General Category >> The Cafe >> Polar Bears

Message started by MMRanch on 12/31/17 at 15:52:50

Title: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 12/31/17 at 15:52:50

I've got some new gloves I'm going to try out tomorrow , but the length of the ride is yet to be determined .      ;)

Freeze out long johns (top and bottom) , jeans/flannel shirt , Chaps / leather coat , Full face helmet w/Barclay in it and tucked in really good into the coat .  :P

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by badwolf on 12/31/17 at 16:22:40

MMRanch, The weather has been great to ride most all month here in Fl. I left home at 7am yesterday to go to the west coast and back (400 miles), it was 50 degrees and fog for the first 90 miles. Wore my rain pants over my chaps and snowboarders mittens to keep warm and dry. (looked goofy, but it worked!) High 60's and sunny on the way home.
60's and sunny today, went to the range and the scenic way home - 110 miles total. I ended-up 23.5 K for the calendar year. Next year planning a trip to the salt flats in Aug. Should be 5.5 to 6 k for that trip.
Would like to do the KSL earlyer in the year,,,,IF you guys show-up this time!

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 12/31/17 at 19:05:43


Whats first for next year?

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Oldfeller on 12/31/17 at 20:24:22

He has a point, he does, what is first for next year?

He makes a second point, actually an opportunity if you will.   If we are snow birding into Florida early next year by way of a gulf coast loop then you are talking to a potential HOST, somebody who lives in the area and can spot camping spots to toss a tent cheap and come up with Things To Do.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by badwolf on 12/31/17 at 20:24:40

My first trip in 18' will be early April to Columbia, SC for a weekend Roller Derby tournament. They haven't announced the exact date yet. I tried stretching that into N. Ga. in 16', but it was too cold to be fun. ( Florida has spoiled me!) I hit the west coast on the way back and it ends up about 15 - 1600 miles.
I am building a new ''Batwing'' style windshield/faring to bring the windshield much closer and cut down on the buffeting and wind noise in my ears. I HOPE! The trip to Utah will be 3 days of SS each way, less constant noise will keep me in a better mood. ( I said better, not good! ) 3 long days means a sore butt even if you are on a Gold Wing, let alone a 400 lb. S-40.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 12/31/17 at 21:34:40

OldFeller , if your interested in Daytona ,I'll see if I can find the ABATE campground.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Oldfeller on 01/01/18 at 00:25:20

Look at the thread in the stickies.

If you have to go look at Daytona bike week, you need to spot a place to stay.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Dave on 01/01/18 at 03:18:46

I made a strange discovery yesterday - the inside of the Beer Cave at the local convenient store was 20 degrees warmer than it was outside?

We are starting out 2018 at a lowly 4 degrees, and the next few nights will be worse - we won't get a warm up until the weekend.

Last winter after mounting the lightened pulley I took the Cafe' bike out to see how well it worked - I was so bundled up I looked like the Michelin Man.  It was 23 degrees and it was impossible to keep my hands warm, and the controls were really hard to work gracefully with heavy gloves on.

I just can't see myself going on rides when the temperature is really low - when it is cold and/or wet I prefer to use my car!

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by LANCER on 01/01/18 at 04:18:02

Amen to that, 7 deg. here this morning with a -2 deg. windchill, its just a wee bit cold to be riding.  If I wanted to just start them I would need to set up a heater to blow under the crankcase to warm the oil first.
I sure would like to have a heated space for the bikes to live in and with workspace as well.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Dave on 01/01/18 at 04:24:16

I am pretty darned spoiled when it comes to having a warm/toasty workspace.  My garage and house are heated by my outdoor wood boiler, and it is currently 62 degrees in garage and 68 in the house.  I am burning the Ash trees that were killed by the Emerald Ash Borer.  I most likely will get 4-5 years of wood from all the dead Ash trees that are falling down.  The Ash wood decomposes pretty fast while standing, the limbs fall off in 2-3 years and the trunks start breaking and falling over a year two later.  It doesn't provide as much heat as Oak or Hickory - but it cuts easy and it is free!  

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/01/18 at 05:11:15

Got down to twenty..

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Serowbot on 01/01/18 at 08:43:08

Mid 70's here...

I'm sooooo gonna' pay for this come summer...  :-?

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Tocsik on 01/01/18 at 10:03:38

My hands hurt real bad when they get too cold.  This is the only way I can ride in the cold anymore.  I used to ride in much colder weather on my scooter b/c it blocked more air off the rider.  I had heated grips on that bike but also made a pair of handlebar muffs out of insulated lunch bags.  Later, I switched to these handlebar muffs but still had to add material and slits for mirror stems.
When I got the 'zuki, I only had to change some of the velcro closures to adapt them to the new bike.
When it's cold, I don't care how these "elephant ears" look on the bike.  At least I can still ride!

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by engineer on 01/01/18 at 18:01:24

Tocsik, I like those hand guards, did you fabricate them yourself or did you buy them somewhere?  It's supposed to be minus 5 here tomorrow morning so no polar bear rides for me.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Tocsik on 01/01/18 at 18:35:34

They were $20 on Amazon.  Excellent purchase.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/01/18 at 19:30:26

I took a 10 mile ride this afternoon .  it was 19 or 20 deg. but I was so layered up it didn't seem that cold .  
Remember those gloves with the "Rain Covers (Nylon)".  ;)  and chaps , Barclay , full-face helmet , boots .   If I'd put the Freeze-out long johns on , I believe a 100 mile's would have been OK !  :)

Title: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/03/18 at 21:12:41

Thanks Tocsik

I just ordered :

I had ordered the brush guard earlier , but didn't know about the mitts !  

All these years I've been getting frozen fingers , when I didn't have too !

So now the only thing getting cold is my knees , and my chaps w/freeze-out long johns helps a lot on that ... I might have to get some knee pads like SpringMan uses sometimes .  

Those fellers who ride Snowmobiles in sub -0- weather are the ones who have it all figured out !  

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Tocsik on 01/04/18 at 06:13:09

MMR, those handlebar muffs look like a decent starting point.  You may have to make some alterations to get them to fit well enough on the Savage.  Let us know how it goes.

For legs, I wear a base layer under flannel lined jeans.  That's usually enough for most days, but on the really cold mornings I have to supplement with a pair of snowboard pants on top.  That does the trick but sometimes the amount of time it takes to gear up just takes away from the enjoyment of the ride.  I have also just added my rain pants over the lined jeans and base layer.  This blocks the wind off enough to let the insulating layers do their job.  Same principle as the handlebar muffs.  Your gloves can't keep your hands warm enough with freezing air blowing over them at 60 mph!  Bock that wind and the gloves can do what they're intended to.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/04/18 at 10:05:43

 Bock that wind and the gloves can do what they're intended to.    

Amen ,Brother !

I've been using the "Rain-Cover Mittens" that came with a pair of gloves I bought 10 years ago.   The gloves are leather but the fingers are about wore out .  
Since then I've had several finger injuries , now those fingers can't get cold like they used too !  :-[

Those handlebar pockets are looking really good !  :)

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Rodger on 01/06/18 at 06:12:09

Reminds me a bit of the old Vetter "Hippo Hands"....(showing my age with that

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Papa Bear on 01/06/18 at 07:11:34

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Dave on 01/06/18 at 07:29:19


Thanks for the is not something I have any interest in doing.

It appears to be a BMW R1150RT from between 2002 to 2004.  It would have heated grips, heated seats, and the article says he has heated still doesn't look to be my kind of fun.  

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/06/18 at 16:43:11

I just saw the weather forecast for next week .  Next Tuesday I have an appointment 60+ miles from home and the weather is predicted to be in the mid to upper 50's , w/no rain but plenty of sunshine !    :)

If things don't change , I'll get to have a January "Day-Ride"  8-)

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by engineer on 01/11/18 at 18:02:46

This thread and the one about New Years resolutions inspired me to ride at least one time each month and today was the day for January, it hit 50 degrees.  So it doesn't count as a polar bear event but at least I got out.  The roads were wet with salt and cinders and a little slippery in places.  It took me an hour to clean the bike when I got home but it was worth it.  

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/11/18 at 20:07:58

Hay , ,

I got an hour long day ride today too  ,   didn't go anywhere but around the country block one way then the other !   But it was great ... I was trying out my Hippo Hands .... those things sure are ugly ! ....   Kinda like the song about "If you want to be Happy the rest of your life , then get an ugly woman to be your wife"   , Its true about the Hippo Gloves.   They slide over the handle bars and have a cut-out for the mirror stem that Velcro's shut ... Then you slide you hands in them and your Happy for the rest of you Ride !   ;D

tomorrows forecast is cold rain and snow , but today sure was nice !  :)

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Tocsik on 01/13/18 at 18:58:10

MMR, were those the ebay mitts you posted or actual Hippo Hands?  If they were the ebay model, did they need any modification to work on the savage?
I rode to work a couple days over the past couple weeks.  20's to low 30's in the morning and 50's or high 40's on the way home.  No problem.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/13/18 at 22:08:14

Real Hippo Hands , I'll try to get a picture in daylight tomorrow .   :)

The ones in the earlier post ain't here yet , our buddy in Florida (Bad Wolf) might be right about Spring getting here before those China mitts do !  ::)


Did'nt get home till 21:30 , will try again Monday ...  :-[

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Tocsik on 01/18/18 at 08:14:47

Curious which model of Hippo Hands you went with and how you decided.  Unless they only make one style to fit the Savage, which makes it easier!

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/18/18 at 17:23:43

They are Big , Ugly , and Warm .    They fit on the bars good.  The mirror stem comes up through the opening that Velcro's shut and they slip over the end of the bar clutch/brake lever and all.   The levers are easy to work on the inside of them.  
I feel so HOT --- It must be LOVE !  ::)

The one on top(first one) is up-side-down , the bottom one is the only right one and in the correct position .
Wait :   :-?   Did I say that right ???  

in the link

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Dave on 01/19/18 at 04:56:37

Next thing you know.....MM will be wearing a hand muff while he does work around his farm!

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by badwolf on 01/19/18 at 07:14:27

I don't remember that mole above his lip, and his hair is longer than last time I saw him!

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/19/18 at 09:20:38

They do look like "Critters"  missing a body part or two !  

Next thing you know.....MM will be wearing a hand muff while he does work around his farm!  

I'd rather look at most work than actually touch it anyway.    ;D


Really , these things are a good addition to my winter ridding gear !



Those finger "nubs" on my left hand don't like getting cold or bumped and I had a crazzy Cow broke my right pinky finger late last fall , it don't like being cold either.    :D

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/19/18 at 09:28:58

Them lying Weather-people said we're getting near 50 deg. today so I was planning to take a ride of some sort today .   But , its near noon and its still below freezing !   :(

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by Tocsik on 01/19/18 at 12:40:09

Ah, I thought you sprung for the "official" Hippo Hands!  They're pretty expensive but I like the way they stay open so getting hands back inside is easy (and safer).
I do like the price of those you picked up.  Been asking so many questions because mine are starting to wear out at the spot the Velcro from my Winter gloves snags the edge.

Title: Re: Polar Bears
Post by MMRanch on 01/19/18 at 17:23:51

Yea , I like the looks of the "Real Hippo" , but $100.oo is $100.oo and that's a big difference !     Did give me the Idea to use a Zip-Tie to make the Ebay model fit better !    ;)

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