General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> And finally.....

Message started by raydawg on 12/18/17 at 11:41:21

Title: And finally.....
Post by raydawg on 12/18/17 at 11:41:21

From my investment guy....

I know some of you are smarter, wiser, better, but please accommodate us stupids, who leave their money to those who know, tho lacking of the wisdom gleaned by wizards on a little motorcycle message board  ;D

Hello Ray,

As 2017 winds down, there's no shortage of legislation, global events, or economic issues to keep track of. Rest assured, we're closely watching what's going on in Washington and around the world. We consistently monitor global investment markets and assess whether your portfolio needs to be adjusted or rebalanced.
Here's a quick look at some of the things we're keeping an eye on for you.

Taxes, reformed — almost.

The House and the Senate have passed separate tax reform bills. Now it's up to the Conference Committee to find common ground and come up with a single bill for the president to sign. Both versions include too many points to list here, but one key provision is a proposed reduction in the corporate tax rate. Lower tax rates can mean higher corporate profits for some companies. In anticipation of this impact, stock market returns have been strong in recent weeks as the bill moved towards passage. Once we've evaluated all the items in the final bill, we can weigh the impact of the proposed tax legislation.

Government shutdown avoided — for now.

The latest Continuing Resolution (CR) was set to expire on Dec. 8, ending funding for the federal government. It's estimated the government wouldn't have reached the current debt ceiling until anywhere from January to March 2018. Yet the new two-week CR gives Congress some welcome room to breathe, as they still need to hammer out a funding solution before its Dec. 22  deadline. With a tax reform bill also in the works before the Christmas recess, there may not be enough hours in the day for Congress to take care of business. Bottom line: There's more to come on this budget topic.

Rising interest rates.

The Federal Open Market Committee met last week and raised the federal funds rate by 0.25% to a 1.25% to 1.50% range. The widely expected hike barely registered with the markets. However, with inflation still hovering below 2%, the Federal Reserve Board may be cautious in making dramatic moves. All eyes will be on current board member Jerome Powell, whom President Donald Trump appointed to replace Janet Yellen as chair in February 2018.

Your takeaway.

The action in Washington may generate market-moving headlines, yet economic expansion continues both at home and abroad. No matter what's going on in the United States or globally, however, you need to know how much investment risk you're comfortable with. How do you feel about the way your portfolio is reacting to the markets' ups? How would you feel if the markets were going the other way? Market drops can happen at any time — they're a routine part of investing — but if your portfolio is appropriately diversified for your risk tolerance and your long-term goals, you should be comfortable with either scenario (though one is clearly preferable!).

If you have questions, please call us. We're here to help you keep events in perspective and to answer your questions when things aren't clear.
Neil Gilfedder, CFA
Vice President, Portfolio Management


PS: Sorry Bot, I don't ride the train to work...... keep wishing  :-*

Title: Re: And finally.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/18/17 at 12:49:12

Someone is making money on the ups and the downs. Looks like you have a good thing going.

Title: Re: And finally.....
Post by raydawg on 12/18/17 at 17:02:36

Jog, even in the minority community revenue and employment is up, the best it’s been in almost two decades.

Did you read that link I posted about look what I found?
Those very communities are realizing no party can do for them what they can do for themselves, READ IT  :D

Title: Re: And finally.....
Post by T And T Garage on 12/19/17 at 06:25:27

I got nearly the same exact letter.

Honestly, it doesn't really say anything that I already didn't know.  I mean - these are things that any, semi-competent, investment person should be looking at.

Mitigating risk and looking out for their clients is their job.

I'm not certain what the point is you're trying to make. (other than to show us you have an investment guy?)

Title: Re: And finally.....
Post by raydawg on 12/19/17 at 09:29:12

2E303F3E332E35285A0 wrote:
I got nearly the same exact letter.

Honestly, it doesn't really say anything that I already didn't know.  I mean - these are things that any, semi-competent, investment person should be looking at.

Mitigating risk and looking out for their clients is their job.

I'm not certain what the point is you're trying to make. (other than to show us you have an investment guy?)

No dire forecasting....

Was my point.

I have received rather detailed projections of the uncertainties, while Obama was in office, this is a pleasant change from those.

I believe its a reflection of the overall mood of the profession, a very good sign.

Title: Re: And finally.....
Post by T And T Garage on 12/19/17 at 11:43:26

4C5F475A5F49593E0 wrote:
[quote author=2E303F3E332E35285A0 link=1513626081/0#3 date=1513693527]I got nearly the same exact letter.

Honestly, it doesn't really say anything that I already didn't know.  I mean - these are things that any, semi-competent, investment person should be looking at.

Mitigating risk and looking out for their clients is their job.

I'm not certain what the point is you're trying to make. (other than to show us you have an investment guy?)

No dire forecasting....

Was my point.

I have received rather detailed projections of the uncertainties, while Obama was in office, this is a pleasant change from those.

I believe its a reflection of the overall mood of the profession, a very good sign.

Really?  I had just the opposite from my guy(s).  No, they weren't dancing - but after 2009, they were happy with the Fed's rate, the unemployment rate, the corporate profit and DOW milestones.

If your guys were telling you different, they may not have been too good?  I made back all my losses from '08 & '09 by the middle of the 4Q of 10 because my guys were pretty aggressive and had faith in the market.

But hey, to each his own opinions.

- oh, I should point out that I remember the projections my (old) guys had going into 2008.  They were cautious but optimistic.  "Unemployment will remain flat" and "military spending will continue to bolster the economy" were two distinct things that stood out to me.  Yeah, I didn't keep them around much after 4Q '08.

Title: Re: And finally.....
Post by raydawg on 12/19/17 at 12:03:23


I don't understand why you even have advisers.

I'm too dumb, so I let them handle it.

If I was as smart as you I think I would do it all myself, saving the fees, etc.

But I guess you have so much wealth, its just worth the laugh, cool.

One question, for FREE haha.

Why did you have to earn back your loses, I mean a slight dip here, and there, is normal even for the best wizards, but maybe your loss was small, but then, why mention it?

Oh well......

This stuff makes my head hurt.
You enjoy it, I'll just give them my money and say make it more  ;D

Title: Re: And finally.....
Post by T And T Garage on 12/21/17 at 11:29:31

5D4E564B4E58482F0 wrote:

I don't understand why you even have advisers.

I'm too dumb, so I let them handle it.

If I was as smart as you I think I would do it all myself, saving the fees, etc.

But I guess you have so much wealth, its just worth the laugh, cool.

Nice snark.

One question, for FREE haha.

Why did you have to earn back your loses, I mean a slight dip here, and there, is normal even for the best wizards, but maybe your loss was small, but then, why mention it?

From 4Q '07 to 2Q '09 there was significant loss in the markets.  My entire portfolio went down by about 25%.  That to me is significant.  To lose a quarter of your value in any time frame is terrible.  Thankfully, I recovered.  Now we'll have to see how this tax break will effect everyone.

Oh well......

This stuff makes my head hurt.
You enjoy it, I'll just give them my money and say make it more  ;D

Title: Re: And finally.....
Post by raydawg on 12/21/17 at 11:46:45

Not a snark, just an honest observation, sorry you took it that way....

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