General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Marlin

Message started by Oldfeller on 03/26/18 at 03:44:43

Title: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Marlin
Post by Oldfeller on 03/26/18 at 03:44:43

Marlin and Bushmaster had been absorbed by Remington so they could still "stay in business".

This did not work out very well, as Remington has just now declared preemptive bankruptcy to try to keep a pittance of resources away from all the lawsuits over the various mass killings their products were recently involved in.

Look to see that entire industry hit the skids hard in the next calendar year ......

Savage and Ruger will likely survive, but not by very much.


Someone will grow a brain eventually and realize that without a domestic arms industry we cannot arm ourselves in the event of any new war.

Until then, expect to lose more classic brand names to the furor of the lefties working their information control magic over the minds of the sub-college age kids and by coordinating sets of class action lawsuits.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by Trippah on 03/26/18 at 05:37:01

Didn't Remington come under intense economic pressure for selling an over/under that had many(some?) fatal incidents - putting them in peril even before the Bushmaster Sandy Hook financial debacle, prelude to the present onslaught?  

I am not sure (OK, Haven't a clue) but don't the arms manufacturers share the same problem Harley Davidson has  ...they have (1) oversaturated the market., and (2) fewer and fewer percent of the population feel the need or desire their motorcycle or gun.

Oddly my fist rifle was a Savage, as so far was my last motorcycle.

It is really a culture thing.  Most city/suburban folks do not have an interest is guns - they are to busy with school and soccer. Oddly, the city suburbs should be primo local for motorcycles (at least smaller 650cc or less) bikes but then, there is little thrill in sitting in traffic.
We ALL know, the open twisty roads is where the love is. ;D

I have noticed in all the local Fayetteville (North) hometown parades that the Boy Scout contingent keep shrinking, while the soccer group keep growing.  (cue Bobby Dylan...and the times, they.....)

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by raydawg on 03/26/18 at 06:17:26

Facebook is next......

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by Trippah on 03/26/18 at 06:33:12

This may be a good thing,, in that the army may finally get a chance to get a newer, better weapon than the not all that good (compared to its rival the kalishnikov) m-16 -M4.
Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan have all shown our standard rifle(s) to be too prone to failure in crappy  (soggy or sandy) conditions and since we have wisely not invited our "enemies" to fight it out in our cities, maybe the log jam will be broken.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by SoC on 03/26/18 at 09:13:05

It's too bad Americans don't fully understand our constitution and have allowed our rights to slip away. The internet and social "media" replaced the press and now, a rapid resolve to do away with the 2nd Amendment through creating a misunderstanding of what it's about  You don't need to convince people to give up their rights, just fool them that societal change whether through technology or populist movement is what is right and inevitable.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/26/18 at 09:44:29

Sums it up pretty well.
Now children are demanding things that they don't understand, not realizing that
Today's problems
ARE the consequences of
Yesterday's lousy solutions
To problems.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by raydawg on 03/26/18 at 11:42:54

Don’t think, just feel......  :D

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by ArkansasBrian on 03/27/18 at 17:28:55

Remington went bankrupt because gun sales are down. Gun sales are down because A) the market is saturated and B) No one is scared Trump is trying to take their guns away. Obama never was either, but they convinced people he was and it succeeded tremendously in bolstering sales.

Lefties by and large are NOT opposed to the second amendment. The right-wing media, politicians and gun manufacturers put a lot of effort in to convincing us that they are, but it’s simply not true. If you paint a ridiculous caricature of your opponent, it is easy to mock that caricature and prove it wrong. Most on the left (and in the center and honestly many on the right) simply want some reasonable checks to make it more difficult for disturbed and dangerous people to obtain high-capacity magazines and high-velocity rounds. Expanded background checks (private sales and gun shows provide an outsized loophole) and basic competency requirements (Something most consider pretty reasonable for motor vehicles) are not ridiculous requests or serious attacks on the second amendment. “Assault Weapons Bans” are certainly misguided due to a lack of understanding/definition of the term, but what they’re really aiming for (with the wrong language) are limits to magazine capacity and regulation of high-velocity rounds in semi-automatic weapons. They just lack the language and lump that into “assault weapons”.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by Oldfeller on 03/28/18 at 02:59:44

Gross Oversupply was indeed created by the Over Demand of the Obama panic years, most mgfs tooled up new equipment to expand their capacity to meet the sudden large demand increase, but now that it has reversed they are hurting badly trying to make payments on all the new equipment and are slowly going bankrupt, one by one.

And the exception for this is Kel Tec, who has pissed everybody off for years due to a lack of SUPPLY due to the owner's hard arsed long standing policy of paying cash for EVERYTHING.   All new equipment was bought with hard cash taken out of the sales cash flow or it was never bought.   In consequence, Kel Tec finds themselves "right sized" for the current market conditions and relatively cash flush .....

I liked Marlin, and I am sorry they are gone.  Bushmaster, I had no use for it, nor for Remington as a whole actually, as a cheaper more accurate Savage Rifle always suited my mindset better.    But other than Rossi out of Brazil, there simply isn't an inexpensive lever action out there to replace Marlin any more.   Look to see CVA or some of the other importers  from Spain and the Slavic ex-Russia countries try to step into the lever action marketplace.

I suspect that RELOADING in general is due for a resurgence, as is bullet casting.    I wonder if some of these politicians even know that reloading and bullet casting exist ????

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 09:40:12

Lefties by and large are NOT opposed to the second amendment. The right-wing media, politicians and gun manufacturers put a lot of effort in to convincing us that they are, but it’s simply not true.

That explains why the only voices being given microphones are those kids who want to ban guns and the family of the girl who says Don't ban guns, harden the schools has no media coverage.
Yeah, the right wing media is telling us what the left WANT.

Mr. And Mrs. America, turn them all in.

If that's not a statement of desire, tell me what it is.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by raydawg on 03/28/18 at 10:04:53

Careful guys...,.,
Let’s respect those in the cafe who do not want a expansion of the TT.
Just say'n.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by HAPPYDAN on 03/28/18 at 10:45:31

I own guns. I served in the US Army for 23 years. I carried an M16, and later an M1911. I am not a fan of gun control, but I don't believe any private citizen has any valid need for an AR15 or AK47, or any of the other myriad so-called "assault weapons", whose sole design and purpose is to kill a whole lotta people real quick. That should be left to military and law enforcement. But my point is moot. Within the USA, there are already so many of these types in closets, garages, bedrooms, attics, pick up trucks and gun safes that we're going to have these for a long time to come. So, where do we go from here? Legislation, short of confiscation, will have little or no effect. Australia figured it out. Maybe we can borrow some ideas from them.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 12:12:29

427F64737242617F7573160 wrote:
I own guns. I served in the US Army for 23 years. I carried an M16, and later an M1911. I am not a fan of gun control, but I don't believe any private citizen has any valid need for an AR15 or AK47, or any of the other myriad so-called "assault weapons", whose sole design and purpose is to kill a whole lotta people real quick. That should be left to military and law enforcement. But my point is moot. Within the USA, there are already so many of these types in closets, garages, bedrooms, attics, pick up trucks and gun safes that we're going to have these for a long time to come. So, where do we go from here? Legislation, short of confiscation, will have little or no effect. Australia figured it out. Maybe we can borrow some ideas from them.

First off - thank you for your service.

Second - Nicely put!!

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 12:14:53

3233362427242B362E2C450 wrote:
It's too bad Americans don't fully understand our constitution and have allowed our rights to slip away. The internet and social "media" replaced the press and now, a rapid resolve to do away with the 2nd Amendment through creating a misunderstanding of what it's about  You don't need to convince people to give up their rights, just fool them that societal change whether through technology or populist movement is what is right and inevitable.

Which rights have "slipped away"?

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 12:15:58

695A4349465B495B6A5A414946280 wrote:
Remington went bankrupt because gun sales are down. Gun sales are down because A) the market is saturated and B) No one is scared Trump is trying to take their guns away. Obama never was either, but they convinced people he was and it succeeded tremendously in bolstering sales.

Lefties by and large are NOT opposed to the second amendment. The right-wing media, politicians and gun manufacturers put a lot of effort in to convincing us that they are, but it’s simply not true. If you paint a ridiculous caricature of your opponent, it is easy to mock that caricature and prove it wrong. Most on the left (and in the center and honestly many on the right) simply want some reasonable checks to make it more difficult for disturbed and dangerous people to obtain high-capacity magazines and high-velocity rounds. Expanded background checks (private sales and gun shows provide an outsized loophole) and basic competency requirements (Something most consider pretty reasonable for motor vehicles) are not ridiculous requests or serious attacks on the second amendment. “Assault Weapons Bans” are certainly misguided due to a lack of understanding/definition of the term, but what they’re really aiming for (with the wrong language) are limits to magazine capacity and regulation of high-velocity rounds in semi-automatic weapons. They just lack the language and lump that into “assault weapons”.


Well put!!

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 12:34:31

Why are we talking about guns?

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by raydawg on 03/28/18 at 12:35:42

They just lack the language and lump that into “assault weapons”

Which is a disservice.
Is it to create a certain narrative, why?
Is every weapon used, as to assault?
Or, they used to protect?

Maybe when folks get honest, we can get results.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 12:56:02

Many Times.
Why is the big deal about guns, when the Government failed?

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by MnSpring on 03/28/18 at 13:10:10

647A757479647F62100 wrote:
[quote author=3233362427242B362E2C450 link=1522061083/0#4 date=1522080785]It's too bad Americans don't fully understand our constitution and have allowed our rights to slip away. The internet and social "media" replaced the press and now, a rapid resolve to do away with the 2nd Amendment through creating a misunderstanding of what it's about  You don't need to convince people to give up their rights, just fool them that societal change whether through technology or populist movement is what is right and inevitable.

Which rights have "slipped away"?
 Would that by like, Morton Grove, Ill.
The first place that, BANNED, ANY  Handgun from being Owned by ANY Resident.  ?

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by ArkansasBrian on 03/28/18 at 13:13:16

Hey look! It's what the students actually asked for! Crazy how much it resembles exactly what I just said that most Americans say they want.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by MnSpring on 03/28/18 at 14:14:10

0E3D242E213C2E3C0D3D262E214F0 wrote:
"... Hey look! It's what the students actually asked for! Crazy how much it resembles exactly what I just said that most Americans say they want.

I Read it. And every one, with the exception of the statement:

“…As seen in the tragedy at our school, poor communication between mental healthcare providers and law enforcement may have contributed to a disturbed person with murderous tendencies and intentions entering a school and gunning down 17 people in cold blood….”

Is a statement from someone, who does NOT,
      understand the laws already in place.
Does Not understand the,
      difference between a, ‘Right’ and a ‘Privilege’.
Does Not understand,
       when they are, ‘Parroting’  LIES, they have heard.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by T And T Garage on 03/28/18 at 14:25:31

40736A606F726072437368606F010 wrote:

Hey look! It's what the students actually asked for! Crazy how much it resembles exactly what I just said that most Americans say they want.

Whoa, whoa, whoa......  waaaay too much logic in that link!

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by ArkansasBrian on 03/28/18 at 15:50:40

I think that most actual individuals are being as honest as they know how to be. The media is painting exaggerated narratives of both sides, and many individuals are parroting those narratives to discredit those with whom they disagree. People can understand the Constitution, current laws, the difference between rights priveledges, and still come to different conclusions. It's fairly normal to assume anyone who disagrees with me must lack either facts or understanding, but it's just not true.

It's also a nuts place from which to begin a productive conversation.

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/28/18 at 16:15:44

Civilians shouldn’t have access to the same weapons that soldiers do. That’s a gross misuse of the second amendment.

Ahhh, NOO.

Do I have to explain WHY again?

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by MnSpring on 03/29/18 at 09:04:37

60534A404F524052635348404F210 wrote:
I think that most actual individuals are being as honest as they know how to be. The media is painting exaggerated narratives of both sides, and many individuals are parroting those narratives to discredit those with whom they disagree. People can understand the Constitution, current laws, the difference between rights priveledges, and still come to different conclusions. It's fairly normal to assume anyone who disagrees with me must lack either facts or understanding, but it's just not true...."

      "...People can understand and still come to different conclusions..."

Yes in many cases that can be true.
Yet the ‘manifesto’, listed on post #19.
I believe it is very clear, that the people making those statements,
            ARE, ignorant of,
the Constitution, current laws, the difference between rights privileges.

Because each one of those statements can be refuted with absolute FACTS,
 Except the ONE  Paragraph,
“…As seen in the tragedy at our school, poor communication between mental healthcare providers and law enforcement may have contributed to a disturbed person with murderous tendencies and intentions entering a school and gunning down 17 people in cold blood….”

(Only thing that could be changed is the 2 words, "May have"  to one word, 'DID")

Title: Re: Bankruptcy just took Remington, Bushmaster, Ma
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/30/18 at 08:40:03

Kinda hard to call something
Poor Communication
When straight up warnings were given.
The straw man of lack of
Mental health communication with
Law enforcement deflects from the
Facts of documented illegal and threatening behavior being brought to the attention of the FBI and local leos.
The SRO who bravely took the position behind his car had
Tried to get Cruz committed.
He recommended it.
Over a year prior.
And the kid who stabbed those people was on the FBI s radar
And they did NOTHING.



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