General Category >> The Cafe >> Little Ninja Needs gas

Message started by stewmills on 07/27/17 at 07:06:38

Title: Little Ninja Needs gas
Post by stewmills on 07/27/17 at 07:06:38

I rode the little Ninja (as Dave calls it :)) to work today. Been a while since I rode it last.  Checked the trip meter which is my fuel indicator and it said 129 miles, which means I had maybe another 150 or so to go before my next fill up.  Got half way to work and the bike started shuttering. Finally got up to a stop and it died. Switched to reserve and it eventually cranked and ran fine. Got to the gas station to better assess the situation and top off the tank for good measure, and it took 3.7 gallons.  :-? :-? :-?

Guess I reset my trip odometer at some point and forgot. Switched it back to ON and all is well in Little Ninja World.  8-)

I can't ever figure out how to embed videos...bu here's my favorite slingblade scene which is fitting for me today:

Title: Re: Little Ninja Needs gas
Post by Steve H on 07/27/17 at 16:17:33

Hey Stew,

Mine has just the opposite problem.  It's got too much gas in it.  Whenever I start it, gas begins to leak out the back of the carbs.

Gonna have to pull them carbs. I hate doing that. But, it's better than pulling carbs on a Virago.

My son had the same problem as you the other day on his dirt bike.  He ws riding with his friend.  An hour later I get a call...Dad, I ran out of gas. Can you bring me some?

Glad you got it sorted and it wasn't a big deal. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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