General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Snowflake applies

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/17 at 17:57:43

Title: Snowflake applies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/05/17 at 17:57:43

And all the derision I can smear on.
I wonder what degrees these geniuses are going eyeball deep in debt for.

Title: Re: Snowflake applies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/17 at 16:43:47

Where's the outrage? I expected the lefties to have a fit. I'm shocked that you're not all planning on calling the school and demanding equal rights for straight whites to cuddle a stuffed animal in a quiet place.
Ahh, Americans, the strong people..
These gutless pus,sies need a drill sergeant and a deep woods camping trip.

Title: Re: Snowflake applies
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/17 at 16:57:42

302F292E33340535053D2F23685A0 wrote:
And all the derision I can smear on.
I wonder what degrees these geniuses are going eyeball deep in debt for.

Learned that, in the Late  60’s, in H.S.
 Where I,  (a  White  Kid),
could NOT, take a,  ‘’Black  History”,  Class,
  (Because I was  WHITE)

Not a problem taking  ‘English, (the UK), Lit,
   But I was not from  England.
Not a problem taking, ‘Hinduism, ‘Buddhism’, ‘Islam’, “Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto’.
   But did not practice those Religions.
Not a problem studying history of  S. America.
   When I had never been their.
Not a problem, learning about Mexico and their language.
   Not from their, or at that time been their.

But, COULD  NOT, take a,  ‘Black  History”, class,

As to,   ‘Minn Nice”.
IT is a TOTAL,  HOAX / JOKE / FAKE  News.
I didn’t learn this until I was 30+, when I started driving around the Country.
And found out.
Minnesota  Residents, (Most), Think they are BETTER, than everyone else.
and are  TOTAL,  SNOBS.
  (If you are,  NOT,  ‘one of them’)

So   the gathering of, ’Snowflakes’, at that University.
Totally  Expected.
In fact that was  ’touted’ on a.  ‘local, ’news’, program.

Where,  Noor, shooting and killing, a Citizen, who was NO  threat.
Is,  TOTALLY   FORGOT !!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Snowflake applies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/17 at 17:05:44

A straight white guy and I'd expect a bit more coverage.
That noor is a SJW wet dream , hired to fulfill some perceived obligation, well, hey, the right people have fallen on their swords and we are supposed to just forget.

I Wish I could keep up with the recently unemployed chief. I Wonder where she will get a job. Bet she lands a gravy job.

Title: Re: Snowflake applies
Post by MnSpring on 08/06/17 at 17:28:32

6C7375726F6859695961737F34060 wrote:
A straight white guy and I'd expect a bit more coverage. That noor is a SJW wet dream , hired to fulfill some perceived obligation, well, hey, the right people have fallen on their swords and we are supposed to just forget. I Wish I could keep up with the recently unemployed chief. I Wonder where she will get a job. Bet she lands a gravy job.

“…the right people have fallen on their swords…”

The, Chief  did , NOT, ‘fall on her sword’.
 She was   FIRED  !!!!!!!!!!!
 By the,  Mayor,  (running for re-election this fall),
who stated, “The  Police should not carry Guns”

Yep, she, ‘resigned’  under,  THREAT,   of:
“You Resign, or your FIRED”
 (She picked her, 30 year Pension, and ‘retired’)

As  Liberal, (and a 3 fer),
I respected her decision to get to the bottom of this.  
Yet when she made overtures that showed she would.
She was  FIRED.

By a  Mayor, who is  SO   Ultra-Liberal,
When the, Liberal, Chief, stands next to the  Ultra-Ultra-Ultra-Liberal  Mayor,
The Chief looks like she is wearing a, ’Trump’ hat.

I Think she will take her S.S., and  Pension,
and go camping with her female partner.

Title: Re: Snowflake applies
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/06/17 at 18:57:33

Yeah, they SHOULD have fired her, UNLESS She was Told to Streamline the Hiring Process and Hire that guy.
You're right, she was Allowed to resign.

Not sure how that changes things, but it's a correct position you pose. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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