General Category >> The Cafe >> Hey Dave...

Message started by badwolf on 12/25/17 at 18:58:56

Title: Hey Dave...
Post by badwolf on 12/25/17 at 18:58:56

I just watched the new Dr. Who X-Mas special, are any relation to the 'NEW' Dr Who?

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Dave on 12/26/17 at 02:23:03

I have not seen he a good looking fellow? ;)

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Ruttly on 12/26/17 at 06:07:00

No relation to Super Dave Osborne  ;D

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Serowbot on 12/26/17 at 07:43:38

507776766E7B020 wrote:
No relation to Super Dave Osborne  ;D

You sure?... :-?

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by badwolf on 12/26/17 at 10:05:13

The 'NEW' Dr this time is a woman! First time in like 1500 years!

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Ruttly on 12/26/17 at 10:05:18

No his bikes would show it ! ;D

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Dave on 12/26/17 at 12:07:47

7F58595941542D0 wrote:
No his bikes would show it ! ;D

OK....I looked.  The new Dr. Who is a woman....named Wittaker (evidently she can't spell Whitacre correctly).

I like women a lot - the idea of a female version of Dr. Who would take some getting use to.

I do have a City Council member that calls me "Super Dave".....for those who are to young to remember:

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/26/17 at 13:08:06

That's funny..

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by badwolf on 12/26/17 at 16:01:39

My favorite Super Dave stunt...

The end is to die for, really.

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by badwolf on 12/26/17 at 16:42:15

Oh Yea, now on on rides you will be known as "SUPER DAVE" King of the road! (even when we mutiny on you)

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by LANCER on 12/27/17 at 02:41:59

Hmmm, SUPER DAVE ... I believe I can get behind this.
I just really like this title.
For me and my house, we will use this title.

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Oldfeller on 12/27/17 at 05:33:27

Nope, you shouldn't ever never name a list member after a crash dummy --- you would all feel bad afterwards.

Just call him Superlative Dave if ya jest gotta "super" him.    Or Captain Curvy Cafe if you don't.

Actually, Dave is the name that works best and is what he will get called most times .....

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by MMRanch on 12/27/17 at 07:36:25

Yea , Butt , OldFeller ...  :) ...  We really do have the Super Dave !   Get him to show ya that One Legged Squat sometime , then you'll be calling him Super Dave too !   More named after "Super-Man" than Crash-Dummy" .   ;D      Maybe SD will go to SD with us next year ???    August is a long way away from Dec. !    
If he does we could call him SD for short !  :-?

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Oldfeller on 12/27/17 at 07:53:38

Yeah, when he first started riding with us he showed his alternating one legged squats and his 3 finger one arm push ups too.    Used to do them on the porch of Blue Ridge #4 cabin early in the morning before the coffee was ready.

Dave WAS VERY SKINNY and lithe and very strong .....   but he is maturing out of it some now.    Still much better than the rest of us (although MM ain't physically a slug by anybody's measure).

(This from a guy who carries a half-axe as a self-defense cane ...... )

Have you guys firmed up your trip to the Midwest with all the dates and places yet?    Got me a wife who is having occasional crying nightmares about me going off literally half way across the USA on my big motorcycle.    Turns out she was looking at her phone app watching me cut up on the Skyway last trip --- her sister and her momma too.

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by LANCER on 12/27/17 at 09:18:49

1231393B383131382F5D0 wrote:

Yeah, when he first started riding with us he showed his alternating one legged squats and his 3 finger one arm push ups too.    Used to do them on the porch of Blue Ridge #4 cabin early in the morning before the coffee was ready.

Dave WAS VERY SKINNY and lithe and very strong .....   but he is maturing out of it some now.    Still much better than the rest of us (although MM ain't physically a slug by anybody's measure).

(This from a guy who carries a half-axe as a self-defense cane ...... )

Have you guys firmed up your trip to the Midwest with all the dates and places yet?    Got me a wife who is having occasional crying nightmares about me going off literally half way across the USA on my big motorcycle.    Turns out she was looking at her phone app watching me cut up on the Skyway last trip --- her sister and her momma too.


Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Dave on 12/27/17 at 15:18:11

76555D5F5C55555C4B390 wrote:

Dave WAS VERY SKINNY and lithe and very strong .....   but he is maturing out of it some now.

The last couple of years have not been good for my attendance at the gym.  I was a daily attendee for nearly 8 years straight - then life got in the way.  My lack of gym attendance first started when my wife Deb had foot surgery.  I had to skip the morning gym routine so I could get Deb packed up and headed to school with her knee cart in the car each morning - I couldn't leave until she was headed off to school.  Then we got our puppy Lily and I had to attend to her in the mornings and teach her how to be a good the time Deb was out of school for the summer - I was in full swing with work and out of the habit of going to the gym.  We were so busy at work I started to just go into work at 5 AM instead of heading to the gym.  By the time summer was winding down and I was ready to go back to the gym.....Deb broke her ankle and I was once again being a good husband and taking care of her before I left for work.  Then this summer was the busiest we have ever been at work.....I even went in at 3 AM for a while to get caught up on some jobs that had to be done ASAP.  Yesterday Deb has surgery to remove some loose screws and a titanium plate from her foot - so I am once again being a good nurse this week.

Next week I will start my new job - they don't open until 9 AM and I will have plenty of time to get to the gym each morning - I will be down to my fighting weight again by the time riding season returns.  

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by MMRanch on 12/27/17 at 15:33:07

  Turns out she was looking at her phone app watching me cut up on the Skyway last trip --- her sister and her momma too.    

D-e-r-n Tec Stuff ... Can't do nothing any more !   ;D


Lancer , you maybe going to SD.  ?  maybe too early to say ?  

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by verslagen1 on 12/27/17 at 16:41:17

06252D2F2C25252C3B490 wrote:

Got me a wife who is having occasional crying nightmares about me going off literally half way across the USA on my big motorcycle.    Turns out she was looking at her phone app watching me cut up on the Skyway last trip --- her sister and her momma too.

your gonna have to get a second phone and learn how to do call forwarding and leave the good phone back at camp.

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by LANCER on 12/27/17 at 17:14:59

72617677686563616A35040 wrote:
[quote author=06252D2F2C25252C3B490 link=1514257137/0#13 date=1514390018]
Got me a wife who is having occasional crying nightmares about me going off literally half way across the USA on my big motorcycle.    Turns out she was looking at her phone app watching me cut up on the Skyway last trip --- her sister and her momma too.

your gonna have to get a second phone and learn how to do call forwarding and leave the good phone back at camp.[/quote]

Need to have a sit down talk with the wife. [ch128548][ch129300]

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by MMRanch on 12/27/17 at 18:49:02

OldFeller , you saying she followed you phone doing 70'ish in a 30 ?    or  Did she find some vidio's somewhere ?  

Heck , I always Invite my wife to go with me !   She goes sometimes on short trips and KNOWS what happens when the road get  twisty ...  ::) .   She never wants to on the long rides , but its here her choice !   Lately I've been telling her : We'll take the Truck and unload the bike after we get there , if she wants to go .

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Oldfeller on 12/27/17 at 21:23:55

No, she was referencing me spanking you on the Cherohala at 103 mph reported .....

Trust a wife to learn how to use her cell phone properly given enough time to get used to the technology.    And then to get all upset over it .....

Here is the trick, the cops can do this stuff too now,  link into your cell phone position through your carrier and get a positional history (which they can subpoena) then run the raw data through a program to generate speeds in mph.

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Dave on 12/28/17 at 03:12:08

If you boys start feeling frisky......turn your phone off! ;)

Or better yet - we could start the day out by riding slowly to the local library, and we could drop your phone off in a locker for the day.  (She will think you are doing some detailed literary research).

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by Oldfeller on 12/28/17 at 08:47:01

Dave, Lancer has met my wife.   Ask him what she thinks.  Remember, she bought me my Savage outright (it is still registered to her).

As far as fooling her?  Ha. You do realize that there is a Play Store slam full of parental tracking apps, so me disabling one wouldn't buy very much (except an upset phone call to local hospital since I went and disappeared on her) and a Stern Lecture about worrying her when I re-appeared.

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by LANCER on 12/28/17 at 09:49:58

Just tell her she will be the first to know if anything happens to you.
We got your back dude !

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by LANCER on 12/28/17 at 10:02:05

647664767B68676A61290 wrote:

Lancer , you maybe going to SD.  ?  maybe too early to say ?  

It is a bit early MM.  Paula and I are going to SC in early spring to see a new grand baby, #10 :), but not sure of the exact dates yet.  The baby is due March 1 but we are not going right away.  We are trying to plan ahead to see if we can get good prices on flights, or if we need to drive instead.  Right now the prices for tickets and a car are way more than just driving.
After the new year the prices should come down some and then we can make our decision.

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by LANCER on 12/28/17 at 10:05:44

597A7270737A7A7364160 wrote:
Dave, Lancer has met my wife.   Ask him what she thinks.  Remember, she bought me my Savage outright (it is still registered to her).

As far as fooling her?  Ha. You do realize that there is a Play Store slam full of parental tracking apps, so me disabling one wouldn't buy very much (except an upset phone call to local hospital since I went and disappeared on her) and a Stern Lecture about worrying her when I re-appeared.

Yep, she has spiked collars, whips, cuffs & chains,
the whole   "DOMINANT/submissive"   thing.
It is really sad, we all need to pray fervently for O/F.   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Hey Dave...
Post by MMRanch on 12/28/17 at 10:10:11

Well ,

I know just what to do :

First the default speed-limit in NC. is 55mph.
We need to stay on roads that Sane Folks do at 35 + 40 mph

Then we only speed a little bit .
I like keeping my Driver's Licenses , and my insurance rates low !  ;)

So does putting your phone on "AirPlane" mode keep ya off the GPS tracker stuff - or does it have to be Off-Off ?  

Lancer you know a feller in Tn with a twin bed and a cot in the same room , if ya need it .   Or    A Rock house with a comfortable couch and a cot . » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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