General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Arming teachers yay or nay.

Message started by eau de sauvage on 05/19/18 at 16:07:40

Title: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/19/18 at 16:07:40

I mistakenly thought that it was security guards who were injured in the latest shooting. In fact it was two highly trained (obvs) police officers armed to the teeth against a 17 year old idiot with a shotgun and a pistol, one of the police is critically injured during a 15 minute shootout. Did anyone other than donald ever think think arming and training teachers was a good move.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by Serowbot on 05/19/18 at 16:14:09

Only half the gun nuts in America... ::)

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by Trippah on 05/20/18 at 06:16:45

I think that if the parents of these whacko's were put in prison for accessory to murder 1 (say 20 yrs. to life) unless they can prove Jr. broke into a gun safe to get the weapons; the situation might start to resolve a little.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 05/20/18 at 06:34:20

and I was told I was "against freedom" when I suggested that if teachers are going to be armed that they actually be trained and certified somehow.  

their answer seems to be just more and more guns, regardless of who has them.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/20/18 at 07:40:49

1F362B343C2B352015362A2D182B2D302A2D590 wrote:
and I was told I was "against freedom" when I suggested that if teachers are going to be armed that they actually be trained and certified somehow.  

their answer seems to be just more and more guns, regardless of who has them.

Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit

Nobody has suggested untrained people carry.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by MnSpring on 05/20/18 at 13:35:16

466F726D65726C794C6F7374417274697374000 wrote:
and I was told I was "against freedom" when I suggested that if teachers are going to be armed that they actually be trained and certified somehow.  ..."

   So WHO,  told you that.
    When did they tell you that ?

First as the Original poster alluded to,
“…two highly trained (obis) police officers…”
that being a Police Person, one is AUTOMATICALLY,
Skilled, Knowledgeable, Safe, and Trained.

That is  NOT  so.   Not even Close.
Training for a a specific use of a firearm,
 is training for a specific use.
It is just as saying, a Top, ’Trap’ shooting competitor, would Automatically make a Top CAS Shooter.
That is JUST  Not so.  

Now to the question at hand,  
’Teachers’ armed.
The word, ’Teacher’, will mean someone in the School building,
Like, M/F/Teacher/Coach/Principal/Secretary/Janitor/Aid/etc.

In a word, ‘Yes’.
 After they are Trained, for all the nuances required.
And that means, they accept, and embrace that job.

Just exactly the same as, why you don’t, tell the Liberian, who knows the Dewy Decimal System by heart, never seen a football game, to coach the  Football team to a State Championship.  And Vis-Versa.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 05/20/18 at 14:51:14

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
[quote author=1F362B343C2B352015362A2D182B2D302A2D590 link=1526771260/0#3 date=1526823260]and I was told I was "against freedom" when I suggested that if teachers are going to be armed that they actually be trained and certified somehow.  

their answer seems to be just more and more guns, regardless of who has them.

Bullshit Bullshit Bullshit

Nobody has suggested untrained people carry.

unfortunately, you are wrong, many have, otherwise it's a violation of their interpretation of the second amendment, you know, the only CHL needed according to some people, how dare you infringe on their right to carry because you want them trained.  now you are sounding like me...

and the argument from the right is, good guys with guns...  not good trained guys with guns...  

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/20/18 at 15:11:13

I've typed it until I'm done.
I've NEVER SEEN what you are saying you've been told. It wasn't here, certainly not by me.
I don't agree with the regular payment for a driver's license. But I don't believe untrained people should drive.

If you're against teachers with guns because someone suggested they should just go buy one, Ohhh well.

No Gun Zone thing clearly failed.
Now, let's go back to when teachers didn't give up THEIR rights outside the school.
The hyperventilating over whether it's legal is silly.
Who pushed for the No Gun Zone?

Now, it's a Proven Failure
Along with the whole idiotic lefty school experience, no God, no spankings, no real discipline, and
Take a bow, lefties.
Sit down
Watch how real men solve problems

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 05/20/18 at 15:16:31

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
I've typed it until I'm done.
I've NEVER SEEN what you are saying you've been told. It wasn't here, certainly not by me.
I don't agree with the regular payment for a driver's license. But I don't believe untrained people should drive.

If you're against teachers with guns because someone suggested they should just go buy one, Ohhh well.

No Gun Zone thing clearly failed.
Now, let's go back to when teachers didn't give up THEIR rights outside the school.
The hyperventilating over whether it's legal is silly.
Who pushed for the No Gun Zone?

Now, it's a Proven Failure
Along with the whole idiotic lefty school experience, no God, no spankings, no real discipline, and
Take a bow, lefties.
Sit down
Watch how real men solve problems

yeah Mr. Macho is in town, he'll fix it!!!    

crappity smack YOU!

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/20/18 at 15:38:53

Well, how DID IT WORK OUT?

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by Serowbot on 05/20/18 at 15:38:59

Trump would take them on bare handed....
We just need a bunch of brave Trumpeteer hall monitors...


Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/20/18 at 16:07:54

You seriously don't see it?
Society is raising crazies.
Antisocial to the point of homicidal rage.

And they go WHERE?
Where people like you demand the adults be legislated out of their ability to defend themselves.

But you're the smart ones.

And how have your answers been working?

You can't even say anything about the Muslim woman who refused to work on a woman who just happens to be a man.

You people just tell everyone else how it's all gonna work.

But you don't have any answers.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/18 at 16:45:42

My vote is Nay.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/20/18 at 17:09:52

You've been demonstrated to be wrong.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/20/18 at 19:48:18

You lefties take comfort in the media supporting Your wrong headedness.
The media is part of the anti-American agenda. The reasonable approach is ignored by the lefty media.

Since February 15 (the day after the Parkland, Florida school shooting) through March 19…(ABC, CBS and NBC) morning and evening news programs  have aired a whopping 69 stories, plus an additional nine interviews, talking about the students’ anti-gun efforts. During that same time, these networks failed to run even a single story mentioning any of the students from the same high school (like Kyle Kashuv) who have openly championed the Second Amendment.”

But you are blind to the obvious

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/18 at 06:26:22

77686E6974734272427A68642F1D0 wrote:
You lefties take comfort in the media supporting Your wrong headedness.
The media is part of the anti-American agenda. The reasonable approach is ignored by the lefty media.

Since February 15 (the day after the Parkland, Florida school shooting) through March 19…(ABC, CBS and NBC) morning and evening news programs  have aired a whopping 69 stories, plus an additional nine interviews, talking about the students’ anti-gun efforts. During that same time, these networks failed to run even a single story mentioning any of the students from the same high school (like Kyle Kashuv) who have openly championed the Second Amendment.”

But you are blind to the obvious

I've been extremely busy at work for past two months or so and haven't checked in after my latest "never coming back" departure.

Jog; I'm nominating you for Sainthood for sticking around!

I'm home this week for a change and decided to check back because despite all the people I talk to over the whole country, I just never, ever run into the leftist people like I see on here. Never. Where are you people?....  Where do you hide all day?

Another school shooting, another round of predictable responses. Save the kids from guns.....  Some stupid awards show was on last night and I walked in while the wife was watching in long enough to see some guy with a "Save the Guns" shirt on where the word gun was crossed out and Children written in. Clever.

Here's my thought: I just checked and in 2016 there were 263 teen deaths (15-19) directly related to texting while driving. I see no demands to take the phones.

Point is, it's not saving kids lives that's the issue, it's another battle in the Left-Right war and guns/kids just happens to be the latest skirmish line.

There have been approximately 20 mass-random school shootings (not the ridiculous one a week figure quoted) since Univ Texas in 1966, but I think more than half have been in the recent past so clearly there's something going on.

Weapons like the ones used have been around in general circulation for 75 years or more but it's only fairly recently that unstable individuals have decided to use them on schools. That's where the focus should be.

It's not saving kids lives because if it was, you'd be calling to ban all cell phones. You won't do that because you want your phone, you don't text and drive so why should you give up your phone? Sound familiar?

One last thing, I would recommend a book on Columbine by a guy named Dave Cullen. Scariest book I think I've ever read.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by batman on 05/21/18 at 09:03:21

Want to save kids lives! let 's look at the all time high in teen suicides , what's being done about that? Is it related to school shootings? Are some of these depressed people taking a few more along for the ride? 5,079suicides last year in the age group 15 to 25.(How many had access to firearms? How many shooters didn't care if they were arrested or killed?)

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/18 at 09:36:52

The two Columbine killers were suicides. One desperately wanted to end it, the other was a psychopath bent on widespread destruction and then suicide. So yes, you are correct. They wanted to 'hurt' the world as much as they perceived it hurt them.

The question is; has the percentage of school age teens experiencing suicidal/homicidal depression increased the past decades or has it remained consistent?

If it's remained consistent, what's causing this suicidal/homicidal depression to manifest itself in school shootings?

If the percentage has increased over the past decades, what's causing that?

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by Serowbot on 05/21/18 at 09:45:11

Can't be sure,... but, since more guns don't seem to fix it,.. I'm sure the solution is even more guns....

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/18 at 10:09:40

As WM says: “ Point is, it's not saving kids lives that's the issue, it's another battle in the Left-Right war and guns/kids just happens to be the latest skirmish line.”

It is SO  Clear, that in the, ’school shooting’, skirmish, ‘Ban Guns’, is the Issue.
And why, ban guns ?
 What has happened to countries that Have, banned guns ?
                   History tells us what.  
History also tells, that,  Banning Guns, Must be done, slowly.
(It was found out, to fast, didn’t work)
 The recent ones, are just like a fog in a pan of cold water, while the heat is slowly turned up.
Could be, another reason, to, ‘Ban History’.
              People will, Forget.

The far left, (and some Democrats), are  HIDING, behind,
’…Save/Protect the Kids…’ statements.
It tugs on the heart strings.  Just like advertisers show horrible photos of something, which if you, ‘only’, gave them $19.95 a month, it would all go away.

If, the far left, (and some Democrats), Truly,
have the welfare of the school children at heart.
their would be working as hard, on Teen;  ’Texting’, ‘Suicides’,
  (just to name two things that KILL, Teens  WAY  More than guns)

So the ’Snowflakes’, that are so ‘Gullible’ as to believe,
           Putting up a ’sign’, will fix things.
Are doing, Exactly,
 what the people who are pulling their strings,
    and telling them what to say.

Being left and right, is the way of this country.
And the Ultra Left and the Ultra Right, have just been ignored in the past.
YET, Start of 2017, the Ultra Left, helped by 80% of the Media,
Is getting more and more coverage.
  (Is it money for the Media in form of revenues,
          or is it they do what their are told,
                         or  BOTH ?)

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/18 at 10:14:25

2630273A22373A21550 wrote:
Can't be sure,... but, since more guns don't seem to fix it,.. I'm sure the solution is even more guns....

WOW. The solution of more guns, by trained people,
         has NOT  even been done.  
   Yet, it is, 'officially', declared it doesn't work.

YET, the FACT, that, removing firearms,
        and putting up a  Sign.
            Does NOT WORK.
            Is totally ignored.

                Just WOW.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/21/18 at 10:52:11

It's pointless to argue with them.
Facts are not important.
They are never wrong.
Regardless of how OBVIOUSLY Wrong they are.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/18 at 11:04:15

293F28352D38352E5A0 wrote:
Can't be sure,... but, since more guns don't seem to fix it,.. I'm sure the solution is even more guns....

I think if you're in a classroom hiding behind a 1/2" of pressed laminated wood listening to a suicidal / homicidal shooter moving room to room towards you, you'd wish someone had a weapon to fight back with.

As Jog said, no one's seriously suggesting arming all teachers, but a program where a targeted % of teachers or administrators in each school volunteer to go through training is one logical first step.

There are probably half a dozen more effective steps that could easily be taken before wasting a second more chasing more gun control laws that won't accomplish anything. I've not heard if it was determined how he got the two guns but he either broke a law or got them legally which demonstrates passing yet another law in a country with 350 million guns in circulation is useless.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by Matchless G11 on 05/21/18 at 15:02:46

I wonder if teaching Judeo Christian values, and holding people up to a higher moral standard, would help curb this.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/18 at 15:36:37

3224332E36232E35410 wrote:
Can't be sure,... but, since more guns don't seem to fix it,.. I'm sure the solution is even more guns....

No way Sero... the answer is a SH!TLOAD MORE GUNS!


Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by Eegore on 05/22/18 at 16:43:18

 I think the problem is that the argument of:

"Police cant resolve the issue then Civilians cant either"

 holds so many variables that the question itself can never be answered as it is posed.

Title: Re: Arming teachers yay or nay.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/18 at 17:33:53

2C353B3B6D6D2E3928393F376F68695C0 wrote:
I wonder if teaching Judeo Christian values, and holding people up to a higher moral standard, would help curb this.

Well, there is a correlation between the hostility to Christianity and the growth of these events. There is also a correlation between vaccinations and boys on ADD medications,

What IS it?
Maybe more than one thing.

Like seat belts turn the odds in favor of who uses them, they are not a magic wand.
Guns in the hands of cops or teachers don't make them bulletproof.
Societal rot contributes to the problem.
Arming people on campus is a deterrent,
And it gives them a fighting chance.
That someone would dismiss the value of guns in the hands of the potential victims as stupid
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