General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Not one of my better ideas.....

Message started by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 10:08:04

Title: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 10:08:04

So, at a local novelty store, you can make your own bumper stickers....
I thought, how cool is that, so I made a TRUMP - HILLARY 2020 "make the universe great, for once", bumper sticker.....

Put it on my rear bumper, drove about 3 miles.
Noticed a lot of cars starting to follow me, lights flashing, horns honking....
Waving at me to pull over, so I did.

I got out as they all pulled over too.

They all came at me.
Everyone of them yelling and saying something, it was cray, very exciting....
I was starting what I thought was my own unique new movement!!!!

I was wrong....

They all took turns, kicking my azz....... (

Like I said, not one of my better ideas  ;D

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 03/02/18 at 10:39:31

wow, sorry man, that sucks, hope that heals up,

but that's a terrible sign for the direction our nation is going in  :-/

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by T And T Garage on 03/02/18 at 10:48:36

Wait, what???

So which is it ray, skin cancer or a beatdown??

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 10:58:04

A couple bouts with skin cancer.....
I have one more surgery in about 3 weeks to put my face back together.

It looks worse than it is, but please let this be a warning to ALWAYS use sunscreen.
This outbreak is most likely the result of exposure in my 20's.

I waited too long to get the one on my nose/eye removed, it went deep, like a iceberg....
This is why with ALL cancers, early detection and treatment is so important.

If my ugly mug serves to get just one person to go and take that "spot" seriously, I will feel sorta vindicated for my poor example and choices, in dealing with my own problems.  :)

I'm good, I really am.....!!!

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 11:09:22

446D706F67706E7B4E6D71764370766B7176020 wrote:
wow, sorry man, that sucks, hope that heals up,

but that's a terrible sign for the direction our nation is going in  :-/

Yes, it was meant to show using absurdity to reveal a truth.

Our leadership, pert near anyone who draws a salary in DC, is behind the times.
Our partisan bickering has caused a great disservice to not only our nation, but to the world.

We were looked upon, by the world, to exhibit great moral ideas, and leadership, that exceeded our own interest.....

We have failed because of such a simplistic pettiness, from neglect, like I did with my face, not using safeguards, prudent healthcare observance, that a ugly scar now exist from correction.....

We, as a nation, neighbors, friend and foe, from different beliefs, race, ideologies, still can do right, to a greater cause, than what we are be led to believe by all the lies and narratives coming from Washington....

As to my face, sorry man, that thing ain't never going to be pretty  

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by T And T Garage on 03/02/18 at 13:06:13

6B78607D786E7E190 wrote:
[quote author=446D706F67706E7B4E6D71764370766B7176020 link=1520014084/0#1 date=1520015971]wow, sorry man, that sucks, hope that heals up,

but that's a terrible sign for the direction our nation is going in  :-/

Yes, it was meant to show using absurdity to reveal a truth.

You know what?  I call bull$hit on that.  How does posting a pic of yourself with stitches, saying that you got beat up reveal any truth?  You could have just as easily posted your intent after your pic (although it still doesn't make any sense).

No, instead, you fooled Lost into thinking that you actually got beat up.  Had I not seen your post in the Cafe, I would have thought the same thing as him.

Not cool.

Our leadership, pert near anyone who draws a salary in DC, is behind the times.
Our partisan bickering has caused a great disservice to not only our nation, but to the world.

We were looked upon, by the world, to exhibit great moral ideas, and leadership, that exceeded our own interest.....

We have failed because of such a simplistic pettiness, from neglect, like I did with my face, not using safeguards, prudent healthcare observance, that a ugly scar now exist from correction.....

We, as a nation, neighbors, friend and foe, from different beliefs, race, ideologies, still can do right, to a greater cause, than what we are be led to believe by all the lies and narratives coming from Washington....

As to my face, sorry man, that thing ain't never going to be pretty  

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 13:11:54

You are not real......period.

Real strange dude, spooky.

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by T And T Garage on 03/02/18 at 13:16:25

5F4C54494C5A4A2D0 wrote:
You are not real......period.

Real strange dude, spooky.

Hmm... OK, if I'm "not real" then answer the question":
"How does posting a pic of yourself with stitches, saying that you got beat up reveal any truth? "

Maybe you need to adjust your meds....

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 13:41:49

I will let other speak up to the post, if you read it as posted, joining trump and Hillary on the same ticket, it should every obvious it was in jest....
Unless your world is so scripted and hinged to living in a perspective viewed via a network propaganda machine.

You can continue to attack people personally, but at the end of the day, you’ll be just as clueless as when you awoke.

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by Trippah on 03/02/18 at 13:54:52

Thanks for the heads up, I also was stupid when young so it's off to the dermi very soon.

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by T And T Garage on 03/02/18 at 14:00:09

3D2E362B2E38284F0 wrote:
I will let other speak up to the post, if you read it as posted, joining trump and Hillary on the same ticket, it should every obvious it was in jest....

Really?  So did you read Lost's post?  Showing actual concern.  No ray, it wasn't "obviously in jest".

Unless your world is so scripted and hinged to living in a perspective viewed via a network propaganda machine.

LMAO - really?  Hey there fella, how many posts from fox news have you put up, hmm?  Again... gigantic hypocrisy.

You can continue to attack people personally, but at the end of the day, you’ll be just as clueless as when you awoke.

Once again ray - you should listen to what you're saying.

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by MnSpring on 03/02/18 at 15:18:44

7A596447455E5950370 wrote:
[quote author=4F515E5F524F54493B0 link=1520014084/0#7 date=1520025385] "How does posting a pic of yourself with stitches, saying that you got beat up reveal any truth? "

Cheese and Rice,

 Ray Charles could have seen,  
     "TRUMP - HILLARY 2020"  in a  Bumper Sticker.
  Was satire  !

Cheese and Rice !!! 

(Saying you and Lost, got duped, says something   LOLOLOLOLOLLL)

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by Serowbot on 03/02/18 at 15:33:34

I'm gonna' just blame the meds...
The entire thread is pointless nonsense...

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 15:55:50

5B7D667F7F6E670F0 wrote:
Thanks for the heads up, I also was stupid when young so it's off to the dermi very soon.

Good on you buddy, if you have any questions or concerns re: procedure etc, I will be happy to share with you anything I can via a PM if you like....
BTW, unlike you, my stupid seemed to follow me out of youth  ;D

Take care!

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 15:58:20

4452455840555843370 wrote:
I'm gonna' just blame the meds...
The entire thread is pointless nonsense...

Oh, sorta like drive by snipes, gotcha  ;D

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 16:06:45

51724F6C6E75727B1C0 wrote:
[quote author=7A596447455E5950370 link=1520014084/0#11 date=1520032642][quote author=4F515E5F524F54493B0 link=1520014084/0#7 date=1520025385] "How does posting a pic of yourself with stitches, saying that you got beat up reveal any truth? "

Cheese and Rice,

 Ray Charles could have seen,  
     "TRUMP - HILLARY 2020"  in a  Bumper Sticker.
  Was satire  !

Cheese and Rice !!! 

(Saying you and Lost, got duped, says something   LOLOLOLOLOLLL)


Pretty revealing eh buddy.

Guess a few still fall off the turnip truck  ;D

Ya think it has anything to do with watching too much cable news, etc?

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/02/18 at 16:33:45

And for the record.....

If I did cause you any confusion Lost, I’m sorry, that was most definitely not my intentions.
I was just trying to be funny, and having already posted a serious thread in the cafe on the matter of skin cancer, no way did I think anyone would miss my attempt at having some fun.
I honestly don’t even get the mindset of someone who would even think I would try such a stunt for real....
But if it caused you Lost, or anyone else confusion, I apologize.

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by T And T Garage on 03/04/18 at 19:04:07

75667E63667060070 wrote:
And for the record.....

If I did cause you any confusion Lost, I’m sorry, that was most definitely not my intentions.
I was just trying to be funny, and having already posted a serious thread in the cafe on the matter of skin cancer, no way did I think anyone would miss my attempt at having some fun.
I honestly don’t even get the mindset of someone who would even think I would try such a stunt for real....
But if it caused you Lost, or anyone else confusion, I apologize.

If you caused confusion?

Just look at Lost's response.  It had your desired effect on him.


Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/04/18 at 20:10:35

You are a sad little person....
You have no idea, clue, or any other inkling re: me, or my motivations.
You can pretend otherwise, but in the end, your belief is as worthless as the time it took for you to post it.

Listen to me clearly now, and make no mistake about this text you are reading.....

I care not one twit what you think, nor do I ever want to dialogue with you via this domain.

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by T And T Garage on 03/04/18 at 21:01:56

73607865607666010 wrote:
You are a sad little person....
You have no idea, clue, or any other inkling re: me, or my motivations.
You can pretend otherwise, but in the end, your belief is as worthless as the time it took for you to post it.

Listen to me clearly now, and make no mistake about this text you are reading.....

I care not one twit what you think, nor do I ever want to dialogue with you via this domain.


Well, before you do, let me know if you'll allow me to comment on your posts, m'kay?

If you ask me not to, I will cease commenting on your "awesome" posts...

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by raydawg on 03/05/18 at 10:09:38

I would never restrict, or request a person stop, from exercising their right to free speech and expression.
At this point in time I have no desire to exchange dialogue with you.
You are free to do as you wish.

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/05/18 at 10:11:50

Ya gotta get pretty clobbered to even Get meds around here.

And Americaine is a 20% lidocaine or benzocaine, something, spray that Really soothes raw spots.
Or, stop in at the upholstery shop and get a Blue Fuzz patch sewn in..

Title: Re: Not one of my better ideas.....
Post by T And T Garage on 03/05/18 at 10:32:24

50435B46435545220 wrote:
I would never restrict, or request a person stop, from exercising their right to free speech and expression.
At this point in time I have no desire to exchange dialogue with you.
You are free to do as you wish.

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