General Category >> Rubber Side Down! >> Lookng for a Savage doner bike

Message started by RobbieKnobbie on 11/06/17 at 14:13:30

Title: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by RobbieKnobbie on 11/06/17 at 14:13:30

Part I, Introduction...
Hi all, I'm (potentially) new to LS650s, but not so new to bikes. I've been riding on the street for 31 years, since the day I turned 16. Didn't even get a car license till I was 28.

My current bikes are an 89 FJ1200 and a 2000 1200 Bandit that's been lightly cafe modded. Lightly.

I've been fairly active in maintenance and wrenching in general, so I'm not afraid to get dirt under my nails. I have an engineering degree, own a machine/fabrication shop, and used to be a weldor. Whatever that's worth.

Part II: The questions

OK, so I have my mind set on a project for the winter, and that project centers around a 650 Savage. I need the motor, a clean title, the wheels, or at least the hubs, the electricals, and enough of the frame to be able to see the VIN number. The rest will just go on the shelf.

So I see this bike on craigslist...
(tried to post a link to the craigslist ad, but I can't do that in my first post, so I'll post it in a minute...)

lowest price for a bike with a title I've found, owner *says* it runs well, and I don't care about the forks, triple clamps, or handle bars.AND its got a Supertrapp slip on, which is a BIG plus, cause I need one for this project.

So far so good...

But I notice the blueing on the pipe goes all the way back to the slip on, and that raises a red flag for me. Don't think I've noticed the discoloration go THAT far before, usually just down the header and not much further. Is this common on these bikes, or has this one been left to overheat too many times? Assuming it actually runs, this overheating potential is my one big concern.

Anything else to look for on this model? Obviously I'm not going to be taking it for a test ride any time soon, so I'm limited to hearing it run. Your thoughts and experience is appreciated!

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by RobbieKnobbie on 11/06/17 at 14:14:17

and here's the ad...

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by TheNaughtyLemur on 11/06/17 at 14:18:56

That is REALLY blue.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/17 at 14:25:10

If you go get it you can check out the valves. I'd oil the cylinder before dragging a piston up and down.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by verslagen1 on 11/06/17 at 14:33:37

Personally, I would not worry about the blueing.  I have a trapp, and it blues that way.  It's kinda odd for the header to blue at the bottom rather than the top... could be the picture, but may indicate that it's caused by polish.

Key thing that I would be looking at are the valves, any ticking or knocking.
worn out cam or rocker will knock at the top where the rocker hits the decomp cam.
A worn out cam chain will cause a knocking on the clutch cover right behind the oil filter cover at the top of the case.
A knocking that you can't locate could either be the piston, or a loose flywheel nut.

w/out riding, that's about it.  just leaks that are easy to take care of.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by LANCER on 11/06/17 at 14:57:19

Where are you located ?

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by Gary_in_NJ on 11/06/17 at 15:14:28

That POS isn't worth $600. Blueing of the pipe is the least of its troubles. The blueing on the header pipe doesn't look that unusual. I don't know why the Supertrap is could have blued on a completely different bike. If you're looking for a project, then part of the project will include a borascope of the head and cylinder wall to confirm the condition.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by RobbieKnobbie on 11/06/17 at 20:45:48

1. I'm outside philadelphia pa. Sorry, should have added that to my profile.

2. I dont know the color/temperature progression for chrome, but for steel blue means 600 deg. And then it goes to grey at 800. So i do t think the pipe is blueing fr9m the bottom up so much as the bottom 'only' reached 600 while closer to the motor it hit 800+.

3. Gary in NJ: thats a little harsh, could you tell me how you really feel?

Thanks for the input guys. Bottom line, is it worth my time? Next closest real i've found is 500 more, lacks the supertrapp pipe, plus i'd be depriving someone else of a running bike!

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by batman on 11/06/17 at 21:47:39

Gary might not be as harsh as you think ,I don't see the front brake caliber ,the hit was hard enough to snap the front right fork(never seen that before) ,the neck may not be straight ,and that's wear the vin  numbers are stamped. you said that you don't want the front end ,but there aren't many others you can make fit ,(vs 800 suz has been used with a little work). the pipe being that blue is a bit scary to me being the header is two ply, it looks like someone put on the supertrapp but never tried to tune /rejet ,and ran the hell out of it.It may be the sale of the century or a pig in a poke ,I'd go see it in person and be looking very hard!

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/07/17 at 02:26:05

Does that Trapp have road rash?

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by ohiomoto on 11/07/17 at 06:02:33

I'm not sure if everyone actually read your post.  But, $600 for a ~10k mile motor, a title and the only part of the frame you need???  Buy it today!!!

You'll be able to part out the rest of the bike for most of what you paid and still have what you need for your project.  Front bakes parts are easy to get, (I have a complete unit).  You can even get a big brake kit if that fits your project.

As for the Supertrap, it's probably due to an air leak where it's mounted to the header.  My Dyna muffer did the same thing when I had a leak. Do yourself a favor and overpay for Ryca's adapter.  It fits perfect and will save you a bunch of headaches.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by Ruttly on 11/07/17 at 06:54:46

I would buy it just for the title and the motor ! The rest can be bought on eBay or sell what your not going to use. Once you have the title transferred then you can build it in to almost anything !

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by Ruttly on 11/07/17 at 06:57:38

Maybe jack it up , start it and run it thru the gears before you buy it !

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by RobbieKnobbie on 11/07/17 at 07:28:54

Yeah, definitely going to run the motor prior to purchase, but I didn't think to run it up through the gears. Do they have tranny problems I'm not aware of?

The front forks and (one) brake for this project are coming off a spare FJ1200 I have. They're a little weak for a 550lb literbike, but they should be just fine on a 350lb thumper (dealing with my porky bottom is another issue...)

To make that pairing I'm probably going to have to make new triple clamps and axle for it.

The brake caliper is hanging off the side of the bike. Its a little tough to spot, but its there. I want spoked wheels for the project, but I also want to use the FJ calipers (front). I was actually thinking about putting the Savage front caliper on the back of my FJ to cut a little unsprung mass back there. The stock back binder is over-powered and weighs about 86 lbs.

Didn't think about selling off the extra bits, but you're absolutely right, I could probably get a nice portion of my money back... to finance the project some more, of course!

Thanks for all the input guys, I really appreciate the ideas!

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by RobbieKnobbie on 11/07/17 at 07:39:13

7770717775776C77180 wrote:

As for the Supertrap, it's probably due to an air leak where it's mounted to the header.  My Dyna muffler did the same thing when I had a leak. Do yourself a favor and overpay for Ryca's adapter.  It fits perfect and will save you a bunch of headaches.

Good points. I was planning on putting a high pipe on the left side, leading to the Supertrapp. I've seen some of RYCA's stuff and it's nice, to be sure, I'll look around for their adaptor. THANKS

Ironically, a guy not far from me sold a mid-project Savage with a RYCA cafe kit half installed. I think he wanted 900 for it, which was reasonable, I thought, but the motor was completely separate and there would be no way to run it, or even turn it over before forking over my hard earned play money, so I passed. I'm gonna second guess that one for a while.  :-/

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by batman on 11/07/17 at 08:07:06

Ruttly, has a point ,here it run ,if there's motor/trans  damage it'll cost more to fix then it's worth.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by Dave on 11/07/17 at 08:54:05

102D20202B27090C2D20202B27420 wrote:
Yeah, definitely going to run the motor prior to purchase, but I didn't think to run it up through the gears. Do they have tranny problems I'm not aware of?

Transmission problems are not common - but most of these bikes haven't hit something head on at a high rate of speed! :o

The bluing doesn't look too bad to me - the amount and color of the blue can be accelerated by riding in traffic, the humidity where you live, etc.  The blue appears to a rather light shade - which isn't as hot as a deep blue color indicates.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by verslagen1 on 11/07/17 at 09:24:07

A crash like that will sometimes bend the foot controls, so shifting will be affected, but may not be a problem as you're going set it straight or replace anyway.

Very few bikes have shifter problems that weren't induced by the rider.

And the only tranny problem I'd be concerned with is the main drive shaft splines.  Check the fit with the drive pulley.  put in 1st gear, pull the pulley cover, mark the washer, nut and pulley so that you can see any rotational shift, then rock the bike forward or force the wheel to turn.  And check the marks.  Then rock it backward and check again.

Any movement means the splines are loose and bad news.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by RobbieKnobbie on 11/08/17 at 10:19:47

OK, so about this Savage... It's at a local independant bike shop being sold on consignment. Gino's Cycles in Philadelphia. I've dealt with them before and Gino is a pretty stand up guy. I actually feel a little better about it when I learned that.

I was in the neighborhood dropping off parts at the heat treater, and Gino's is only a couple blocks away. Fortunately I had a couple extra minutes, so I stopped in, and got there just as he was opening. He showed me the bike, though I didn't get to hear it run. He offered to go in and get the battery and fire it up for me , but I couldn't spare the time - had to get back to the shop and other deliveries to make.

He said the reason the one fork tube was snapped was that the owner tried to straighten it in a press and snapped it. He says the damage to the bike was from a driver running into the bike as the owner was waiting to turn off a side street. Car hit the fork slider. The front wheel actually looked pretty good, like it hadn't taken any damage.

Foot pegs on the left side are messed up, but the shifter linkage is OK, fealt like it shifted fine (again, motor wasn't running).

All four turn signals were broken at one point or another, but the tank, fender and other bodywork looked OK, no scratches on the motor cases.

The 56 bolts holding the baffle in the exhaust are a 'user-servicable' adjustment made at one point, and I'd have to clean that mess up at some point.

The seats have cloth inserts instead of being solid vinyl, which I hadn't seen before, unfortunately the cloth was ripped by the stitching at the back.

So all in all, it looked like it was in half way decent shape before the accident. I'm going to head back down this weekend to hear it run. If it sounds good, I will probably buy it.

And then the fun starts!

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/17 at 13:46:28

It never hurts to ask
How long has it been here?
How much interest have you seen?
Yeah, it's
You Know the guy,
He's getting a percentage of the sale price.
You'd be ahead to give him his slice of the pie and negotiate the price down with the seller.
It's not really worth six hundred to Anyone who isn't trying to build something.
And few want to build a Suzuki 650 thumper.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by LANCER on 11/08/17 at 16:11:06

This is a parts bike, plain and simple.  
$350-400 max.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/08/17 at 16:33:39

0F020D0006115154630 wrote:
This is a parts bike, plain and simple.  
$350-400 max.

Yeah, what he said....

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by batman on 11/08/17 at 20:21:23

the cloth seats could be after market gel seats ,I had them at one point .Is the cloth a greenish color? Mine were. you might take a tape measure with you and measure from the forward engine mounting through bolt to the bottom of the neck from both sides to check if there 's any twist .

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by ohiomoto on 11/09/17 at 05:21:12

7479767B7D6A2A2F180 wrote:
This is a parts bike, plain and simple.  
$350-400 max.

With a $1,000 motor and clean title, which is what the OP is looking for, it would be worth the asking price to me.  Would I try to get it for less?  Absolutely!  But, I'd pay the $600 if it runs.


When I got my 96, it came with a blown up, no title, no wheels, no exhaust, 20k mile 87 parts bike.  I've sold off $1,450 worth of parts from that bike at pretty low prices.  (Except a heat shield Eegor bought off me.    He/she sent me way more than I asked for.)   I netted another $500 from the parts I've sold off my 96 after my build.  

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/09/17 at 09:59:35

heat shield Eegor bought off me.    He sent me way more than I asked for.)

I'm thinking ole EEEgore might just be a woman.. not sure, just leaning that way.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by ohiomoto on 11/09/17 at 10:58:25

Fixed it.  He/she was too generous. :)

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by Dave on 11/09/17 at 12:20:10

It could be that for NJ the $600 price is OK - prices across the US can vary quite a bit.....a bargain in one area may be too high of a price somewhere else.

I am somewhat amazed by how cheaply you can get some nice looking motorcycles......if you aren't fussy about having any particular model there are some bikes that can get you a lot of bang for your buck.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by RobbieKnobbie on 11/09/17 at 12:30:37

52555452505249523D0 wrote:
With a $1,000 motor and clean title which is what the OP is looking for.  It would be worth the asking price to me if I were in the OPs shoes.   Would I try to get it for less?  Absolutely!  But, I'd pay the $600 if it runs.

That's about how I feel. The motor (assuming it runs well), electricals and title are worth 5 or 6 hundred to me, Anything else I get out of it is gravy. The supertrapp pipe I was going to buy for about $275 regardless, so the fact that this bike has one already on it is a bonus as well.

Are the wheels, tires (pirelli, pretty decent tread) rear fender, sissy bar, air box, shocks, battery box, side covers, air box, rear pulley and belt covers worth that much though? Those dont seem like high dollar items to me? I'll give selling them a shot. Maybe the tank's worth a buck or two.

The ad's been on CL for a month now and obviously no takers, and he said yesterday that $400 of that is to pay off the service bill for another bike the owner has in his shop, so the other 200 is flexible. I'll probably offer him 5 and be happy at 550.

In this area, savages are common enough, but they start at 1200.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by SoC on 01/27/18 at 12:11:36

I ended up grabbing this bike. It has a good frame, the motor has 9500 miles on it and price was right.  The guy selling, Geno, has a bike shop and he is supposed to be straight up honest. I bought it for use as a mock up and to figure out things rather than have to take my other Savage apart. When done can just swap everything over and my ride is not out of commission. Also provided good seats to have re-upholstered in advance. Drained the oil it looked clean, I'll deal with the mechanics after I finish the mods work for my 1st savage.

If anyone is interested in the Supertrap they can have it, it's beat (really beat) but if you want to play with one before buying it's yours for the shipping, probably about 15 bucks. It was used from another bike previous. The buckhorns are slightly bent but could be straightened, same deal. The bag brackets are rusty but the same deal if anyone wants them.

The work started yesterday with checking out fit of new Highway Hawk drag bars and Voodoo exhaust. The muffler will require some fabs to fit and mount.

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by LANCER on 01/27/18 at 15:48:20

Nice solo seat

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by Yoshi on 01/28/18 at 08:10:23

SoC is this the bike RobbieKnobbie was about to buy?

Title: Re: Lookng for a Savage doner bike
Post by SoC on 01/28/18 at 10:21:04

It is that bike. I actually let it sit for quite awhile as there was an issue with title and getting replacement from state. I actually didn't buy it until about a month later in Dec. when they got title. I figured just having it for mock up was worth it. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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