General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Look what I found.......

Message started by raydawg on 12/18/17 at 10:22:03

Title: Look what I found.......
Post by raydawg on 12/18/17 at 10:22:03

I hope you read this, I think it offers a real, viable perspective on a issue that needs a lot of light shined upon it....

I will post the closing paragraph:

Years of applying a narrow political and partisan lens to the condition of black America has steered dialogue away from truths that open a wider range of possibilities.  Though understandable and natural—when one considers the dynamics that encourage discriminated-against minorities to take the electoral route—the legacy of unsolved problems requires a new paradigm.

As uncomfortable as the Trump presidency may seem at times, it may offer a surprising opportunity for Americans to peacefully end their racial divide—a problem that clearly will not be solved by the conventional two-party polarization.

I will tell you this person paints the possibilities of economics, being the ticket.  

Here is the link:

Read it, or not, its on you.........

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by verslagen1 on 12/18/17 at 10:28:40

Your link can't be reached.

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by raydawg on 12/18/17 at 10:34:42

504354554A4741434817260 wrote:
Your link can't be reached.

I just tried it, works.....

Maybe copy and paste to your browser?

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by raydawg on 12/19/17 at 10:03:06

Anybody try the link?

It’s working for me.

Such a diffferent perspective, I thought others might find it as enlightening as I did.....

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/19/17 at 10:23:45

I read some of it.

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by Trippah on 12/19/17 at 10:24:32

Good article.  Thanks for the link.

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by raydawg on 12/19/17 at 11:01:27

7B5D465F5F4E472F0 wrote:
Good article.  Thanks for the link.

Glad you liked it......

I don't think he is pushing so much for drug entrepreneurship, as much as using it as a template to show a bigger picture of changing ideas, methodology, and social ideologies, would you agree?

He gives a great reference to the "black market" in Russia, how a once illicit activity should no longer hold sway over current conditions.
Reasoning is sound, but perception lingers.
I would even venture to say with regard to when prohibition was relaxed, it still suffers from some stigma.
But to be fair, that might be more because of what some folks do with the product, like drinking and driving, an accident, and booze is blamed, when in reality it was not the booze, no, but the person acting irresponsible and using the product as not intended.....
Much like a gun and murder.

Jog, I thought this observation would invite a dialogue from you, re: money (capital).....

Ultimately, there are five sources of capital—natural resources, savings (including what we receive and inherit from parents), markets, government, and crime. If private sources of capital are foreclosed, then government and crime become the only options. And to some extent, blacks turned to crime because it allowed them to acquire capital. For much of American history, blacks were completely dispossessed of whatever they had, not only financial capital but even social and family capital. They were not able to own natural resources, and they did not have any access to financial markets. So perhaps it is not a surprise that, when they could, they turned to government. Seen through this lens, the Civil Rights Movement can be described as an effort by disenfranchised blacks to unlock capital from an entrenched establishment. The United States is unique in the sense that it eventually allowed discriminated groups to emerge and acquire access to capital relatively peacefully. The Civil Rights Movement gave blacks access to financial markets, as well as to the government (though some government programs inadvertently weakened families and communities).

When events are viewed from this angle, the course of development over the last thirty years becomes clear. The big debate in the black community is really over the following: whether and to what extent, at this stage, the black community should continue to rely on the government as a source of capital, or should move to private sources of capital, which are more flexible and provide more opportunities. Unfortunately, time has stood still. If anything, the progression today appears to be toward greater reliance on government. How can this trend be reversed?  

Would love to hear more thoughts on this informative and provocative essay.....

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/19/17 at 12:15:20

I am for doing good to the poor, but...I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or drivingc them out of it. I observed...that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer.

And that's not bad where Opportunity exists. Now, we've created a situation where populations are high and opportunities are few. We've legislated opportunity away and imported needy,
Cloward and Piven were right.

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by raydawg on 12/19/17 at 12:24:15

This is a observation the author suggest as well.
It’s a fact you have generations that have never felt the satisfaction of providing for themselves and ending the cycle.

This is why his premise is through economics might provide a real sustainable life change to the black community.

Did you read the article?

Ps: it might also contribute to the robust market, that folks are sensing that real change is upon us......

Making America great by not what you give them, but what opportunities you can present to them....
Dude, that is healthy thinking!

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by Trippah on 12/19/17 at 13:40:44

not to dampen the euphoria too much, this trickledown voodoo economics didn't work last time.  Corporate America just took the money and went to greener/cheaper pastures.  I certainly agree, financial help, to either the poor or rich should be time limited.

We have to find sustainable work near the pockets of poverty so we can get people back to working.

p.s.  I long ago suggested that everyone should pay income tax, even a token 5% so everyone would understand why people don't want to subsidize poverty..(or the wealthy for that matter).  This is why I am for small government.  Only when market forces do not do the job ( e.g. health care) should the gvnt step in, and then only briefly.

Title: Re: Look what I found.......
Post by raydawg on 12/19/17 at 13:48:35

Why did these businesses bolt to greener pastures?

I also believe education is paramount, but days of old, where you learned to become a sustainable entity upon yourself.....
Not how to put on a condom or any other of this social engineering.
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