General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I think Bernie would have won.....

Message started by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 10:14:03

Title: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 10:14:03

This article at CNN ask that question, while throughly taking every opportunity to knock Trump, lol!
However, that does not diminish the importance of the question, would Bernie had won if Clinton had not corrupted the election.

I believe he would have based on just two factors.

1. The choice was driven mostly by an "anti" Washington sentiment.
Bernie would have benefited from that energy.

2. Folks had to choose between the lessor of two evils, when it came to deciding. Neither of the two finalists were viewed favorably when it came to trust.

I do not think either two of my observations would have saddled Bernie.
Yes, his socialist ideas would have been a hurdle, but doable, when you convince the deplorable how they would benefit by removing some of the favorable policies that the "rich" experience at the cost of the middle class, etc.

Also, he would have got the Jill Stein vote for sure, and that alone could have steered the outcome to him.

I don't believe he will ever mount another chance in 3 years, as his age is a factor, and the democrat party will be pushing the old timers out.

Who they field is another topic all together, as they will need a person who appeals to more than just New York and LA, etc.

The article:

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/17 at 10:33:48

I've heard about, but have no proof of, votes for trump by disgusted Bernie supporters once they saw the Super Delegates turn voting on its head.
I listened to the breakdowns and then how delegates were awarded. Bernie won some primaries and Hillary was awarded more delegates. I was stunned by the brazenly obvious theft.
It's possible Bernie would have won.
Either one would have been a complete disaster. The jury is still out on Trump.
Hopefully he won't follow the list and allow the Intelligence agencies to lie us into Iran.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 11:02:36

I do not either, however Jog, we are talking about there having been no corruption on Clinton's part, so the super delegates, etc, would be a moot point.
Bernie took this horse race almost to the end, and he was tethered with a wagon.

It is like Clinton's corruption never thought about destiny, in the terms is reality, no....
Only in the terms that she controlled the narrative.

We have her to thank for Trump.

We have Bernie to thank for exposing Hillary.

None of the current revealing of sexual
misconduct to foreign lobbyist would have ever come to light if things had not transpired as they did......

And as rough as this new revelation is, at times, and the matter upon how it comes into light, we will be better off for it.

That is true destiny  ;D

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 11:06:35

Nor would we be seeing just how deep the Bush's are in this game.
B-1's ties to the CIA are scary, and I think now we are seeing how they deal now too, maybe JFK shoulda been watching them closer.....

Title: Re: I think Bernie would hatve won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/17 at 11:41:40

If you'll recall there were several bubs to choose from. We have the corrupt status quo that has been screwing us since JFK to thank for trump.
Sadly, I don't think he's gonna set us free from the parasitic deep state. He's not challenging the federal reserve, or war powers, or rewriting the unconstitutional executive orders, and I expect him to carry out the agenda of the globalists . The list of nations that We WILL invade was made public.
Watching you people avoid the truths that that little fact makes clear is frightening. Yeah, left and right, every one of you who refuses to address it.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 12:07:42

Dude, I've addressed it with you.....

Just because I don't adhere to your beliefs 100% does not mean I don't find some of them with merit.

It's easy to believe something, then fill in the "facts" to support it, discounting others the same luxury of belief.

I have stated before, too many variables, players, etc, to carry out such a concerted effort without more of a revealing.

I believe your premise is nothing more than pointing out the obvious weaknesses of mankind and his lack of character.
However, I believe these faults take many different avenues of implementation.

Simply put, when you have three or more people in agreement, sooner or later, one will feel cheated.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/17 at 13:19:30

What do you want?
The list, Again?
Since Libya was announced As A TARGET shortly after 9/11, and after we destroyed others On That List, Libya was next. And the same Bullshit lies provided by our Intelligence agencies, working to create intelligence that would justify war, the SAME WAY as with Iraq, or have you forgotten Those lies already?

I'll help you see, but you have to be honest with me.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 13:33:57

No Jog, did you read where I said some of your obsavations have merit?

I part with you when you think the deep state is that deep.
Indeed, schemes are hatched, but I believe the deceit is in reactions, more than planned.
As in, events dictate where this covert action is thrust.

Look at our media, academia, economic factors.
They lie incessantly, why......?
For self preservation of their beliefs!

I do not think you can mount a general us, against everyone else, without exposing yourself to your deeds.

Yes, I believe some schemes are hatch as preventive, no doubt, but even that is a best guess scenario.....

If man could honestly forecast the future with any certainty, all of our chatter would be moot.
Surely you can glimpse why?

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/17 at 14:03:50

Because you choose to ignore the things I've pointed out to read, you don't see the dots and connect them. You see I'm looking reasonable, but only so far. You expect me to convince you further.
Yet, you won't expose yourself to the information that allows
Observed Reality to align with the truths I'm trying to get you to look at.
Have you read about the war powers through a site that isn't an establishment s source?
Do you know why Iran took hostages?
Do you understand how the attack on Libya was bullshit?
Think it through, ask, I'll do what I can.
Seems like prima facie evidence to me.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/04/17 at 15:13:55

You mean by more than 3 million votes?... :-?

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/17 at 15:22:08

You must've missed the part about

I've never trusted the polls.
I traveled and never found any enthusiasm for Hillary.
Donna Brazil's

The lies we've seen, but I'm supposed to believe that Pustule WON something? Even democrats want her to get lost.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/04/17 at 15:57:42

Believe it or not, beliefs don't change facts...

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/17 at 17:41:39

While you pretend wishes are truths and pretend to school me while you can't deal with the obvious facts about Libya is telling.
In any refereed environment where the referees were constitutional conservatives, I'd skin you alive.
But, put me amongst a crowd of lefties, and you win. Not because you're correct , but because you can find a group of like minded delusionals.
If you could be king for a year the utopia you think could exist if Only the idiots on the right would wake up would be a disaster. You actually believe that your high minded good wishes can be legislated, and only ignorant racist fools stand in the way.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 17:46:01

6771667B63767B60140 wrote:
Believe it or not, beliefs don't change facts...

Did you count every ballot?

Then you are "believing" it based on your need to believe.....

That is not a true fact, based on firsthand witnessing.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/17 at 18:00:28

Have you noticed how much actual debate they offer?
They run by and spew talking points and run.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by MnSpring on 11/04/17 at 18:07:21

I Believe, If,  B.S.  (Bernie Sanders), was elected.
H.R.C., would become his,  ‘Best Friend’.

And as  B.S.,  is a  ‘Frogs Hair’, Smarter than Carter was.
He would do  EVERYTHING,  he was, TOLD  to do.
(And their is, NO Requirement’, that a elected official has to be smart,
like, “Will this Island ’Tip Over’, if their are to may people on one side’)

Now I  Believe, B.S. wears the, ‘pants,  however,
His wife,  Jane O’Meara Sanders,
tells him which pair to put ON !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like her,  LYING, as to how many ‘donations’,
for a fund, to get a  Loan?

(Yep, nothing will happen, they are,  ‘BETTER,’ than you)

Nop, B.S., would have been, just  a, very little,
That is, a,  VERY LITTLE, better than H.R.C.

(Well  unless you are a ANTIFA  Ideals  Supporter)

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by MnSpring on 11/04/17 at 18:09:07

3127302D35202D36420 wrote:
You mean by more than 3 million votes?... :-?

How many were,
 LEGAL  ??????????????????

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 18:54:20

4B545255484F7E4E7E46545813210 wrote:
Have you noticed how much actual debate they offer?
They run by and spew talking points and run.

No... I never noticed  ;D >:( ;D :o

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/05/17 at 05:27:25

Since we have an electoral college system vote totals only matter for a consolation prize.

Just like Trump was the only one who could have beated Hilary, I think Bernie was the only one with a chance to beat Trump. Forget the popular vote totals (it's all in California and major inner city populations anyway and I don't want California, New York picking the President ) the big question is would Bernie had beated Trump in those 4 or 5 key states Trump flipped away from Hilary? Florida, Ohio, NC and Penn I think are 4 of the key states.

Assuming neither Trump or Bernie screwed up in one of the "debates" and both came out clean, would enough people in those states vote for Bernie or would they have stuck with Trump?

If I had to guess, Pennsylvania would have stayed Trump, so would Ohio. Florida and NC I'm not sure about.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/05/17 at 08:33:38

Good points Web.....

I see those states going the way they did because it was the deplorable vote.
Lets call it what it is, the white middle class vote, for the most part.

These folks felt the disenfranchisement of policies from Obama, etc.
They were reeling, even tho labeled with white privilege....
They were not listened to.

Trump promise jobs.
Bernie promised a fair shake, representation of them against the power structure.

As we are seeing, many of those jobs were lost for lots of reasons, but most were because of government regulations imposed on them....
Not greed.

Bernie would have had to square that, and buck the left to provide jobs, as he went after corporations, etc.
A fine line for an old man to dance, fer sure  ;D

If he would have bucked the DNC mandates, he could....

But as we saw with Carter, Clinton, who fared the best, as he triangulated, to Obama, who was handed his butt by the democrat leadership and lobbies. Its a hard position, being president, to govern to your will, not theirs.

This is where all this anti Trump stuff is rooted, these folks are not use to NOT getting their way!  

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by T And T Garage on 11/06/17 at 06:20:46

Nothing is certain, but all the polls and the numbers point to Sanders winning (pretty handily) against tweety.

But, once again it's been proved out that the DNC is neither progressive nor liberal.
The establishment democrats are no better than the republicans.

You won't see Bernie run as a democrat again.

Time to make a change.

But hey, at least we now have a moron president with record setting low approval numbers..!  yay...

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/17 at 07:25:34

Lying polls were popular before we elected Trump.
Believe what you want.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/17 at 07:39:34

It's highly unlikely Bernie would have won 'handily'. That's pretty far fetched, wishful thinking.

What would Bernie had done to change the votes of 500,000 thousand or so in those states? He could have made headway, but not sure about all.

...and then, a big factor is he would have to have won ALL the states Hilary won..... which is far from a given.  

Bernie's victory was still a long shot. Doable, but a long shot.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by T And T Garage on 11/06/17 at 08:45:07

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
It's highly unlikely Bernie would have won 'handily'. That's pretty far fetched, wishful thinking.

What would Bernie had done to change the votes of 500,000 thousand or so in those states? He could have made headway, but not sure about all.

...and then, a big factor is he would have to have won ALL the states Hilary won..... which is far from a given.  

He would have easily won those states AND the ones she lost.  Bernie would have won WI, OH and PA.

Bernie's victory was still a long shot. Doable, but a long shot.

That's your opinion.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/06/17 at 09:15:56

Trump was a very long shot.......

nuff said, next  ;D

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/17 at 09:21:48

Everyone wanted us to Believe trump was a long shot, and for him to defeat that crowd and become the nominee was amazing, but the People of America are sick of the same ole same ole, and he's not some bureaucrat TELLING us about how much he can do, Obama, he's making payroll,,

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by T And T Garage on 11/06/17 at 09:51:56

32213924213727400 wrote:
Trump was a very long shot.......

nuff said, next  ;D

No, his numbers among republican voters were good, and he only lost the popular vote by 3 million...

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by Serowbot on 11/06/17 at 10:04:17

I wonder what Trumpeteers would be saying if Trump had won by 3 million votes but lost the election?... :-?

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/06/17 at 10:45:43

1204130E16030E15610 wrote:
I wonder what Trumpeteers would be saying if Trump had won by 3 million votes but lost the election?... :-?

The same as you sweetheart......

Just like Hillary wanted Tweets to accept the outcome of the election, regardless of any perceived shenanigans.

You do remember that from the debates don't you dear?

But who are the ones calling foul......????

Would you like a multiple choice option?

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/17 at 10:58:17

5345524F57424F54200 wrote:
I wonder what Trumpeteers would be saying if Trump had won by 3 million votes but lost the election?... :-?

The sane amongst us would be as unhappy as the rioting idiots on the left.
Not saying we would riot, because we aren't
The Entitled Ones whose playground got dumped in. The lefties have been getting it their way and America has suffered. Toughshitsky, it's time to have a change of direction. And no, I'm not seeing near enough to save us from the overarching globalist agenda. Until the federal reserve is gone and war powers emergency is halted, we are not the Republic of our Constitution.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by MnSpring on 11/06/17 at 11:37:32

“… lost the popular vote by 3 million…”

Has been said, may times by many people.

So did a little looking.  (Different Sites said different numbers)
11/10.5/12.2/11.3/11.5  Million  
          Illegal’s in this Nation.

So of the 3 M votes.
How many were, verified, Citizens ?

How many voted by, (proof of Citizenship), using a:
 Cable, Phone, Charge Card, Rent, etc. recite/bill ?

How many voted, by having one, of each of the above.
 and getting a nice Buss ride, going from District to District,
  using one of the above each time ?

How many Voting stations, was a person allowed to Vote,
 with a, ‘wink & nod’, ?

How many nursing homes did someone go to,
and fill out a, ‘Absentee’, ballot on those names ?

How many dead people Voted ?

 How many Voted when,
   a POTUS said, Voting is secret,
     no one will deport you ?

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/06/17 at 13:24:29

If California really is so Hillary centric, why did we see the shops that Didn't carry Trump jewelry and stuff complaining about the business they were losing?
Dots exist to connect.
Donna B. Straight up TOLD Bernie that she had travelled around and Didn't Find Support for Hillary.
WTF do people need to see the lies?
The Polls predicting Hillary to win were LIES, trying to create support for a Sure Winnah!

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by verslagen1 on 11/06/17 at 13:33:39

The voting process needs to be transparent.
I'm a republican in a democratic state.
How do I know my vote was counted?
"Oh his signature doesn't match... delete"
or some other irregularity.
Old stories of hanging chad, and pencil lead under the finger nail to make marks outside the bubbles to invalidate a ballot.

Title: Re: I think Bernie would have won.....
Post by raydawg on 11/06/17 at 13:41:47

657661607F7274767D22130 wrote:
The voting process needs to be transparent.
I'm a republican in a democratic state.
How do I know my vote was counted?
"Oh his signature doesn't match... delete"
or some other irregularity.
Old stories of hanging chad, and pencil lead under the finger nail to make marks outside the bubbles to invalidate a ballot.

They told you it was counted, you have a problem with that?

Took 3 recounts, and some extra bags filled with ballots, to get a democrat governor elected up here.... ;D ;D ;D » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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