General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Banning bullets and bibles.....

Message started by raydawg on 02/15/18 at 14:01:41

Title: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by raydawg on 02/15/18 at 14:01:41

Yeah faith, fairytales, joke......
Mental illness.

How can you be against something, that you don’t understand?
I guess it’s because what you believe, is better, or right, and everyone else who do not agree, wrong.
Therefor, they should either change their beliefs, to agree with yours, or just STFU, yes.
I mean, that is what they want to do, right, FORCE you to believe as them.
That is why we must not allow them to believe and exercise their beliefs, freely.

You either see the folly, or you practice it....

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by Serowbot on 02/15/18 at 15:06:48

Just STFU will do... :-?

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by raydawg on 02/15/18 at 15:11:55

If, I was to ask you how you got that knot on your forehead, it would only be for my own entertainment.....

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by T And T Garage on 02/15/18 at 15:22:32

Here are but a few good ideas:

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by MnSpring on 02/15/18 at 16:13:43

2E303F3E332E35285A0 wrote:
Here are but a few good ideas:

The  LIES, Just KEEP  Coming !
  (In this case, LIES, by omission of FACT)
The site above says, 'Gun Deaths".
Their is NO, correlation/statment, on how  OTHER deaths,
   by other means,
       went UP !!!!!!!

And this, very MISLEADING, Statement.  
 (from that site)
"...Unlike in the US, Japanese law has long outlawed guns..."

I seem to recall some History, from Grade School.
So I checked it out.

"... Under the Allied Occupation, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) disarmed Japanese servicemen and issued several arms control directives in 1945 in order to safeguard against any possible danger that might arise from arms possessed by civilians..."

So while in Japan, civilian gun/sword, ownership, was somewhat restricted, it was Possible.

The BAN, on guns, was NOT,  Japans.
It was the USA'a,  AFTER, the USA  won that War !

And, WHY ????????????
  " order to safeguard against any possible danger that might arise from arms possessed by civilians..."

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by Eegore on 02/15/18 at 17:44:31

The  LIES, Just KEEP  Coming !
 (In this case, LIES, by omission of FACT)
The site above says, 'Gun Deaths".
Their is NO, correlation/statment, on how  OTHER deaths,
  by other means,
      went UP !!!!!!!

 Can you show us a reference for this?  I'd like to look at the data.  Real data, not opinion pieces if you have them.

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/15/18 at 18:09:59

And nobody wants to debate the  reason
For the second amendment.

And the history of kids hauling guns around in their pickup truck, going to school, and NOBODY getting shot escapes you.
It's YOUR societal meddling that has created the amoral society that YOU are blaming on GUNS!
Good Grief.

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by T And T Garage on 02/16/18 at 06:04:36

2707050D1007620 wrote:
The  LIES, Just KEEP  Coming !
 (In this case, LIES, by omission of FACT)
The site above says, 'Gun Deaths".
Their is NO, correlation/statment, on how  OTHER deaths,
  by other means,
      went UP !!!!!!!

 Can you show us a reference for this?  I'd like to look at the data.  Real data, not opinion pieces if you have them.

Eegore - don't hold your breath.

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by JOEL2014 on 02/16/18 at 06:53:02

312F20212C312A37450 wrote:
[quote author=2707050D1007620 link=1518732101/0#5 date=1518745471]The  LIES, Just KEEP  Coming !
 (In this case, LIES, by omission of FACT)
The site above says, 'Gun Deaths".
Their is NO, correlation/statment, on how  OTHER deaths,
  by other means,
      went UP !!!!!!!

 Can you show us a reference for this?  I'd like to look at the data.  Real data, not opinion pieces if you have them.

Eegore - don't hold your breath.
The problem is not the guns but the people. There are no quick punishments for the crimes, the punishments that are given in many cases are much too light for the crime. The media constantly tells us how guns are used in crimes. How many times are guns used in justified defence or used to STOP a crime? A lot! Is that reported? No. People are getting more and more evil and if guns are ever done away with, people will still use bats, knives, bows, cars, etc. to kill. This is all foretold however, read 2 Timothy 3:2 and Ecclesiastes 8:11 for further clarification.

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by Trippah on 02/16/18 at 07:44:04

People will always be killing each other, no question.  The issue is simply if someone goes whacko outside the family, e.g. theatre, school we want to reduce the numbers of innocents killed.  A man wielding a bat or knife will do less mortal damage than one wielding an semi automatic.  

Otherwise, given we have 30 thousand people die in vehicles each year, perhaps we should install explosive devices in all new autos to maximize the carnage and make it to 40 thousand a year?

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/16/18 at 07:50:23

You people sure have selective memories.
I'm old enough to remember when this
Shitdidnt happen.

Seems to me like the
Stuff that Worked
Got replaced by
Stuff that sounded good
The worse America became.
This insane society looks like what you get when decency is demanded for the indecent and God is thrown out of society.



And the self same GENIUSES who want to tell me how to fix it
Are part of the problem.


Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by Serowbot on 02/16/18 at 08:17:21

4E4B4148454A40434845405D57240 wrote:
How many times are guns used in justified defence or used to STOP a crime? A lot! Is that reported? No.

If you pull a gun on someone, and don't report the incident to the police,... you are a criminal...

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/16/18 at 09:25:37

Doesn't answer the question.
And if I had to use a gun, but didn't shoot it, I might not report it.

My grandpa had a 38 tucked in his pants, right in front, when he closed up his store.
Everyone who lived around there knew he had a gun under the counter.
Is that not a deterrent?

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by MnSpring on 02/16/18 at 10:17:25

4E6E6C64796E0B0 wrote:
The  LIES, Just KEEP  Coming !
 (In this case, LIES, by omission of FACT)
The site above says, 'Gun Deaths".
Their is NO, correlation/statment, on how  OTHER deaths,
  by other means,
      went UP !!!!!!!
 Can you show us a reference for this?  I'd like to look at the data.  Real data, not opinion pieces if you have them.

In a post about Solar Gardens in Minn, that Popped up around here, Just after the Election.
When I said, they went ‘bankrupt’ several times, and ’started’  again, several times with More Subsidies.
 After you asked, (basically the same thing)
Can you show us a reference for this?  I'd like to look at the data.  Real data, not opinion pieces if you have them.

I then  sent you, GPS coordinates, Ariel Photos, County Land records, County Tax/owner Information.
You Acknowledged you received the information. Then did/said, nothing.

So on this case,   You do the lookup work.
Make sure you DON’T, just go, ‘GUN’, homicides/violence.
Look at ALL numbers of Violence/Homicides, ‘Before’ then Just after, the gun BAN.

I will not do the work for you, as I have already done it on another subject, and it was for nought.

So you want to believe, it is not true, and I just made it up.
     (Like some others here do on a regular basis)
Fine,  that’s what, YOU  believe.

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/16/18 at 10:20:44


Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by T And T Garage on 02/16/18 at 11:36:48

272228212C23292A212C29343E4D0 wrote:
[quote author=312F20212C312A37450 link=1518732101/0#7 date=1518789876][quote author=2707050D1007620 link=1518732101/0#5 date=1518745471]The  LIES, Just KEEP  Coming !
 (In this case, LIES, by omission of FACT)
The site above says, 'Gun Deaths".
Their is NO, correlation/statment, on how  OTHER deaths,
  by other means,
      went UP !!!!!!!

 Can you show us a reference for this?  I'd like to look at the data.  Real data, not opinion pieces if you have them.

Eegore - don't hold your breath.
The problem is not the guns but the people. There are no quick punishments for the crimes, the punishments that are given in many cases are much too light for the crime. The media constantly tells us how guns are used in crimes. How many times are guns used in justified defence or used to STOP a crime? A lot! Is that reported? No. People are getting more and more evil and if guns are ever done away with, people will still use bats, knives, bows, cars, etc. to kill. This is all foretold however, read 2 Timothy 3:2 and Ecclesiastes 8:11 for further clarification.[/quote]

No comment....

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by JOEL2014 on 02/18/18 at 07:31:07

5046514C54414C57230 wrote:
[quote author=4E4B4148454A40434845405D57240 link=1518732101/0#8 date=1518792782]How many times are guns used in justified defence or used to STOP a crime? A lot! Is that reported? No.

If you pull a gun on someone, and don't report the incident to the police,... you are a criminal...[/quote]
I had an incident several years ago where I had to present a gun on an a small group of agressors. This stopped my wife and I from being robbed or worse, and I didn't have to fire a shot. I was technically a criminal for not reporting this,but I can live with it. What I couldn't live with is what may have happened to my wife without my being able to stop it. If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. I thank the Lord I had mine at the time.

Title: Re: Banning bullets and bibles.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/18/18 at 09:12:31

I was being approached by three verbally aggressive guys in Odessa, back when it was the Murder Capital.
I got my knife out and popped it open.
They rethought their position.
I didn't call the cops.
I was just thrilled to have gotten out of a bad spot and happy that I had prepared for such a moment by practicing with my knife. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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