General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> GUESS YOUR BEST........

Message started by raydawg on 08/16/17 at 11:36:49

Title: GUESS YOUR BEST........
Post by raydawg on 08/16/17 at 11:36:49

The winner just gets the satisfaction of knowing they are smarter than GAWD.....

How many folks will die this coming weekend demanding others be more tolerant of their beliefs?

Extra credit:

How many will be Nazi's, and KKK?

How many will be the alt-left snowflakes?

How many will just be innocent bystanders in the wrong place, at the wrong time?    :-[

Hurry, cast now, you will get to gloat if you win!

Title: Re: GUESS YOUR BEST........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/16/17 at 14:48:57

3A29312C293F2F480 wrote:
The winner just gets the satisfaction of knowing they are smarter than GAWD.....

How many folks will die this coming weekend demanding others be more tolerant of their beliefs?

Extra credit:

How many will be Nazi's, and KKK?

How many will be the alt-left snowflakes?

How many will just be innocent bystanders in the wrong place, at the wrong time?    :-[

Hurry, cast now, you will get to gloat if you win!

What a stupid thing to make light of.... Yeah, let's bet on how many will die....  WTF??


Title: Re: GUESS YOUR BEST........
Post by verslagen1 on 08/16/17 at 15:34:49

445A555459445F42300 wrote:
[quote author=3A29312C293F2F480 link=1502908609/0#0 date=1502908609]The winner just gets the satisfaction of knowing they are smarter than GAWD.....

How many folks will die this coming weekend demanding others be more tolerant of their beliefs?

Extra credit:

How many will be Nazi's, and KKK?

How many will be the alt-left snowflakes?

How many will just be innocent bystanders in the wrong place, at the wrong time?    :-[

Hurry, cast now, you will get to gloat if you win!

What a stupid thing to make light of.... Yeah, let's bet on how many will die....  WTF??



Yeah, it's a new moon, nothing will happen.   ::)

Title: Re: GUESS YOUR BEST........
Post by raydawg on 08/16/17 at 17:05:23

What a stupid thing to make light of.... Yeah, let's bet on how many will die....  WTF?

What difference does it make now ....LMAO

Title: Re: GUESS YOUR BEST........
Post by Ed L. on 08/16/17 at 18:18:39

What difference does it make now ....LMAO
You call yourself a Christian and make fun of a lady who got crushed to death by a car driven by a Nazi.

Man you are sick.

Go troll on a different site

Title: Re: GUESS YOUR BEST........
Post by MnSpring on 08/16/17 at 19:00:33

I will pick:
“… innocent bystanders in the wrong place, at the wrong time…”

As to:
“…How many will be Nazi's, and KKK?
How many will be the alt-left snowflakes?…”

The term,  "Cleaning UP, the Gene Pool”
 (Which has been recently mentioned)
comes to mind.

Just like the DFI’s, that drive their $70.000.00 truck, under the bridges, (Which, where does all that salt go ?), on a lake, and fall through the ice.
Or the DFI’s, that just HAS to be the 1st, (or last), one on the ice in a ATV, Snowmobile, car, truck.
Or the DFI’s, that think they can drove, ANYWHERE, on a frozen lake, which they do NOT  Know, where the cracks, schools of fish, springs, sandbars, currents are.
Or the recent DFI, (last fall), who took his, Paddle Board on a local lake.
Just before  Freeze up. (Perhaps no one, ’told’ him).
Yet,  Common Sense, would say, the water is, ‘Just a bit’, colder, than in July.  
So he did NOT feel the need to wear a Wet/Dry suit, or a Life jacket.

Yep.  The term, “Cleaning UP, the Gene Pool”
              comes to mind.

Much like the: Nazi’s, and KKK  vs,
      the alt-left snowflakes.

Al long as I am here typing.

Things, ’started’ to change, (I Believe) in 1946.
Before that, If you starved, it was because you did not know how to make a garden or harvest deer.
If you could not defend yourself, from frontier attacks.
Did not know how to set a broken leg, or crawl out of the forest.
Jumped out of a window, because you lost money.
Etc.Etc. Etc.
Those things just cleaned up the Gene pool.
The, ‘Strong  Survived’, and created offspring, which some were Strong and some were not.

Which for the last 5 years, (before 1945), the men with flat feet, the Wives/Women, the kids.
ALL, did ‘Victory Gardens’, Worked in Factories, Did, Paper, Iron, Rubber drives.
Helped their neighbors, looked out for others, did not complain about, Gas, Tires, food  Shortages.
They just made do.

Then, ‘After WWII”, a  Big sigh of relief, and the men went home to the white picket fence house.
And wanted a, ‘easy’ life. and had kids,  LOTS  of Kids.  ‘Baby Boomers’   (of which I am one).
And wanted life to be, ‘Easy’.
(After all, they, ALL, knew, HARD,  First hand)

Then the decline started.  Now, 3 generations later,
Nothing but a bunch of  Gimme, Gimme,  WHINY  Kids.
And they call themselves,  (way)  Left, Progressive, B.S. and Socialism Supporters.
And they have changed the English Language From:
      “He’s  LYING”
to:   “He Adjusted, the Truth’.

What is that phrase?
'Weak people create, bad times,
Bad times create Strong people,
Strong people create, good times,
Good times, create, weak people.”

(Said long ago, by someone very Smart)

Title: Re: GUESS YOUR BEST........
Post by raydawg on 08/16/17 at 19:07:01

5C7D465537190 wrote:
What difference does it make now ....LMAO
You call yourself a Christian and make fun of a lady who got crushed to death by a car driven by a Nazi.

Man you are sick.

Go troll on a different site

Oh, I guess I can't say that because Hillary already used it huh....

I bet you like to slow traffic and look at accidents too.

Let me see, who was it that said don't waste a perfectly good tragedy h ::)

You gonna guess or whine?

Title: Re: GUESS YOUR BEST........
Post by T And T Garage on 08/17/17 at 06:35:10

10310A197B550 wrote:
What difference does it make now ....LMAO
You call yourself a Christian and make fun of a lady who got crushed to death by a car driven by a Nazi.

Man you are sick.

Go troll on a different site

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