General Category >> The Cafe >> Her She Comes

Message started by Ed L. on 09/05/17 at 16:28:48

Title: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/05/17 at 16:28:48

Looks like I'm in the path of Irma the newest cat 5 hurricane that's rolling across the Atlantic with Florida in it's cross hairs. Spent the last few days getting supplies, gas, water and firing up the generator and chain saw. Going to board up all the exposed windows with plywood over the next couple days and need to be done by Friday.
 I think I'm fu*ked, there is nowhere to run so I'm digging in and plan to put up a good fight like fighting with a hurricane is a sane idea. If the house gets hit hard I'm hoping that my travel trailer survives so I have a roof.
The wife is freaking out already but at least we aren't in a flood zone, I really feel sorry for the people in Houston and I see their fate in my future.
Wish me luck the battle starts this weekend >:(

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by stewmills on 09/05/17 at 17:55:31

Good Luck! If you need to run and plan on heading as far North as Auburn, AL, I have open property and plenty of room for a motorhome for as long as you need to store it or stay here in it.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/05/17 at 19:30:45

Thanks Stew, I've too much to loose if I leave, have to stick it out.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ruttly on 09/05/17 at 20:22:50

Stewy , You are a fine human being for making such an invitation !

I'm on my way. ;D

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ruttly on 09/05/17 at 20:27:16

Wish you the best Ed.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/05/17 at 21:24:45

Ed, dude, nobody has a crystal ball, but it's Seriously not looking good.
I was really hoping to see you declare that you were hauling butt. If you can't, you can't, and I will certainly be keeping you and yours on my mind.
Keep us updated as long as the connection holds.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Steve H on 09/06/17 at 04:59:10

We'll be thinking of you.  Hope things go well for you. It's gonna be rough if the forecast holds true.

Tie that trailer down well or it might blow over/away.

Good luck, Ed.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by pg on 09/06/17 at 06:23:47

What part of FL are you in?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by stewmills on 09/06/17 at 08:00:38

6E49484850453C0 wrote:
Stewy , You are a fine human being for making such an invitation !

I'm on my way. ;D

Lot fees are a 6 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon and your choice of mowing grass or limbing up trees for an hour a day. 8-)

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/06/17 at 08:36:07

Be careful, my goodness, that thing is a monster....

Things you can repair, and reacquire, life, not so much.
Think of you your wife Ed, if it gets to be too much of a risk.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by MShipley on 09/06/17 at 09:05:38

Good luck to you.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by engineer on 09/06/17 at 09:09:41

Steve already mentioned tie downs for the travel trailer and I would like to say it again because those things are light and blow over easily.  

I talked to a guy I know in Texas and his house weathered the storm well enough except for an awning that came loose and got flung around and did some damage along with some outdoor furniture that hit the house.

I'm also the sort of guy who would stick it out so good luck and keep us informed when you can.  

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ruttly on 09/06/17 at 09:43:56

Lot fees are a 6 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon and your choice of mowing grass or limbing up trees for an hour a day. 8-)[/quote]

PBR is my favorite beer , I always try to keep a hundred in the fridge . Lot fee is totally reasonable. So someday I will be in your neck of the woods  and we can have a few beers. He who drinks the fastest gets the mostest !

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/06/17 at 10:08:44

I gave up the beer years ago, but I understand the state of Washington has some really great micro brews.

BTW, when I did drink, and I could find it, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Pabst Bock, was a great buzz....

Had to be butt arse cold tho, no warm beer for me!

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Dave on 09/06/17 at 11:26:12

Hold on tight - we will be praying for you!

Sometimes I wonder why I live in northern KY.  There isn't any ocean, the mountains are not more than 300' tall, the rivers and lakes are variable shades of brown.

But.....we don't have hurricanes and wind speeds are generally pretty low.  Rainfall is not too hard most days.  Snowfall is measured in single digits most of the time.  We generally have a week or two of winter temps in single digits - but never any really long cold spells. July can get up into the 90's for an extended period - and it gets really humid.  Housing and food are affordable - most folks feel safe walking down the street and don't expect to get robbed.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/06/17 at 17:00:58

PG, I'm about ten miles south of Daytona Beach maybe 1 1/2 miles west of I 95 so I'm not worried about any tidal surges and my house is up about eight feet on a small hill so I'm hoping flooding won't be a problem. Still close enough to the shore so if there is a near miss I'll get walloped. The people beach side are the ones I'm feeling sorry for. They are still recovering from Matthew last year and this one looks like it will be worse. It's the wind I'm prepping for. Spent the day digging out the plywood from the back of the shop, cutting it and getting it out by the windows. Lucked out at Lowes and got the last three packs of concrete anchors, the rest of the store was bare. Say one guy buying five or six sheets of 3/4 inch maple veneered plywood at about 100 bucks per pop because that's all they had left.
 Got water, gas, the generator runs and checks out and I'm filling all the buckets and containers with tap water. I've an in ground pool for flushing  and a propane camping stove for cooking and a small window AC unit to stay a little cool.
 Still need to finish boarding up, I have a few honey bee hives that need to be staked and tied down, gotta pick up some beer and trim some palm trees so they won't get the centers busted out by the wind.
 Thanks everybody for the positive thoughts, I'll keep checking in till I loose power which will be probably be by Saturday.
Sounds like a little piece of heaven you got yourself there Dave. ;)  

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by springman on 09/06/17 at 18:05:56

Ed, my best wishes to you. You will be in my prayers. I have a sister in Ft. Lauderdale and she is already on her way north. God watch and keep over you.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/06/17 at 18:24:15

Thanks, all my preparations feel a bit insignificant when compared to the storm heading my way. It's humbling

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by pg on 09/06/17 at 18:37:57

Best of luck Ed, we all hope it spins off into the Atlantic.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/06/17 at 19:08:05

It'd be nice to have the city name

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/07/17 at 08:38:57

JOG, I'm in Port Orange Florida, just a few miles south of Daytona Beach.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/07/17 at 08:58:45

She is pizzed, those pictures are devastating.
Big boats, just stacked up like a GIANT kid was playing with them like toys.

Be CAREFUL Ed, honestly, she has the propensity to really change lives, and I am sure many will wish they did things different.
Remember, real life has no do-overs.

I am not trying to lecture or harp, I just know from firsthand experience of death and destruction, how it can really roost in your mind, once it visits you.

Please be prepared, and error on caution, not bravado, please.

Prayers to all.....may God strengthen those who are effected.  

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/17 at 09:04:06

7C5D667517390 wrote:
JOG, I'm in Port Orange Florida, just a few miles south of Daytona Beach.

I was Really hoping you were more North and center between the beaches..
That's a scary place. I hope you slide through.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/07/17 at 14:52:00

Thanks Ray for the words of caution, all I can do is follow through with my plan as dangerous as it seems. All bravo does in a storm like this is get you killed and I'll be careful. Still have two windows to board up and then I'll police the property for crap that might get airborne. There are a lot of houses in the area still not boarded up, why I don't know.
JOG, I'm right in the path and hoping it kicks out to the ocean when it hits the Canaveral/Merritt island peninsula following the path Matthew took. Only time will tell.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/07/17 at 17:02:53

Stack stuff by the walls that debris could blow through.
Stay low but dry.
Words fail..

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by jcstokes on 09/08/17 at 00:59:17

Good luck from New Zealand Ed, not that it's worth much in the face of the storm.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Steve H on 09/08/17 at 08:49:33

Good luck, Ed.

Hope everything is done. I think it should be starting up soon?

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/08/17 at 09:09:03


I can only imagine you will have your hands full, but when you get a chance, please let us know as soon as possible to your welfare after its all clear, please.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ruttly on 09/08/17 at 11:08:09

I don't know Ed , if it was me I would make like a fetus and head out !
Your braver than me that's for sure !

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/08/17 at 11:25:14

I have been through major earthquakes, etc, but the worse experience I ever had was a major wind event here on the island.
You feel so helpless and scared, as you just don't know, the sound, the effect, its very over powering.
Watching the BIG trees sway and topple, 100 plus foot evergreens, smashing to bits anything where it lands.
My house has pretty much been left unscathed, my boats and cars, just minimal damage from tree limbs, etc.
But its the uncertainty that gets into your brain.
A few hours of just wishing it would end, can quickly put you into a state of paranoia.....
Worse than seeing a cop pull up behind you when you are loaded   :-X

Only to pass  ;)

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/08/17 at 16:31:41

I'm all buttoned up with plywood on the windows, the camper is tied down and I have about 50 gallons of potable water stored in buckets, bottles and whatever else is handy. My shop, the Savage, power tools and reloading room are on their own :(. All the long guns are in a closet in what I'm hoping is the safe end of the house.  
 The generator is stored on the back porch with a bunch of extension cords. I know about running it away from the house to avoid CO2 exhaust fumes after the storm.
 Just found out I'm baby sitting an older couple for the duration and maybe longer depending on how their house held up in the storm. Couldn't say no to them but it's another level of stress my wife will have to deal with. Picking them up tomorrow afternoon.
 I'll keep everybody updated and thanks for the well wishes.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/08/17 at 16:59:06

I heard it veered west.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/08/17 at 17:11:18

They still aren't sure of it's path but it has moved a little west. The latest forecast is calling for steady 80 mile an hour winds with gusts close to 100 in my area. Miami is going to get whacked with storm surge along with the lower tip of Florida. The Keys are under a mandatory evacuation along with most of the shoreline properties all the way up to St Augustine which is getting a mandatory evacuation also starting Saturday.
 Saw an interesting fact on the weather channel, Florida is about 135 miles wide and Irma is over 650 miles wide. I'm going to get hit no matter what path it takes, even up the west coast.  More to come

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/08/17 at 18:04:04

Ed, I just rode home to S. Fla from Buffalo (1300+ miles in 23.5 hours, I'll post about that later.) Traffic was a solid stream from Charlotte NC to Palm Beach County! I77, I26. and I95 were parking lots in some cases. The rest stops and truck stops were mobbed! Almost no traffic coming south. If I waited up there, I would have to wait a week or more as it was going to come up my same route. Many people from here on the east coast went west, and now are coming back. Looks like our state capitol is going to get it for a change. I'll get my shutters up in the morning and hunker down and wait.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/08/17 at 18:19:45

I just looked at the 5 day, and Irma might be a late guest at MMRanch's weekend shindig.  Stew may get some heavy rain at home as well.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/08/17 at 21:52:44

Looking better here if you look at the wind direction....
It seems a strong west wind might steer it away from Florida.,15.83,1053

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/09/17 at 09:56:01

Is it looking better?

Looks like it might just pass under Florida, yes?

Head to the Yucatan?

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/09/17 at 10:36:41

Ed, looks like us on the east coast will miss the worst of it. Your area shows less than a foot of storm surge for now, but they say 10 -15' in Ft Meyers possible. Why do they live on the wrong coast?
raydawg, Looks like you might be safe from this one, for now!

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/09/17 at 11:30:59

Badwolf, looks like it's coming your way and will just skim the east coast. Still bracing for it, a glancing blow from a base ball bat still hurts. There is an older couple from around the corner who will weather the storm out with us so guess what? The wife had had me running around cleaning the house all day WTF it's a hurricane not a social event and the house will probably get a whole lot of dirt and crap tracked into it what with the dogs needing to go out every few hours. Man, I have to cut off her coffee;)
  1300 miles from Buffalo in under 24 hours, if you were on a bike and you did say you rode it makes it's an Iron Butt ride. :)

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/09/17 at 12:13:11

Love the ironic humor, so much like a woman !!!!
Glad you can still laugh under a heavy load Ed, I have found it to often be the best attitude one can count on at times of angst.

Here is a live feed.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/09/17 at 14:06:06

The wife had had me running around cleaning the house all day WTF it's a hurricane not a social event and the house will probably get a whole lot of dirt and crap tracked into it what with the dogs needing to go out every few hours.

Phhht,,,  no..
I Seriously doubt anyone who is offered a place to ride out a HURRICANE will be busy judging their hosts because something needs done because They Have Been BUSY getting ready for a picnic, err, hurricane..
Geeze, she needs to chill.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/09/17 at 14:30:54

Posted my ride on the Iron Butt thread.

I'm serious about the idiot bonus points!

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by pg on 09/09/17 at 14:46:47

It has been almost 100 years since Tampa was hit with a major hurricane.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/09/17 at 15:26:21

Phhht,,,  no..
I Seriously doubt anyone who is offered a place to ride out a HURRICANE will be busy judging their hosts because something needs done because They Have Been BUSY getting ready for a picnic, err, hurricane..
Geeze, she needs to chill.
  I'm used to it, it's how she deals with stress. He11, at least the house is clean. And you're right, she needs to chill.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ruttly on 09/09/17 at 18:25:38

A clean house is important , when it lands in a new neighborhood .
Sorry Ed I'm not siding with your wife.
All hopes & prayers are with you all.
Watching the news , people moving everything ,sealing their homes and leaving , sitting in traffic , what a adventure !
Staying behind to ride it out , that's the real adventure , Good Luck !

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/09/17 at 18:45:25

Badwolf, How are you making out? hope your ok.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by twhitus on 09/09/17 at 19:04:23

Im in pinellas park, according to the current models its gonna go right over the top of me.  Im about 35ft above sea level so not overly worried about flooding yet.  Gotta get bonnie in the apt in the morning, dont want that paint all scratched up  :)

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/09/17 at 20:08:18

10:55 pm Sat - After a mostly calm day the wind is starting to pick up and the first heavy rain has started. Radar shows I'm in a heavy feeder band now. Wind should increase overnight and rain will be off and on. South Fla. Water miss-Manegment hopefully lowered the canals for the water to flow into and out to sea. As long as the roof stays on I should be alright.
Guess I should eat-up the ice cream case the power goes out.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/09/17 at 20:17:02

twhitus, All the models say you are in for a world of do-do tomorrow evening, good luck!

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Papa Bear on 09/10/17 at 05:17:13

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/10/17 at 05:20:04

7:55 am, Windy and wet here, power is still on. Over 300k without power in Fla, 200k in Dade County(Miami).
twhitus, You are looking at a Cat 3 directly over you at 2:am tonight, Good Luck.
Ed L, Ft. Pierce got 10 inches of rain in 4 hours, not near as much here but overnight you will get your worst.
Here the winds will be the worst from from 2pm to 2am, from 4pm to 8pm really bad. I don't see any damage around here yet just overcast and windy for now. No frogs floating belly-up down the street and the log chain nailed to the post out front is not straight out, YET.
Tues and Wed Stew and MMRanch will be seeing the remnants of it, just some rain and a little windy for them.
As the saying goes " Could be worse, could be raining!". Oh wait, it is raining.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/10/17 at 05:24:13

Found a nice map from FPL about power outages in the state,

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/10/17 at 05:58:00

It's just raining here in Port Orange with some gusting winds, nothing bad yet. Heading out soon to pick up Frank and Sue, the older couple who are weathering out the storm with us. Their house was build in the 80's before the updated codes came into effect and they weren't able to board up their building.
 Humor of the day---- one inch of rain gives ten inches of snow, guess we all are glad it's not snowing :D
 Twhitus, good luck and keep your powder dry.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/10/17 at 06:19:28

Speaking of powder, the range is closed too! Bummer! Would have been a good chance to check wind drift at 100 yards.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/10/17 at 07:09:28

Had my first power blip about 10am, just for a few seconds. Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/10/17 at 08:35:54

Hold tight gang.......!!!!!

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Papa Bear on 09/10/17 at 09:17:56,35.74,911/loc=-65.548,19.477

You can zoom in/out and around the world

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ruttly on 09/10/17 at 09:29:07

Here it comes.   Gatornado !!

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/10/17 at 11:26:30

Got Sue and Frank picked up and am in total button down mode, now all we can do is wait. No power blips yet just bands of rain and wind. Stay safe all

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by twhitus on 09/11/17 at 09:40:49

The bike and i are fine, fair bit of damage around here but mostly due to downed trees. Not sure how the storm surge is gonna be, but im far enough above the water that should not be a issue.  No cable, power or internet other then my cruddy cell. Hope everyone else is ok as some areas got it alot worse.
Atleast im off work for a few days ;D

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/11/17 at 09:44:27


That is one accounted for  ;D

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by MMRanch on 09/11/17 at 10:04:55

Ed , Badwolf , and you folks in Florida , we been watching the weather channel a lot a praying the best for ya !  

I'm glad ya'll taking it seriously .    I think  half the battle is being prepaired .  ;)    

The clouds came in Sunday afternoon and the wind is picking up at mid-day today (Monday) .   It must be a Big-en  !  :(

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ed L. on 09/11/17 at 16:35:26

Just got power back at 6:30 pm Monday. Damage was mainly trees and limbs getting knocked down along with a lot of water. I drained 10 inches out of the pool and it's filled back up.
 Slept on the couch during the storm and am beat. It was impressive even during the night. Still need to pull down the plywood and get everything back together.
 Hope everybody on the West coast are doing well.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by raydawg on 09/11/17 at 19:15:02

Thanks for the good news....

Looking bad, but not as bad as it could have been!

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by Ruttly on 09/11/17 at 20:54:27

Sounds like one hellofa adventure. Glad all is well.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by McWj on 09/12/17 at 16:52:11

Gald you made it through okay Ed. I'm sure a lot of clean up still lies ahead. Not sure when you are gonna be up to working on any FCs but I'll PM you separately.   No rush of course and again glad you and the family are okay.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/12/17 at 18:01:15

Badwolf here, I just got internet back, but still no power. Power went off about 3pm Sunday. I lost some shingle tabs and a lot of leaves, but no major damage. I have enough gas for the generator for this evening and a short run in the am, to keep the fridge cold.
Spent about 35 minutes in line at Burger King today for a couple Woppers. Very few gas stations are open, and they all have long lines. Some traffic signals are out and you are to treat them as 4 way stops, but it seems he who has the loudest horn goes first!
All in all not TOO bad, could have been a lot worse!

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/12/17 at 20:00:34

A storage building with plywood, precut, ready to hang, a generator big enough to keep the refrigerator going and hopefully pull the A.C., if the water supply isn't dependable, some water containers, load them up ahead of the problem,
I sure wouldn't be at Lowe's,
And not having gasoline is just silly.
My generator runs on propane or gasoline and I can switch fuels without shutting it off. And I refill the propane bottles here.

Ya know, a generator big enough to run an air conditioner bigger than a window unit is gonna use too much gas. Reelthing has a little Honda unit. Runs the refrigerator and stove, and the all important TeeVee. Quiet enough to sit and talk with it running just a few feet away. Harbor Freight has a unit approximately the same size and outputs just a bit more.

Title: Re: Her She Comes
Post by badwolf on 09/13/17 at 10:34:48

Power came back on about noon! YEAAAAAA! Best of luck to everyone else whacked by Irma. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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