General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> It is not enough..

Message started by LostArtist on 06/19/18 at 08:44:33

Title: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/19/18 at 08:44:33

It’s not enough to be gentle with those who are like us if we can’t find it in ourselves to be kind with those who are less fortunate than we are. The true test of our compassion lies in our ability to have concern for those least like ourselves.

––Keith Boykin

sounds inspired by the bible, good samaritan, the widow at the well parable, the kids that come up to Jesus parable

huh---  just though, Jesus didn't/doesn't have a zero tolerance policy...

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Serowbot on 06/19/18 at 09:12:54

The Right is loaded with compassion for a bundle of cells...
Once born and breathing,... meh,... not so much... :-/

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by raydawg on 06/19/18 at 11:28:21

Very sad for the children, however, the libs are like terrorist who use kids as human shields, to avoid repercussions for their actions....

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/19/18 at 11:45:57

293A223F3A2C3C5B0 wrote:
Very sad for the children, however, the libs are like terrorist who use kids as human shields, to avoid repercussions for their actions....

so, you're angry at the "libs" for calling attention to this sadness for the children....

are you also angry at the Trump administration for actually causing this sadness??  

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by verslagen1 on 06/19/18 at 12:08:06

Trump states that the Dems refused to negotiate on changing the law... is that true?

Would you rather they be fast tracked back to their country of origin?

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by raydawg on 06/19/18 at 12:09:21

Please, tell me how anger helps anything?
You assign me anger, yet it’s the libs who feel the need to cuss.
Out of what, justified anger?

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/19/18 at 12:50:47

47544C51544252350 wrote:
Please, tell me how anger helps anything?
You assign me anger, yet it’s the libs who feel the need to cuss.
Out of what, justified anger?

who's angry here? who's cussing here?  

you did call libs "terrorists" did you not? And then you assigned "to avoid repercussions for their actions" to them.  casting aspersions on them, did you do that out of love?  sure, you may not be in a outright rage about this, which is fine, but don't tell me you impartial. Or are you the only one allowed to have "justified anger?"

funny, I ask you about why you feel justified in your obvious anger (as mild as it may be) and you turn it around and blame the "libs" for cussing.... which I don't see in this thread.. where's the cussing?

you seem to think that your justified anger targeted to the "libs" is somehow enlightening this sad situation so that the only rational thing to do is to rally to your side

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/19/18 at 12:59:38

3A293E3F202D2B29227D4C0 wrote:
Trump states that the Dems refused to negotiate on changing the law... is that true?

Would you rather they be fast tracked back to their country of origin?

it wasn't true with the Gang of 8 bill back during the Obama administration....  Dem's negotiated then...

And Trump refuses to negotiate on one point, the wall, he won't do anything without the wall being funded---- I thought Mexico was going to pay for that....  

so did Trump lie?

oh, and Trump, by HIMSELF, could fix this without any laws being passed, he doesn't NEED Democrats help to fix this.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/19/18 at 13:23:13

oh, and who's using kids to get what they want?   before the Zero Tolerance policy put into place BY TRUMP/Sessions, this wasn't an issue.  They weren't getting any movement on their immigration policies so they made this policy as a "deterrent"

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Eegore on 06/19/18 at 17:40:09

"huh---  just though, Jesus didn't/doesn't have a zero tolerance policy"

 Jesus wouldn't be having these arguments at all.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by WebsterMark on 06/19/18 at 18:38:21

Jesus has the ultimate zero tolerance policy.

Where did anyone get the idea he has otherwise?

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by raydawg on 06/19/18 at 19:15:26

Well if this issue is bringing scripture into the public domain, I say GREAT....
Even Hillary is quoting it, well, after the water is turned into wine  ;D

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/18 at 20:48:04

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
Jesus has the ultimate zero tolerance policy.

Where did anyone get the idea he has otherwise?

Best laugh since I stole the
Snowflake Bible thing.

But you have a good point..
I'm just a wizeass

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/20/18 at 14:29:22

162423323524330C20332A410 wrote:
Jesus has the ultimate zero tolerance policy.

Where did anyone get the idea he has otherwise?

There's no sin Jesus hasn't already forgiven, he rejects no one, there's nothing you can do that he won't forgive.  

you are saved by GRACE, not by mercy

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/20/18 at 14:30:55


Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Serowbot on 06/20/18 at 14:49:30

JoG knows Jesus personally so he must be right.
Jesus hates Mexicans and South Americans... especially the children.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/20/18 at 14:50:14

6D7274736E6958685860727E35070 wrote:


Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Eegore on 06/20/18 at 16:08:08

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:

 Can you provide some references to this?

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/20/18 at 21:05:38

Read the bible.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Eegore on 06/21/18 at 00:15:04

 Which version.  Bible by definition isn't enough information.

 you say "wrong" in response to "Jesus has the ultimate zero tolerance policy" however given the size and number of parable located within both the Old and New Testament it would be helpful if some guidance for the location of the material you reference was made available.

 If your only possible answer for us to know why you think "wrong" is to read in its entirety multiple versions of the Holy Bible of Christianity then its unlikely anyone will know why it is you feel the way you do.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by WebsterMark on 06/21/18 at 05:34:02

huh---  just though, Jesus didn't/doesn't have a zero tolerance policy...

"I did not come to unite, but to divide. I've come to turn a mother against her son, a father against his daughter."

Jesus seemingly focuses on the "micro" meaning the individual is the subject. He might just as likely say to the illegal immigrant why are you breaking into someone's home (the USA) and stealing (welfare benefits)?

Who knows? I don't know what he'd say, you don't know what he'd say, other than I'm pretty sure he'd talk to the individuals involved and not to The President as an office holder or to members of Congress as office holders or to the group as a whole known as immigrants.

I can't recall a single instance where he involved himself in the politics of the day. When confronted once, he utter the "Render unto Ceasar" line. He told tax collectors as individuals to stop cheating, he didn't lobby the Roman government who allowed the practice because it brought them higher revenues to pass a law or enforce an executive order.

We operate in the world on two levels. The 40,000 ft level where common sense practices are put into place like immigration laws and border control. But we also operate down in the dirt where individual compassion supercedes laws like a helping hand to the widows and orphans.

There's a way to do both but you can't in the world of politics.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/18 at 07:14:58

5B7864635665637E6463170 wrote:
[quote author=162423323524330C20332A410 link=1529423073/0#10 date=1529458701]Jesus has the ultimate zero tolerance policy.

Where did anyone get the idea he has otherwise?

There's no sin Jesus hasn't already forgiven, he rejects no one, there's nothing you can do that he won't forgive.  

you are saved by GRACE, not by mercy[/quote]

There's so much screwed up with this.

Going to church and saying you believe isn't enough.
A relationship, based in a knowledge and understanding, that starts with a contrite heart, is the only way I understand.
Enoch figured it out

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by WebsterMark on 06/21/18 at 09:01:45

Going to church and saying you believe isn't enough.

Believe and Faith have similar but different meanings.

I sold a car one time to the friend of a friend of mine.

For that guy, while I Believe he's good for it, I asked for a cashiers check.

If my friend had been buying the car, I would have taken a check because I have Faith that the check is good or even if it wasn't he'd make good on it immediately.

That's the difference between belief and faith.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/18 at 09:21:25

That's one definition.

Who did God tell
" You will be arrested and taken before the magistrate and accused "?
And told
" Don't consider what words you will use in your defense  "
Because My words will be on your tongue in that moment. ?

That's faith.

My best recollection of the words, not exact quotes

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Serowbot on 06/21/18 at 09:23:24

A relationship with an imaginary being does not help in any intellectual argument.
Get off yer' high horse.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/18 at 10:30:16

The bible talks about people like you.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by MnSpring on 06/21/18 at 10:31:58

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
A relationship with an imaginary being does not help in any intellectual argument.
Get off yer' high horse.

So, you, ‘believe’ in NOT  believing.  Fine, that is your belief.
You state your opinion, that someone that believes in a Religion, and speaks to/hears/etc, a person, that person, (in your opinion) is, “… an imaginary being…”.
Again, that is fine, it is your Choice, to believe, in, Not believing in any Religion.

YET, your statement, “…Get off yer’ high horse…”, is telling someone,  unless they believe exactly as you believe, they are most certainly wrong.

And NOT, because of, ‘this or that’, but because of ONLY, they do not, ‘believe’ exactly in your, Non Believe, of Belief.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by WebsterMark on 06/21/18 at 14:42:25

6076617C64717C67130 wrote:
A relationship with an imaginary being does not help in any intellectual argument.
Get off yer' high horse.

If we had a Muslim on here, you'd never say that to him.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Eegore on 06/21/18 at 14:53:42

 What is an example of a sin that Jesus did not forgive?

 For instance did he inform anyone that their actions would indeed keep them from being absolved, or having their sins cast upon him?

 Theres got to be some exclusion to reference if one exists.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/21/18 at 16:23:17

415E585F42457444744C5E52192B0 wrote:
The bible talks about people like you.

you keep saying that but never actually provide proof, so again, I ask, Show me. YOU show me, not Ray who won't back up his argument, YOU.  

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/21/18 at 17:25:27

26393F3825221323132B39357E4C0 wrote:
The bible talks about people like you.

you know what, nevermind, I don't want to know what you're thinking.

the bible talks about all kinds of people,so I'll make my own assumptions...

and thank you


Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/21/18 at 18:00:24

Who did I reply to?

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by WebsterMark on 06/21/18 at 18:33:48

1535373F2235500 wrote:
 What is an example of a sin that Jesus did not forgive?

 For instance did he inform anyone that their actions would indeed keep them from being absolved, or having their sins cast upon him?

 Theres got to be some exclusion to reference if one exists.


There's an Old Testament reference to an unforgivable sin but that's taken to mean the rejection of Grace offered. Look at the thief on the cross.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/22/18 at 11:17:07

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
Who did I reply to?

well then, congrats Row!    :)

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by MShipley on 06/22/18 at 13:01:06

Mark 3:29 "But whomever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven: He is guilty of an eternal sin."

Jesus's words. This mean's that the rejection of  Christ and the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. However, God's grace and forgiveness is available to all who believe and repent.

However there are expectations. After all even the demons believe. Read Matthew 25:31-46. for expectations.

But before you point fingers at Trump, the USA or conservatives keep in mind. Everyone that comes to out country illegally gets fed, clothed, medical, availability to schools. None of these people are treated poorly. in fact most of them are waaaaay better off just being here.

JOG is right in that Jesus NEVER ask the government, church, or any authority for anything. It is always about personal responsibility. It is always directed to the Spiritual and eternal, never the physical or the now.

For Serow I would ask this: If there is no God what is the reference point you go to in order to define what is good versus what is bad?

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by LostArtist on 06/22/18 at 13:59:49

425C67667F636A760F0 wrote:
Mark 3:29 "But whomever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven: He is guilty of an eternal sin."

Jesus's words. This mean's that the rejection of  Christ and the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. However, God's grace and forgiveness is available to all who believe and repent.

There's another interpretation of that...   the verse specifically says "the Holy Spirit" you added in Christ. yeah, I understand the Trinity, but Jesus, himself, separated out the Holy Spirit, and each aspect of the Trinity is unique, So what is the Holy Spirit... ?  and that's actually a much deeper rabbit hole than I was expecting, as, surprise, there is some disagreement among biblical and Christian scholars and denominations about this...

it's a rather complicated idea...  I always thought of the Holy Spirit as the ethereal good will (God's will)  that moves between people in the world, the aspect of us that wants to give everyone the benefit of the doubt,

I found this "How can you tell if you're being led by the Spirit? By the "fruit" of your life—your attitudes and actions. Galatians 5:22-23 says, "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Are these things evident in your life? Two verses later, it says, "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.""  and I like that.

so if you are living by the Spirit then

but I'm far from perfect and could probably have a better understanding of all this.

However there are expectations. After all even the demons believe. Read Matthew 25:31-46. for expectations.

But before you point fingers at Trump, the USA or conservatives keep in mind. Everyone that comes to out country illegally gets fed, clothed, medical, availability to schools. None of these people are treated poorly. in fact most of them are waaaaay better off just being here.

most sure, but some. some were abused and we shouldn't turn a blind eye to those

JOG is right in that Jesus NEVER ask the government, church, or any authority for anything. It is always about personal responsibility. It is always directed to the Spiritual and eternal, never the physical or the now.

For Serow I would ask this: If there is no God what is the reference point you go to in order to define what is good versus what is bad?

defining what is good vs bad is a human cultural issue, there are differences throughout the world, there was "good and bad" in the time of the caveman, Aboriginal Australians are said to be the oldest human culture, they have their own "good and bad"  being isolated from most of the world, and Native American's had many gods and many tribes with many different "good and bads"  

and you know, I"m not really up to all this debate right now...  live and let live

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by MnSpring on 06/22/18 at 16:15:31

"...what is the reference point you go to in order to define what is good versus what is bad?..."

Just don’t know what someone, who believes in, not believing in something, believes.

After all,  when, a whole bunch of other people/religions, said, of a religion, who views/ideas, are Bad.
When that religion said.   [Today.  (not yesterday or eons ago),  But, Today],   that:
Throwing a certain kind of person off a roof,
Is Good.
Stoning a Wife to Death.
is Good.
Cutting the Clit off your 12 year old Daughter,
is Good.

And those religions/people, said it was Bad.

Bot said that religion was, Good !

Conclusion: Someone who believes in, Not Believing, is not a good reference point to go to in order to define what is good versus what is bad.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Eegore on 06/23/18 at 08:43:44

 ""But whomever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven: He is guilty of an eternal sin."

 Is that the only one?  I've been told being gay, not going to church, pre-marital sex, all kinds of things send us to hell.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by WebsterMark on 06/24/18 at 05:06:40

Assuming you’re serious, that that’s what you were told, who told you that?

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Eegore on 06/24/18 at 06:36:40

 I never kept track but a ton of Christian kids in high school had all these different parameters for not getting into heaven, Ive seen a lot of the anti-gay at funerals.  Not sure where else.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by MShipley on 06/24/18 at 12:01:32

Unfortunately,  many that claim the Christian faith know nothing of scripture or the gospel. God is Holy! Humans are not.

Romans 3:10 "There is none righeous not even one" . Anything that does not meet God's definition of Holy is considered sin. Romans 6:23 " the wages of sin is death". Because of our sin we all deserve death. And I promise you no human is innocent. John 3:16" God so loved the world that he sent his only son so that whomever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Man is not capable of making a way so God had to act. He did this even though humans and the world hated him. But there is a problem. God is Holy and a just God cannot let sin go unpunished. Therefore his son Jesus died a horrible death to pay the price of your sin and everyone else's sin. Therefore if you believe and accept this gift you are declared righteous and can now live in right relation with God. How do we do this? Simple, see Romans 10:9-13.

Are you a sinner? Yes, but so is everyone else and that is the point. Don't look to Christians, they are all sinners too. Look to Jesus.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by MnSpring on 06/24/18 at 12:11:24

7A5A58504D5A3F0 wrote:
 I never kept track but a ton of Christian kids in high school had all these different parameters for not getting into heaven, Ive seen a lot of the anti-gay at funerals.  Not sure where else.

To be sure we are talking about the same thing, and on the same page, when you say: “…Christian…” exactly what does that mean?
Is it a general form, of all religions that believe in any Deity/God ?
Or  a certain religion’s, Deity/God ?
Or certain religions, regardless of their Deity/God  ?

Next the word: “…kids…”, does that mean children of a certain age ? (If so what age)
Of a certain experience ?  Of a certain education ?

The post most certainly, ‘implies’, a meaning when: “…Christian kids in high school…”, is used.
Yet that implied meaning is not precise enough.
And not being precise enough can make a, ‘implied’, meaning, worthless.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Eegore on 06/25/18 at 07:13:49

Christian kids in high school

 Humans  both male and female within an age category of 13-18, mostly white and Hispanic, no known Asians.

 Christian means humans within the defined age group that call themselves Christian.

 That's all I know, I didn't really gather a lot of data on them when I was in high school.

" of all religions that believe in any Deity/God ?"

 I wasn't under the impression that "Christian" could be a member of all religions, but only Christianity.  Are Catholics also Christian?

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by MShipley on 06/25/18 at 11:27:10

 I wasn't under the impression that "Christian" could be a member of all religions, but only Christianity.  Are Catholics also Christian?

I always hit the go button too quick. Christians can not be part of another religion. Yes Catholics are a denomination of Christianity. There are a lot of debates on whom is and whom is not a Christian within the faith. Like all religions many people claim their faith purely on heritage.

For instance in the Bible the Jews claimed to be "saved" from their sin and inheritors of heaven simply because they were born Jews. Jesus however refuted this ideat.

The term Christian means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, concerned with imitating his teachings. To be like Christ.

Many years ago a man wrote a book on the top 100 influential people in history. Jesus was number 3. When asked why Jesus was not number 1 he replied that Jesus should be but there was a problem. Not with Jesus but with his followers.

I have always considered myself a Christian, I grew up in a Christian family but I spent the first 30 years of my life trying to destroy myself with drugs, alcohol, and crazy wild living. I woke up in a hospital and was given a year to live. It was then that I met Christ, head on, and in a whirlwind of life I became a Christian. That was 34 years ago and I have been sober ever since and have spent my life in a manner that I hope he finds worthy. There is a big difference in claiming the Christian faith and being a Christian.

Like I said. Look to Jesus, not to his followers. They are just people like you.

PS. there is NOTHING you have done that is bigger than Gods love for you and his Grace and Forgiveness.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by MShipley on 06/25/18 at 11:37:24

and you know, I"m not really up to all this debate right now...  live and let live

Actually my post wasn't about debate, someone said there was a verse about an unforgivable sin and I just provided the scripture along with the most common interpretation.

As far as my question to Serow it still stands. I understand Cultural definitions of good and evil. In some cultures people love their neighbors and in others they eat them! do you have a preference?

I study religion and philosophy and Serow has made more than a few anti-theistic comments and I am just curious what he uses as a reference point for good and evil. It's a simple question. there is no judgement in it.

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by Serowbot on 06/25/18 at 12:46:37

Just try to be the man your dog thinks you are...
That's more moral than most Christians...

Title: Re: It is not enough..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/25/18 at 22:22:56

6771667B63767B60140 wrote:
Just try to be the man your dog thinks you are...
That's more moral than most Christians...

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