General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> sanctuary citys

Message started by oldNslow on 11/30/17 at 17:54:21

Title: sanctuary citys
Post by oldNslow on 11/30/17 at 17:54:21

not guilty cause it mighta been a accident.

The fact that he was even still in the country in order for this to happen wasn't  any da*m accident though , was it !!

I wonder if he"ll even go to jail on the "possession " charge he was found guilty of.
Or maybe just a free bus ride to Tijuana till he gets a hankering to visit San Fran again and heads on back.

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by MnSpring on 11/30/17 at 18:25:42

                    A-YEP !!!!!

  How 'bout those,  FIRES  Set in Calf ???????

  ‘Blind in one Eye, hard to see out of the other, ‘ SNOWFLAKE', Kum-By-You Singing, Ultra-Progressive, ANTIFA  Ideals  Supporting, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Stand in the Street and  CRY, and say:  Gimme, Gimme,  Gimme', and sanctuary city's Supporting people'.
  Read and, Understand, the Link Posted above ?

                    Didn’t think so !

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/30/17 at 19:25:18

After Colorado started allowing medical marijuana the feds raided and arrested people.
That was after the state's people voted.
There's a big difference between a state and a city. But where is law enforcement?
Not pc.

I have questions about the ricochet marks. Distance from where he
" dropped  " the Stolen cops gun goes off when dropped ? Not many guns discharge from a drop. I'd like to play with the gun. And see the marks from the fall.
He should be rotting for decades.

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by WebsterMark on 12/01/17 at 05:28:26


Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by MnSpring on 12/01/17 at 17:11:56

In the wake of the Kate Steinle verdict, the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) says sanctuary cities must be held accountable.   Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, an illegal immigrant who had been deported multiple times, shot and killed Steinle while she was walking on a San  Francisco pier with her father in July 2015. On Thursday, he was found not guilty of murder.
The shooting sparked a national debate over sanctuary cities, which refuse cooperate with federal authorities in enforcing U.S. immigration law.
"I was sickened by what I heard last night and the verdict," Thomas Homan said on "Your World" on Friday. "These sanctuary cities got to be held accountable. This person needs to be held accountable."

WOW,  Better get  Ready for ALL  those   RIOTS !!!!!
All that,  LOOTING,  STEELING,  Setting things on FIRE,  All the  DESTRUCTION.
All the, DEATH  Threats, Blocking ROADS, etc, etc, etc, etc,

  Just the SAME as when OJ, was acquitted on his first trial.

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by Serowbot on 12/01/17 at 17:35:58

White people never commit crimes...

Make America White again!...

Better impeach the orange guy.... :-?

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by MnSpring on 12/01/17 at 18:11:50

2432253820353823570 wrote:
White people never commit crimes... Make America White again!...  Better impeach the orange guy.... :-?

“…White people never commit crimes….”

Bot, people of all colors/races/religions,
            Commit crime/s.

YET, ONLY, Some,
  (The Illegals)

         Are  exempt !

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/02/17 at 02:48:30

3026312C34212C37430 wrote:
White people never commit crimes...

Pretty sure a white boy would be sitting in jail .

Make America White again!...

Better impeach the orange guy.... :-?

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by Trippah on 12/03/17 at 20:23:12

I think the prosecution chose too high a crime;  manslaughter would have been much more a probable win.  Yes, he should go to jail for 10-20 yrs, but the present federal government policy of shipping convicted felons back to their home country means he probably  would be back sooner or later.  
although personally, using him for shark/killer whale bait off that same pier seem a more fitting end to his story.

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by raydawg on 12/03/17 at 21:10:14

I think we have two different issues here, and trying to tie them together, as cause, creates a problem.

The guys illegal status is one cause by itself.
You can argue that issue by itself, and win a large majority agreement that its wrong.

The other action of taking a life, has nothing to do with his immigration status.
He could have been here legally, and had the same results, with his handling of a weapon.

I don't know the facts and testimony, so I will not even guess on that aspect of it.

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by oldNslow on 12/04/17 at 05:01:04

I think the prosecution chose too high a crime;  

Yup. Criminally negligent homicide might have made more sense.

But, consider this. The prosecutor(s) worked for the San Fran DA's office. They were employees of the government of the "sanctuary city" . That's the entity that issues their paychecks. Maybe they didn't really want a conviction.    

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by WebsterMark on 12/04/17 at 05:18:27

Normally I would say that's too much of a stretch to say they went for a higher verdict knowing the odds are they wouldn't get it which was really their goal all along BUT this is liberalism's version of Meca so anything's possible.

I was in San Francisco this year. For you Lord of the Rings fans, from a distance it looks like Minas Tirith, The White City. Up close, its loaded with the degenerates of society, homeless aggressively panhandling for money and everything cost 4 times as much as it should. Personally, I think it's overrated as a vacation destination. Worth a stop but plan on it taking twice as long to get anywhere as you'd think.

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by Trippah on 12/04/17 at 08:59:42

Well, I hope they send him to some alternative reality, ya know, like D.C. ;D

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/04/17 at 09:40:28

6B4D564F4F5E573F0 wrote:
I think the prosecution chose too high a crime;  manslaughter would have been much more a probable win.  Yes, he should go to jail for 10-20 yrs, but the present federal government policy of shipping convicted felons back to their home country means he probably  would be back sooner or later.  
although personally, using him for shark/killer whale bait off that same pier seem a more fitting end to his story.

I agree. But the D.A. would have been crucified had he not gone for murder.
This has really brought focus to the
Sanctuary City idiocy.
The feds don't respect the state's rights, but somehow they are powerless against the cities.
Rightfully so, actually, that is state business. But what is the law, really?
The I.C.E. wanted to deport him when he got out. But his status made him a
Cultural Snail Darter, and protected from the law. And now an American citizen is dead. WhoseAss should swing for that? IDK, but somebody should be accountable for the outcome of the decision to NOT enforce the laws.

Sanctuary cities aren't all bad, though.
Where we live there is a petition going around to make us a Second Amendment Sanctuary City. Open carry, concealed carry, all legal.

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by raydawg on 12/04/17 at 09:48:31


Where we live there is a petition going around to make us a Second Amendment Sanctuary City. Open carry, concealed carry, all legal.

Good for the goose, good for the gooser  ;D

BTW, him being a illegal still does not factor in, nor do the sanctuary city argument.....
No one has told me why it does, why?

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by Ruttly on 12/04/17 at 10:11:31

Not Guilty my a$s if he wasn't there she would still be alive , plain and simple , he caused a death he has to be guilty of something at the very least manslaughter! It's Bullchit but what do expect from a city where it's ok to walk around but a$s naked !

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by WebsterMark on 12/04/17 at 19:38:43

2B38203D382E3E590 wrote:

Where we live there is a petition going around to make us a Second Amendment Sanctuary City. Open carry, concealed carry, all legal.

Good for the goose, good for the gooser  ;D

BTW, him being a illegal still does not factor in, nor do the sanctuary city argument.....
No one has told me why it does, why?

Because San Francisco shielded his illegal status from federal authorities who would have/should have deported him BEFORE he shot her and she said "Daddy help me" as she bled to death in his arms.  

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by raydawg on 12/04/17 at 21:32:37

Yes, I get that web, however I do not feel it’s material.
If he hadn’t picked it up, perhaps a child might have found it and killed other kids playing, etc.....

I think sanctuary cities are a slap to our laws, period.
I guess cause, supersedes intent.....
Then I guess the Crusaders good intentions was just cause too, or ISIS.

I find the reasoning behind sanctuary cities extremely weak to the point of delusional

Title: Re: sanctuary citys
Post by Trippah on 12/05/17 at 09:26:41

and I would point to the federal and various state levels of marijuana use and possession laws.  Clearly various states have different takes of tooks.  I think the Feds should stick to their interstate duties, illegal to carry between states etc, not possession in a state that has legalized it. \and if you are wondering, haven't smoked pot since my second week in Vietnam, when a 122 rocket  went off very near me (and I was high) wooah, decided I didn't want to go through that stuff in slow mo. ;D ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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