General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Lying again.

Message started by Trippah on 08/01/17 at 19:42:43

Title: Lying again.
Post by Trippah on 08/01/17 at 19:42:43

Well, The Pres has lied to the American people again: about little Donny meeting and his non input into it.  Don't you TRUMP supporters get sick of being lied to? I do.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/17 at 20:00:48

ITS not cool, but,
You can keep your doctor.
I didn't break any laws.
Geeze, you guys are so upset over Frikken nothing while someone else is dumping gasoline in your pants.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by Trippah on 08/02/17 at 05:59:37

JOG the you can keep your doctor was accurate for a great percentage of people, and many got a doctor whereas before they didn't - but this is totally irrelevant.  President T almost never answers with an honest answer, even for the silliest of questions. This guy 's first go to response seems to be lying. :( :(

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 06:56:35

6D4B5049495851390 wrote:
Well, The Pres has lied to the American people again: about little Donny meeting and his non input into it.  Don't you TRUMP supporters get sick of being lied to? I do.

Well put.

If I may add to it - how can any tweety supporter look at this administration and say "great job - our president is doing awesome!".  No one can - I defy them to.  It's like watching a car crash - if our president was such a "great leader and manager" we wouldn't be where we're at today.  This fool has got to get out of office.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/17 at 07:12:45

Really, DWS should be being sued for what they did to Bernie, and Hillary probably knew about the game, so she should be in trouble. The stuff you guys are so upset about is ridiculous.
How much is trump being pressured to do that he wouldn't do?
IDK, but all the Goldman Sachs creeps bother me a LOT.
Address the issues on both sides and Try to focus on meaningful events. His socks being uneven is old.
Why would he sign anything that would injure Russia is a Real issue. But that's not what you people care about. The focus on the trivial while you overlook Real Policy that's bad, and ignore the huge scandals of the left, really guys, so cheap and petty,
Can we have an adult conversation about real issues?
Or is talking to someone about how they will explain something such a big deal?
Of Course he lied. It's not something he Shouldn't have done, but he wanted to let the boy appear to have handled it alone.
Guys, America is in TROUBLE and your focus is on minutiae.
You're pointing at a worn tire and vaporlocking over that and ignoring the rod poking out of the engine.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 07:24:50

Easy fellas......

*the dow just passed 22000.
*unemployment rate unchanged as is the more important out of the workplace number
*useless red tape EPA and other bureaucratic regulations are being rolled back
*illegal border crossing are down which will eventually drive up wages, but that will take time
*along with a bunch of other smaller, less published changes.

the bottom line is the average Joe on the street has seen nothing but positive changes in the past 8 months.

No one cares about Russia, no one cares about Muller, no one cares about the Boy Scouts or Jared Kushner.....

Our month end numbers for August just came out in my company and we are 26% above last year. why do I give a F if Trump really got a call from the Boy Scouts or not?

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 07:39:16

093B3C2D2A3B2C133F2C355E0 wrote:
Easy fellas......

*the dow just passed 22000.

So... you think this is all due to our current president?  Obama admin had nothing to do with it?  LOL . I'm sure you're not saying that.

*unemployment rate unchanged as is the more important out of the workplace number

Again, did you somehow miss that number steadily climbing to where it's at today throughout the last 6 years?

*useless red tape EPA and other bureaucratic regulations are being rolled back

Not rolled back quite yet... so no real effect yet.

*illegal border crossing are down which will eventually drive up wages, but that will take time

But the best-available metric, Border Patrol apprehensions, reached a 44-year national low in 2015. Still, apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border were even lower four years before. The previous Southwest sector low occurred in 1972.

Significantly too, Obama didn’t claim credit for this change.

We rate his Austin statement Mostly True.

*along with a bunch of other smaller, less published changes.

LOL - yeah... like his inability to manage and the joke we as a country have become on the world stage....

the bottom line is the average Joe on the street has seen nothing but positive changes in the past 8 months.

LMAO!!! What???  Where???  My taxes are the exact same.  He has done NOTHING for the middle class - except frighten them about losing their health insurance.  But please - name one... JUST ONE thing he's accomplished for the middle class - you know, all those folks that voted for him... what has he done for them?

No one cares about Russia, no one cares about Muller, no one cares about the Boy Scouts or Jared Kushner.....

BS - why are his poll numbers (even from rassmussen) at unprecedented lows?

Our month end numbers for August just came out in my company and we are 26% above last year. why do I give a F if Trump really got a call from the Boy Scouts or not?

Good for you!  But it's got zero to do with our president.  Don't fool yourself.  I'll bet any money that YOU are a better businessman/manager than him.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by Trippah on 08/02/17 at 07:54:16

The rise in the stock market has nothing to do with t and everything to do with the business leaders perception that the Republican Party will lower their taxes, thus raising their profit margins.  I often wonder if the slow climb out of the last recession was simply the corporate American way of forcing the Democratic Party out of control.  Money still talks the loudest. ;D ;D

Which again, has nothing to do with this tread.  This thread is about the President's apparent inability to speak the truth.  It is not leadership style I admire, to say the least.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 07:58:58

1B3D263F3F2E274F0 wrote:
The rise in the stock market has nothing to do with t and everything to do with the business leaders perception that the Republican Party will lower their taxes, thus raising their profit margins.  I often wonder if the slow climb out of the last recession was simply the corporate American way of forcing the Democratic Party out of control.  Money still talks the loudest. ;D ;D

Which again, has nothing to do with this tread.  This thread is about the President's apparent inability to speak the truth.  It is not leadership style I admire, to say the least.

LOL - it's funny how all threads seem to go on a tangent, huh?

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/02/17 at 08:02:08

Just as the left were running in circles screaming about the Krazy Orange Haired Clown and how dangerous he would be with the Nuke Button, they declared the stock market would crash because of his idiotic policies.
Well, Yes, he has impacted the market.
Investor confidence is bolstered by a capitalist in office. It isn't policy he created, it's just a comfort to investors that a non communist is in office, someone who they expect to be pro business.
That's Not gonna keep it from crashing.
But I think it's helped fuel the bubble.
I think it's way overly optimistic right now.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 08:07:05

I am not a better businessman than Trump but I am better than you and I understand politics and have my finger on the pulse of the nation better than you. you've been saying for months 'this is the beginning of the end' for Trump so many times, it's like the boy who cried wolf. you've been wrong over and over as has our national media.

it's as if there are two worlds operating in the same space. the world of those who follow politics like it's an NFL football game and the world of those that tune in for a few minutes a day, but otherwise live their life. And those people, who mostly dislike Trump to varying degrees, have seen nothing negative from a tangible sense with trump as president.

those who follow the world like an NFL game pick apart various events that happen daily as if that one single event is the single most important occurrence in the world and the ramifications will last forever. Which of course it doesn't.

the recent short tenure of that mooch dude is a classic case. honestly, in the big picture, who gives a $hit? I've hired and fired people in less time. it was a mistake, big deal. (he was fodder for a lot of humor.... he got hired, became a father, got divorced and fired all within 11 days i think. wow....)

trump right now is doing a better job than Obama. the guts of the nation feels that, even if it's difficult, if not impossible, to articulate why.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 08:09:40

193F243D3D2C254D0 wrote:
The rise in the stock market has nothing to do with t and everything to do with the business leaders perception that the Republican Party will lower their taxes, thus raising their profit margins.  I often wonder if the slow climb out of the last recession was simply the corporate American way of forcing the Democratic Party out of control.  Money still talks the loudest. ;D ;D

Which again, has nothing to do with this tread.  This thread is about the President's apparent inability to speak the truth.  It is not leadership style I admire, to say the least.

all politicians lie. all business leaders lie. "honest" politicians lie by being more clever or by just not saying something. trump lies because he talks first, thinks second. consider this for a second; that type of person is more honest than the first type.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 08:20:36

734146575041566945564F240 wrote:
I am not a better businessman than Trump but I am better than you and I understand politics and have my finger on the pulse of the nation better than you.

LOL - how's that, by all your gambling?  Trust me, I think I know exactly where your finger is... BWAAHAAHAAHAAAA!!!

you've been saying for months 'this is the beginning of the end' for Trump so many times, it's like the boy who cried wolf. you've been wrong over and over as has our national media.

LOL - oh?  Have I?  How's he been doing?  How come he can't keep his cabinet in order?    BTW, how do you know you're a better businessman than me?  You know nothing about me, nor I you.  I just tried to compliment you and then you degrade yourself... doesn't say much about you, now does it?  If you're not a better businessman than tweety - then you truly do suck at it.  How many bankruptcies have you gone through?  LOL

it's as if there are two worlds operating in the same space. the world of those who follow politics like it's an NFL football game and the world of those that tune in for a few minutes a day, but otherwise live their life. And those people, who mostly dislike Trump to varying degrees, have seen nothing negative from a tangible sense with trump as president.

You should pay attention better... he's done absolutely nothing thus far.  The only thing he has accomplished is getting air time every night for his ridiculous actions.

those who follow the world like an NFL game pick apart various events that happen daily as if that one single event is the single most important occurrence in the world and the ramifications will last forever. Which of course it doesn't.

What about a quarterback throwing 10 interceptions in one game - you think that might be relevant to the outcome?  Burned by your own analogy...

the recent short tenure of that mooch dude is a classic case. honestly, in the big picture, who gives a $hit? I've hired and fired people in less time. it was a mistake, big deal. (he was fodder for a lot of humor.... he got hired, became a father, got divorced and fired all within 11 days i think. wow....)

Really?  So... you're in charge of the FREE WORLD???  Sorry web, there's just a little more gravitas to the office of the president than whatever business you might run.... LOL

There simply is no comparison to ANY business and the president of the united states' cabinet.  Nice try...

trump right now is doing a better job than Obama. the guts of the nation feels that, even if it's difficult, if not impossible, to articulate why.

BWAAAHAAAAHAAHAAHA!!!  Too funny - by what metric is tweety doing better?????  Give me JUST ONE EXAMPLE... JUST ONE.  (Oh, besides playing more golf)

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 08:22:09

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
all politicians lie. all business leaders lie. "honest" politicians lie by being more clever or by just not saying something. trump lies because he talks first, thinks second. consider this for a second; that type of person is more honest than the first type.

Up is down, down is up.

Could you please post where you've seen Bernie Sanders lie?

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by Trippah on 08/02/17 at 08:23:20

I do not think so.   I think most leaders are as honest as they can be, it is easier.  The President just lies, because it's who he is; and as he has noted, it keeps the ratings up.   (Not the ratings of how well he is doing the job, just how many are watching the Trumpling Circus).  As a tv guy, he knows no publicity is bad, or no publicity is worse than bad publicity.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 08:33:02

7B5D465F5F4E472F0 wrote:
I do not think so.   I think most leaders are as honest as they can be, it is easier.  The President just lies, because it's who he is; and as he has noted, it keeps the ratings up.   (Not the ratings of how well he is doing the job, just how many are watching the Trumpling Circus).  As a tv guy, he knows no publicity is bad, or no publicity is worse than bad publicity.

Trip- Obama knew from the beginning Obamacare was not what was advertised. he knew the Benghazi attack was not prompted by a video. and on and on. I'm not suggesting Obama was a bigger liar than other presidents, i'm just saying all presidents and business leaders lie. 'Spinning' is just another word for lying.  It is in fact easier to lie sometimes because the truth opens a door many times you'd rather not open.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 08:50:08

36292F2835320333033B29256E5C0 wrote:
Just as the left were running in circles screaming about the Krazy Orange Haired Clown and how dangerous he would be with the Nuke Button, they declared the stock market would crash because of his idiotic policies.
Well, Yes, he has impacted the market.
Investor confidence is bolstered by a capitalist in office. It isn't policy he created, it's just a comfort to investors that a non communist is in office, someone who they expect to be pro business.
That's Not gonna keep it from crashing.
But I think it's helped fuel the bubble.
I think it's way overly optimistic right now.

There's a lot of truth in that.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by raydawg on 08/02/17 at 09:08:30


Tweeter is dunce in my book.
He seems to have a game plan, and whatever it is, it escapes me.....
But too, it escapes the ability to use the "normal" means to assess it, and assign the Good-house Keeping DC, seal of approval to it.....

Using the conventional wisdom, this clown should be at another circus, so, I ask, who is getting it wrong?

I don't give a used car salesman any credence, either.
Expecting the absolute truth, from someone needing to sell you something, should give you a hint to their motivation.  

Why the politicians lie habitually, I don't know....
Seems they should be wiser to its trappings.
Willie spent so much of his time in DC, defending a lie, when he could have snuffed it out with the truth from the get go.
I don't get it.
Nor do I understand why people choose to overlook some lies, hold them to a different standard, based on their own mitigating needs.
Failing to see their own complicity, and duplicity, that breathes life into that of which they want to kill, in others...... go figger!

A rose, is a rose, is a rose......

Everyone is responsible for their own choices/beliefs in life.
I might suggest if the one chosen, isn't providing your needs without having to extract it from others, you might look at your own beliefs as suspect.

Did I stay close enough to your original thread intent  ;)

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 09:16:38

Tweeter is dunce in my book.

A man who has been in the public eye for years, prospered and made many, many others successful is almost by definition, anything but a dunce.

I get he is fingernails on a chalkboard to many. My wife can't stand him, but voted for him like a lot of other woman did.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by raydawg on 08/02/17 at 10:00:03

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
Tweeter is dunce in my book.

A man who has been in the public eye for years, prospered and made many, many others successful is almost by definition, anything but a dunce.

I get he is fingernails on a chalkboard to many. My wife can't stand him, but voted for him like a lot of other woman did.

My observation is solely based on my perception, not FACT, like some clowns around here assign to everything they post..... ;D

I offer it as I can not understand why he keeps doing the same thing over, and over, again, and then complains about the reaction it derives from his opposition.

But, I am not an expert as some are.  

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 10:54:44

1C2E29383F2E39062A39204B0 wrote:
Tweeter is dunce in my book.

A man who has been in the public eye for years, prospered and made many, many others successful is almost by definition, anything but a dunce.

BWAAAHAAHAAHAAAA!!! Prospered?  How?  The only tax returns we've seen in public is the one from '05 where he made $150M (from where, it's not clear..) and the one from '95 - where he LOST nearly a BILLION dollars...

Why do you think he refuses to release his taxes...  ?

Yeah... really "successful", huh?

I get he is fingernails on a chalkboard to many. My wife can't stand him, but voted for him like a lot of other woman did.

Yeah, like the other 6... LOL.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 11:12:25

...why he keeps doing the same thing over, and over, again, and then complains about the reaction it derives from his opposition.

Could you (couldn't all of us?) be accused of the same? You stalk Sew trying to get him to bite on a topic, knowing full well he'll throw out a clever comment or two but then disappear and never carry a topic through to it's end. And when he does the inevitable, you complain.

You do the same for TT knowing you'll get nothing but CNN-quality drivel but that doesn't stop you. In fact, you took a shot at him in your answer. Granted, he's an easy target (see what I did there?...) but still.

You say you can't understand why Trump does it, but do you understand why you do the same?

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by raydawg on 08/02/17 at 11:49:02

0D3F38292E3F28173B28315A0 wrote:
...why he keeps doing the same thing over, and over, again, and then complains about the reaction it derives from his opposition.

Could you (couldn't all of us?) be accused of the same? You stalk Sew trying to get him to bite on a topic, knowing full well he'll throw out a clever comment or two but then disappear and never carry a topic through to it's end. And when he does the inevitable, you complain.

You do the same for TT knowing you'll get nothing but CNN-quality drivel but that doesn't stop you. In fact, you took a shot at him in your answer. Granted, he's an easy target (see what I did there?...) but still.

You say you can't understand why Trump does it, but do you understand why you do the same?

Baiting.....plain and simple, as you state, trying to draw them out from their talking point mentality....
Hoping to dialogue instead of regurgitation of CNN, etc.

But, complaining is a bit tuff, merely taunting I would offer.

Trump, on the other hand....

If I was prez I wouldn't even be responding to you  ;D.


Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 11:53:23

If I was prez I wouldn't even be responding to you  Grin.

You would if I were CNN.....

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by raydawg on 08/02/17 at 12:42:47

1E2C2B3A3D2C3B04283B22490 wrote:
If I was prez I wouldn't even be responding to you  Grin.

You would if I were CNN.....

And if I was gay and birthed a lil' bastard from anal sex, I would be reported as a albino lesbian giving birth to the newest liberal commentator ;D

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 13:04:54

So... about our lying president... any more comments, hmm?

Such little boys... can't keep on topic.


Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by verslagen1 on 08/02/17 at 13:14:51

To save time and idiotic rhetoric, please only report when he's not lying (in your opinion)

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 13:16:10

445740415E5355575C03320 wrote:
To save time and idiotic rhetoric, please only report when he's not lying (in your opinion)

No way - I'd never post!


Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 13:18:21

And if I was gay and birthed a lil' bastard from anal sex, I would be reported as a albino lesbian giving birth to the newest liberal commentator Grin

huh? That's out there man.....way out there.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 13:19:41

475956575A475C41330 wrote:
So... about our lying president... any more comments, hmm?

Such little boys... can't keep on topic.


Says the man who actually types; BWAAAHAAHAAHAAAA!!!  repeatedly.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 13:20:55

7B687F7E616C6A68633C0D0 wrote:
To save time and idiotic rhetoric, please only report when he's not lying (in your opinion)

hy·per·bo·le. [h[ch299][ch712]p[ch601]rb[ch601]l[ch275]


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

You and President Trump have something in common....

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 13:24:55

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
[quote author=475956575A475C41330 link=1501641763/15#25 date=1501704294]So... about our lying president... any more comments, hmm?

Such little boys... can't keep on topic.


Says the man who actually types; BWAAAHAAHAAHAAAA!!!  repeatedly. [/quote]

Yep - men laugh, in case you didn't know.  And we laugh especially loud at those really funny things - like our president not lying and guys like you who defend him, and constantly want to wager on his success... yeah, now that's funny


Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/02/17 at 14:50:01

there's laughing and then there's your little girl stuff.

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/02/17 at 15:17:44

1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 wrote:
there's laughing and then there's your little girl stuff.

Oh?  How do you tell the difference?  

Is there a set of criteria, or are you just mad that I laugh at you instead of with you?....

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by raydawg on 08/02/17 at 17:06:46

Goodness, I am glad you have a life.......

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by MnSpring on 08/02/17 at 18:53:57

52415944415747200 wrote:
Goodness, I am glad you have a life.......

Don’t know.
 “Me thinks”
Perhaps that, ‘Life’  is Just,  ’TROLLING’.

(To a  ’Troll’)
 Oh, that piece of bread, I was going to throw over the  over the bridge the other day,
                       Well, I Forgot.
So,  ‘Maybe’, tomorrow I will Find a piece to throw over the bridge.

         ‘Maybe, if I don’t forget’

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/03/17 at 05:24:35

43504855504656310 wrote:
Goodness, I am glad you have a life.......

Me too.  You should try it.


Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by WebsterMark on 08/03/17 at 06:38:25

203E31303D203B26540 wrote:
[quote author=43504855504656310 link=1501641763/30#34 date=1501718806]Goodness, I am glad you have a life.......

Me too.  You should try it.


Hurry TT; you're late for class....

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by Trippah on 08/03/17 at 06:59:16

Not to drag this back on topic,  but his phone call from the Mexican President wasn't, his phone call praising his speech from the Boy Scouts of America wasn't,; two more lies about his grandness ...perhaps he really isn't so grand. ;) ;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/03/17 at 07:30:24

56706B7272636A020 wrote:
Not to drag this back on topic,  but his phone call from the Mexican President wasn't, his phone call praising his speech from the Boy Scouts of America wasn't,; two more lies about his grandness ...perhaps he really isn't so grand. ;) ;) ;) ;)

The defenders of tweety don't want to hear the truth...

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/03/17 at 07:31:13

4C7E79686F7E69567A69701B0 wrote:
[quote author=203E31303D203B26540 link=1501641763/30#36 date=1501763075][quote author=43504855504656310 link=1501641763/30#34 date=1501718806]Goodness, I am glad you have a life.......

Me too.  You should try it.


Hurry TT; you're late for class....[/quote]

Well, I guess that's better than you  - having no class at all...

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by T And T Garage on 08/04/17 at 05:29:48

Yeah, I know this is leaked... but the funny thing is, anyone who's payed any attention to our "wonderful" president would agree that this would be no surprise.  Talk about a snowflake...LOL

Title: Re: Lying again.
Post by MnSpring on 08/04/17 at 17:29:58

A  POTUS,  Lying.

Has/Did, Trump lie,  Most probably.

Did,  Obama  Lie,   HUGELY  !!!!!!!!!!!

Did Buch/Bush Lie,  Most probably.

 Did  Clinton, Lie ?
  (“I Did not have Sex with that Woman”)
  Cheese and Rice,  !!!!!!!!

Did  Reagan Lie, Most probably,

 Did  Carter, Lie,  Most  Probably.

Did  JFK  Lie,  Most, Definitely  !!!!!!!!

Did,  YOU,  LIE,

When your wife/girlfriend asked,
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