General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Meanwhile, On Public Lands

Message started by T And T Garage on 02/02/18 at 10:31:07

Title: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by T And T Garage on 02/02/18 at 10:31:07

Seems the current administration doesn't care much about sacred or public lands.

But, yeah... who cares, right?


Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 02/02/18 at 12:28:47

I mean, profit right?? isn't that the only worthy motive in 'Merica style capitalism?  

who needs public lands when you could have profit??  

makes me think I should go stake a claim though, like I just want little claims, just enough to force companies to pay me lots of money for them....   oh wait, there's that profit motive again.

anyone close to Utah wanna go get me some land????

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by T And T Garage on 02/02/18 at 12:34:38

19302D323A2D332613302C2B1E2D2B362C2B5F0 wrote:
I mean, profit right?? isn't that the only worthy motive in 'Merica style capitalism?  

who needs public lands when you could have profit??  

makes me think I should go stake a claim though, like I just want little claims, just enough to force companies to pay me lots of money for them....   oh wait, there's that profit motive again.

anyone close to Utah wanna go get me some land????

Dang.. I'm right there with ya!  I wish I coulda got out there this morning and staked my claim!

You know... 'cause "Murica!!!

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/02/18 at 19:59:27

Post a report/ article..

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 02/03/18 at 02:26:31

2E3137302D2A1B2B1B23313D76440 wrote:
Post a report/ article..


you are a lazy fo aren't you?

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/18 at 09:40:28

WTF IS wrong with you people?
What's NOT PUBLIC sector about giving access to a place to mining?
Do you need it to be a park and swings and campgrounds?
The government stopped what they Were doing, illegal and unconstitutional as it was, and made it available.
What do YOU want?

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 02/03/18 at 10:13:46

322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 wrote:
WTF IS wrong with you people?
What's NOT PUBLIC sector about giving access to a place to mining?
Do you need it to be a park and swings and campgrounds?
The government stopped what they Were doing, illegal and unconstitutional as it was, and made it available.
What do YOU want?

let me come up to your place and strip mine it....  I'm sure you have a nice safe place in your house to store the waste produced.

public sector means EVERYONE gets to use it, now it's being turned into private mines,   possibly destroying a beautiful national treasure in the process.

yellowstone's turn next, why protect any nature, screw it all and sell it to the highest bidder.  

what exactly is wrong with wanting to preserve nature??  

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by T And T Garage on 02/03/18 at 14:07:20

Some people are just ignorant.  As long as it's not happening in their back yard - why would they give a sh!t?


Typical conservative.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/03/18 at 15:38:07

My land is Private land. I own it.
Public land is available to ALL to acquire rights to and use. Before the Federal Government released these lands, NOBODY could benefit except to go look at it.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by ArkansasBrian on 02/04/18 at 14:13:28

So land has no value beyond financial profit? And what of the tourism dollars? Hunting? Also of note, grazing/ranching was already permissible on much of the land. Mining destroys or significantly degrades all other uses for the profit of very few while providing only short-term jobs. Hunting guides, tour guides, ranchers, and outfitters will all be financially damaged by this, but their lobby pales in comparison to the brothers Koch. If you’re incapable of appreciating the value of natural areas I honestly pity you. If you deny the financial value of these lands as protected areas, you’re just wrong.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/18 at 15:22:04

I have every appreciation for wilderness and nature. You have zero understanding of who I am. How I recycle. How I provide for the creatures that live on our almost twelve acres. You know zilch about me, because you are so busy pretending I'm a hateful, racist, knuckledragging troglodyte.
You think I'm a neocon warmonger, don't you? Please, understand that people can oppose all things lefty and not be evil.
The things lefties want, that they believe is good, are based in a very narrow understanding of reality.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/18 at 15:55:30

253A3C3B2621102010283A367D4F0 wrote:
My land is Private land. I own it.

I hope Trump don't wanna' build a wall through it... :-/

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/18 at 15:57:24

You deflect every opportunity to understand what is obvious.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by Serowbot on 02/04/18 at 15:58:52

huh?... :-?

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/18 at 16:11:33

It's funny how when Hillary was talking about border security, including physical barriers, THAT was good.
Trump, Ehh, notsomuch.

Hypocrite much?

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/18 at 16:16:25

410,000 ResultsAny time
Is Donald Trump right that Hillary Clinton once “wanted …
Aug 15, 2016 · Says Hillary Clinton once "wanted a ... I voted for border security and some of ... Clinton supported a secure border that includes physical barriers ...

Bill Clinton Mexico Border Barriers And George W. …
Donald Trump is far from the first president to advocate a physical barrier with Mexico. Both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, with the Border Fence Act, undertook such projects during their respective presidencies, and both won the support of many key Democrats — including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

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2006 Hillary Clinton: Enforce the border with physical barriers, deport those with criminal records
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Mar 17, 2016 · Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton said Thursday that the ... number of border security ... of barriers designed to stop ...

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Hillary Clinton: Border needs wall - ALIPAC
Apr 23, 2006 · Hillary Clinton: Border needs ... Hillary Clinton Comes Out for Border ... that she backs a border wall plan that would include both physical barriers and a ...

Hillary in 2006: Let’s Build a Wall, Deport Illegals ...
Physical barriers needed for border security, Hillary said. ... Hillary Clinton said in ... but including the illegal immigration and migration from Central and ...

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Hillary Clinton is really ... money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal ... problems that we face,” Clinton said of border security at the ...

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Jan 09, 2018 · And in 2006, Democrats like then-Sens. Barack Obama, D-Ill., Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., Joe Biden, D-Del., and current Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., voted in favor of the Secure Fence Act, which would add “two layers of reinforced fencing, installation of additional physical barriers” to ports of entry along the southern …

Hillary Clinton on Immigration -
Vote #235 on June 28, 2007 on S.1639, the McCain-Kennedy Immigration Reform Bill: "Establishes specified benchmarks which must be met [before comprehensive reform, including] operational control of the border with Mexico; Border Patrol increases; border barriers, including vehicle barriers, fencing, radar, and aerial vehicles.

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Clinton has actually spoken about the strength of the border. During a debate in March, she acknowledged her past support of enhancing border security, including a physical barrier between the U.S. and Mexico.

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Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by ArkansasBrian on 02/04/18 at 19:29:53

JOG, your understanding of me is equally as ridiculous as the strawman picture you painted of my thoughts on you. I was resonding pretty directly to your statement that before the release "NOBODY benefits beyond something pretty to look at" (paraphrased).  Please respond to what I say and not to the exaggerated picture of yourself in your inaccurate picture of my head.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by ArkansasBrian on 02/04/18 at 19:32:40

Also, why are you bringing up immigration in a discussion about federal land use? I realize others mentioned the wall, but it was still in the context of federal land use. Going off on policy decisions of previous administration's does nothing to further the conversation at hand.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/04/18 at 21:43:21

Bot brought the wall up.
My pointing out how horrible it is since trump said it hurts, I know.
It was good when Hillary was for it.
Bad when Trump is for it.
And you people wonder why you aren't taken seriously.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by ArkansasBrian on 02/04/18 at 22:41:54

And it remains entirely tangental to the issue at hand.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 02/05/18 at 09:00:09

36292F2835320333033B29256E5C0 wrote:
Bot brought the wall up.
My pointing out how horrible it is since trump said it hurts, I know.
It was good when Hillary was for it.
Bad when Trump is for it.
And you people wonder why you aren't taken seriously.

well, since you always lump us in together, and then complain about us not remembering when you complain about Trump or Bush or whoever in the past...  pot, kettle, kettle, pot....  

I'm pretty sure this was never brought up in the past under the pretense of "Hillary is for this..." Also, we, as you are, are allowed to disagree with a candidate on one, two or a whole multitude of issues and still prefer them over their opponent based on one, two, ore a whole multitude of issues, or even nuances on issues.  

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by FormerlyLostArtist on 02/05/18 at 09:14:17

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
I have every appreciation for wilderness and nature. You have zero understanding of who I am. How I recycle. How I provide for the creatures that live on our almost twelve acres. You know zilch about me, because you are so busy pretending I'm a hateful, racist, knuckledragging troglodyte.
You think I'm a neocon warmonger, don't you? Please, understand that people can oppose all things lefty and not be evil.
The things lefties want, that they believe is good, are based in a very narrow understanding of reality.

I'm just clumping you into the stereotype of a Trump supporter that I support in my head, sure I know it's not you individually, but, you seem to clump me into a stereotype of "liberal/Hillary supporter" that you support in your head, even though you know equally nothing about me.  

see you even think I don't understand reality, even as you appeal to me to try to understand you, you slam me into your narrow mindview of what you consider "lefty"  

You don't want to talk to me as an individual, you constantly group me together with those you consider lesser than you, "how can't you see this? if you can't see this then you're hopeless..., etc...." unless those are meant to be personal insults....    

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/05/18 at 11:48:42

You provided the link to a calm assessment of the memo. I won't forget that. Thank You for that.

Title: Re: Meanwhile, On Public Lands
Post by T And T Garage on 03/05/18 at 11:41:05

As if we all didn't know - here's an update on this "little takeaway"...


Really no surprise.  The cons just have to own it.

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