General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Who is the leaker......

Message started by raydawg on 08/01/17 at 14:47:02

Title: Who is the leaker......
Post by raydawg on 08/01/17 at 14:47:02

I wonder, we know that IT guy Debbie paid was a scheming fake.....
He was grabbing money wherever he could....
You think he sold the DNC stuff?

Do you think it should be mandatory to list payments, by any tax paying business, if it pays money to get news, etc?

Title: Re: Who is the leaker......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/01/17 at 15:23:09

His criminality is known, qualitatively, quantitatively is the question.
DWS admitted she cut his pay check off because he was arrested.
Apparently she was gonna keep paying him even though he was banned from the network and was heading to Pakistan.
Was he providing services?
Was he blackmailing her?
Why was he keeping the smashed drives?
What's on them that made smashing them smart?
And what's he afraid of that made him so desperate to get them back?
I guess a well equipped lab can retrieve information even from busted up drives.
I hafta admit, seeing D.C.denizens wearing orange makes me giddy..
Well, I was pissed when they screwed Jim Trafficant. His sin was a speech against the federal reserve. That's what pissed them off and got them to prosecute him, and yes, he had broken the law, but everyone else had done the same thing. That's how they run it. Everyone is vulnerable to prosecution.
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