General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Why not this instead?

Message started by raydawg on 02/21/18 at 08:32:38

Title: Why not this instead?
Post by raydawg on 02/21/18 at 08:32:38

The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet," and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Is this wrong?
Wouldn't it solve everything?
Shouldn't this be shared with all?

Does separation of church and state come first, however.....
Is that more important than the love of this message?

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by T And T Garage on 02/21/18 at 08:35:41

594A524F4A5C4C2B0 wrote:
The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet," and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Is this wrong?
Wouldn't it solve everything?
Shouldn't this be shared with all?

Does separation of church and state come first, however.....
Is that more important than the love of this message?

The Golden Rule is the same thing - and non-denominational.

There's a reason church and state are separate.  But hey, if you want to experience the two together, the Middle East is a great place to start.

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/21/18 at 09:11:30

Separation of church and state=
The State doesn't have a right to tell us what to believe. There can be no state church, created by the state.
There is no law saying that the state must be hostile to a religious position.
The idea that kids can't pray in school or talk to others about their beliefs in school is a misinterpretation of the law.

The school belongs to the people.
If someone wants to have a Christmas play in the auditorium, there is no law against it. If there is, it's unconstitutional.

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by raydawg on 02/21/18 at 09:24:38

372926272A372C31430 wrote:
[quote author=594A524F4A5C4C2B0 link=1519230758/0#0 date=1519230758]The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet," and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Is this wrong?
Wouldn't it solve everything?
Shouldn't this be shared with all?

Does separation of church and state come first, however.....
Is that more important than the love of this message?

The Golden Rule is the same thing - and non-denominational.

There's a reason church and state are separate.  But hey, if you want to experience the two together, the Middle East is a great place to start.

Odd, the golden rule says the same thing, and its good.
A church says the same thing, and its corrupt.

However, its a moot point, if it is practiced, the results are the same, love for all, yet.........

Yes, odd, and telling, sad, to deny love, hope, because we don't like the messenger.

I must have missed the part where it says you must be a forced Christian, or Muslim, or Jew, etc, and hold a card to its membership, before you can love.

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 02/21/18 at 09:27:11

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
Separation of church and state=
The State doesn't have a right to tell us what to believe. There can be no state church, created by the state.
There is no law saying that the state must be hostile to a religious position.
The idea that kids can't pray in school or talk to others about their beliefs in school is a misinterpretation of the law.

The school belongs to the people.
If someone wants to have a Christmas play in the auditorium, there is no law against it. If there is, it's unconstitutional.

no, that's a misinterpretation of what those rulings say.  

of course children can talk to each other about what they believe in any religion, even teachers can discuss what they believe.  

it's when schools/ aka  the government, FORCES students to participate in religious activities that they cross the line, and yes, prayer is a religious activity, but you can have as many moments of silence as you want.

a libertarian like you should get this, people don't want the government using the schools to preach to their kids, do subtly indoctrinate them with "Christmas" plays...  and Christmas has a totally rich secular meaning that can be celebrated as well.

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by T And T Garage on 02/21/18 at 09:32:24

20332B36332535520 wrote:
The Golden Rule is the same thing - and non-denominational.

There's a reason church and state are separate.  But hey, if you want to experience the two together, the Middle East is a great place to start.

Odd, the golden rule says the same thing, and its good.
A church says the same thing, and its corrupt.

Says who?  Once again ray, you use hyperbole... I (along with my liberal friends) respect the church, we just don't want it making our laws.

However, its a moot point, if it is practiced, the results are the same, love for all, yet.........

Yes, odd, and telling, sad, to deny love, hope, because we don't like the messenger.

Again, hyperbole (you may want to look that word up).

I must have missed the part where it says you must be a forced Christian, or Muslim, or Jew, etc, and hold a card to its membership, before you can love.

Yeah, because no one ever said that anywhere on this forum - but I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by Serowbot on 02/21/18 at 09:36:47

You want to buy the world a Coke,.. or a crucifix?... :-?

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/21/18 at 09:44:14

You and your liberal friends probably don't know what role Christianity played in the creation of the laws.

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 02/21/18 at 10:02:41

3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 wrote:
You and your liberal friends probably don't know what role Christianity played in the creation of the laws.

no, I'm totally aware of the historical significance of the Christian religion on the founding of our nation. I understand that it was thoroughly ingrained in the culture at the time.  that does not negate the fact that the founding fathers tried to create a secular government. Sure they had prayer before meetings and bibles in congress, they still do, that's not a problem.

but thanks for thinking we're all idiots...  

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by raydawg on 02/21/18 at 10:12:23

213E383F22251424142C3E32794B0 wrote:
You and your liberal friends probably don't know what role Christianity played in the creation of the laws.

Jog, the root to psychology is religion based principals....
Fear has always been a destructive element, that man has struggled with.

Here, this man of history, says it way better, than my ability.......

“Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself”

From FDR’s First Inaugural Address

Franklin D. Roosevelt had campaigned against Herbert Hoover in the 1932 presidential election by saying as little as possible about what he might do if elected.

Through even the closest working relationships, none of the president-elect’s most intimate associates felt they knew him well, with the exception perhaps of his wife, Eleanor.

The affable, witty Roosevelt used his great personal charm to keep most people at a distance. In campaign speeches, he favored a buoyant, optimistic, gently paternal tone spiced with humor.

But his first inaugural address took on an unusually solemn, religious quality. And for good reason—by 1933 the depression had reached its depth. Roosevelt’s first inaugural address outlined in broad terms how he hoped to govern and reminded Americans that the nation’s “common difficulties” concerned “only material things.”

I C&P the above, not my narrative  ;)

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by raydawg on 02/21/18 at 10:17:30

0B223F20283F213401223E390C3F39243E394D0 wrote:
[quote author=3D2224233E3908380830222E65570 link=1519230758/0#7 date=1519235054]You and your liberal friends probably don't know what role Christianity played in the creation of the laws.

no, I'm totally aware of the historical significance of the Christian religion on the founding of our nation. I understand that it was thoroughly ingrained in the culture at the time.  that does not negate the fact that the founding fathers tried to create a secular government. Sure they had prayer before meetings and bibles in congress, they still do, that's not a problem.

but thanks for thinking we're all idiots...  [/quote]

C'mon Lost.....

No need to get snarky, isn't returning like, for like, our problem?

Yes, I agree with your assessment about the founding fathers, and how religion impacted it.
They were well aware of how, ANY power, could corrupt, at the hands of man, and installed safeguards.

Once we abridge the freedom to speech, associate, to express, tyranny will quickly follow.
Its that simple.

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/21/18 at 12:03:15

270E130C04130D182D0E1215201315081215610 wrote:
[quote author=544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 link=1519230758/0#2 date=1519233090]Separation of church and state=
The State doesn't have a right to tell us what to believe. There can be no state church, created by the state.
There is no law saying that the state must be hostile to a religious position.
The idea that kids can't pray in school or talk to others about their beliefs in school is a misinterpretation of the law.

The school belongs to the people.
If someone wants to have a Christmas play in the auditorium, there is no law against it. If there is, it's unconstitutional.

no, that's a misinterpretation of what those rulings say.  

of course children can talk to each other about what they believe in any religion, even teachers can discuss what they believe.  

it's when schools/ aka  the government, FORCES students to participate in religious activities that they cross the line, and yes, prayer is a religious activity, but you can have as many moments of silence as you want.

a libertarian like you should get this, people don't want the government using the schools to preach to their kids, do subtly indoctrinate them with "Christmas" plays...  and Christmas has a totally rich secular meaning that can be celebrated as well.


I didn't say they should have prayer over the loudspeaker and everyone has to participate.

I was talking about people using the auditorium after hours.

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 02/22/18 at 08:36:56

instead of what?

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by raydawg on 02/22/18 at 09:31:31

4A637E61697E607540637F784D7E78657F780C0 wrote:
instead of what?

Oh, I'm sorry.....

Justifying hate, negativity, buzz killing, hypocrisy, etc.....

Ya know, its not that difficult to realize when you hate, for whatever reason, you become hate, yourself.....
The very thing you hate, about others.

I always liked this one, explains a lot about the nature of people.

Sipping the poison, yourself, expecting the other person to die from it, is just plain crazy  ;D

Its funny, at work, very diverse, all kinds of races, cultures, beliefs, no one talks like folks who visit news, and political message boards.
Folks care, sure, but not consumed, or obsessed with it.

Fact is, folks who are, seem to be very depressed and lonely.
People just give them a customary nod, smile, and the person will just walk away thinking the world has gone nuts.

Sorta like the two old guys, sitting at the bar during the day, muttering and complaining into each others beer.....

That ain't life in my book.

You live it, as it comes at you, joy and happiness is a choice of having the right outlook, attitude.
Adversity offers challenge, and opportunity to overcome, reaping the benefits of self worth, and many friendships, in the process.....

Boy, I bet you are sorry you asked  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Have a good day Lost  :)  

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 02/22/18 at 10:19:26

24372F32372131560 wrote:
[quote author=4A637E61697E607540637F784D7E78657F780C0 link=1519230758/0#12 date=1519317416]instead of what?

Oh, I'm sorry.....

Justifying hate, negativity, buzz killing, hypocrisy, etc.....

Ya know, its not that difficult to realize when you hate, for whatever reason, you become hate, yourself.....
The very thing you hate, about others.

I always liked this one, explains a lot about the nature of people.

Sipping the poison, yourself, expecting the other person to die from it, is just plain crazy  ;D

Its funny, at work, very diverse, all kinds of races, cultures, beliefs, no one talks like folks who visit news, and political message boards.
Folks care, sure, but not consumed, or obsessed with it.

Fact is, folks who are, seem to be very depressed and lonely.
People just give them a customary nod, smile, and the person will just walk away thinking the world has gone nuts.

Sorta like the two old guys, sitting at the bar during the day, muttering and complaining into each others beer.....

That ain't life in my book.

You live it, as it comes at you, joy and happiness is a choice of having the right outlook, attitude.
Adversity offers challenge, and opportunity to overcome, reaping the benefits of self worth, and many friendships, in the process.....

Boy, I bet you are sorry you asked  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Have a good day Lost  :)   [/quote]

no, I'm glad I asked and that's an awesome response, people do get too caught up in things sometimes, it can be anything though not just politics, but with politics, no matter how much you know or think you know, you are powerless to change anything... so that leads to an aspect of despair

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by raydawg on 02/22/18 at 10:46:59

260F120D05120C192C0F1314211214091314600 wrote:
[quote author=24372F32372131560 link=1519230758/0#13 date=1519320691][quote author=4A637E61697E607540637F784D7E78657F780C0 link=1519230758/0#12 date=1519317416]instead of what?

Oh, I'm sorry.....

Justifying hate, negativity, buzz killing, hypocrisy, etc.....

Ya know, its not that difficult to realize when you hate, for whatever reason, you become hate, yourself.....
The very thing you hate, about others.

I always liked this one, explains a lot about the nature of people.

Sipping the poison, yourself, expecting the other person to die from it, is just plain crazy  ;D

Its funny, at work, very diverse, all kinds of races, cultures, beliefs, no one talks like folks who visit news, and political message boards.
Folks care, sure, but not consumed, or obsessed with it.

Fact is, folks who are, seem to be very depressed and lonely.
People just give them a customary nod, smile, and the person will just walk away thinking the world has gone nuts.

Sorta like the two old guys, sitting at the bar during the day, muttering and complaining into each others beer.....

That ain't life in my book.

You live it, as it comes at you, joy and happiness is a choice of having the right outlook, attitude.
Adversity offers challenge, and opportunity to overcome, reaping the benefits of self worth, and many friendships, in the process.....

Boy, I bet you are sorry you asked  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Have a good day Lost  :)   [/quote]

no, I'm glad I asked and that's an awesome response, people do get too caught up in things sometimes, it can be anything though not just politics, but with politics, no matter how much you know or think you know, you are powerless to change anything... so that leads to an aspect of despair[/quote]

Yes buddy......

And I THANK YOU for returning back to this forum, and sharing why you left, etc.

It got me to pause and consider how I, myself, was falling into the same mindset.
Returning to a dry well, for a drink, and then getting bugged, because it was still DRY  ;D

It seems silly, but in fact, it was infringing on my buzz.
My funk, was self imposed, DANG!

I will look in, as I care about you guys, I really do.....
I just won't add much to your debates.

If I see a topic/post, that looks sincere, and I have any input that I feel might be worthy, I will share that, but this other activity is not going to help me focus on what I can do, to help and encourage others, and myself, daily, in real life......

Here, this just came to mind, a song by Huey Lewis.

It explains so much of my quest in life, looking for something else, outside myself, to find a feeling, about myself, inside myself ( what did I just say ???  ;D )

BTW, I believe I know what this drug is......
Its always been free, as it will always be.
You just have to give it, and it comes back unto thee  ;)

LOVE BABY, Love of others, and love of self.
Give and accept, freely, no strings attached!

The song:

"I Want A New Drug"


I want a new drug
One that won't make me sick
One that won't make me crash my car
Or make me feel three feet thick

I want a new drug
One that won't hurt my head
One that won't make my mouth too dry
Or make my eyes too red

One that won't make me nervous
Wondering what to do
One that makes me feel like I feel when I'm with you
When I'm alone with you

I want a new drug
One that won't spill
One that don't cost too much
Or come in a pill

I want a new drug
One that won't go away
One that won't keep me up all night
One that won't make me sleep all day

One that won't make me nervous
Wondering what to do
One that makes me feel like I feel when I'm with you
When I'm alone with you
I'm alone with you, baby

I want a new drug
One that does what it should
One that won't make me feel too bad
One that won't make me feel too good

I want a new drug
One with no doubt
One that won't make me talk too much
Or make my face break out

One that won't make me nervous
Wondering what to do
One that makes me feel like I feel when I'm with you
When I'm alone with you
I'm alone with you

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by Eegore on 02/23/18 at 05:08:47

"Wouldn't it solve everything?"


 Its an ideal but we can not live by it, or we would.  The content in the posts prior to this one proves that even in basic typed communication we have trouble.

 Its a solid idea but people do not abide by it - so no it won't solve everything, no matter where the language comes from.

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by Trippah on 02/23/18 at 05:45:12

The much discredited Dept of Justice has , yesterday I believe, announced it was going to go after "eldercrime".  One of the most common is preying on  the older citizens desire for "love." Con men find lonely widows and widowers and suck their money right out.
So while idealistically "All We Need Is Love " sounds right, the Beatles answered it "Money" suggesting they already recognized we need more than love.
And of course, a staple of rock music was the love triangle and all the pain it produced.  
As we all know, the Founding Fathers did not want government sanctioned "State Religion" as they had seen the constant wars it produced in Europe.  
Thankfully, we now can fly anywhere to stay engaged in or start wars and no longer have to wait until one bubbles up here in the US. ;)

Title: Re: Why not this instead?
Post by raydawg on 02/23/18 at 08:32:31

Founding Fathers did not want government sanctioned "State Religion"

True enough, but they did not sanction laws against its free expression either, as they often offered prayers.

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