General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> From Allen D.

Message started by raydawg on 04/11/18 at 17:08:02

Title: From Allen D.
Post by raydawg on 04/11/18 at 17:08:02

Someday  soon, government is going to have to justify its decision to conduct this raid. I challenge any reader who is not concerned about the raid to honestly answer the following question: If the raid had been conducted on Hillary Clinton’s lawyer’s office and home, would you be as unconcerned?  The truth now?

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Eegore on 04/11/18 at 17:14:27

 I could care less.  I don't know why Hillary is an issue or why she's a topic here everyday.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by oldNslow on 04/11/18 at 18:01:42

I don't know why Hillary is an issue or why she's a topic here everyday.

'cause she still can't believe she's not the POTUS. And most of the lefties in the country - and the few who post on here - can't either  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by raydawg on 04/11/18 at 19:02:27

0937363A2834355B0 wrote:

I don't know why Hillary is an issue or why she's a topic here everyday.

'cause she still can't believe she's not the POTUS. And most of the lefties in the country - and the few who post on here - can't either  ;D ;D ;D

A yep.......
It’s all part of the same, pretend otherwise.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by WebsterMark on 04/12/18 at 04:58:12

She's a topic, pehaps symbol is a better word, for the blatant double standard of the media and entertainment culture, that's why. In a world with a unbiased press, she would have been laughed out of any campaign. Her days as a national politician are done, but I imagine she'll remain a topic for quite a few more years.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/12/18 at 05:49:38

She's America's poster child for corruption and arrogance.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Trippah on 04/12/18 at 05:58:13

The raid was based on a investigation, which provided a judge with reasons that met the criteria for further pursuit of info.  While it might make the incredibly gullible feel better if we wasted a few billion investigating (she whose name should not be spoken) the result would be ...nothing of great substance will be found (just like the millions of times our Congress tried to  impeach Mr. Clinton).  

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by oldNslow on 04/12/18 at 06:19:53

(just like the millions of times our Congress tried to  impeach Mr. Clinton).

Clinton was impeached. He wasn't convicted. The House votes to impeach. The trial takes place in the Senate. Two separate proceedings. Conviction requires more than a simple majority.

Leading to the impeachment, Independent Counsel Ken Starr turned over documentation to the House Judiciary Committee. Chief Prosecutor David Schippers and his team reviewed the material and determined there was sufficient evidence to impeach the president. As a result, four charges were considered by the full House of Representatives; two passed, making Clinton the second president to be impeached,..

The trial in the United States Senate began right after the seating of the 106th Congress, in which the Republican Party began with 55 senators. A two-thirds vote (67 senators) was required to remove Clinton from office. 50 senators voted to remove Clinton on the obstruction of justice charge and 45 voted to remove him on the perjury charge; no member of his own Democratic Party voted guilty on either charge. Clinton, like Johnson a century earlier, was acquitted on all charges.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by T And T Garage on 04/12/18 at 06:21:10

44574F52574151360 wrote:
Someday  soon, government is going to have to justify its decision to conduct this raid. I challenge any reader who is not concerned about the raid to honestly answer the following question: If the raid had been conducted on Hillary Clinton’s lawyer’s office and home, would you be as unconcerned?  The truth now?

Is it justified?  Then there's no reason for concern.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by T And T Garage on 04/12/18 at 06:23:28

0836373B2935345A0 wrote:

I don't know why Hillary is an issue or why she's a topic here everyday.

'cause she still can't believe she's not the POTUS. And most of the lefties in the country - and the few who post on here - can't either  ;D ;D ;D

Wait, is ray really hillary??
;D ;D

Sorry old - none of us "lefties" bring up hillary - it's only the desperate cons that feel the need to do so.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by T And T Garage on 04/12/18 at 06:24:46

714344555243546B47544D260 wrote:
She's a topic, pehaps symbol is a better word, for the blatant double standard of the media and entertainment culture, that's why. In a world with a unbiased press, she would have been laughed out of any campaign. Her days as a national politician are done, but I imagine she'll remain a topic for quite a few more years.

Yeah, the topic of desperate cons like yourself.

The democratic party has moved on.

You should do the same.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by T And T Garage on 04/12/18 at 06:25:28

5A7C677E7E6F660E0 wrote:
The raid was based on a investigation, which provided a judge with reasons that met the criteria for further pursuit of info.  While it might make the incredibly gullible feel better if we wasted a few billion investigating (she whose name should not be spoken) the result would be ...nothing of great substance will be found (just like the millions of times our Congress tried to  impeach Mr. Clinton).  


Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Trippah on 04/12/18 at 07:56:28

You are right ONS, Clinton was impeached, I was not too accurately referring to  the continuous votes to impeach which kept Congress busy for years.  They finally got down to it and he wasn't convicted.  

That  chain of events, as much as anything recently, made Congress the butt of many jokes and gave the world the impression that Congress does nothing but spin its wheels and snip a the President (if he/she is from the other party).  

Should the Democrats take control of the House and the Senate thru the mid term elections I suspect they will follow the same path.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Trippah on 04/12/18 at 08:07:35

The FBI has a primary job of investigating corruption (political, not physical) so they are doing what they are supposed to.  Are too many of the 50 thousand agents and professionals who make up the FBI being used on the Trump campaign?  Too few on possible school shooters?

Given the number of people who study bomb making online, visit gun sites etc and dream of killing someone for whatever reason: I suspect that if every other human was an FBI employee, some sicko would still slip through.  While the terrorists, global and eco, political and religious still stand out as threats, students killing each other is shifting from a local police to national police point of possible intervention which will make it very difficult to be accurate yet respectful of the rights we as a people enjoy.  The whole intervention before a crime is committed is still being evolved and a lot of misuse is possible - tough road to smooth out.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by oldNslow on 04/12/18 at 08:14:10

Should the Democrats take control of the House and the Senate thru the mid term elections I suspect they will follow the same path.

I agree. But even if the Dems get the Senate, it will only be by a small margin. Only a seat or two. They have a better chance of taking the House, but even that isn't a slam dunk IMO. Getting the 67 votes in the Senate  needed for a conviction, even if the House does manage to get an impeachment, will be a pretty steep hill to climb.

And a successful impeachment without a conviction, would almost certainly rile up the deplorables to the point of virtually guaranteeing Trumps reelection in 2020.

But that isn't going to stop the MSM idjits from stroking themselves to sleep every night dreaming about it.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by MnSpring on 04/12/18 at 08:19:19

66405B4242535A320 wrote:
The FBI has a primary job of investigating corruption (political, not physical) so they are doing what they are supposed to.  Are too many of the 50 thousand agents and professionals who make up the FBI being used on the Trump campaign?  Too few on possible school shooters?
Given the number of people who study bomb making online, visit gun sites etc and dream of killing someone for whatever reason: I suspect that if every other human was an FBI employee, some sicko would still slip through.  While the terrorists, global and eco, political and religious still stand out as threats, students killing each other is shifting from a local police to national police point of possible intervention which will make it very difficult to be accurate yet respectful of the rights we as a people enjoy.  The whole intervention before a crime is committed is still being evolved and a lot of misuse is possible - tough road to smooth out.

"...visit gun sites..."
Is now in your mind, a  evil activity?
And because someone does that,
They, "...dream of killing someone..." ?

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Eegore on 04/12/18 at 10:20:04

 ""...visit gun sites..."
Is now in your mind, a  evil activity?
And because someone does that,
They, "...dream of killing someone..." ?"

 He didn't say every person nor did he say anything about evil... you did.  I'm sure plenty of military and law enforcement, hunters, kids, video game designers etc. are capable of viewing a gun site and not have dreams of killing someone.  

 Nobody said that everyone that views gun sites are evil or have evil intentions.


Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by MnSpring on 04/12/18 at 11:21:28

4F6F6D65786F0A0 wrote:
 ""...visit gun sites..."  Is now in your mind, a  evil activity?  And because someone does that,  They, "...dream of killing someone..." ?"    He didn't say every person nor did he say anything about evil... you did.  I'm sure plenty of military and law enforcement, hunters, kids, video game designers etc. are capable of viewing a gun site and not have dreams of killing someone.  Nobody said that everyone that views gun sites are evil or have evil intentions.   

Evil, was not Said.
Yet it was most thoroughly, IMPLIED.

Just like H.R.C. was fond of saying,
"Anybody can buy a gun from the internet, just like fleay-bay".
When the, FACT is, a person can 'buy', but Not  POSSESS.
She said that, JUST  to SCARE, those that don't know.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Trippah on 04/13/18 at 04:33:52

No, I wasn't implying that visiting gun sites makes you evil.  I was suggesting that data mining of certain target sites by the government might lead to picking out certain actually nice folks and get them labeled bad, which slid into the next point I made, that trying to identify bad guys preemptively is a tough tough task; and that preemptive legal intervention even tougher.  
However, the FBI did drop the ball on several and heaven only knows how many more people id'd by family and friends as whacko.

All of which leads back to my personal belief that semi automatic weapons shuld not be  sold, or possession of them allowed outside of well organized and run gun ranges SINCE, if we can't id that bad guys before they act, we need to limit their effectiveness as much as feasible.

p.s. as an m-60 machine gunner in Nam (bunker line defense only) I admit that pissing a line of lead at the enemy watching the tracers arc really is a rush.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Trippah on 04/13/18 at 04:44:02

and for all you "gun" advocates; I hope you realize that the 2nd amendment BS you pedal is leading us to the area you should be afraid of"  governmental preemptive legal activity to block "bad guys" from doing whatever.  This is the point, cause when the Gestapo like police state we are sliding towards becomes real, you won't need you "guns" cause every NRA member will be visit and his property searched, interrogations conducted  in the name of national security - all so the government can weild even greater control of our people.
THIS, baby is the real chilling Amazon, Google data mining future misused by the powerful to maintain power.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Trippah on 04/13/18 at 04:55:21

Can you image a world where you click on a teenage girls doing naughty site and, woah, a day later the doorbell rings.  A nice clean cut couple smile, hand you their card/warrant.   Family Interests Special Team
(F.I.S.T.) US Government  They step into  you home, start a sweep/seach of you house using sophisticated sensors, connect to you computers and phones, and then suddenly they have an statistically unnatural interest in young women, please come with us.

As they drive you away, the POD is dropped off in front of your house and it is cleared of your possessions, you - well you are now in Arizona helping to dig the cross Sonora deep water canal. ;D ;D ;D

This  , the nice clean cut couple say to you as they drive you to the staging area, is how we do fisting in our government. :D

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Eegore on 04/13/18 at 05:19:25

 "Evil, was not Said.
Yet it was most thoroughly, IMPLIED."

 Yes, its implied that some people who are using the resource to acquire the knowledge and means to kill others can, and do, use gun websites.

 I underlined intentionally the word "every" in an attempt to clarify without success, that you are inferring that Trippah believes every person using gun sites are implied evil.  Why you left out bomb making I am not sure but that was also in the very same sentence.

 Nobody is saying or implying that every, as in all, people that use gun sites are evil or utilizing them for means to criminal activity.

 But some people do.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by MnSpring on 04/13/18 at 11:53:10

70564D5454454C240 wrote:
Can you image a world where you click on a teenage girls doing naughty site and, woah, a day later the doorbell rings.  A nice clean cut couple smile, hand you their card/warrant.   Family Interests Special Team
(F.I.S.T.) US Government  They step into  you home, start a sweep/seach of you house using sophisticated sensors, connect to you computers and phones, and then suddenly they have an statistically unnatural interest in young women, please come with us.

As they drive you away, the POD is dropped off in front of your house and it is cleared of your possessions, you - well you are now in Arizona helping to dig the cross Sonora deep water canal. ;D ;D ;D

This  , the nice clean cut couple say to you as they drive you to the staging area, is how we do fisting in our government. :D

The above post, is,  EXACTLY, where the,
Ultra-Liberal, Progressive, Fairy Dust sprinklings Snowflakes,
want to take this Nation.

Yea, it will be 100 +/- years from now.
But if they get their way,
that is  Exactly, what will happen.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by MnSpring on 04/13/18 at 12:19:48

61475C4545545D350 wrote:
"... my personal belief that semi automatic weapons shuld not be  sold, or possession of them allowed outside of well organized and run gun ranges SINCE, if we can't id that bad guys before they act, we need to limit their effectiveness as much as feasible.e...."

Well, can't ID a Bank robber, 'before' the crime.
         gotta BAN  a popular Mask.
Can't  can't ID a person driving over the speed limit,
        'before' the crime.  Gotta BAN, 'Fast' cars.
Can't ID a 'Distracted Driver', 'before' the crime.
         gotta BAN, 'texting' cell phones.

Silly you say ?  How about ?
Can't ID a School Shooter, 'before' the crime.
         gotta BAN  a certain Gun.

       Which would be my Opinion.

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by Trippah on 04/13/18 at 13:08:26

Mn - while it may be either party, I more firmly believe it is which ever can get it done.  You think it is Liberal mind set, but the truth is it is conservative mind though also.  This future scenario, by the way, is not 100 years in the future, 15 maybe the way technology is growing.

The sad situation will come about unless the government can reign in the private equity & AI worlds and hold them to some sort of Rules of Decency.  Unfortunately, the present government is so pernicious in its demand for Fealty and lack of moral honor, I think the slide is well on its way.  But I'm in my 70's so I really don't care. ;)

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/13/18 at 17:42:34

5A7C677E7E6F660E0 wrote:
Can you image a world where you click on a teenage girls doing naughty site and, woah, a day later the doorbell rings.  A nice clean cut couple smile, hand you their card/warrant.   Family Interests Special Team
(F.I.S.T.) US Government  They step into  you home, start a sweep/seach of you house using sophisticated sensors, connect to you computers and phones, and then suddenly they have an statistically unnatural interest in young women, please come with us.

As they drive you away, the POD is dropped off in front of your house and it is cleared of your possessions, you - well you are now in Arizona helping to dig the cross Sonora deep water canal. ;D ;D ;D

This  , the nice clean cut couple say to you as they drive you to the staging area, is how we do fisting in our government. :D

Frikken thumbs up

Title: Re: From Allen D.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/13/18 at 17:47:40

I don't believe they will solve such problems.

After all,
Were WARNED about Cruz,
And STILL couldn't stop him.

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