General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Repeal the Second Amendment...

Message started by Serowbot on 03/27/18 at 10:25:31

Title: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/18 at 10:25:31

The cat's out of the bag...  :-?
..."demonstrators should seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment."

Will this be the end result of the NRA's inflexibility?...

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/27/18 at 10:40:42

Will it stop innocent killings?

So would repealing abortion’s on demand.

Obama said abortions should be rare.
Seems he eats his meat way over cooked, never sending it back to the kitchen to get it right.....

Is it the amount of deaths we care about, or just the gun?

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/27/18 at 10:51:51

6472657860757863170 wrote:
The cat's out of the bag...  :-?
..."demonstrators should seek more effective and more lasting reform. They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment."

Will this be the end result of the NRA's inflexibility?...

Interesting concept... but not gonna happen.

It's a shame that District of Columbia v. Heller didn't have a different outcome.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/18 at 11:03:17

13001805001606610 wrote:
Will it stop innocent killings?

So would repealing abortion’s on demand.

Obama said abortions should be rare.
Seems he eats his meat way over cooked, never sending it back to the kitchen to get it right.....

Is it the amount of deaths we care about, or just the gun?

What does any of that matter?...
The point is,... what if the anti-gun movement decides to give up on trying to nibble and takes a real bite?...

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/27/18 at 11:20:15

2F392E332B3E33285C0 wrote:
[quote author=13001805001606610 link=1522171531/0#1 date=1522172442]Will it stop innocent killings?

So would repealing abortion’s on demand.

Obama said abortions should be rare.
Seems he eats his meat way over cooked, never sending it back to the kitchen to get it right.....

Is it the amount of deaths we care about, or just the gun?

What does any of that matter?...
The point is,... what if the anti-gun movement decides to give up on trying to nibble and takes a real bite?...[/quote]

yeah, why does it matter.......  ::)

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by oldNslow on 03/27/18 at 11:55:44

The 2nd amendment, like the other amendments in the Bill of Rights, does not grant a right to the people from the government. It defines a right that exists prior to, and irrespective of any government authority.

Repealing the amendment does not extinguish the right.

If the democrats want to guarantee that they never have a majority in either the house or the senate ever again, they should take ex justice Stevens' advice and make repealing the 2nd amendment the centerpiece of their platform.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/18 at 12:19:27

Knows, when he says,
“They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.”

That it is Not about what a firearm,
could  do in the hands of a ‘Nut Case’.

It is ALL  about, Removing  Freedom.
             All Freedoms.

“ What,   RED  Socks,  YOU  can’t wear  Red  SOCKS ”

(Before the ‘panty in a bunch’  
ANTIFA  Ideals  Supporter and his/her student,
Gets their, Panties in a Bunch)

No won’t happen tomorrow, it’s long term.
      Yet that IS THE GOAL.

This Country was Founded on Freedom,
and descendants of Freedom lovers.
And Immigrants wanting, Freedom.
The Citizens grew up and passed down,
Freedom, to make your  OWN  decisions.

It was not founded as a, ’Prison Colony’,
where generations grew up,
expecting to be told, what to do.

Simple, if JOHN PAUL STEVENS, believes,
“They should demand a repeal of the Second Amendment.”
Then move to a County, that doesn’t have one.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/18 at 13:18:19

694A7754564D4A43240 wrote:
This Country was Founded on Freedom,
and descendants of Freedom lovers.
And Immigrants wanting, Freedom.
The Citizens grew up and passed down,
Freedom, to make your  OWN  decisions.

It was not founded as a, ’Prison Colony’,
where generations grew up,
expecting to be told, what to do.

You must be kidding.
The founders were slave owners,...
America was precisely a Prison colony.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/27/18 at 13:30:02

You can't really be that stupid, are you?

Look at slavery AROUND the WORLD.......

Your fn elitist attitude that American created all the ill in this world is just a symptom of your extremely over inflated importance of self....

Slavery was a mainstay from the moment your Darwin man left his cave....
It has been practiced WAY BEFORE america was even a dream.

Get real fool.....

You want to feel superior at assigning this faux guilt, as repair, have at it, but maybe you should leave this country like you said you would if Trump got elected....

You are a dog that only barks, you teeth rotted out years ago, goodness...

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/18 at 13:42:18

3E283F223A2F22394D0 wrote:
You must be kidding.
The founders were slave owners,...
America was precisely a Prison colony.

Got busy with the phone.
Looks like someone got their AZZ  CHEWED !!!!!!!!!

Wonder if King Salomon, PAID people to Mine his Salt ????

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by Serowbot on 03/27/18 at 14:03:50

Gettin' a little nasty aren't we?...

Sure, America wasn't the only slave owning country....
We weren't the lone standout against it either.
This country was built on slavery and servitude.
Slave traders couldn't keep up with demand.
Freedom for some is not freedom.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/27/18 at 14:18:34

Nasty, no, call it resistance.....

It’s folks like you, who out of their OWN selfishness, keeps repair and understanding, away from those they claim to care about, while letting the real slave-master drive the narrative and keep their power.

You are part of the problem you say you hate.
Nasty has nothing to do with it.
You might find that on a article or post talking about Stormy.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/18 at 14:28:09

Lefties have been making bigger and bigger mistakes. Yeah, DO That.
You wanna see America get back to reasonable?
DO THAT. Lefties will get creamed in the civil war that follows.
TALK about
Common Sense
And pretend that the Actual COMMON SENSE answer Isn't making schools something Other Than a safe zone for MURDERERS..
Frikken IDIOTS.
The answer is so easy.
Arm teachers.
Take the signs down.
STOP PROTECTING the crazies.
Nobody, NOBODY, who was familiar with Cruz was surprised.
The F.B.I ADMITTED they screwed up.
The cops OBVIOUSLY failed.
And there were people pushing for involuntary commitment for Cruz over a year ago.

But it's the GUNS.
Not failures in the system.
Idiots, Frikken IDIOTS..

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by WebsterMark on 03/27/18 at 16:14:41

3B2D3A273F2A273C480 wrote:
[quote author=694A7754564D4A43240 link=1522171531/0#6 date=1522178367]

This Country was Founded on Freedom,
and descendants of Freedom lovers.
And Immigrants wanting, Freedom.
The Citizens grew up and passed down,
Freedom, to make your  OWN  decisions.

It was not founded as a, ’Prison Colony’,
where generations grew up,
expecting to be told, what to do.

You must be kidding.
The founders were slave owners,...
America was precisely a Prison colony.[/quote]

If slaves had their own "2nd Amendment " meaning if they'd somehow been able to arm themselves, we'd have avoided a civil war.

Here's an idea, lets take weapons from liberals and turn them into slaves.....

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/18 at 18:37:13

Why would you respond to such a baseless conflation of totally dissimilar events?
Make the lefties POINT to the Successes of the decisions THEY have demanded.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by Matchless G11 on 03/28/18 at 03:00:45

If slaves had their own "2nd Amendment " meaning if they'd somehow been able to arm themselves, we'd have avoided a civil war.

One of the things that brought us the civil war was that slaves were starting to arm them selves, ever hear of John Brown?

But seriously, Mexico has no second amendment and twice the murder rate (by guns).

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by WebsterMark on 03/28/18 at 04:56:47

And Chicago has some of strictest gun control laws yet had 3,500 people shot last year.

Neither that statistic or your Mexican statistic is pertinent.

The 2nd Amendment was put into place to allow the citizenry the ability to fight against their own oppressive government. If slaves had weapons, they would have certainly fought back. Slavery requires defenseless subjects. Germany gradually enforced who had access to weapons which conveniently left off whom they considered to be enemies of the state. We all know how that turned out..... I say we know that but I'm not sure we do. I read some stupid s.o.b with a national column compare a wall on our southern border to the Berlin Wall. What a moron.....The Berlin Wall was meant to keep people in, not out. Who doesn't know that? Who doesn't get that?

It seems far fetched, almost impossible such a situation could occur here, but today your job, your livelihood could be put at risk by politically incorrect speech. Work for a public company in any senior management position and go ahead, speak your opinion on the dangers of illegal immigrants, same sex marriage, mainstreaming transgender amoung school age kids......see what happens. We are now discussing legislation that allows someone to simply claim you're a risk, a danger to society and with no due process your personal property is taken away by the Motherland. You think it's impossible that won't be abused by the ruling party? Of course it will.

Freedom is hard, its messy, sometimes deadly, always complicated. Don't be so quick to hand it over...

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 06:20:45

But, but

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 06:28:37

It's worth repeating.

In my opinion, anyone who feels the need to own guns is nothing more than paranoid.

I do, however, feel that the Second Amendment is an important part of our Constitution and should not be repealed. (let's keep it real, it'll never happen in our lifetimes, if ever).

But to see so many conservatives' heads on fire about restricting access to some guns is just plain funny.  They seem to equate that to an all out ban - it's hilarious.

Don't worry gun nuts - we'll soon have the midterms and a lot of democrats will win, and gun sales will back up at Obama era levels!   ;D ;D

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 06:32:16

Blah blah blah, SOME guns,,
Be specific, which guns
And what will THAT accomplish?

And WHY are we even talking about guns
When the problem isn't guns?
Has nobody noticed WHERE these things are happening?
What is the most common element?
No Gun Zone.
Someone who was having trouble
And in Florida


Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by Trippah on 03/28/18 at 08:18:05

If it takes a constitutional convention to repeal the 2nd Amendment, then no.  Why, cause the Donalds would push through a white male property over 1 million only voting rights..finishing the screw job they have started. ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/28/18 at 08:19:07

In my opinion, anyone who feels the need to own guns is nothing more than paranoid.

So, you just hire the gun........ok, sure, professionals, ja.

However, you hire because you are paranoid......and too scared to protect your self, ja?

Think of Barney Fife......   ;D

You hero pal.
he is paranoid chicken poop.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by oldNslow on 03/28/18 at 09:33:08

In my opinion, anyone who feels the need to own guns is nothing more than paranoid.

Utter nonsense.

I have been a competitive clay target shooter for many years. Sporting clays mostly, although I occasionally shoot skeet.
I feel the need to own guns because it would be impossible for me to participate in this sport without one.

I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, and say you are simply painting gun owners with a pretty broad brush, but I'm not sure that's true.I think it's more likely that you have ingested too much of the anti- gun( and anti- gun owner} propaganda, and simply don't know what you are talking about.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 09:56:00

When seconds count
Cops are only minutes away

IF they are willing to risk it when they get there.

So unwilling to admit that armed people, spread through society, are a DETERRENT.
Notice how concealed carry has increased?
But murders dropped?
I Wonder Why that is..

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by Eegore on 03/28/18 at 10:36:46

"In my opinion, anyone who feels the need to own guns is nothing more than paranoid."

 Coyotes run in my land, I'm not paranoid of them but I sure don't want to run around at night with a slingshot keeping them from going after things.

 I could bow-hunt too I suppose so I'm not so paranoid of the ducks/geese I shoot.

 I run medical supply details in South America, I guess I could be the only person unarmed and see how that goes.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 11:56:07

7A69716C697F6F080 wrote:
In my opinion, anyone who feels the need to own guns is nothing more than paranoid.

So, you just hire the gun........ok, sure, professionals, ja.

However, you hire because you are paranoid......and too scared to protect your self, ja?

Who, me?  No ray, I don't hire bodyguards - do you?  You don't own any guns - so you say.  People who feel threatened, or have been threatened hire people with gun.  So?  They are paranoid with reason.  But billy-bob in the backwoods preparing for the "gubment invasion" is paranoid without reason.  See the difference?

Think of Barney Fife......   ;D

You hero pal.
he is paranoid chicken poop.

Well ray, like I said, there are people with valid paranoia - Bernie is one of them.  Gun nuts would love to use him as a target.  but of course, you don't see the difference... no surprise.  .

I mean, you pull $hit off of infowars... LMAO!!  What a joke site!!

BTW, speaking of Bernie - you might wanna look at his views on the Second Amendment

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 12:05:09

0D33323E2C30315F0 wrote:

In my opinion, anyone who feels the need to own guns is nothing more than paranoid.

Utter nonsense.

I have been a competitive clay target shooter for many years. Sporting clays mostly, although I occasionally shoot skeet.
I feel the need to own guns because it would be impossible for me to participate in this sport without one.

So, how many times have you had the NEED for a rifle in your competition?

Do you shoot skeet in your house or on your property?  I think not, because you yourself say it's a sport - therefore sanctioned, correct?

So... why not keep your shotgun at the venue of the competition or practice site?  You can still own it, right?

Remember, I'm talking need, not want.

I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt, and say you are simply painting gun owners with a pretty broad brush, but I'm not sure that's true.I think it's more likely that you have ingested too much of the anti- gun( and anti- gun owner} propaganda, and simply don't know what you are talking about.

No, I know exactly what I'm talking about old - I occasionally shoot, I used to hunt - heck I had Hunter's Safety way back in the 5th grade!

You seem to have missed the part about me supporting the Second Amendment.

But I also know the difference between need and want.

In this day and age, if you feel the need to own a gun, you may want to look at where you live and/or your state of mental health.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 12:06:12

All this talk about nuance,, Phhht...

But billy-bob in the backwoods preparing for the "gubment invasion" is paranoid without reason.  See the difference?

You SAY you understand the second amendment. I don't know anyone who is expecting a government invasion.
Understand the word

The Japanese did. They knew an invasion would fail.

Shooters don't go to police stations unless they want to die.

Owning weapons is natural.
From the beginning of time, people have been responsible for their own survival. Being armed is no more paranoid than having fire insurance on the house.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 12:10:14

78585A524F583D0 wrote:
"In my opinion, anyone who feels the need to own guns is nothing more than paranoid."

 Coyotes run in my land, I'm not paranoid of them but I sure don't want to run around at night with a slingshot keeping them from going after things.

Well Eegore - is it true need?  And again, see my all my posts in context.
Maybe I should have been more explicit, but I'll stick to my statement.

 I could bow-hunt too I suppose so I'm not so paranoid of the ducks/geese I shoot.

True - but you know that's not the point I make. (but dicks can be scary...).

 I run medical supply details in South America, I guess I could be the only person unarmed and see how that goes.

I get that - understood.  Good point.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by WebsterMark on 03/28/18 at 12:11:53

You seem to have missed the part about me supporting the Second Amendment.

You don't support the 2nd Amendment based on the views you've stated. Your like a big fat man who supports dieting with his diet Coke.....while eating supersized fries with his two Big Macs.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 12:19:23

0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 wrote:
You seem to have missed the part about me supporting the Second Amendment.

You don't support the 2nd Amendment based on the views you've stated. Your like a big fat man who supports dieting with his diet Coke.....while eating supersized fries with his two Big Macs.

OK genius - show me how I don't support the Second Amendment and show me where I said repeal it...

Are you purposely trying to be an idiot?  If so, great job!

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by oldNslow on 03/28/18 at 12:23:54

Do you shoot skeet in your house or on your property?  I think not, because you yourself say it's a sport - therefore sanctioned, correct?

So... why not keep your shotgun at the venue of the competition or practice site?  You can still own it, right?

Remember, I'm talking need, not want.

I shoot at venues other than my home club. So does most everyone else. The really serious competitors - guys much better than me - shoot all over the state, the country and even in other countries. We take our guns with us. The comment quoted above is just stupid.

In this day and age, if you feel the need to own a gun, you may want to look at where you live and/or your state of mental health.

So much for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 12:32:23

536D6C60726E6F010 wrote:

Do you shoot skeet in your house or on your property?  I think not, because you yourself say it's a sport - therefore sanctioned, correct?

So... why not keep your shotgun at the venue of the competition or practice site?  You can still own it, right?

Remember, I'm talking need, not want.

I shoot at venues other than my home club. So does most everyone else. The really serious competitors - guys much better than me - shoot all over the state, the country and even in other countries. We take our guns with us. The comment quoted above is just stupid.

No, it's very valid.  It shows need vs. want.  Is your livelihood based solely on your shooting skills?

[quote] In this day and age, if you feel the need to own a gun, you may want to look at where you live and/or your state of mental health.

So much for giving you the benefit of the doubt.

Aww, it breaks my heart too.... *sniff*


Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 12:52:17

Do you have fire insurance?
A spare tire?
Can you PROMISE I won't NEED a gun?
No, you can't.
Nobody can.
People have always known that their own lives and property were theirs to defend.
Random crap HAPPENS.
Good neighborhood doesn't mean anything.
The fact that there has been ZERO violent crime in years for miles around means nothing, if a couple of yahoos decide to kick your door in.

You can wear your pants backwards with the zipper down and no underwear and wait for the inevitable. Not me.
If a big mean dog comes through and starts in on one of mine, I'm not calling animal control.
If someone shows up here wanting trouble, the cops will be called, right after I have a gun in my hand.
That's the NATURAL STATE of a Person.
Being in charge and in control of the events in our lives, rather than waiting to be a victim. Why just Be Vulnerable? I don't walk around with a holster on my hip, but I'm not unprepared for a crappy day. I have two big extinguishers in the shop. Two in the house. I've never had to use one. Maybe that's paranoid. Fire is out to get me. Never has, but I'll stay prepared.

There's no cop or fire truck gonna get here in under twenty minutes.

And that's STILL NOT all the reasons I have guns.
I LIKE them. Ever since I was little, I liked guns. And lathes, and welding machines, and all kinds of tools.

And We Can Own them.
Why would anyone NOT own guns?

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by MnSpring on 03/28/18 at 13:15:43

534D42434E534855270 wrote:
" ...  People who feel threatened, or have been threatened hire people with gun.  So?  They are paranoid with reason. ..."

So, have you had a Fire in the place you live?
              What, you Haven’t.  
 Well then Clearly you ARE AFRAID of Fire,
         Therefore, Paranoid, (and probably a, ’Nut Case”)
Unless you take OUT,
 ALL Smoke Detectors,
   ALL C02 Detectors,
     and ALL Fire Extinguishers,

(OBTW, you forgot a, Comma, between, threatened and hire.
Would make it easer to read, there, LOLOLOL)

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by MnSpring on 03/28/18 at 13:26:00

677976777A677C61130 wrote:
"... So, how many times have you had the NEED for a rifle in your competition? ..."

So in your, Teeny TINY  World, their is NO  competitions with Rifles ?
And none with a  'AR-15' Type ?

You don't have a clue what your talking about, so, S.D.A.S.T.F.U.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 14:33:13

.... and people wonder why I call some others bat$hit crazy....

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/28/18 at 14:36:28

1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 wrote:
You seem to have missed the part about me supporting the Second Amendment.

You don't support the 2nd Amendment based on the views you've stated. Your like a big fat man who supports dieting with his diet Coke.....while eating supersized fries with his two Big Macs.

You met TT?

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 14:38:12

53405845405646210 wrote:
[quote author=1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 link=1522171531/15#29 date=1522264313]You seem to have missed the part about me supporting the Second Amendment.

You don't support the 2nd Amendment based on the views you've stated. Your like a big fat man who supports dieting with his diet Coke.....while eating supersized fries with his two Big Macs.

You met TT?

Obviously not, I prefer Wendy's!  (oh, and I support the Second Amendment)

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by Serowbot on 03/28/18 at 14:43:58

0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 wrote:
Your like a big fat man who supports dieting with his diet Coke.....while eating supersized fries with his two Big Macs.

You are confusing TT with Trump... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 16:22:46

Obviously not, I prefer Wendy's!  (oh, and I support the Second Amendment)
Back to top      

I'm confused.
Do you want any guns banned?

And for the people who want a type of gun banned,
What guns would you ban,
And what would that accomplish?


Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/18 at 05:38:22

425C53525F425944360 wrote:
[quote author=0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 link=1522171531/15#29 date=1522264313]You seem to have missed the part about me supporting the Second Amendment.

You don't support the 2nd Amendment based on the views you've stated. Your like a big fat man who supports dieting with his diet Coke.....while eating supersized fries with his two Big Macs.

OK genius - show me how I don't support the Second Amendment and show me where I said repeal it...

Are you purposely trying to be an idiot?  If so, great job![/quote]

Yes or No.  Can I,as an American citizen with no criminal record, purchase 3 of Ruger's AR15 (the SR556) with extended magazines and a 1000 case of ammo to go along with it? All existing Federal or state background checks would be completed. Yes or no?

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/18 at 06:35:59

4D7F78696E7F68577B68711A0 wrote:
[quote author=425C53525F425944360 link=1522171531/30#30 date=1522264763][quote author=0B393E2F28392E113D2E375C0 link=1522171531/15#29 date=1522264313]You seem to have missed the part about me supporting the Second Amendment.

You don't support the 2nd Amendment based on the views you've stated. Your like a big fat man who supports dieting with his diet Coke.....while eating supersized fries with his two Big Macs.

OK genius - show me how I don't support the Second Amendment and show me where I said repeal it...

Are you purposely trying to be an idiot?  If so, great job![/quote]

Yes or No.  Can I,as an American citizen with no criminal record, purchase 3 of Ruger's AR15 (the SR556) with extended magazines and a 1000 case of ammo to go along with it? All existing Federal or state background checks would be completed. Yes or no?[/quote]

Can you now?  Depends on where you live.  You currently have the right - the question is, should there be restrictions?

I think there should.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I don't see any reference to AR15's.  I don't see specifics on ammunition.

However, I support your right to own what you own - now or in the future.

The question you should be asking is WHY do you feel the need to own such weapons?

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/18 at 07:44:49

So no, you don't support the 2nd Amendment.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/18 at 08:58:52

774542535445526D41524B200 wrote:
So no, you don't support the 2nd Amendment.

LOL - OK genius, how'd you come to that conclusion?

Do I myself have to own a gun to support the Second Amendment?  Do I have to change my mindset on who I think should own guns?

But here, let me put your question right back on you.... take a close look at the structure:

Can I,as an American citizen with no criminal record, (caveat number one - the Constitution does not mention criminal records - is that in and of itself an infringement?) . purchase 3 of Ruger's AR15 (the SR556) with extended magazines and a 1000 case of ammo to go along with it? All existing Federal or state background checks would be completed.(caveat number two - the Constitution does not mention background checks - is that an infringement?)  Yes or no?

So web, once again you can't see past your own hypocrisy.  You b!tch and moan about people like me who want common sense regulation, yet you're just fine with background checks and criminal pasts?

So - your line is OK but mine isn't?

Gimme a break.

But yeah, you go ahead and stockpile all the legal guns you want.  I could give a rats a$$.  I guess you feel you need to - living in St. Louis and all.    :)

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/18 at 09:17:28

Why I want so many guns is my business, not yours and not Uncle Sam's. It's my life, my liberty and my pursuit of happiness. Familiar words at one time.

This is no different than my freedom of speech, of religion, freedom from search and seizure. We keep giving away little freedoms, one at a time.

No one objects to reasonable background searches. But we've gone far enough. Stop it, just stop it now. It's always the leftist that erode freedoms a little at a time until they're gone.

So don't say you support the 2nd Amendment when you obviously do not.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/18 at 09:20:05

013334252233241B37243D560 wrote:
Why I want so many guns is my business, not yours and not Uncle Sam's. It's my life, my liberty and my pursuit of happiness. Familiar words at one time.

This is no different than my freedom of speech, of religion, freedom from search and seizure. We keep giving away little freedoms, one at a time.

No one objects to reasonable background searches. But we've gone far enough. Stop it, just stop it now. It's always the leftist that erode freedoms a little at a time until they're gone.

So don't say you support the 2nd Amendment when you obviously do not.

OK web - since you're smart - you tell me how someone supports the Second Amendment properly.

Now's your chance - wow us.....

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by MnSpring on 03/29/18 at 09:45:01

3B252A2B263B203D4F0 wrote:
"... A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.  ..."

Let me ask couple of questions.

1.  Support or Not support the,  M.G. handgun BAN ?
“…Morton Grove adopted the nation's first ordinance banning the possession of handguns in 1981, triggering a storm of publicity and a nationwide debate over the merits of using local ordinances to control gun ownership….”
“…in a fusillade of publicity, the Village of Morton Grove passed the strictest handgun control legislation in the nation`s history…”
“…``We proved once and for all that there is no constitutional right for a person to own a pistol,`` said Ashman. ``In that sense, the law has been a tremendous success.``…”

“…The move to repeal the ban attracted little controversy…” (27 Years Later)

2. Support or not support, Chicago’s, Gun Bans. ?

             (Here is a time line of the major ones)
1963: President John F. Kennedy is shot and assassinated. (Which Started it, and the Federal G.C.A. of 1968, is what we all live with now, after many, MANY  revisions and additions)

1967: Mayor Richard J. Daley urges the state to pass a law requiring the registration of all guns, but the Illinois General Assembly approves a Republican compromise, which instead of registering every gun, required the state to register gun owners with the Firearm Owners Identification Card.

1968: Daley’s City Council orders the registration of all firearms in Chicago.

1972: Mayor Daley takes a stand against gun rights activists before U.S. House subcommittees on gun violence. He then creates a special court to process gun crimes. Murder rates in the city are increasing.

1973: Various citizen groups like the Committee for Handgun Control form to lobby city politicians to pass tough gun control laws.

1981: Morton Grove, a suburb of Chicago with 25,000 residents at the time, becomes the first municipality in the U.S. to ban the sale, transportation and ownership of handguns. The ordinance is immediately challenged in court, and U.S. District Judge Bernard Decker rules the ordinance is valid.

1982: Mayor Jane Byrne and the city council begin hearings on an ordinance proposed by alderman Ed Burke that would ban the sale and registration of hand guns in Chicago. The ordinance passes. Chicago becomes the first major U.S.  city to freeze handgun ownership. Chicago suburbs begin passing similar bans.

1983: The U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear a separate federal suit challenging Morton Grove’s 1981 ban.

1984: The Illinois State Supreme Court upholds Morton Grove’s 1981 ban.

1992: The Chicago city council, led by Mayor Richard M. Daley (son of J. Daley), bans assault weapons.

2008: A federal judge upholds Chicago’s 1982 ban. Hours after the ruling, the National Rifle Association and the Illinois State Rifle Association file lawsuits seeking to overturn handgun bans in Chicago and suburbs.

2010: The U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Chicago’s 1982 gun ownership ban (McDonald v. Chicago), concluding that the Constitution gives individuals greater or equal power with states on the issue of possession of certain firearms for protection. A community activist who sought a hand gun to protect himself and his family from gang violence filed the appeal.

2010: Chicago responds by approving alternative methods of restricting who can have guns, including obtaining a permit by completing a training course and background check and paying a $100 fee.

2012: Federal appeals court forces Illinois to pass a law allowing residents to carry concealed weapons.
        ( What was that word,  'FORCED")

2013: U.S. District Judge Edmond E. Chang rules Chicago’s ordinance banning gun sales violates the Constitution. The effects of his ruling are delayed while the city decides whether to appeal.

 And of course this done not include any of the Draconian efforts  the City has done to, EXCLUDE, Legal Gun Sales, and Legal Licensed Dealers, to Legal Licensed Citizens, by making it next to impossible to keep a store open.

"...I don't see any reference to AR15's. ..."

And Exactly why should, YOU, TELL  Someone Else.
You should have, this car, not that car,
this boat, not that boat, this M.C. not that M.C,
Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/29/18 at 11:17:28

How do you support the second amendment
Stop creating gun free zones
Stop pretending that we should be even TALKING about the FUKKING GUN.



And you lefties worship the System
So THAT couldn't be the problem

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by WebsterMark on 03/29/18 at 11:33:47

756B646568756E73010 wrote:
[quote author=013334252233241B37243D560 link=1522171531/45#45 date=1522340248]Why I want so many guns is my business, not yours and not Uncle Sam's. It's my life, my liberty and my pursuit of happiness. Familiar words at one time.

This is no different than my freedom of speech, of religion, freedom from search and seizure. We keep giving away little freedoms, one at a time.

No one objects to reasonable background searches. But we've gone far enough. Stop it, just stop it now. It's always the leftist that erode freedoms a little at a time until they're gone.

So don't say you support the 2nd Amendment when you obviously do not.

OK web - since you're smart - you tell me how someone supports the Second Amendment properly.

Now's your chance - wow us.....

I've already told you and yes, it goes without saying I've wowed you.
As a leftist; you're barely an American anyway so you wouldn't recognize a true freedom if it slapped you upside your head.

Right now, I'm shutting down for the weekend. As I've said before, I never run into leftist in the real world like on the internet and on this forum in particular. It's educational to read the thoughts of those who will destroy this nation in the future. (educational in the sense that stepping in a pile of $hit at least once tells you not to make it a regular practice)

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/29/18 at 11:51:30

003235242332251A36253C570 wrote:
[quote author=756B646568756E73010 link=1522171531/45#46 date=1522340405][quote author=013334252233241B37243D560 link=1522171531/45#45 date=1522340248]Why I want so many guns is my business, not yours and not Uncle Sam's. It's my life, my liberty and my pursuit of happiness. Familiar words at one time.

This is no different than my freedom of speech, of religion, freedom from search and seizure. We keep giving away little freedoms, one at a time.

No one objects to reasonable background searches. But we've gone far enough. Stop it, just stop it now. It's always the leftist that erode freedoms a little at a time until they're gone.

So don't say you support the 2nd Amendment when you obviously do not.

OK web - since you're smart - you tell me how someone supports the Second Amendment properly.

Now's your chance - wow us.....

I've already told you and yes, it goes without saying I've wowed you.
As a leftist; you're barely an American anyway so you wouldn't recognize a true freedom if it slapped you upside your head.

Right now, I'm shutting down for the weekend. As I've said before, I never run into leftist in the real world like on the internet and on this forum in particular. It's educational to read the thoughts of those who will destroy this nation in the future. (educational in the sense that stepping in a pile of $hit at least once tells you not to make it a regular practice)

LOL - all those words and you've said nothing.

Run away web... run away.  I've given you an opportunity to "school me" on how to properly support the Second Amendment and you can't.

Petty little man.  All you have is hatred of the liberals who you think are the enemy.  Yeah, you just keep running away - I'm sure that'll serve you well.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/29/18 at 19:42:39

Excellent post Web..

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/29/18 at 20:15:37

6C727D7C716C776A180 wrote:
[quote author=003235242332251A36253C570 link=1522171531/45#49 date=1522348427][quote author=756B646568756E73010 link=1522171531/45#46 date=1522340405][quote author=013334252233241B37243D560 link=1522171531/45#45 date=1522340248]Why I want so many guns is my business, not yours and not Uncle Sam's. It's my life, my liberty and my pursuit of happiness. Familiar words at one time.

This is no different than my freedom of speech, of religion, freedom from search and seizure. We keep giving away little freedoms, one at a time.

No one objects to reasonable background searches. But we've gone far enough. Stop it, just stop it now. It's always the leftist that erode freedoms a little at a time until they're gone.

So don't say you support the 2nd Amendment when you obviously do not.

OK web - since you're smart - you tell me how someone supports the Second Amendment properly.

Now's your chance - wow us.....

I've already told you and yes, it goes without saying I've wowed you.
As a leftist; you're barely an American anyway so you wouldn't recognize a true freedom if it slapped you upside your head.

Right now, I'm shutting down for the weekend. As I've said before, I never run into leftist in the real world like on the internet and on this forum in particular. It's educational to read the thoughts of those who will destroy this nation in the future. (educational in the sense that stepping in a pile of $hit at least once tells you not to make it a regular practice)

LOL - all those words and you've said nothing.

Run away web... run away.  I've given you an opportunity to "school me" on how to properly support the Second Amendment and you can't.

Petty little man.  All you have is hatred of the liberals who you think are the enemy.  Yeah, you just keep running away - I'm sure that'll serve you well.



Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/29/18 at 20:36:52

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
Excellent post Web..

Look here:  But the senator explained that she has “a real kind of visceral reaction to the lack of appreciation — or understanding — about how people feel about the Second Amendment, and how people feel about restrictions on the Second Amendment.” Heitkamp compared her feelings to those of abortion-rights supporters: “Restrictions on your reproductive rights — think about how strongly you feel about evaluating those restrictions. That’s how strongly people in North Dakota and Indiana and other places feel about restricting their Second Amendment.”

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/29/18 at 20:41:06


Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/29/18 at 21:02:02

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:

On demand free abortions, and on demand free guns....

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/29/18 at 22:06:21

Where did you see anything remotely close to that?

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/30/18 at 08:26:10

its coming.....

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by Eegore on 03/30/18 at 10:36:06

"On demand free abortions, and on demand free guns.... "

 That's clickbait.  If you respond to it you might get a virus.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by MnSpring on 03/30/18 at 11:54:31

362827262B362D30420 wrote:
"... The question you should be asking is WHY do you feel the need to own such weapons?

Nop,  The,  Troll, does  NOT support the 2nd.

Describe: "...common sense regulation..."
         Outline it !
Do you think it means like the Bills that were drafted in Many States,
(That Didn’t even make it to a hearing, Because,
the, ‘will the island tip over’,  people, drafted them)
which said, in essence, if you didn’t like your neighbor,
you could complain once, Just Once,
and he/she could Not have a GUN.
 Or get the ones he/she already have, taken away.

Perhaps,  a Troll is in favor of a, ‘Waiting Period’,
and/or perhaps a Nation wide, FOID card.
(Seeing how WELL those things work in Ill)
Yep, that wonderful  ‘waiting’,
Petite female, ‘Waits’, While she is  KILLED,
by boyfriend/husband, with a  Knife.

And they go ON and ON and ON and ON.

Simple.  The Troll does NOT understand Firearms.
Just because he/she has one, it does  NOT mean he/she understands them.

Hey, deep in the shed, I do, have a dusty set of Golf Clubs,
does NOT mean I understand, the, ‘draw’ of Golfing.
Could also probably find a Hockey stick,
still doesn't mean I understand the draw of Hockey.
(Of course, not so foolish,
    as to call people that, do, understand
       Golf/Hockey/Etc,  NAMES)

Describe what, ‘regulate’ or ‘relegated’, meant 250+ years ago.
Describe what, 'Militia’ meant, 250+ years ago.
Describe what, ‘Free State’, meant, 250+ years ago.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/30/18 at 12:02:22

Start slow captain.... his mind gets tangled up.
Let’s ask what the word freedom means, what you say?

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/30/18 at 12:14:20

54475F42475141260 wrote:
Start slow captain.... his mind gets tangled up.
Let’s ask what the word freedom means, what you say?

My oh my ray - you're so clever.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/30/18 at 12:35:59

Dude, no one one, nada.
You lack the wherewithal to have honest dialogue, period.
You are what you charge of others, and petty as hell, grammar, syntax, etc, geez....
No one cares.
It’s that simple.
Life will go in without your input, or not.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/30/18 at 15:07:10

5B48504D485E4E290 wrote:
Dude, no one one, nada.
You lack the wherewithal to have honest dialogue, period.
You are what you charge of others, and petty as hell, grammar, syntax, etc, geez....
No one cares.
It’s that simple.
Life will go in without your input, or not.

Is that so?

Then tell me ray - why do YOU continue to bring me up in other threads then?

LOL - once again, your hypocrisy is there for all of us to see.  You can't even be a man enough to simply ignore me and let your thoughts stand on their own - you have to bring me in the mix, (boycott?  wow, original) to make yourself look like a big man.

You, ray, are a joke.

Maybe someday you'll grow up and come at with something of substance - if you're even capable (which I doubt).  

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/30/18 at 20:10:20

If he did that there would be another one you don't want to talk to.

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/30/18 at 20:48:57

2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 wrote:
If he did that there would be another one you don't want to talk to.

He is either blind, or has never seen a mirror, not sure.

Oh the irony of me mimicking him to a "T" causes him to lash out....
Do you even think he knows what hypocrisy looks like?

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by T And T Garage on 03/31/18 at 07:52:53

6F7C64797C6A7A1D0 wrote:
[quote author=2B343235282F1E2E1E26343873410 link=1522171531/60#64 date=1522465820]If he did that there would be another one you don't want to talk to.

He is either blind, or has never seen a mirror, not sure.

Oh the irony of me mimicking him to a "T" causes him to lash out....
Do you even think he knows what hypocrisy looks like?

LOL - and you continue to bring me up.

Under your skin much ray?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Repeal the Second Amendment...
Post by raydawg on 03/31/18 at 08:10:03

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