General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> How would YOU do it?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 08:55:43

Title: How would YOU do it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 08:55:43

Anyone can criticize.
ANSWER the question.

You solve the problem.

This is what makes sense to me. Protect our border
Protect the kids

I can't wait to see the replies, especially from the ones who WON'T READ.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 09:05:35

 So you are asking other people to not criticize and solve the problem while presenting no potential solutions yourself?

 Just clarifying that you are talking specifically about the overcrowding of minors, and that you are defining only the overcrowding as the "problem" and not other things?  Is that correct?

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by MnSpring on 06/18/18 at 09:56:17

Here’s a Idea.  A ILLEGAL is Caught, with or without family.

Their DNA, and Photo is taken, all of them.

They are put on a Buss, and dropped off at the border, with a piece of paper,  telling them, if they are caught again, they ALL  will go to JAIL. Their will be, NO  Second chances, no Second attempts.  (That info also given verbally).  Because the DNA & Photo will confirm this is the 2nd time.

Result, the, ‘word’ will get out, ’not a good idea’.

If they are caught, and this IS, their second time, they go to Jail. And that Jail time shall be doing something that benefits.

The caveat to that. Is a, Jail in the US, is probably 1,000 times Better than one in Mexico, or like, and their will be a number who will, ‘want’, to get caught.

Just like several here in the US, (specially in cold country) where they commit minor crimes, and, ‘want’ to get caught, because for 6 months or so, when the snow flies, they will get 3 a day, showers, books, TV, etc, etc, etc,. Which is ALL so much better than living under a bridge in the summer.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 11:37:47

No dodging.
Ripping the Baybees from mommy's arms.

That's what everyone who doesn't like Trump is freaking out over.

The problem is lack of border security.
We wouldn't HAVE to remove children from their loving families IF their parents didn't ILLEGALLY bring them in.

Providing safe places and basic necessities for the kids is all a host country can do.
Military bases and tents are not unreasonable.

Better than hauling them to the desert and dumping them out.

Or, I guess it's okay to adopt a few.
You guys figure it out.
Maybe That's the answer , the people who are so distressed by the only reasonable solution, namely, incarceration of the ADULTS and providing food and shelter for the CHILDREN they dragged into the mess, can all get together and pool money and rent an apartment complex and house the kids.

I don't NEED to offer a solution.

I'm not having a snowflake meltdown over the enforcement of the Law
OBAMA signed into law.

Evil for eliminating Obama's unaffordable health care
Evil for not eliminating this reasonable law.

It's Almost as if Trump haters can't be satisfied with anything.

It's EEEEVIL now.
The MEDIA kept quiet about it while Obama's administration did it.

Look at the pictures from when Obama was president that they misrepresented and TRIED to lay off on Trump.


Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 16:01:09

 So the "problem" is people being upset with Trump and not Obama?

 What are you asking for a solution to?  I thought you meant overcrowding of children in detention centers.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 16:34:55

What everyone is screaming about?
It's not
Ohhh MUHGAWD, Trump is ripping BAYBEES from Mommy's arms.

What do they suggest?
Maybe don't break the law with your kids in tow..

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/18 at 17:25:18

Trump has to do this. He has to take actions that prevent others from making the trip up through Mexico. These are not refugees in the historical sense of the word. And the US has no obligation to accept immigrants who arrive on our doorstep.

I was raised by my mothers older sisters, my two older Aunts. They were raised during the depression in southern Missouri. I didn't realize it until I was older and was able to notice this, but they always ate the worst of the food and gave my sister the same. For example, we ate a lot of chicken and they always turned it over the ate the back meat and thighs.  My two older brothers and I got the pick of the bird, legs, breast and wings. When asked, they didn't necessarily realize they were doing this, but explained that as kids, the men always got the best food (aka most calories) because the rest of the household depending upon their strength to do the farm work and keep the house under repair.

Maybe a weak analogy but maybe not. The poor need a strong and free America to give them the best chance at achieving the same. Instead of importing immigrants, we should be exporting capitalism. Instead of importing illegals, we should be exporting law & order. What good does it do poor, corrupt South and Central American nations to lose those most able to travel north to escape?

Where is the conversation about reforming these nations instead of weakening ours? Where is that being talked about because I'm not hearing it.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 17:25:24

What everyone is screaming about?"

 That is what the article you referenced is talking about.  Of 14 paragraphs 3 address any conflict between party disparity regarding the change, and none address babies being ripped from mothers arms.

 You ask what we would do, and to provide a solution, however the reference material doesn't focus on people who complain about the policy with poorly structured sentences.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 17:59:15

Well, gosh..
I'm more aware of the screaming about how awful it is to remove children,,

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by eau de sauvage on 06/18/18 at 20:42:59

6F4C7152504B4C45220 wrote:
Here’s a Idea.  A ILLEGAL is Caught, with or without family.

Putting illegal in all caps doesn't make it true. It's not illegal to be a refugee.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 21:45:34

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
Well, gosh..
I'm more aware of the screaming about how awful it is to remove children,,

 Perhaps an article that addresses that as its primary intent would make it easier for people to understand what exactly you want a solution presented for.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/19/18 at 04:24:43

I'll repeat this:
The poor need a strong and free America to give them the best chance at achieving the same. Instead of importing immigrants, we should be exporting capitalism. Instead of importing illegals, we should be exporting law & order. What good does it do poor, corrupt South and Central American nations to lose those most able to travel north to escape?

Where is the conversation about reforming these nations instead of weakening ours? Where is that being talked about because I'm not hearing it.

We cannot take it the world. If 500,000 from South and Central America flood the borders next month, what would you suggest we do?

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by Trippah on 06/19/18 at 06:13:16

Gee, where did your parents, grandparents come from?  Population migration is real, and has and always will be.  Change in climate (lets not get into possible whys it is changing) may force a depopulation of the Indian subcontinent within our life time.  
The never ending wars in the middle east has uprooted millions, and Middle and South America have hot spots of brutality which is forcing people to leave their homelands.
The Great China Wall didn't stop the Mongol hordes, Hadrian's wall didn't stop them wild kilted ones from visiting.  
Perhaps another plague will hit soon (and HIV/AIDS as a man made designer plague according to some) heck, we have the child destroying disease spreading in Florida.  If we arm the insurgents with tactical nukes, then whole cities might vaporize and the whole war refugee problem will go up in smoke.
Tick tock. :o
Actually, Web makes a good point with his question, but helping the poor and excluding "illegal" aliens are not mutually exclusive.  The real issue there is that many blue collar jobs have been lost to automation, with many more to come (or go?).  What to do with vicious national leaders is apparently a never ending question, one we may have to grapple with soon here in the USA.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/18 at 06:25:40

485751564B4C7D4D7D45575B10220 wrote:
No dodging.
Ripping the Baybees from mommy's arms.

That's what everyone who doesn't like Trump is freaking out over.

The problem is lack of border security.
We wouldn't HAVE to remove children from their loving families IF their parents didn't ILLEGALLY bring them in.

Providing safe places and basic necessities for the kids is all a host country can do.
Military bases and tents are not unreasonable.

Better than hauling them to the desert and dumping them out.

Or, I guess it's okay to adopt a few.
You guys figure it out.
Maybe That's the answer , the people who are so distressed by the only reasonable solution, namely, incarceration of the ADULTS and providing food and shelter for the CHILDREN they dragged into the mess, can all get together and pool money and rent an apartment complex and house the kids.

I don't NEED to offer a solution.

I'm not having a snowflake meltdown over the enforcement of the Law
OBAMA signed into law.

Evil for eliminating Obama's unaffordable health care
Evil for not eliminating this reasonable law.

It's Almost as if Trump haters can't be satisfied with anything.

It's EEEEVIL now.
The MEDIA kept quiet about it while Obama's administration did it.

Look at the pictures from when Obama was president that they misrepresented and TRIED to lay off on Trump.


Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/18 at 06:27:21

566463727564734C60736A010 wrote:
I'll repeat this:
The poor need a strong and free America to give them the best chance at achieving the same. Instead of importing immigrants, we should be exporting capitalism. Instead of importing illegals, we should be exporting law & order. What good does it do poor, corrupt South and Central American nations to lose those most able to travel north to escape?

Where is the conversation about reforming these nations instead of weakening ours? Where is that being talked about because I'm not hearing it.

We cannot take it the world. If 500,000 from South and Central America flood the borders next month, what would you suggest we do?

Best post in a long time by anyone

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/19/18 at 06:29:18

Actually, Web makes a good point with his question, but helping the poor and excluding "illegal" aliens are not mutually exclusive.  

100%, they are not mutually exclusive.

Here's a thought, maybe worthy of a separate post.

Who lives their personal life closest to their political ideology? The left side of the spectrum or the right side of the spectrum.

I ask because it's just as often a sign of compassion to say NO as it is to say YES.

I would never agree to invite a dangerous person come into my house. That would jeopardize the safety of my family, kids and now grandkids. Likewise, I am against allowing dangerous people into the country because that jeopardizes the same things. More abstract? Maybe, but maybe not. I read a story about a high schooler who was hit and killed by a hit and run driver, illegal alien who snuck across the border. I don't know yet if he had contact with law enforcement and should have been deported before he killed this kid, but that situation has happened many times before.

So my question for the left side of the spectrum who are demanding we let in anyone with no questions asked who claims asylum, have you, would you let anyone into your house with your wife and children? If not, and I'm hoping that answer is no, why should the country do the same?

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/18 at 06:35:24

You ask a brilliant, and obvious, question. It's so obvious that it shouldn't need to be asked.
But considering the uproar, must be asked, just to see what they say.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by MnSpring on 06/19/18 at 06:48:14

5F4D595A4D4B492C0 wrote:
 Putting illegal in all caps doesn't make it true. It's not illegal to be a refugee.  

So ALL people  crossing the border, (US/Mexico), are ‘refugee’s’ ?

So  the US, should treat them all, just like Australia does ?
A Legal Immigrant, a ILLEGAL  Alien, a person who, ‘claims’ to be a Refugee, a ‘official’ refugee, all the same ?

Just like this:
"...When I first entered the Manus Island detention center in early November 2017, I was confronted with an apocalyptic scene. Toilets overflowed with urine and feces; campfires burned in litter-filled corridors; blood-red graffiti riddled the walls; and zombielike figures lay slumped at odd angles on dirty mattresses and tables. Australia operated and financed this immigration detention center in Papua New Guinea, 758 miles from the Australian mainland’s northernmost point...."


Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by MnSpring on 06/19/18 at 07:42:49

For the, ‘Panty In A Bunch’ people.

Policy in the US, to detain / return/ prosecute, is Just FINE.
 In fact it could be Harsher, as to the, Penalties’ of, ‘sneaking’ in.

Yet the, treatment, of the Prisoners, detainees, etc.
Is  MUCH  MUCH  MUCH  more humane,  than other countries, ‘which I have been told are MORE, civilized than the USA’.

Now for the people who believe, all the male/females, are married/couples. And the children with them, are theirs.
Found more, Ocean front lots, in Iowa.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/18 at 08:34:05

Nobody knows how many kids are being brought in to sell.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by verslagen1 on 06/19/18 at 08:39:27

7B697D7E696F6D080 wrote:
[quote author=6F4C7152504B4C45220 link=1529337343/0#2 date=1529340977]Here’s a Idea.  A ILLEGAL is Caught, with or without family.

Putting illegal in all caps doesn't make it true. It's not illegal to be a refugee.
But it is illegal to cross the border w/out approval refugee or not.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/19/18 at 18:42:14

46595F5845427343734B59551E2C0 wrote:
You ask a brilliant, and obvious, question. It's so obvious that it shouldn't need to be asked.
But considering the uproar, must be asked, just to see what they say.

Had a follow up thought.

Conservatives both talk and live pretty much the same way.
Liberals talk but live dramatically different.

True or false?

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/18 at 20:00:01

Well, Al Gore sure doesn't Do what he wants me to do.
But that's okay, because he's impotent.

Title: Re: How would YOU do it?
Post by WebsterMark on 06/20/18 at 05:53:30

This is a really interesting topic. I'm going to make a separate post and get more feedback. I really want to hear input. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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