General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Sheethole outrage......

Message started by raydawg on 01/12/18 at 19:28:35

Title: Sheethole outrage......
Post by raydawg on 01/12/18 at 19:28:35

Yeah, I think he said it, sounds so like the person I believe he is.....

However, gotta love how the press loves to spawn more news on everything this man does.


I don't recall.
Seems to have some questioning the integrity of them.....

Do they recall these, I don't recall(s)?

GAWD folks, life goes on, is the world going to end because a sheethead uses the word sheethole?  ;D

Words, merely spoken words, not sticks and stones......GEEZUS  ::)

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/12/18 at 20:44:58

I wish he wouldn't say he didn't say it if he did, and I think he said it.

But, it's not racist .

Haiti SUXASS,,or you people would happily send Haitians HOME. The REASON people want to come here is because America is better than what they have, OR THEY WOULD STAY HOME.

Haiti travel advice - GOV.UK
Latest travel advice for Haiti including safety and security, entry requirements, travel warnings and health
Haiti Travel Advisory - › Travel.State.Gov › Travel Advisories · 2 days ago
Reconsider travel to Haiti due to crime and civil unrest. Violent crime, such as armed robbery, is common. Local police may lack the resources to respond effectively ...
Travel Advice and Advisories for Haiti
Country Travel Advice and Advisories from the Government of Canada

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/12/18 at 21:52:08

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/12/18 at 22:09:38

What? Haiti isn't up there?

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/12/18 at 22:17:26

I found HAITI!


Ambassade de France en Haïti Ambafranceht / Flickr

Even before the 2010 earthquake that killed more than 100,000 people, Haiti was not a country that attracted much tourism. Within Port au Prince is Cite Soleil, one of the largest slums in the world. This slum lacks even the most basic of healthcare, education and is stricken with poverty.

Even the aid workers who reside in the city are met with violence and anger from many of the citizens. To make matters worse, the earthquake caused many of Haiti’s most violent criminals to escape from jail. No effort has been made to catch these criminals and they now roam the streets unscathed.

If Trump didn't say it, he missed a chance to be right.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by raydawg on 01/12/18 at 23:37:24

Jog, the question was, “Why do we want people from these sheitholes?”

Answer: “Because they ARE sheitholes and we care about them!”

Doesn’t that sound better than Whhhhhhhhaaaaaaaa, he said a nasty word  ;D

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/12/18 at 23:43:51

If you're trying to put together a team, do you recruit people who can't play?

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by T And T Garage on 01/16/18 at 09:44:23

485B435E5B4D5D3A0 wrote:
Yeah, I think he said it, sounds so like the person I believe he is.....

However, gotta love how the press loves to spawn more news on everything this man does.


I don't recall.
Seems to have some questioning the integrity of them.....

Do they recall these, I don't recall(s)?

GAWD folks, life goes on, is the world going to end because a sheethead uses the word sheethole?  ;D

Words, merely spoken words, not sticks and stones......GEEZUS  ::)

...And the right flipped out when Obama said (something to the effect of) Treyvon Martin could have been his son.

Yeah, and could you imagine what the righties would have said about Obama calling a country a sh!thole or grabbing pu$$ies??

C'mon... keep it real.

Gee, I wonder how many folks will yell "Liar!" at our president's first state of the union?

That would be OK, right?

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/16/18 at 10:15:15

A shithole is a shithole.
Not a foul.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by raydawg on 01/16/18 at 11:00:37

Wasn't it TT who likes to say we are talking about Tweeter, not Obama....  ;D

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by verslagen1 on 01/16/18 at 13:54:40

7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 wrote:
A shithole is a shithole.
Not a foul.

3rd world country is pc for sh!thole, our prez iz not pc.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by T And T Garage on 01/16/18 at 14:24:49

5A49514C495F4F280 wrote:
Wasn't it TT who likes to say we are talking about Tweeter, not Obama....  ;D

Please feel free to address me directly.

Hey, I'm just making an even comparison.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by T And T Garage on 01/16/18 at 14:25:25

746770716E6365676C33020 wrote:
[quote author=7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 link=1515814115/0#8 date=1516126515]A shithole is a shithole.
Not a foul.

3rd world country is pc for sh!thole, our prez iz not pc.[/quote]

Our president is barely sentient, much less PC.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by raydawg on 01/16/18 at 15:11:35

342A252429342F32400 wrote:
[quote author=5A49514C495F4F280 link=1515814115/0#9 date=1516129237]Wasn't it TT who likes to say we are talking about Tweeter, not Obama....  ;D

Please feel free to address me directly.

Hey, I'm just making an even comparison.[/quote]

Oh of course you are honey.........

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by T And T Garage on 01/16/18 at 15:17:00

485B435E5B4D5D3A0 wrote:
[quote author=342A252429342F32400 link=1515814115/0#11 date=1516141489][quote author=5A49514C495F4F280 link=1515814115/0#9 date=1516129237]Wasn't it TT who likes to say we are talking about Tweeter, not Obama....  ;D

Please feel free to address me directly.

Hey, I'm just making an even comparison.[/quote]

Oh of course you are honey.........

No need for snark.  No need to call me "honey".

You see ray, what you're doing right now is the problem.  If you have nothing to add that's constructive, then don't add anything.

Childish name-calling and snark is exactly what drove so many people away from this forum.

Try, for once, not acting petulant.  Either address a post or don't.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/16/18 at 15:20:17

475956575A475C41330 wrote:
[quote author=746770716E6365676C33020 link=1515814115/0#10 date=1516139680][quote author=7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 link=1515814115/0#8 date=1516126515]A shithole is a shithole.
Not a foul.

3rd world country is pc for sh!thole, our prez iz not pc.[/quote]

Our president is barely sentient, much less PC.[/quote]

30 for 30 on the test. The government approved test. He's physically and mentally fit.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by raydawg on 01/16/18 at 15:32:10

2B353A3B362B302D5F0 wrote:
[quote author=485B435E5B4D5D3A0 link=1515814115/0#13 date=1516144295][quote author=342A252429342F32400 link=1515814115/0#11 date=1516141489][quote author=5A49514C495F4F280 link=1515814115/0#9 date=1516129237]Wasn't it TT who likes to say we are talking about Tweeter, not Obama....  ;D

Please feel free to address me directly.

Hey, I'm just making an even comparison.[/quote]

Oh of course you are honey.........

No need for snark.  No need to call me "honey".

You see ray, what you're doing right now is the problem.  If you have nothing to add that's constructive, then don't add anything.

Childish name-calling and snark is exactly what drove so many people away from this forum.

Try, for once, not acting petulant.  Either address a post or don't.


Oh, my bad, I thought tolerance meant you don't admit to smelling others sheit, but forgoing mentioning it, as in, "all our chit stinks" not just yours....
Diversity, accepting as it, open minded, not faulting others, etc....

Gee, it just dawned on me, you are only a lib because you call yourself one, not because you really are.....

Well duh.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by Serowbot on 01/16/18 at 15:37:59

Political correctness has become a rallying cry for the Right,... and it admittedly does go overboard sometimes... but,.. there is a genuine purpose to it, and it is in "politics"...
"Political" correctness, politics... Get it?...

A good politician should be able to express him or herself without offending huge expanses of the world.
Trump don't rule the world or run it,... and he's slowly finding that out...
His circle of influence has narrowed globally to just the Right side of Congress, Neo Nazis, and a dwindling group of misguided Christians that cast aside all their personal values in his name...

Trump's ham-fisted personal interaction skills will cost us for some time to come...
Our standing as a world leader is diminished, and deals in all aspects of international cooperation will suffer.

He's not safe in England any more... not welcome either.
Most Brit's would stand aside to give a sniper a clear shot...
I know you don't care, but they are America's strongest ally... close now to the only one...

Reagan referred to America as "that shining city on the hill"...
The world sees Trump's America as that stinking shithole on the hill...
That's what your vote bought... and he didn't even have to do much, it all came from that questionable orifice on his face, and those short pudgy fingers.

Trump only cares about Trump,... we know that,...
He better start thinking about his global assets.
I'm expecting retaliation against his properties.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by T And T Garage on 01/16/18 at 15:45:02

46554D50554353340 wrote:
Oh, my bad, I thought tolerance meant you don't admit to smelling others sheit, but forgoing mentioning it, as in, "all our chit stinks" not just yours....
Diversity, accepting as it, open minded, not faulting others, etc....

That statement might make sense in your head, but you failed to properly put it into words....

Gee, it just dawned on me, you are only a lib because you call yourself one, not because you really are.....

You might be right.  However, I rarely call myself a lib.  I consider myself a progressive (which does include some liberal tendencies).

Since you brought it up, how can you call yourself a democrat, and then side with everything republican, and call yourself an independant?

Well duh.  -Indeed!

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by T And T Garage on 01/16/18 at 15:45:32

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:
Political correctness has become a rallying cry for the Right,... and it admittedly does go overboard sometimes... but,.. there is a genuine purpose to it, and it is in "politics"...
"Political" correctness, politics... Get it?...

A good politician should be able to express him or herself without offending huge expanses of the world.
Trump don't rule the world or run it,... and he's slowly finding that out...
His circle of influence has narrowed globally to just the Right side of Congress, Neo Nazis, and a dwindling group of misguided Christians that cast aside all their personal values in his name...

Trump's ham-fisted personal interaction skills will cost us for some time to come...
Our standing as a world leader is diminished, and deals in all aspects of international cooperation will suffer.

He's not safe in England any more... not welcome either.
Most Brit's would stand aside to give a sniper a clear shot...
I know you don't care, but they are America's strongest ally... close now to the only one...

Reagan referred to America as "that shining city on the hill"...
The world sees Trump's America as that stinking shithole on the hill...
That's what your vote bought... and he didn't even have to do much, it all came from that questionable orifice on his face, and those short pudgy fingers.

Trump only cares about Trump,... we know that,...
He better start thinking about his global assets.
I'm expecting retaliation against his properties.

Well put!

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by raydawg on 01/16/18 at 16:16:23

PC doctrine made Trump.....
Unless you come to understand that, then all you are doing is masterbating your own ideology upon yourself.

Yes, the man needs filters, but acting a fool to beat a fool, is still foolish.
You criticize, expect critique, or just go whine in your beer with other losers.

Words can never hurt you, it takes actions, sticks and stones.
Retaliate, expect returns.
Gawd, folks are so blind to reality feeding off their need, hate begates hate.
Swill the poison, die of its effect.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by Serowbot on 01/16/18 at 17:27:13

697A627F7A6C7C1B0 wrote:
PC doctrine made Trump.....
Unless you come to understand that, then all you are doing is masterbating your own ideology upon yourself.

Yes, the man needs filters, but acting a fool to beat a fool, is still foolish.
You criticize, expect critique, or just go whine in your beer with other losers.

Words can never hurt you, it takes actions, sticks and stones.
Retaliate, expect returns.
Gawd, folks are so blind to reality feeding off their need, hate begates hate.
Swill the poison, die of its effect.

What an absolute nonsense post :-?

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by raydawg on 01/16/18 at 17:32:23

No surprise it escapes you.......

Your blindness is complete.

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by ruckus430 on 01/16/18 at 23:11:42

Guys when trump speaks sometimes he holds his mouth open and it looks like a tiny little "shithole"

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/16/18 at 23:25:56

As if lefties don't call places like Haiti shitholes.

US State Department Travel Warning for Haiti. ... predominantly in the Port-au-Prince area. No one is safe from kidnapping, regardless of occupation

It's a Frikken SHITHOLE..

Title: Re: Sheethole outrage......
Post by MnSpring on 01/17/18 at 14:24:48

584649484558435E2C0 wrote:
"... name-calling and snark is exactly what drove so many people away from this forum..."

Well,  don't think it was Ray that did that !!!!

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