General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I never really understand the

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/18 at 19:49:13

Title: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/18 at 19:49:13

New Word that's suddenly racist.

I also don't understand con games.
Now I'm starting to see why.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/04/18 at 21:44:39

Racial gaps that were steadily narrowing in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s would expand in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s, which suggests that the disparities that continue today aren’t being driven by racism, notwithstanding claims to the contrary from liberals and their allies in the media. It also suggests that attitudes toward marriage, education, work and the rule of law play a much larger role than the left wants to acknowledge. More marches won’t address out-of-wedlock childbearing. More sit-ins won’t lower black crime rates or narrow the school achievement gap.

Even electing and appointing more black officials, which has been a major priority for civil-rights leaders over the past half-century, can’t compensate for these cultural deficiencies. Black mayors, police chiefs and school superintendents have been commonplace since the 1970s, including in major cities with large black populations. Racially gerrymandered voting districts have ensured the election of blacks to Congress. Even the election of a black president—twice—failed to close the divide in many key measures. Black-white differences in poverty, homeownership and incomes all grew wider under President Obama.

Discussion of antisocial behavior in poor black communities, let alone the possibility that it plays a significant role in racial inequality, has become another casualty of the post-’60s era. King and other black leaders at the time spoke openly about the need for more-responsible behavior in poor black communities. After remarking on disproportionately high inner-city crime rates, King told a black congregation in St. Louis that “we’ve got to do something about our moral standards.” He added: “We know that there are many things wrong in the white world, but there are many things wrong in the black world too. We can’t keep on blaming the white man. There are things we must do for ourselves.”

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/05/18 at 13:07:11

47544C51544252350 wrote:
Racial gaps that were steadily narrowing in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s would expand in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s, which suggests that the disparities that continue today aren’t being driven by racism, notwithstanding claims to the contrary from liberals and their allies in the media. It also suggests that attitudes toward marriage, education, work and the rule of law play a much larger role than the left wants to acknowledge. More marches won’t address out-of-wedlock childbearing. More sit-ins won’t lower black crime rates or narrow the school achievement gap.

Even electing and appointing more black officials, which has been a major priority for civil-rights leaders over the past half-century, can’t compensate for these cultural deficiencies. Black mayors, police chiefs and school superintendents have been commonplace since the 1970s, including in major cities with large black populations. Racially gerrymandered voting districts have ensured the election of blacks to Congress. Even the election of a black president—twice—failed to close the divide in many key measures. Black-white differences in poverty, homeownership and incomes all grew wider under President Obama.

Discussion of antisocial behavior in poor black communities, let alone the possibility that it plays a significant role in racial inequality, has become another casualty of the post-’60s era. King and other black leaders at the time spoke openly about the need for more-responsible behavior in poor black communities. After remarking on disproportionately high inner-city crime rates, King told a black congregation in St. Louis that “we’ve got to do something about our moral standards.” He added: “We know that there are many things wrong in the white world, but there are many things wrong in the black world too. We can’t keep on blaming the white man. There are things we must do for ourselves.”

"Racial gaps that were steadily narrowing in the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s would expand in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s, which suggests that the disparities that continue today aren’t being driven by racism"

why?   people were more open about their racism in the 40s-60s, so they had all kinds of ways of expressing it, in the 60's the civil rights movement made it unpopular and unprofitable to be openly racist, so maybe they switched to being racist financially to punish whatever race they didn't like but had to hire due to the new laws.

yes there are many things wrong with the white world and black world, but the wrong things in the white world have power over the black world (right or wrong) in a way that the black world does NOT have power over the white world.  

Yes on personal responsibility but that includes taking ownership for the things you are doing to others, not just yourself.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/05/18 at 13:32:57

I just showed this to my Black boss....

Yes there are many things wrong with the white world and black world, but the wrong things in the white world have power over the black world (right or wrong) in a way that the black world does NOT have power over the white world.  

He told me to reply back to you, for him, that your premise is based on a false assumption that Blacks, because of their race, are inferior, solely based on their skin color.
He said this is your deep held guilt, and a attempt at appeasing it, by wholesaling ALL Black folk as victims, and in need of the a white man own need to think he can help, rescue, a Blackman, because he needs it.

He said, no thanks, he is able to overcome many obstacles in his life, and that includes a white dude who thinks this crazy white privilege is holding HIM back as a human being....

I told him I would, but that you would not get it.....

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by MnSpring on 04/05/18 at 13:44:03

11021A07021404630 wrote:
I just showed this to my Black boss....
Yes there are many things wrong with the white world and black world, but the wrong things in the white world have power over the black world (right or wrong) in a way that the black world does NOT have power over the white world.  
He told me to reply back to you, for him, that your premise is based on a false assumption that Blacks, because of their race, are inferior, solely based on their skin color.
He said this is your deep held guilt, and a attempt at appeasing it, by wholesaling ALL Black folk as victims, and in need of the a white man own need to think he can help, rescue, a Blackman, because he needs it.
He said, no thanks, he is able to overcome many obstacles in his life, and that includes a white dude who thinks this crazy white privilege is holding HIM back as a human being....
I told him I would, but that you would not get it.....

Lost, (And  T&T, can't leave you out) I ask again:
Would you say:
Black and Hispanic students
 Should be held to the same behavioral standards
     as white and Asian students.

OR, would you say that:
Black and Hispanic students
can’t be held to the same behavioral standards
     as white and Asian students.

Based on the information from a person,
as underlined above.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/05/18 at 14:43:21

485B435E5B4D5D3A0 wrote:
I just showed this to my Black boss....

Yes there are many things wrong with the white world and black world, but the wrong things in the white world have power over the black world (right or wrong) in a way that the black world does NOT have power over the white world.  

He told me to reply back to you, for him, that your premise is based on a false assumption that Blacks, because of their race, are inferior, solely based on their skin color.
He said this is your deep held guilt, and a attempt at appeasing it, by wholesaling ALL Black folk as victims, and in need of the a white man own need to think he can help, rescue, a Blackman, because he needs it.

He said, no thanks, he is able to overcome many obstacles in his life, and that includes a white dude who thinks this crazy white privilege is holding HIM back as a human being....

I told him I would, but that you would not get it.....

Well, I respect his opinion, but not his judgment, He doesn't know me, and you don't know me, not really you don't and I don't really know you either.  Maybe I should have spoken more carefully but I always give people the benefit of the doubt that they'd think the best of someone and make them prove that they deserve to be thought less of.

And it's not because of the color of their skin, but the History of the United States. This nation, in general, has historically allowed the powerful, regardless of skin color to abuse and create extremely negative environment to control those that benefit them. Whether it be though slavery, indentured servitude, Jewish Ghettos, the plight of the Irish and Italians when they came here, child labor, women, etc...

I'm not trying, nor do I want to rescue the "black man" I want to remove barriers that the past has built up, not just stopping them, but stopping anyone regardless of color or sexual orientation or religion or etc....  who doesn't follow the "traditions and heritage" of traditional white culture/power.  

I was speaking in broad generalities, not specifics, so I wasn't specifically speaking about your boss, or any specific man/woman/child. And unfortunately the stats would back me up.

But it's awesome that he's in an environment, and many if not most other black people are in similar environments that allow them to achieve greatness, probably far greater than I will ever be.  And yes, in general that's most of America today, but there are still remnants that need to be addressed.

and it's not the blacks that are inferior, if anything it's the greed that has corrupted our culture in general that had made us ALL inferior

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/05/18 at 19:25:02

Disingenuous that you inform me, my boss, that his judgment is skewed, then excuse yourself from scrunity because we/he don’t really know you personally.....
And then on your own beliefs you pass a judgment on whole generations as cause, and I dare say you don’t know all of them, personally.....

Your one sided and stubborn, would be my observation of you.
Truth, is not your desire, affirmation is your motivation.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by Trippah on 04/05/18 at 19:45:26

The racism that never goes away, there are many responsible blacks and some of them are even motorcyclists.  What they (the blacks) do not have is access to good schools with modern equipment., and the knowledge (well, the perception) that even if they get through High School, Whitey will hire one of his own.

The high percentage of inmates are disproportionately black because our legal system is based on it.  This means that for many blacks, their education is at prison..wonder what they study.

This also leads to the missing link in the social fabric of poor black communities, no dad..he's serving time.  Children need role models of both sexes.

All of this lead (past tense) to the reduction in penalties for blacks, with the unintended consequence of teaching the kids they can break the rules.    Of course, if Father is veddy rich, you get to break them also. ;D

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/05/18 at 20:07:54

You need to talk to an old Black man who was discriminated against greatly in his days.
He will most likely tell you when LBJ tried to fix this problem, is when the fathers role, and enflunce, was greatly diminished in the family unit.

Codependency and enabling does not work period.
Expectations lead to resentment, when not fulfilled.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/05/18 at 20:17:46

most likely tell you when LBJ tried to fix this problem,

That was purely a political move, designed to get votes.
It worked.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by oldNslow on 04/05/18 at 21:04:01

Yes there are many things wrong with the white world and black world, but the wrong things in the white world have power over the black world (right or wrong) in a way that the black world does NOT have power over the white world.

Once in a while the script gets flipped.  Zimbabwe - formerly Rhodesia - at the present time, and, within a few years, South Africa. Somebody's always going to be on top with the power, and somebody's always going to be on the bottom without it.

Now that blacks are running Zimbabwe,things are not pleasant for the few whites that remain. Like they were unpleasant for  blacks there not too long ago. South Africa is going down the same road. The government there has just begun confiscating white owned farms. Soon, if they are not yet doing it officially, they will begin killing the white farmers.

Unfortunately for Zimbabwe,, with blacks running the show, life there actually pretty much sucks for everyone, black or white. It won't take South Africa very long to duplicate that experience.  

There are cities right here in the US where this same pattern has been emerging. DC Baltimore, Detroit, Camden. etc.

Speaking in "broad generalities" of course.

I don't pretend to know WHY things are like they are. But they are like they are.; anecdotes like the one about raydawg's boss notwithstanding And I know who I want running stuff where I live. I'd like for the infrastructure and the civil institutions to remain operational, and I've got a pretty good idea, at least  locally, who can and who cannot be relied upon to accomplish that.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/05/18 at 21:08:54

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:
most likely tell you when LBJ tried to fix this problem,

That was purely a political move, designed to get votes.
It worked.

I will disagree with your assumption.
No, the guy was pretty consistent on the matter, but you can not micro manage life, that is what ISIS, the Tailiban, etc, believe.,.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/05/18 at 22:21:25

You don't think it was a disingenuous handout, meant to get the vote of minorities?
You might not know as much about Johnson as I do.
It was a really bad deal for the people who he Said he wanted to

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/06/18 at 00:46:06

I can gather opinions from both POV’s, try and weigh it, but it is still a best guess scenario, just like how folks are for removing conferate statues based of on today’s historical spin, not of historical context at that time.
It’s like introducing somebody today as a illegal drug user in a state where pot is now legal....

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/18 at 07:20:06

I know what a racist s.o.b. Johnson was.
There was nothing about him you would want to be like. Read about
The Man, nasty bastard he was.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/18 at 07:24:42

Unless this is all made up, here's a clue.*****s-voting-Democrat-for-two-hundred-years-when-passing-the-Great-Society-legislation*****s-voting-Democrat-for-two-hundred-years-when-passing-the-Great-Society-legislation

His voting record says a lot

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by old.indian on 04/06/18 at 07:36:42

5B444245585F6E5E6E56444803310 wrote:
I know what a racist s.o.b. Johnson was.
There was nothing about him you would want to be like. Read about
The Man, nasty bastard he was.

You forgot CORRUPT in your discription JOG.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/06/18 at 09:39:30

67746C71746272150 wrote:
Disingenuous that you inform me, my boss, that his judgment is skewed, then excuse yourself from scrunity because we/he don’t really know you personally.....
And then on your own beliefs you pass a judgment on whole generations as cause, and I dare say you don’t know all of them, personally.....

Your one sided and stubborn, would be my observation of you.
Truth, is not your desire, affirmation is your motivation.

where did I pass judgment on your boss???  or you??  

you are reading A LOT into what I said, that's your problem, not mine

but you won't ever find the Truth, that you seem to value, that way.  

continue to judge me based on your biased perception of me as you will, just one more person on here I don't need to respond to. bye now

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/06/18 at 10:10:29


Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/06/18 at 11:08:23

2A353334292E1F2F1F27353972400 wrote:
I know what a racist s.o.b. Johnson was.
There was nothing about him you would want to be like. Read about
The Man, nasty bastard he was.

I have.....
I believe he was a snake.
I still feel he was in the "loop" about JFK's assignation.
I believe Kennedy didn't trust the guy, and choose him, to stifle his actions as senate leader.

But again, you must consider the historic facts of the time.
Yes, it was a issue that diverted away from Asia, in that fact you could say it was political in nature, but no where near the same kind of crap like WJC saying he was the first Black president, etc, kind of pandering....

One other thing, I know times have changed dramatically as a woman's influences on her husband, etc, but Ladybird truly was a class act, and civil rights was a big concern for her.  

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/18 at 11:25:37

Yeah, she was a peach. I gag when I hear her disgusting name.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/18 at 11:35:25

You don't have to Like the source or content for it to be true.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/06/18 at 12:48:36

You offer Strong points in your links, Slate is not a right-wing faction, fer sure....

I think we will just end up disagreeing on the claim re: motivation as purely political racial gerrymandering.
Of course it has always been a consideration in politics as to what a policy, or vote, might impact your ability to maintain power/office, but goodness Jog, it is only a factor, not a sole driving force, or it shouldn't be, but it does appear to be having a greater cause in today's political enviroment, sadly.

As to the Great Society

The Great Society was a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964–65. The main goal was the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. President Johnson first used the term "Great Society" during a speech at Ohio University, then unveiled the program in greater detail at an appearance at University of Michigan.

New major spending programs that addressed education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, and transportation were launched during this period. The program and its initiatives were subsequently promoted by him and fellow Democrats in Congress in the 1960s and years following. The Great Society in scope and sweep resembled the New Deal domestic agenda of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Some Great Society proposals were stalled initiatives from John F. Kennedy's New Frontier. Johnson's success depended on his skills of persuasion, coupled with the Democratic landslide in the 1964 election that brought in many new liberals to Congress, making the House of Representatives in 1965 the most liberal House since 1938.

Anti-war Democrats complained that spending on the Vietnam War choked off the Great Society. While some of the programs have been eliminated or had their funding reduced, many of them, including Medicare, Medicaid, the Older Americans Act and federal education funding, continue to the present. The Great Society's programs expanded under the administrations of Republican Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

So Jog, I think the intentions were apparent, however, and yes, it could have been some of LBJ's dealings with his his skills of persuasion....
Gave power to Black leaders to bastardize many of the programs good intentions, at a personal profit, personally......
Which led to seeing it never succeeded as intended, so they might continue to enrich themselves off of the program,

It sorta reminds me how some of the early black leaders profited greatly, off the misery of others, like the Kennedy's did off of moonshine.

What did all that money buy them?

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/06/18 at 12:48:44

Funny how this thread turned into a bash session on Johnson, not that he doesn't derserve it, but, not sure that's the original intent of this thread, but who am I to say.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/06/18 at 12:52:07

734D4C40524E4F210 wrote:

Yes there are many things wrong with the white world and black world, but the wrong things in the white world have power over the black world (right or wrong) in a way that the black world does NOT have power over the white world.

Once in a while the script gets flipped.  Zimbabwe - formerly Rhodesia - at the present time, and, within a few years, South Africa. Somebody's always going to be on top with the power, and somebody's always going to be on the bottom without it.

Now that blacks are running Zimbabwe,things are not pleasant for the few whites that remain. Like they were unpleasant for  blacks there not too long ago. South Africa is going down the same road. The government there has just begun confiscating white owned farms. Soon, if they are not yet doing it officially, they will begin killing the white farmers.

Unfortunately for Zimbabwe,, with blacks running the show, life there actually pretty much sucks for everyone, black or white. It won't take South Africa very long to duplicate that experience.  

There are cities right here in the US where this same pattern has been emerging. DC Baltimore, Detroit, Camden. etc.

Speaking in "broad generalities" of course.

I don't pretend to know WHY things are like they are. But they are like they are.; anecdotes like the one about raydawg's boss notwithstanding And I know who I want running stuff where I live. I'd like for the infrastructure and the civil institutions to remain operational, and I've got a pretty good idea, at least  locally, who can and who cannot be relied upon to accomplish that.

the problem isn't with this observation, probably all relevant and somewhat factual, idk, I'm not going to bother checking up on it either.

But that, if you are attributing the ineptness of these behaviors to the color of their skin without at least a consideration for the environment and culture that created this mess.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/06/18 at 12:58:03

0B223F20283F213401223E390C3F39243E394D0 wrote:
Funny how this thread turned into a bash session on Johnson, not that he doesn't derserve it, but, not sure that's the original intent of this thread, but who am I to say.

Is that a true statement by you....?
Or, you trying a ploy to side step what you really mean?

Seems you answered your question in your very next post:

But that, if you are attributing the ineptness of these behaviors to the color of their skin without at least a consideration for the environment and culture that created this mess.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/18 at 15:27:03

Whose Thread
Is it?
I'm sure I can ask for it to be directed more toward the,, Ohhh, you can get it..

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by oldNslow on 04/06/18 at 15:48:37

But that, if you are attributing the ineptness of these behaviors to the color of their skin without at least a consideration for the environment and culture that created this mess.

I am using "black" and "white" as convenient descriptors of groups pf people who come from, and share different environmental and cultural backgrounds. "White" for folks of primarily European descent, and "black" for folks of primarily sub-saharan african decent. I use Asian, Hispanic,  Arab,Native-American, Eskimo, etc., the same way.

The" ineptness" as you put it, of one group compared to another - again speaking in generalities, there are always going to be individual exceptions, with regard to a particular endevor, for example, efficiently running a large city or even a whole country, is not a value judgement, it is a simple, easily observable phenomenon.

All ethnic groups are not the same. Pretending that they are, wishing that they were, trying to arrange things, by law or force , to try make them the same, is simply trying to defy reality. I also happen to believe that "equality under the law" while an admirable goal, doesn't really exist either. Even in this country, where it is supposed to be a fundamental tenet of our system of governance.

Culture and environmental factors do make a difference of course. Which is why some of the black run cities in the US, crappy as they are, are still a heck of a lot better than places like Harare, Nairobi, Luanda, and Mogadishu.

I don't know what LBJ has got to do with any of this either. Is "Texan" a race. :)

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/18 at 16:04:01

Is "Texan" a race.

Dude, really?

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/06/18 at 18:16:45

504F494E53546555655D4F43083A0 wrote:
Is "Texan" a race.

Dude, really?

Yeah, silly rabbit, it is it’s own universe  ;D

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/07/18 at 00:16:02

4F5056514C4B7A4A7A42505C17250 wrote:
Is "Texan" a race.

Dude, really?

sometimes the way Texans act... they think they are their own special breed so might as well be

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/07/18 at 07:40:02

How silly.. If I tried to say Mexicans act a certain way, I'd be smeared with the Racist label.
But Texans, well, it's okay to broad brush them.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by MnSpring on 04/07/18 at 08:51:40

755C415E56415F4A7F5C40477241475A4047330 wrote:
sometimes the way Texans act... they think they are their own special breed so might as well be

 That statement above,
  Racist, Prejudiced, and Bigoted.

Oh Ya, forgot,
 alright for, 'some' to say that.
   But NOT alright for, others, to say that.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by oldNslow on 04/07/18 at 08:57:21

37282E2934330232023A28246F5D0 wrote:
Is "Texan" a race.

Dude, really?

My original comment at the end of my last post was meant to be a joke. ::)

I can't believe how easy it is to start a fight on here. :o

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by Serowbot on 04/07/18 at 09:05:51

Are Texans a protected minority now?...

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/07/18 at 09:21:16

I knew it was a joke.. my
Dude, Really?
Was hopefully read to say
Of COURSE we are!

Row, you're saying that as long as someone Isn't a
Legally, Protected Minority
It's okay to smear them?

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by MnSpring on 04/07/18 at 09:34:16

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
Are Texans a protected minority now?...

The word, ‘Protected’, how do you mean it?

Is it like, ‘Protected’, as in Bald Eagles?
Is it,  ‘Protected’, like Red Wing Blackbirds ?
It is,  ‘Protected’,  like the Timber Wolf ?

Say, a group of People,
 Irish, Italian, German, Japanese, Danes, etc.
Are they  ‘Protected’ ?

Say a group of people believe in a  religion,
 Protestant, Jew, Catholic, Shinto, Muslim, None, etc.
Are they,  ‘Protected’ ?

Is, ( of the groups above ),
one group, More, ‘Protected’ than another ?

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/07/18 at 10:13:35

He can't answer that.
The answer exposes his thinking.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/07/18 at 11:04:38

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote:
He can't answer that.
The answer exposes his thinking.

Look, re: guns......

I asked is the concern, all this energy and focus, generated because of the number of innocent deaths, of a product?

He won't answer.

No lib will will.

Are you surprised?

I can tell you why I believe in a fairy tell like Jesus  ;D

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by Serowbot on 04/07/18 at 11:18:58

A product that is designed to kill is unique among the many things that may cause a death accidentally...
If a gun kills. it's doing it's job...
Like it or not, this puts guns in a category their own.

... and Danes... Yup, they are more protected.
I think it may be because they are tall...
...or maybe because they talk the funniest  :-/

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/07/18 at 12:16:51

Is it the amount of deaths?

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/07/18 at 12:59:53

5B4D5A475F4A475C280 wrote:
A product that is designed to kill is unique among the many things that may cause a death accidentally...
If a gun kills. it's doing it's job...
Like it or not, this puts guns in a category their own.

... and Danes... Yup, they are more protected.
I think it may be because they are tall...
...or maybe because they talk the funniest  :-/

Funny how the SAME
In the hands of a Government Stooge

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/07/18 at 13:18:33

0A151314090E3F0F3F07151952600 wrote:
How silly.. If I tried to say Mexicans act a certain way, I'd be smeared with the Racist label.
But Texans, well, it's okay to broad brush them.

notice how I said "sometimes"  or doesn't that fit with your view of me as labeling them all...  

reading comprehension... you should try it sometimes, you're usually better at that...

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/07/18 at 13:24:15

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
I knew it was a joke.. my
Dude, Really?
Was hopefully read to say
Of COURSE we are!

Row, you're saying that as long as someone Isn't a
Legally, Protected Minority
It's okay to smear them?

under the law, yup, deal with it snowflake

oh, and Texans come in a huge variety of races, there are Hispanic Texans, African Texans (like literally from Africa, not just black some are even white), African-American Texans, Native American Texans, Homosexual Texans, Muslim Texans etc....  

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/07/18 at 13:26:52

657A7C7B6661506050687A763D0F0 wrote:
[quote author=5B4D5A475F4A475C280 link=1522896553/30#39 date=1523125138]A product that is designed to kill is unique among the many things that may cause a death accidentally...
If a gun kills. it's doing it's job...
Like it or not, this puts guns in a category their own.

... and Danes... Yup, they are more protected.
I think it may be because they are tall...
...or maybe because they talk the funniest  :-/

Funny how the SAME
In the hands of a Government Stooge

Says who??  

that's not the line of Black Lives Matter...  

that's not the line of the many democrats and liberal anti war protesters ...

yet, you want to arm teachers...  aren't teachers government paid stooges as well?

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by raydawg on 04/07/18 at 13:31:07

6D7B6C71697C716A1E0 wrote:
A product that is designed to kill is unique among the many things that may cause a death accidentally...
If a gun kills. it's doing it's job...
Like it or not, this puts guns in a category their own 

And still no reply as to why?
Then I will assume under your reasoning ALL armed forces, be it military, FBI, local police forces, to body guards for liberal politicians and Hollywood personalities, are designed for killing.

Sounds stupid, huh.....  ::)

Guns are designed, other than hunting, if used as intended, to guard against the forces who want to kill, others.
If not, then those liberals politicians and Hollywood folk are what, stupid, as they are NOT using the gun to protect?

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/07/18 at 14:30:01

Wow, you're willing to go there?
Cops and military are the equivalent of Teachers?
Is that really your grasp of reality?
The POINT is
The gun grabbers want
cops and military armed,
But you want to drag MY wanting to arm teachers into

YOUR desire to Limit who is armed.
That's Frikken TWISTED.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/07/18 at 14:42:33

293630372A2D1C2C1C24363A71430 wrote:
Wow, you're willing to go there?
Cops and military are the equivalent of Teachers?
Is that really your grasp of reality?
The POINT is
The gun grabbers want
cops and military armed,
But you want to drag MY wanting to arm teachers into

YOUR desire to Limit who is armed.
That's Frikken TWISTED.

find where I said anything about limiting who's armed and who's not?  

again, you're profiling me into a category I don't belong in.

what I was trying to point out is, if you want to arm teachers, aren't you making them into armed government stooges?  

the only other thing you might have been able to read into what I said was, oh, hey, some liberals don't want ANYONE armed, not even government stooges as you put it.  

and that's it, don't jump to some other conclusion or that I want only government people to be armed or that I'm a "gun grabber"  

This idea that I was proposing gun grabbing or that only government stooges should be armed came from YOU, not ME.  You read what you wanted into what I said.

So if we could all quit doing that, maybe we could have some decent conversations here.

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/07/18 at 16:16:55

what I was trying to point out is, if you want to arm teachers, aren't you making them into armed government stooges?  

Were they Government Stooges
BEFORE IDIOTS decided to make it illegal for American citizens to exercise their constitutional RIGHTS in a FRIKKEN SCHOOL?

Title: Re: I never really understand the
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 04/07/18 at 17:15:25

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote:
what I was trying to point out is, if you want to arm teachers, aren't you making them into armed government stooges?  

Were they Government Stooges
BEFORE IDIOTS decided to make it illegal for American citizens to exercise their constitutional RIGHTS in a FRIKKEN SCHOOL?

there are plenty of private companies that ban guns too...  

there are A LOT of our constitutional RIGHTS that we can't exercise all over the place, both private and government places » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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