General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Child cruelty is now US policy.

Message started by eau de sauvage on 06/17/18 at 22:39:55

Title: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by eau de sauvage on 06/17/18 at 22:39:55

Melania Trump has now spoken out against this shameful act, and for her to speak up against tiny hand Donald's own cruelty just shows how shameful it is. Laura Bush put it well...

Laura Bush, wife of the former Republican President George W Bush, went further and launched an outspoken attack on the policy.

"This zero-tolerance policy is cruel. It is immoral. And it breaks my heart," she wrote in the Washington Post.

"Our government should not be in the business of warehousing children in converted box stores or making plans to place them in tent cities in the desert."

"These images are eerily reminiscent of the Japanese American internment camps of World War Two, now considered to have been one of the most shameful episodes in US history," she added.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 06:48:09

All i see is
What's the option?
Grab a kid, cross the border and be left alone?
Mommies and daddies get separated from their kids every day, by the LAW.
And I didn't care who is screaming.
They are not more credible Trump criticizers because they are republicans.
Started it. So why is it bad
Answer the questions
I've asked before
And the
Just gets a new thread.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by MnSpring on 06/18/18 at 07:49:57

Cannot see the difference between, a Citizen of this Nation.
And a Crook, Thief, Lier,  
Or otherwise a, ILLEGAL Alien.

Now for the, “Panty In a Bunch Crowd”.
A  LEGAL, Alien,
Is Quite Different.

“…To be clear, there is no official Trump policy stating that every family entering the US without papers has to be separated. What there is is a policy that all adults caught crossing into the US illegally are supposed to be criminally prosecuted — and when that happens to a parent, separation is inevitable….”
“… Migrants who’ve been referred for criminal prosecution get sent to a federal jail and brought before a federal judge a few weeks later to see if they’ll get prison time. That’s where the separation happens — because you can’t be kept with your children in federal jail….”

So, again, for the, “Panty In a Bunch Crowd”.
Ah, makes no difference,  
They still gonna  CRY.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 07:57:15

 Are refugees illegal aliens now?

 If so it classifies them as criminals and the refugees status needs to be revised by the Supreme Court to reflect that being a refugee in the US now places one into the Federal Justice System.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by MnSpring on 06/18/18 at 08:24:06

From JOG’s Post.
Just added a couple of Key Statements.
“… the conditions at detention centers holding unaccompanied and separated illegal-immigrant children were “kept quiet under the Obama Administration.”…”

“…it’s not a matter that every single child that we have in those centers are being separated, because some of them are coming alone…”

Then about the, ‘photo’,.
“…there was this viral image of children being kept in a cage at a detention center. (Note: That image was not “ oral” in 2014; it became viral this year when it was dishonestly presented as reflecting current conditions. …"

“… one “little” problem: The photos involved are from a 2014 Arizona Republic story, i.e., they’re from the Obama era….”

“…The Washington Post published an item about the government’s alleged inability to determine the whereabouts of unaccompanied minors, and used two of those photos…”

Again for the ‘Panty in a Bunch Crowd’.
Those are, Absolute, Verifiable, FACTS

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by MnSpring on 06/18/18 at 08:27:25

0A2A28203D2A4F0 wrote:
   Are refugees illegal aliens now?    ..."

Are, Illegal Aliens, now, Refugees ?

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 08:34:05


Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 08:46:51

What do you suggest be done?
Why is it so bad?
How can it possibly be BAD?
OBAMA signed it into law, right?

If Trump reverses it, it's because he hates Obama, right?
Nobody wants to address this.
Gee, I wonder why

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 08:56:03

7E5D6043415A5D54330 wrote:
[quote author=0A2A28203D2A4F0 link=1529300395/0#3 date=1529333835]    Are refugees illegal aliens now?    ..."

Are, Illegal Aliens, now, Refugees ?


 Refugees are classified separately.  However considering your above statements I was inquiring if you knew of any changes to refugee status.

 Specifically as far as I know a refugee and an illegal alien are two different classifications of non-US Citizen.  However with recent changes I was asking if refugee status had been re-classified to be included in the federal prosecution phase.  This would not in application work in reverse, causing illegal aliens to be prosecuted as refugees.

Example 1:  A refugee from Sudan enters the US, claims refugee status and is heard in court to see if he qualifies.

Example 2:  A refugee frm Sudan enters the US, claims refugee status and is prosecuted for entering the US as an illegal alien, then is later heard in court to see if he qualifies as a refugee.  

Example 3:  An illegal alien from Sudan does not claim to be a refugee and is given refugee status.  

 Example 3 is not accurate, and is not what I am asking, however it may answer MtSpring's question: "Are, Illegal Aliens, now, Refugees ?"

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 08:58:13

7D6264637E7948784870626E25170 wrote:
What do you suggest be done?
Why is it so bad?
How can it possibly be BAD?
OBAMA signed it into law, right?

If Trump reverses it, it's because he hates Obama, right?
Nobody wants to address this.
Gee, I wonder why

 It seems to me that a lot of people want to address this.  

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 11:39:31

How can it possibly be BAD?
OBAMA signed it into law, right?

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by LostArtist on 06/18/18 at 12:57:52

4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 wrote:
How can it possibly be BAD?
OBAMA signed it into law, right?

cottage cheese

it smells...  

does it smell?

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by Trippah on 06/18/18 at 13:31:12

A timely discussion, I just watched "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" last night.  It was nice of those aliens to save our fliers etc OR it was evil of them aliens to kidnap those fliers etc. ;D

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 13:41:26

587B67605566607D6760140 wrote:
[quote author=4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 link=1529300395/0#10 date=1529347171]How can it possibly be BAD?
OBAMA signed it into law, right?

cottage cheese

it smells...  

does it smell? [/quote]

Not to me. Looks smart to me.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by LostArtist on 06/18/18 at 14:33:14

I guess cottage cheese does have a brain like look...  I mean you can put into brain shaped molds...  

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 14:53:11

352A2C2B3631003000382A266D5F0 wrote:
[quote author=587B67605566607D6760140 link=1529300395/0#11 date=1529351872][quote author=4D5254534E4978487840525E15270 link=1529300395/0#10 date=1529347171]How can it possibly be BAD?
OBAMA signed it into law, right?

cottage cheese

it smells...  

does it smell? [/quote]

Not to me. Looks smart to me.


OBAMA got this right.
But the media kept it quiet.

After they tried to LIE and make Trump the heavy, and started pushing what a horror it is, now the lefties are all butthurt over something that OBAMA started..

Anything but looking at the revelations of the IG report.

Comey should Not have been fired.
He should have been arrested.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 16:16:23

 Obama did not institute a "zero tolerance" policy.

 He did deport more people than anyone else, I do not think anyone debates that.  What they are talking about now, as in today, is the zero tolerance policy.

 The motives for this, no matter what they are, revolve around the zero tolerance.  Comparing Obama's method does not include zero tolerance.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 16:38:20

Educate me.
What's the difference?
The kids in the lockup were there under Obama.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by WebsterMark on 06/18/18 at 17:11:39

Trump is doing what an American President should do.

I heard Trump say today "the United States will not become a migrant camp, not on my watch". I support that statement 150%.

Look at Germany. Look at Italy. Look at my company's headquarter nation of Sweden. They regret their politically correct open border actions of a few years ago. They are stuck with a problem that will take a generation or two to get rid of IF they put their foot down right now.

Dragging prosperous and free countries down to just above $hithole status by open borders is not an option. It's not a recipe for a long term, sustainable and prosperous global economy.

The fault lies primarily with the corrupt and violent governments of South and Central America. Secondly, those who would use their children as cover to 'break' into the US and steal welfare aid. Finally, desperate Democrats who smell electoral death knocking at their door.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 17:16:22

382721263B3C0D3D0D35272B60520 wrote:
Educate me.
What's the difference?
The kids in the lockup were there under Obama.

 The difference is that people are addressing the "Zero-Tolerance" component.  This means 100%, or all, every, child will be placed into a detention center.  Obama did not do this.

 To clarify the difference is the percentage of children placed into detention centers.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by MnSpring on 06/18/18 at 17:43:06

Wondering if this, FACT:
“…it’s not a matter that every single child that we have in those centers are being separated, because some of them are coming alone…”
Would have anything to contribute to the Subject.

Or that, some, ‘adults’, have someone else’s kids.
OR that, ‘Kids’ come alone.

So that would most certainly be NOT,
100%, of kids, ‘ripped away’, from parents.

(OBTY, ‘Ripped Apart’, is not even close to what is happening, but is SOUNDS, SO  good, for the Ultra Liberal, Snowflakes to say)

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/18 at 17:47:36

The difference is that people are addressing the "Zero-Tolerance" component.  This means 100%, or all, every, child will be placed into a detention center.  Obama did not do this.

Gosh, how did He do it?
Deport them?
Deport the family?
Did he have a magic wand?

Sorry, I had to say that

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by eau de sauvage on 06/18/18 at 20:24:10

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
1. Not to me. Looks smart to me.

2. What do you suggest be done?

3. Obama did not do this.

1. That's because when you're a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.

2. You've got that ass about tit, it's a matter of what is *not* to be done. Which is child abuse, and most of the Republican Party and all the living presidents' wives and Bush, and the church and basically anybody who has a shred of decency. Which does not seem to include you. Go figger.

The Donald himself has called it 'cruel' but he's trying to pretend that it's the democrats doing this. Which is back to the goebbel's thread when he said, 'keep the lie simple, repeat it often and they will believe it'. "They" of course are the fools.

3. Obama did consider it, as did the previous Republican administration, they all deemed it to be a stroke of cruelty too far, and they said it is not reflective of America's higher values. Sure the US has done things in the past that they are not proud of, but overall we used to believe their heart still was in the right place. America has lost whatever moral authority they had.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by Trippah on 06/18/18 at 20:42:22

Hopefully they will melt down the statue of liberty to make the mini wall. ;D  It seems an appropriate thing to do.

As far as not letting the US become a refugee camp "on my watch" he shows complete and utter lack of understanding of our history, IT IS WHAT WE ARE! (and why we are great ::)

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by eau de sauvage on 06/18/18 at 20:48:49

It is appalling to see the cruel creeps on this thread (you know who you are) talk as if America was not built on the backs of slaves, or indentured Irish workers, after the native Americans were all but wiped out with smallpox infected blankets, and then treat all refugees as scum trying to steal from america. It's ugly and pathetic.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by Eegore on 06/18/18 at 21:43:12

786761667B7C4D7D4D75676B20120 wrote:
The difference is that people are addressing the "Zero-Tolerance" component.  This means 100%, or all, every, child will be placed into a detention center.  Obama did not do this.

Gosh, how did He do it?
Deport them?
Deport the family?
Did he have a magic wand?

Sorry, I had to say that

 I'm not going to layout the prior procedure for you as I don't think you care.  Obama did not use zero tolerance, he did not enact a policy that put 100% of children into detention centers, that's it.  That's literally what this is about.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/18 at 02:13:53

So he deported them?

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/18 at 02:16:30

And what would YOU do?

Just let people in because they have a
Free Pass Baby
Under an arm?

You don't actually believe that all the
Children are ACTUALLY a relative of who they are with, do you?

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by eau de sauvage on 06/19/18 at 03:01:04

687771766B6C5D6D5D65777B30020 wrote:
You don't actually believe that all the
Children are ACTUALLY a relative of who they are with, do you?

Pathetic, how would you know, you just pulled that out of your ass. Ironically you pretend to believe Donald, who knowingly lies about everything. Sorry me old son but, for bad stuff to happen in this world it just requires good people to do nothing and as long as you pollute this forum with your ugly sentiments I'm going to call you on it.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/18 at 06:47:30

Criminals do what works.
You don't believe a buncha kids are with someone not related?
It's OBVIOUS that it's happening.
What would STOP if From happening?

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by MnSpring on 06/19/18 at 07:01:22

61736764737577120 wrote:
Pathetic, how would you know, you just pulled that out of your ass. Ironically you pretend to believe Donald, who knowingly lies about everything. Sorry me old son but, for bad stuff to happen in this world it just requires good people to do nothing and as long as you pollute this forum with your ugly sentiments I'm going to call you on it.

"...for bad stuff to happen in this world it just requires good people to do nothing and as long as you pollute this forum with your ugly sentiments I'm going to call you on it...."

Wonderful statement. "In order for bad things to happen, it just requires good people to do nothing"

Can you tell US, what you are doing in this case ?

"...After four years of incarceration, 600 refugees and asylum-seekers refused to leave the center, claiming it was not safe for them to live outside its walls. Many of them had fled wars and persecution, and now Australia was placing them in danger once again...."

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by MnSpring on 06/19/18 at 07:30:07

Reading even More.
Clearly it is time for the USA, to be MORE  like ‘other Civilized Countries’.

“…Howard and his immigration minister, Philip Ruddock, reasoned the best way to secure Australia’s borders was to punish refugees with indefinite detention, with no time limits, no future, and no hope. It also encouraged people to “voluntarily” return to their countries of origin, even if those countries were still at war….”  (Howard was the PM  after 9/11, of the, ‘Liberal Party’)

“…John Howard’s Liberal Party government manipulated public fear and suspicion by enacting the controversial Pacific Solution, which established offshore detention centers on Manus Island and the tiny nation of Nauru (a five-hour, 2,000-mile flight from Brisbane)…”

“…Having been brought to Manus Island by the Australian government, and without viable third-country resettlement options, these refugees were completely dependent on the authorities for their survival. In response to the men’s fears and their refusal to leave the center, the Australian government cut off the facility’s water, electricity, and food supplies in late October 2017. Then it evacuated staff and terminated medical services, all in an attempt to starve the men into submission….”

“…This is what we have come to expect in Australia, a country that has been persecuting asylum-seekers for decades. People without visas have been seeking refuge by boat in Australia since the Vietnam War. But only since 1992 have Australian administrations — of both the traditionally center-left Labor Party and the center-right Liberal Party — adopted a deterrence policy. Put simply, the deterrence policy aims to prevent boats from ever reaching Australia, instead either transferring asylum-seekers to offshore detention centers or returning them to their point of departure before they can lodge an asylum claim….”

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by Trippah on 06/20/18 at 07:58:48

Its their history, Australia was a prison  for England and the locals couldn't successfully refuse.  Now they face being "swamped" by Asians and fear the loss of their God Save The Queen identity.
The  Jews in Israel face the same problem, Palestinian population growing much faster than the Jews.
 The US faces the same, white middle class gals have 1.6 children, black girls and browns have 3-4 so even without the immigration issue, we are turning darker.  
Then throw in climate related population shifts, e.g. India, and the movement of the deserts and wow.
Top with a helping of political crap in the form of war, Syria empties out.
Extreme violence and several nations in the Americas are dispersing.
History shows walls and even oceans don't work as barriers for long, the masses are smart enough to work around them.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by eau de sauvage on 06/21/18 at 00:26:43

092A1734362D2A23440 wrote:
Can you tell US, what you are doing in this case ?

"...After four years of incarceration, 600 refugees and asylum-seekers refused to leave the center, claiming it was not safe for them to live outside its walls. Many of them had fled wars and persecution, and now Australia was placing them in danger once again...."

Not that old chestnut again. What a ludicrous comment. I do what I can, which is not much but whenever I have the opportunity to speak out against the filth propagated by your ilk, then I do, whether it's the filth perpetrated by US or by Aus politicians.

Title: Re: Child cruelty is now US policy.
Post by eau de sauvage on 06/21/18 at 00:33:50

7B5D465F5F4E472F0 wrote:

You're just repeating the bullshit you've been fed. Fact is that in all the western democracies the white people vastly over estimate the percentage of immigrants. Not that that will stop you. Thick as two planks. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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