General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Censorship..........????

Message started by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 09:51:10

Title: Censorship..........????
Post by raydawg on 11/04/17 at 09:51:10

I recall both sides of the isle, at times of diminished power, shoppping a "fairness doctrine" in the media....

I have great reservations about such.
It would require others to determine what is fair, and if we haven't learned anything in the last few years, that truth is subjective, then I would suggest you lack the ability to critical thinking.

Now the same folk it seems have turned their attention to the Internet.
I agree that it has the capability of sowing disinformation quickly, but isn't that the cost of freedom?

It's not much different from the arguments of immigration, etc, and terrorism......

Even though all of these thoughts are based on protecting us against the threat of evil, etc....
Man has never shown the capacity to put others first when empowered with such opportunities to enrich his own self, in the process.

Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Censorship..........????
Post by MnSpring on 11/04/17 at 18:40:55

60736B76736575120 wrote:
I recall both sides of the isle, at times of diminished power, shoppping a "fairness doctrine" in the media....

I have great reservations about such.
It would require others to determine what is fair, and if we haven't learned anything in the last few years, that truth is subjective, then I would suggest you lack the ability to critical thinking.

Now the same folk it seems have turned their attention to the Internet.
I agree that it has the capability of sowing disinformation quickly, but isn't that the cost of freedom?

It's not much different from the arguments of immigration, etc, and terrorism......

Even though all of these thoughts are based on protecting us against the threat of evil, etc....
Man has never shown the capacity to put others first when empowered with such opportunities to enrich his own self, in the process.

Any thoughts?

In 1936  a, ’Socialistic Party, of another Nation,
use this ’New Thing’, called, T.V.,
To spread the, ‘Propaganda’.

Also note, their is a  5-1  Ratio.

Of,  ‘’Liberal  vs  Conservative”.

So by odds,  5 out of every one, will hear,
Instead of the,  ’TRUTH”.

And they will, Believe, the ‘LIES’,
  (as evidenced here)

(Instead of doing the 'work',  of,
       Thinking for themselves)

Title: Re: Censorship..........????
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/17 at 19:23:06

by odds,  5 out of every one, will hear,

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