likely mean a HRC presidency but a vote for Trump could mean chaos out in the open. When I voted for Trump in the primary, I wasn't convinced he could win the general election. In the end, I decided on bringing chaos out into the open. I wanted the cultural war.

I think the midterms will be good for the Republicans,  will maintain control of both houses. If the two years afterwards match these two years, Trump will win reelection and the nation will divide even further.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by LostArtist on 06/26/18 at 09:19:43

546661707766714E627168030 wrote:
I agree Jog. Trump was not my first choice to carry this flag into battle but he was the only one who could have.

I remember thinking during the Republican primaries that a vote for Cruz would most likely mean a HRC presidency but a vote for Trump could mean chaos out in the open. When I voted for Trump in the primary, I wasn't convinced he could win the general election. In the end, I decided on bringing chaos out into the open. I wanted the cultural war.

I think the midterms will be good for the Republicans,  will maintain control of both houses. If the two years afterwards match these two years, Trump will win reelection and the nation will divide even further.


"I wanted the cultural war. "

hence the soft civil war you were commenting on in another thread.

you seem to want to tear this nation apart...  

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by MnSpring on 06/26/18 at 16:49:02

Interesting, seems we have come back to the, 'Whites Only', restaurants of yesteryear.

With: "...companies policy regarding the financing of firearms..."

The eating establishments where , NO  Conservatives are allowed.

If you are white, you cannot shoot a Black person, regardless what they do.

If you are  Black, you can shoot a white, for no reason whatsoever.

If you sneak accost the border and say, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, it is perfectly alright to be given everything.

If you served your Country, and ask for a hot meal, you are told, 'go live under the bridge'.

A, 'deranged' person can shoot a bunch of people, and it is the, 'deranged' person that is to be punished.

Another, 'Deranged' person can do the same, yet it is the fault of ALL, the  people in a group of people.
  (And the 'Deranged', is dependent of the Political view, of the, "DERANGED' person)

And it goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.....

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by Eegore on 06/26/18 at 19:43:54

"If you are white, you cannot shoot a Black person, regardless what they do."

 Where is this happening?

"If you are  Black, you can shoot a white, for no reason whatsoever."

 Where is this happening?

"If you sneak accost the border and say, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, it is perfectly alright to be given everything."

 Is there policy I can look up on this?

"If you served your Country, and ask for a hot meal, you are told, 'go live under the bridge'."  

 Unfortunate that this is happening somewhere, I'd be interested in if these people are at a shelter or a restaurant where it is expected one pay for their meals.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by MnSpring on 06/27/18 at 07:59:45

59797B736E791C0 wrote:
"If you are white, you cannot shoot a Black person, regardless what they do."  Where is this happening?"If you are  Black, you can shoot a white, for no reason whatsoever."  Where is this happening?"If you sneak accost the border and say, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, it is perfectly alright to be given everything."  Is there policy I can look up on this?i]"If you served your Country, and ask for a hot meal, you are told, 'go live under the bridge'."[/i]    Unfortunate that this is happening somewhere, I'd be interested in if these people are at a shelter or a restaurant where it is expected one pay for their meals.

Sure I’ll bite

"If you are white, you cannot shoot a Black person, regardless what they do."
Where is this happening?
Just about all over the USA. Recent case in N. Mpls MN. A Black person shot by a white Police  person, (some Asian), who  was shot, AFTER, he said I have a gun, and the cop said don’t reach for it, don’t reach for it, and he DID.  And was was Acquitted in a trial, which happened Right After !  Where the Gov of MN, GAVE, his girlfriend, 12 MILLON, of  Tax Money to her, to set up a, ‘Fund’, for education, with her at the head of it.  (Sure would like to see the expense report on that fund)

"If you are  Black, you can shoot a white, for no reason whatsoever."
Where is this happening?
Same place/s.  Noor a Black Police, shoots a white woman in her PJ’s,  from the Passenger side of the cop car, and kills her in Cold blood. and he is sitting at home, with Full pay. Where the Henn. Co. Aty, Refused to charge him. Then after 8 months a Grand Jury was convened, (do to the protests, which were NOT,  stand in the street criers), and was found to be charged with Murder. Which he now Still sits at home, and NO  trial date is set, for the last 4 months. Also he got bail, at a much less rate that others. Seems rather apparent, he has several, ‘high level’  politicians, ‘Protecting’ him.

"If you sneak accost the border and say, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, it is perfectly alright to be given everything."
Is there policy I can look up on this?
Perhaps read a newspaper, or watch TV, or look on the internet.  Or wait, read this forum !

"If you served your Country, and ask for a hot meal, you are told, 'go live under the bridge'."  
Unfortunate that this is happening somewhere, I'd be interested in if these people are at a shelter or a restaurant where it is expected one pay for their meals.    
If it was a Shelter or a restaurant, or a person walking down the street, (to quote a now famous phrase), ‘What Does It Matter”.

It is a very simple fact, the Illegal immigrants are treated better, and with far more care, than some, Citizens of this Country are.
How many homeless, would LOVE, to live in a tent city, have 3 meals a day, have shelter, have health care.
Which is GIVEN  freely.
Until they can, go home, or start the process to be a Citizen.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by MnSpring on 06/27/18 at 08:22:38

7050525A4750350 wrote:
  "...Where is this happening? ..."

In re reading noticed no questions about:
"... A, 'deranged' person can shoot a bunch of people, and it is the, 'deranged' person that is to be punished.
Another, 'Deranged' person can do the same, yet it is the fault of ALL, the  people in a group of people.
 (And the 'Deranged', is dependent of the Political view, of the, "DERANGED' person)..."

Does that mean, that you agree that their is a great disparity when:
Two Deranged people, 'shoot' up a place.
And one, 'deranged' person is punished.
And the other, a, 'Thing', is also punished.
And it all depends on the, 'political', affiliation the 'deranged' person has. ?

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by Eegore on 06/27/18 at 10:16:15

 What I'm saying is that I do not know of a location where if a black male was in the act of killing others that he could do this freely and "you cannot shoot a Black person, regardless what they do."  This means we can observe but not intervene, or use non-firearm methods to stop him, but no guns.

 This means that for some reason somewhere people are either incapable of using a firearm, or the law protects black citizens from being shot even if they are committing crimes.  

 What you cite are court cases and judgements, but not locations or law "where you cannot shoot a Black person, regardless what they do."

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by Eegore on 06/27/18 at 10:18:05

"Does that mean, that you agree that their is a great disparity when:
Two Deranged people, 'shoot' up a place.
And one, 'deranged' person is punished.
And the other, a, 'Thing', is also punished.
And it all depends on the, 'political', affiliation the 'deranged' person has. ?"


Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by MnSpring on 06/27/18 at 10:35:24

7F5F5D55485F3A0 wrote:
 "...   What you cite are court cases and judgements, but not locations or law "where you cannot shoot a Black person, regardless what they do."

What I cite, is what has become the, ’new normal’.
 (No it is not the, ‘Law’, and you KNOW that)
No, one cannot walk down the street willy nilly and shoot anyone one wants.

Yet the recent events, Here, and in MANY other places,
show very clearly, one cannot shoot a black person, when it is totally justified.

If one does, Riots break out, Lies are spread, Their is looting, More Lies Shouted, Death threats shouted, destruction  of privet/public property.

ALL,  AFTER, beyond a shadow of a doubt, by Video, recordings, Eye witnesses, Jury’s, etc. it has been Proven, it was a Justifiable shoot.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by Eegore on 06/27/18 at 10:52:08

 One can shoot a black person, if it is justified, and if it isn't.

 I don't think people anywhere think they have to let black people commit crimes that justify a deadly response because of media coverage, or legal outcomes.  its nice to complain about but I don't actually know of anywhere that this is happening.  

 Don't shoot that black lady killing your kid, it might start a riot.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by MnSpring on 06/27/18 at 10:58:19

5676747C6176130 wrote:
"Does that mean, that you agree that their is a great disparity when: Two Deranged people, 'shoot' up a place.
And one, 'deranged' person is punished. And the other, a, 'Thing', is also punished. And it all depends on the, 'political', affiliation the 'deranged' person has. ?"


Good to know, that you do NOT  agree, that their is a Disparity, between, 'shooters', depending on their , 'political', view.
And a Disparity, on the, 'punishment', depending on their 'political', view.

(I will say this, as a, 'what if', which greatly amuses you)

So you believe, if a, 'liberal' shoots a 'conservative', all the talk is about that Person.
Yet if a 'Conservative' shoots a 'Liberal', and all the talk is about, BANNING, the tool used.

You believe that is perfectly OK.
(According to your answer)

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by Eegore on 06/27/18 at 14:34:56


 You asked: "In re reading noticed no questions about:"

 Then asked: "Does that mean you agree"

 The absence of a question regarding that section of your post does not infer that I agree.  It means I have no question about that section of your post.

 The lack of a question does not mean I agree.  When it was read to me it made little sense to myself or the person reading as there were components that needed clarification.  I decided to not ask at all instead of requesting clarification.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by MnSpring on 06/27/18 at 16:56:39

6040424A5740250 wrote:
 Incorrect. You asked: "In re reading noticed no questions about:"  Then asked: "Does that mean you agree"
 The absence of a question regarding that section of your post does not infer that I agree.  It means I have no question about that section of your post.  The lack of a question does not mean I agree.  When it was read to me it made little sense to myself or the person reading as there were components that needed clarification.  I decided to not ask at all instead of requesting clarification.

“…Incorrect.  You asked: “In re reading noticed no questions about:” …”

The above was a statement, not a question.

 “…Then asked: “Does that mean you agree”…”

That, was the question.

“… The absence of a question regarding that section of your post does not infer that I agree.  It means I have no question about that section of your post….”

I did ask a question, (as you stated incorrectly in the first line), in the second line, to which you Replied to.

“… The lack of a question does not mean I agree. …”

Again, you say their was no  question, yet state their was ?
 (Pick One)

"... When it was read to me it made little sense to myself or the person reading as there were components that needed clarification.  I decided to not ask at all instead of requesting clarification.  ..."

Can’t help it, if you and your friend, cannot understand.
Especially when it is explained twice.

Say, I just remembered, I have one of those double sided paddles, works real good for ‘back pedaling’,
ya want I send it to ya ?

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by Eegore on 06/27/18 at 17:02:25

 Ok lets clarify, I read a statement as follows:

"In re reading noticed no questions about:
"... A, 'deranged' person can shoot a bunch of people, and it is the, 'deranged' person that is to be punished.
Another, 'Deranged' person can do the same, yet it is the fault of ALL, the  people in a group of people.
(And the 'Deranged', is dependent of the Political view, of the, "DERANGED' person)..."

 Your statement is that you noticed no questions about the above paragraph.

 You then asked:

Does that mean, that you agreethat their is a great disparity when:...

 The answer is no.

 By not asking a question about the above paragraph I did not intend to imply that I agreed with it.  What I meant to convey is that I asked no question which you accurately observed.  The lack of questioning does not mean I agree.

 The simplest way to put it is that I did not ask a question about that specific paragraph because I did not have one.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by MnSpring on 06/27/18 at 17:51:06

2404060E1304610 wrote:
 Ok lets clarify, I read a statement as follows:"In re reading noticed no questions about:"... A, 'deranged' person can shoot a bunch of people, and it is the, 'deranged' person that is to be punished.
Another, 'Deranged' person can do the same, yet it is the fault of ALL, the  people in a group of people. (And the 'Deranged', is dependent of the Political view, of the, "DERANGED' person)..."
 Your statement is that you noticed no questions about the above paragraph. You then asked: Does that mean, that you agreethat their is a great disparity when:...  The answer is no.  By not asking a question about the above paragraph I did not intend to imply that I agreed with it.  What I meant to convey is that I asked no question which you accurately observed.  The lack of questioning does not mean I agree.   The simplest way to put it is that I did not ask a question about that specific paragraph because I did not have one.

“…Ok lets clarify, I read a statement as follows…”

 Absolutely, a Wonderful thing to do!

"In re reading noticed no questions about:
"... A, 'deranged' person can shoot a bunch of people, and it is the, 'deranged' person that is to be punished.
Another, 'Deranged' person can do the same, yet it is the fault of ALL, the  people in a group of people.
(And the 'Deranged', is dependent of the Political view, of the, "DERANGED' person) Your statement is that you noticed no questions about the above paragraph...."

Yep a Statement, which just before, you said, was a ‘Question”.

“… You then asked:
Does that mean, that you agree that their is a great disparity when:… “

The answer was no. …”

Yep,  THAT, was the question, to which you answered, NO.

“… By not asking a question about the above paragraph I did not intend to imply that I agreed with it.  What I meant to convey is that I asked no question which you accurately observed.  The lack of questioning does not mean I agree. …”

Send me your address, I will see if I can find that double edge, back peddling paddle.

“…The simplest way to put it is that I did not ask a question about that specific paragraph because I did not have one….”

So, does that means,  you do NOT, agree, with the fact theirs great Disparity, in a, ’shooting’, as to coverage, and ’solutions’, biased on Political affirmations ?

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by Eegore on 06/27/18 at 18:08:50

"Yep a Statement, which just before, you said, was a ‘Question”."

 That was a mistake, my intent was to indicate "statement".

"So, does that means,  you do NOT, agree, with the fact theirs great Disparity, in a, ’shooting’, as to coverage, and ’solutions’, biased on Political affirmations ?"

 No.  I did not ask a question because I do not have one.  The lack of a question does not imply agreement.

 For instance if someone states "The house is red.", or asks "Is the house red?" and I do not ask a question that does not mean I agree.  I may think the house is brown, but I do not have a question for the person stating they see a red house.

Title: Re: Creditor has no-firearm policy
Post by MnSpring on 06/27/18 at 18:23:48

6747454D5047220 wrote:
 "...  For instance if someone states "The house is red.", or asks "Is the house red?" and I do not ask a question that does not mean I agree.  I may think the house is brown, but I do not have a question for the person stating they see a red house.

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