General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Maybe a reason exsist...,..

Message started by raydawg on 11/07/17 at 12:03:00

Title: Maybe a reason exsist...,..
Post by raydawg on 11/07/17 at 12:03:00

I listened to a interview with her a couple weeks ago, very interesting.
She has lots of studies to back up her premise.

Her reasoning is very deep and detailed, so I will just give you a very brief synopsis.
She claims the first three years of a babies life is critical upon a bonding with its mother.
Any shortage between a baby and it's mother can result in social problems later in its life.

In short, I believe she is on to something.
I think it would be extremely important for society to support this mother and child, in its first three years.

I understand the argument, welfare, etc, but it would be a great investment in the future if we are not having to pay for it later, with crime, prisons, drug use, etc. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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