General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Stunning ..... ......,

Message started by raydawg on 03/04/18 at 22:12:45

Title: Stunning ..... ......,
Post by raydawg on 03/04/18 at 22:12:45

To day no one saw it coming belies the content of the article.
Reading this story I felt dismayed.

I have talked to many, many folks from Asia, who, as children, grew up in stuff like this.
Working for Boeing, it has given me a great opportunity to hear from folks, of lives that I just never really grasped.

To think our nation grieves over 17 children, this situation should never be tolerated, period!

Title: Re: Stunning ..... ......,
Post by oldNslow on 03/05/18 at 06:13:26

From the article:

"Myanmar’s central challenge—and the key to understanding it—is not about democracy, but whether the country can overcome its mind-boggling number of ethnic and religious conflicts."

Change the names, and the geographical location, and this story has been told over and over dozens of times.  Sad, but true. People don't like or trust folks that are different from them. Ignoring that fact, whether it offends one or make one "feel bad" leads to the stupid foreign policy decisions the the US is famous. and famously hated for , all over the globe.

Title: Re: Stunning ..... ......,
Post by T And T Garage on 03/05/18 at 06:35:41

3F2C34292C3A2A4D0 wrote:
To day no one saw it coming belies the content of the article.
Reading this story I felt dismayed.

I have talked to many, many folks from Asia, who, as children, grew up in stuff like this.
Working for Boeing, it has given me a great opportunity to hear from folks, of lives that I just never really grasped.

To think our nation grieves over 17 children, this situation should never be tolerated, period!

Isn't racism great?  <<<<<<sarcasm

It was naive for the US (the Obama administration) to think that simply lifting sanctions and "putting lipstick on a pig" would do any real good or lead to any real change.  The intent was good, the execution and aftermath - not so much.  Now, with our "wonderful" president at the helm, you can bet that this will not even enter his periferie.  
The hardcore racism in that area of the world is something we Americans can't really fathom.  What we have - in terms of racism - in this country pales in comparison.  (which is yet another reason the US is still a "beacon to the world")

Title: Re: Stunning ..... ......,
Post by Trippah on 03/05/18 at 08:02:36

Most people have an emotional attachment to "their there" and it excludes others.  The tribalism is part of human nature and will expand or contract relative to the size of the perceived enemy.  Thus, while in the army serving in Vietnam I became buddies with people I would not otherwise e.g. blacks (none in my home town), southern country boys whose speech I could hardly follow.  We used to joke that in the time it took A.J (mom and dad didn't bother with whole names) from back in the hills Virginia to say hello, I would already have exchanged names, family history and addresses (being a fast talking Yankee)
Should be interesting should critters from another planet visit us. ;)

Title: Re: Stunning ..... ......,
Post by raydawg on 03/05/18 at 09:31:01

7C5A4158584940280 wrote:
Most people have an emotional attachment to "their there" and it excludes others.  The tribalism is part of human nature and will expand or contract relative to the size of the perceived enemy.  Thus, while in the army serving in Vietnam I became buddies with people I would not otherwise e.g. blacks (none in my home town), southern country boys whose speech I could hardly follow.  We used to joke that in the time it took A.J (mom and dad didn't bother with whole names) from back in the hills Virginia to say hello, I would already have exchanged names, family history and addresses (being a fast talking Yankee)
Should be interesting should critters from another planet visit us. ;)

Your life experience brings to mind a question, perhaps more an observation.
I too grew up in a very isolated enviroment, as a child.
We had many different religions/churches, I recall, and never do I remember seeing any animosity directed toward anyone.
In fact, I recall at times these other religions had like celebrations, inviting "strangers" unto their church grounds, to get to know people.
It was almost carnival like atmosphere, I recall, good memories of folks I didn't know.

The same could be said about different races, as well.
I grew up in Whitesville haha.
However, we had other cultures nearby, but everyone seemed to stay in their own enviroment.
Yes, the whitey had the "better" neighborhood, if you speak strictly from perfection of packaging the American Dream, however, I seem to recall a sense of a tighter, larger, more extended family.....
In the Black, Asian, and Hispanic neighborhoods.

Example, if I had a birthday party, it would be a few neighbor kids, and my family, that was it.
A Mexican kid would have all sorts of people over, pinatas and celebration all day long and into the night, as families seemed to enjoy the family life, together.

I don't know where I am going with this, but let me go back to marketing the GREAT AMERICAN DREAM....

Yes, in a symbolic way, it represented the possibilities for ANYBODY to achieve a life of freedom, and all of the positive effects that go along with it.
The playing field was NOT level, and whites had a better chance at achieving it, but.......

At what cost?  

I will offer as consideration when TV and the media came to figure out the power they held with directing the narratives in peoples lives, well, what use to be found with interactions of family members, and neighborhoods, now came under the influences of TV/media, WHICH....
Was a capitalistic enterprise that had other considerations, as goal, than that of being my brothers keeper.

By what it "preached" it isolated us.

The separation of neighbors and cultures grew wider, further apart.....

My opportunity to interact, learn, and to grow, became limited, and stunting, defaulting to "facts" that were relayed, obtained, through a 3rd party, who in all reality, had a agenda, THEIRS......MONEY.....POWER.

I to this day, born of ignorance, from lack of opportunity, I really struggle to understand the plight of another.

When my Black neighbor, down in Southern California told me of his visits to the South, what folks did to him, I really couldn't wrap an understanding around it.
He never looked at me, or charged me with racism, or uncaring, or stupid, no....

He was like the folks who use to welcome me into their lives, culture, homes, as a wee child, and cared for me because we are all children of a higher power/karma...and as such, family under the banner of being civilized.... to each other.

Whew.... I have gone on too long, sorry.

We all want love, acceptance, family, all of us, even those who kill others....
What is it about our selfishness that thinks enough of it (love) doesn't exist to go around?

I believe, feel, a certain narrative has used our freedoms, to drive this fear, hate, paranoia, into our daily fabric, and I don't believe it was intentional, just irresponsible, as that "money" was such a major component to achieving that, American Dream.....  :-[

I dunno..... maybe what I'm saying is you can't buy love?
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