General Category >> The Cafe >> Harvey

Message started by Ruttly on 08/25/17 at 21:30:25

Title: Harvey
Post by Ruttly on 08/25/17 at 21:30:25

Hope all is well for our members in Texas. Hope you are all out of harms way. Give us some weather reports if you not to busy inflating you yachts !

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by Ruttly on 08/26/17 at 11:15:26

It really sucks when where you live is the headline on CNN !  The only good thing is I haven't seen any reports of casualties  and let hope there isn't any.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by raydawg on 08/26/17 at 12:29:53

wow, it looks bad, hope all are my prayers

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/26/17 at 19:22:51

Good evening gentlemen. I live in Spring a northern suburb of Houston close to the airport. It has been raining on and off since late afternoon yesterday. It is actually thundering as I write this. Earlier today I got in the car to go check the places that normally flood around here and the water was very high but there was still room for more. In brief, so far all fine in Houston. I have been in touch with family in both Austin and San Antonio and all OK there so far also. So I suspect Youzguyz may not be riding today, but he should be fine. I do not know if we have any Savages in the Corpus Christi area, if we do we need to be praying for them. I will update this tomorrow if the electricity doesn't go out. Ya'll take care now.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by Ruttly on 08/26/17 at 20:20:12

Thanks Springman. Hope everything stays good for you & the family. Looks terrible what we are seeing on the news along the gulf coast.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/27/17 at 11:59:35

Hello everyone. It is about 2 pm central time and we continue to have more rain. My street is flooded with about 2 feet of water but still dry inside the house. Many other parts of Houston have been affected much more than my part of town. Prior to street flooding I went with my wife to take a look around. I will get some of her pictures and post them.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by Gary_in_NJ on 08/27/17 at 12:01:05

Stay safe.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/27/17 at 13:06:12

This is the barn at a small horse riding place about a mile and a half from my house. The picture was taken yesterday around noon or so.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/27/17 at 13:07:30

This is the same barn today around noon or so.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by LANCER on 08/27/17 at 15:27:31

24 hours ... 8 ft. rise in water level ... not good.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by Serowbot on 08/27/17 at 15:53:14

Just found this...
Houston... before, after...

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/27/17 at 17:56:01

Sero, that really is what it looks like. I am saying my prayers for the people of Houston. We really are taking a heck of a beating. It is so weird, in the last hurricane we went through the hours of the wind pounding that accompanied the rain. And the wind really makes you understand the danger. But this is just rain, incessant rain, but just rain. Difficult to believe it can cause so much damage.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/27/17 at 18:10:44

Here is the montage my wife put together. The last picture is from about a half hour ago. The rain really slowed down the last few hours, but the news is telling us to expect a whole lot more rain.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by raydawg on 08/27/17 at 18:11:55

Wow, just am amazing amount of rain...
I bet gas prices rise now too  :-[

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by LANCER on 08/27/17 at 18:30:41

[quote author=56455D40455343240 link=1503721825/0#13 date=1503882715]Wow, just am amazing amount of rain...
I bet gas prices rise now too  :-[/quote]

Here in NE Oklahoma gas went up $.15 yesterday.
Not sure about today.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/27/17 at 22:04:49

Yep. I read an article today talking about all the refineries in Texas have had to go off line and will probably remain so for at least a week. I forget exactly what the percentage was but I believe it was more than 10% of the U.S. refining capacity. Look at the bright side, maybe it is time to buy some Exxon stock, ;)

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/28/17 at 10:34:02

Hello everyone. It is Monday about 12:30 p.m. and guess what? It is raining in Houston. I understand water has receded a bit in some places but that we could be in for a rough night as the rains may intensify tonight. I hope not.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by Gary_in_NJ on 08/28/17 at 10:55:12

Your photo of the barn really struck with me. I hope everything works out for you and your community. My cousin lost her husband to flooding during Sandy. Don't take any chances. Mother Nature is a
prize fighter.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by verslagen1 on 08/28/17 at 10:57:21

time to order flotation tires.
hope all is well with y'all.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/28/17 at 11:37:58

I was going to update the barn pictures but the road finally flooded starting a good 200 yards or so from where the barn is. We went by the supermarket but there was a pretty long line waiting to get in and a manager outside the door yelling that the current line is all they can handle and will then close. Luckily we have sufficient grub for a few more days.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by MMRanch on 08/28/17 at 11:43:07

 time to order flotation tires.     ;D

* 2

Perhaps a cheep john boat might be a good investment ?  

Hope all is well with you and yours .  

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by raydawg on 08/28/17 at 11:56:20

That looks awful, the full extent of the damage will take a lot of time.

Homes, and their plumbing drain systems will have taken a lot of abuse that they were never intend for.
If on a slab foundation, it could mean concrete removal to make repairs....
I know, I use to be a plumbing contractor before I went to building aircraft.

Septic systems (drain fields) might be rendered no good now, won't perk.
You will have to dig up all the earth in its field and replace.
That soil can not be just dumped anywhere, depending on local codes, it can be listed under hazardous waste, and extremely expensive affair to treat.

Anything having been flooded, all systems, pneumatic, electrical, etc, are now suspect and will have to come with a disclaimer in any future title changes.
I am afraid the cost of this can go on for decades.

Be well, you have your life, that is paramount!  ;D

NOTE: Be careful of "cheap" cars, tools, appliances etc, in the future on Ebay, CL, etc.
Often it is bought in wholesale lots, and made pretty, moved far away from suspect, and dumped where folk don't put two and two together....
Until its too late.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by LANCER on 08/28/17 at 14:56:22

Yep, even sale of all sorts of stuff on eBay after Katrina was crazy for a while.  
Cars and bikes were being offered with "Agressive" discounts to say the least.  A lot of folks got burned badly for not really THINKING through purchases, and inspecting the product before making payment.  Many sellers mysteriously disappeared after the sale.
Power tools are the same, look for where they came from Andy when.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by LANCER on 08/28/17 at 15:39:20

Are you in the areas that have mandatory evacuation ?

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/28/17 at 18:37:30

Hello. Just got back from exploring. Was hoping to find some eggs and milk but no such luck. I did manage to fill up the gas tank though.

We are not in a mandatory evacuation neighborhood and from what I have seen the storm drains on my street work quite well. There are basically 3 ways to get into my neighborhood, 2 are horrendously flooded. The one that is not flooded gets us to the highway but I know that parts of the highway are flooded both north and south of here.

The rain for the last few hours has been just a light sprinkle, but it is incessant. I have heard that after tonight things will start to improve. I am supposed to go back to work on Wednesday but from what I have seen I am wondering if that will be possible. Who knows though, once the rain lets up maybe the waters will receded quicker than what I imagine.

Anyway, all good here thank God. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/29/17 at 10:03:36

It's still raining. Just got back from my exploratory drive. Things are actually a good bit worse than yesterday, more roads are flooded, could not get nearly as far as yesterday. We are still fine but my heart goes out to those that are suffering losses.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by raydawg on 08/29/17 at 10:55:15

Just mind boggling.....

Yes, I am afraid you guys will have much to do to get back to normal.
I hope blessings come to be known when its all said and done.  

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by LANCER on 08/29/17 at 13:23:16

Flooding is expected to continue for quite some time.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by Papa Bear on 08/29/17 at 14:02:15

Live coverage

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/29/17 at 14:25:46

It makes you wonder when you take a drive by the supermarket and across the street you see five cops standing in the parking lot next to their boat and jet ski. Yep, boat and jet ski. One of my friends whose house is closer to the barn I posted finally had his house flood last night/this morning. He and his wife are ok. They managed to get out in his truck, but it was too deep for the other car. I have lived in this house about 25 years and never have I seen anything like this. It is very sad.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/17 at 14:50:47

This is a crisis. Sad comes when we see how many people are homeless, jobless and uninsured. Not everybody has flood insurance. Tons of homes in New Orleans weren't rebuilt. Businesses went broke.
The number of dead will climb as waters recede. This is a really big deal. Unprecedented rainfall. And right on top of and stalled, Stalled, the fourth biggest city in America. That's not normal at all.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by pg on 08/29/17 at 15:09:38

Even worse when people start to rebuild, many may not be able to even if they have insurance.  After Katrina, many of the insurers told they customers they had to prove it was wind or water damage that caused the initial failure.  Of course the adjusters always told the customers it whatever coverage they didn't have.  There were reports of people who had multiple coverages and it took years for the insurance companies to reconcile.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by LANCER on 08/30/17 at 12:23:13

My wife just stopped to get gas;  $4.43/gal.  OKLAHOMA


Title: Re: Harvey
Post by verslagen1 on 08/30/17 at 12:29:37

GG, might have to bring gas with me.  Gas is still under $3 here.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/17 at 12:48:11

High prices keep people from buying what they don't have to have.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 08/31/17 at 12:55:06

I see that gas prices shot 10 to 50 cents per gallon here in Houston.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/31/17 at 13:21:49

It was at two dollars the day before it got ugly. Now it's forty cents more.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by wakosama on 08/31/17 at 14:10:39

The great flood of Texas, is finally receding.  Many of us will never be the same.  Texas isn't known for puny anything, though.  We had the greatest drought in history a few years ago.  Don't recall much whining.  

In spite of the media horror treatment, many have services back, much of the water is going down, we're hearing miraculous stories about people helping each other, doing that bootstrap thing, and starting to rebuild better lives together; as we have before.  

So  it seems pretty obvious Texas at least is recovering already, with less fuss and probably less cost than predicted.  I'm told it's a state of mind.  

In the mean time, the weather is on the way east and north.  Ya'll be careful up there too please.   [smiley=dankk2.gif]  Those of us who remember to be are grateful.  

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by LANCER on 08/31/17 at 15:57:10

Gas prices are back down to $2 something.  Apparently the price hike was a computer error/problem.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by mpescatori on 09/01/17 at 00:27:30

I see there are two threads on Harvey, so I will repost what I wrote in the other thread.

3B26332535372239243F560 wrote:
European news are all over Harvey, in the news we get as much as 10' out of every 30' on Harvey.
That's a lot of airtime, even squeezing out EU domestic policies, Africans immigrarting on inflatable dinghies and two earthquakes (in Italy) in the last 12 months.

A word from one who's seen it all happen more than once, what those people need, much beyond food...
- a car to go back to work; if their car was parked (engine off) when flooded, chances are it is still workable - but it will take time and money; if you have an old jalopy sitting around, consider donating it;
- a place to live; flooded homes, if built in lightweight timber, may need tearing down; if you have an old trailer or caravan, small as it may be, it still beats living in a tent;
- furniture; modern day furniture is not made of solid wood, it is actually industrial crap, and if it's flooded it will decay faster than you can say "wow"; so if you have any old stuff in the garage, polish it and donate it... bedsheets too.
- Pots'n'pans, and cutlery !!!
- TOYS and BOOKS ! (No, I'm not talking Playstation, I mean dolls and footballs and old bicycles and those old Hardy Boys' and Roald Dahl that have been collecting dust in the garage ever since Junior left for college - and he's a married man now)

How to donate ? Either your local Church/Parish is collecting and participating in an organized architecture,
or you can donate directly to reputable organizations (Masonic Lodges and Shriners are a good example)

Wish you all the best.



Title: Re: Harvey
Post by Dave on 09/01/17 at 12:29:39

The leftover rain has moved into KY this morning, it is a pretty insignificant drizzle compared to what you got in Texas.

I helped with the building inspections when Butler and Falmouth were flooded by the Licking River 20 year ago - the houses and business were such a mess, it is hard to imagine what was lost.  Even now 20 year later you can see the empty lots where houses were taken down and not replaced.

Title: Re: Harvey
Post by springman on 09/02/17 at 19:53:53

Yes, the water is gone or going, the electricity is back in most places and I will actually be back at work on Tuesday. I feel blessed to have made it through this without any real consequences specially after what I saw today. My church today cooked up 300 dinners to deliver to a neighborhood near me that was badly affected. I helped to deliver the food. No sooner did we turn into the neighborhood all you could see was all of the people's belongings (and broken sheet rock) piled up into large trash mounds. It was so sad to see this, and that that this is an affluent neighborhood. I cannot image the emotional hurt that those that know they do not have the money to rebuild are experiencing. But good people are banding together, contributing in any way they can, neighbor helping neighbor and we will be back on our feet shortly. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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