General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Teens/Texting,Guns

Message started by MnSpring on 03/27/18 at 09:09:25

Title: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by MnSpring on 03/27/18 at 09:09:25

             Teens  0-19
      Per DAY,  4  Killed by Homicide

It is clear, that after all the teens,
are done marching to take away freedom.
they will then tackle the ’Texting while Driving’.

Things exist, TODAY, and more will be invented,
to STOP  Texting and driving,
(Look at the red type down this page)

So easy, to make a  LAW, that if the phone is moving,
it cannot take or send a Text.
That will Certainly, STOP, all Texting.

Now for that occasional passenger, who feels they must text.
They can apply for, pay the fee, get a special license,
  (After passing a written and skill test)
for Just that One phone, to be exempt, and be able to Text while moving.
Now when they are driving, they must, have, another phone.
Because, if caught driving, with a, ’Text-able’ phone,
would be a serious fine.

Also the law needs to be changed, to allow a Police officer,
at any time, (while driving), to Check the cell phone in the car.
to determine if the cell phone the driver has, is safe.
(And of course, their will be exceptions for the 'Professional' Licensed people, who need to be able to Text while driving)

Should be no problem,
because,  “driving is a privilege, not a right.”
So Cell Phone use, 'is a privilege, not a right.”

12% of distracted drivers involved in fatal car accidents were teens ages 15 to 19.
48% of kids ages 12 to 17 report being in a car when the driver was texting.
An estimated 8 teens died per day in car accidents.
There were 2,524 motor vehicle related deaths among teens.
Car accidents are the leading cause of teenage deaths.
Drivers ages 16 and 17 are nearly 9x more likely to have an accident than middle-aged drivers.
61% of teenagers admit to risky driving habits.

64% of all the road accidents in the United States. Over half the road accidents in the States have cell phones involved,
Texting and driving is 6 times more likely to get you in an accident than drunk driving. [b]That’s right, it is actually safer for someone to get wasted and get behind the wheel than to text and do it.

The average speed in the US is about 55mph. Taking five seconds to read a text in this time means that the driver travels the length of a football field without looking at the road, or being distracted.
Every day, 11 teenagers die because they were texting while driving.
25% of teens respond to at least one text while driving, every single time.

Believe it or not, texting while driving can be just as dangerous, if not more dangerous, than driving while drunk. One study found that distracted drivers experience a 35% decline in reaction time, whereas drunk drivers only experience a 12% decline. These researchers also found that distracted drivers were more likely to drift into another lane, change speeds, or abruptly slam on the brakes than drunk drivers.
[b]11 teens die everyday as a result of texting while driving.

Teen drivers are 4x more likely than adults to get into car accidents while texting or talking on a cell phone.
Cell phone use is highest among 16-24 year old drivers.
Some teens think that they are more than capable of multitasking while behind the wheel, but this isn’t true. The human brain—especially the teenage, not fully developed brain.

When Apple launched iOS11, the software giant also included a feature to disable the phone while driving. Engaging the ‘Do Not Disturb While Driving’ stops any phone calls or notifications that may distract the driver. When a friend calls a phone that has this feature engaged, they receive a note that the driver is on the road—or a separate personalized message (each user can configure a unique note). Although the phone is disabled, teens may still make emergency phone calls.

There are numerous apps on the market that allow you to connect the phone to the GPS and shut off texting on the phone when the car reaches a certain speed. Many of these apps also include a way to set up an automated response to texts while you’re driving.

“driving is a privilege, not a right.”

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by verslagen1 on 03/27/18 at 09:30:14

That should be for all drivers, not just teens.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/27/18 at 09:39:18

Should be no problem,
because,  “driving is a privilege, not a right.”

Natural Rights and the supreme court disagree with you.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by raydawg on 03/27/18 at 09:58:21

I was wondering how many children were never given the opportunity to get killed at school, because someone killed them in the WOMB.....?

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by Eegore on 03/28/18 at 06:17:37

 I like the idea.

 I wonder what the ratio is if we average out those numbers among actual ownership.  For instance I believe more teens own and use cell phones than guns.  

 I also wonder if its possible for people to remain on topic.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by Eegore on 03/28/18 at 06:21:36

3B28302D283E2E490 wrote:
I was wondering how many children were never given the opportunity to get killed at school, because someone killed them in the WOMB.....?

 Theres a ton of abortion statistics out there.  You could look them up, do a little research and come up with some averages.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by Matchless G11 on 03/29/18 at 03:19:42

68717F7F29296A7D6C7D7B732B2C2D180 wrote:
 Theres a ton of abortion statistics out there.  You could look them up, do a little research and come up with some averages.

Aprox 50 Million since 1973.

And then you wonder why small towns are dying.
Industry is shutting down.
Health care for the aging is expensive (where are the younger people to take care of the elderly?)
Why we are more dependent on foreign labor.
In the west we are just cutting our own throats.  
Shades of the last gasps of the Roman empire.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 03/29/18 at 16:06:11

why are you guys letting this thread get hijacked???  

how does this have anything to do with abortion?  

now to the point. if you don't blame the gun, you can't blame the technology in anything, including texting and driving. you're  only really complaining about this cause it's a new fangled teeny thing that you don't understand...  yes it's new and a nuisance, but so were guns in the wild west at times.  

It's the people, not the device.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by Eegore on 03/30/18 at 06:54:58

"It's the people, not the device."

 I agree.  I see adults texting all the time in the car.  

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/30/18 at 09:41:28

Let's not fail to give credit to those who
Saw the problem
And did

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by Eegore on 03/30/18 at 10:31:22

"Let's not fail to give credit to those who
Saw the problem
And did
Nothing. "

 Right.  Also not possible if its brought up daily in every thread but that's ok.

 In Wyoming and Colorado when they made texting in the car a crime they allowed for the use of hands-free devices.  Cell-phone related accidents went up, way up.

 It turns out that more people were just looking down to text as they were trying to hide the phone from the eyes of other drivers/law enforcement.  Accidents went up as eyes were off the road longer.

 The problem was texting while driving.  Something was done (as opposed to nothing) and the opposite of the intended result happened.  

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/30/18 at 10:46:33

Phone records and text messages
Show When they were being used.
When you have a wreck
AND you're texting
You can get yourself the equivalent of a DWI kinda punishment.
Consequences FOR the problem caused By the Person who did it.
Prior Restraint isn't working.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by MnSpring on 03/30/18 at 11:07:51

042D302F27302E3B0E2D31360330362B3136420 wrote:
" to the point. if you don't blame the gun, you can't blame the technology in anything, including texting and driving. you're  only really complaining about this cause it's a new fangled teeny thing that you don't understand...  yes it's new and a nuisance, but so were guns in the wild west at times. It's the people, not the device.

No, not complaining, because of, ’New Fangled’,
  (Their are Plenty of people, who are driving,
  and know of  NO  Life with out a cell phone glued to their ear)

Not complaining, because of not understanding.
  (Understand perfectly, the Cell Phone,
    is as addictive as Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs.
     Yet Parents, freely give them to their 10+ year olds)

Pointing out, that All this  Marching,
and the Press, BLASTING it out all over.
 Is over, 4  KIDS   a day  getting killed,  (0-19)
  (NO  Bot, ya DON”T get to add  Suicide to that number)
When 11 KIDS  a  DAY, are KILLED, by  TEXTING,
   and they don’t say a word.

The, ‘complaining’, or, ‘Point’ was.
Why are GUNS  so Important now,
 that they have to  MARCH ?
 And put out a, ‘Manifesto’, which Clearly, anybody reading it, who is familiar with Firearms and the Laws, knows it is really Bad.
 Yet it was Published ALL OVER, time and time again, by the Press/Media,
to JUST,  Scare people, and tell, ‘everyone’: “GUNS ARE BAD”.
The ONLY  truth in it,
(Taking out the, Politically Correct Crap, by removing the words, ‘May Have’),
is this: “…As seen in the tragedy at our school, poor communication between mental healthcare providers and law enforcement may have contributed to a disturbed person with murderous tendencies and intentions entering a school and gunning down 17 people in cold blood….”

Yet do NOT  say ONE word, about, ’Texting’.
(Which considering the Numbers of Affected Kids)
THAT, is something to March about.

And Yea, People Over 19 also Text and Drive.
Just like people over 19  Drink/Drugs, and Drive.
Just like people over 19 are DFI’s with Guns.

"...but so were guns in the wild west..."

I believe, THAT,  statement,
is a VERY,   ‘Bigoted’  statement,
About the people that were living at that time.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by Eegore on 03/30/18 at 11:17:49

"When 11 KIDS  a  DAY, are KILLED, by  TEXTING,
  and they don’t say a word."

 Incorrect, there are many anti-texting campaigns and legislation about this very issue.  

 It doesn't get the wide stream attention that murdering children with firearms does, but to claim nobody says anything about texting and driving is intentionally misleading.  If nobody said a word how did laws against it get passed?

 In silence maybe.


Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by MnSpring on 03/30/18 at 12:06:13

59797B736E791C0 wrote:
"...  Incorrect, there are many anti-texting campaigns and legislation about this very issue. ..."  

Perhaps I missed it.
Please show me where it happened.

WHEN,  after the recent School shooting,
During the, ‘Protest’ by the Kids,
Was it said:   ’Texting’  Kills so Many More Teens  (0-19)
So we need to address that also.

All I saw/heard, was, ‘GUNS are Bad’,
and a, ‘Manifesto’, which is not grounded in any kind of reality.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by Eegore on 04/02/18 at 05:46:47

 I didn't realize you meant After the shooting and exclusively to the people effected.  

 No nobody that had family murdered at the school are fighting for texting laws, or childhood obesity which kills even more.

 Texting laws have been around much longer, its been addressed in different capacities for years.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by MnSpring on 04/02/18 at 11:03:49

4D6D6F677A6D080 wrote:
 I didn't realize you meant After the shooting and exclusively to the people effected.  

 No nobody that had family murdered at the school are fighting for texting laws, or childhood obesity which kills even more.

 Texting laws have been around much longer, its been addressed in different capacities for years.

Before I do the research on that subject, and answer: “…Texting laws have been around much longer…”.
I have to determine, where the, ‘Funding’, is coming from.

I believe that above statement, the third line, by the poster, references, ‘Guns’, simply because of the inference of the topic, and the letter of discussion, of the topic on this forum. That statement is giving the inference that, ’Texting’ laws have been around Much Longer than, ‘Gun’ laws.

However to properly complete a successful project, one has to be assured of proper funding, through proper channels, which of course, are correctly funded, from the correct sources. Also the funding, has to be determined, to be ’Non Political’ orientated, and without any possible Political influence to the outcome, of the opinion created, due to where the funding comes from.

Very few people can realize the complex degree of determining, what is and what is not necessary to fulfill the expectation of completion. Not knowing the degree of difficulty, in finding a line of funding, for a entity or a project. And especially one which has no Political affirmation, or any benefit as to which way the outcome is determined.

To that end I must, determine the issue, the complexity of it, then the time line to the fulfillment of it, and the neutrality. Without all those factors one cannot properly determine, the correct amount of funding, needed to fund the project.

So with the full weight of the funding issue pending.  I will decline to give a answer, until full and proper, funding can be obtained and funded.

Title: Re: Teens/Texting,Guns
Post by Eegore on 04/02/18 at 11:46:26

 What I mean is texting laws have been around much longer than this threads suggestion, and longer than the shooting in Florida.  The assessment that my statement was comparing gun laws to texting laws would be incorrect, I was stating it in context of the sentence that preceded it:
"No nobody that had family murdered at the school are fighting for texting laws, or childhood obesity which kills even more."

 I adjusted my original questioning to fit this timeline when you stated:
"WHEN,  after the recent School shooting,"

 Therefore I am referring to texting laws prior to the school shooting in Florida.

 Gun laws in general have been implemented prior to the invention of the cell phone and the subsequent method of texting, and the use of automobiles.

 As for funding I can speak only of Colorado as the appropriated funds for municipal violation enforcement related to texting and traffic infraction comes from 3 primary sources, all taxation from registered CO residents and all at different percentages of completed sales taxes. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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