General Category >> The Cafe >> Trip to Suches GA?

Message started by Dave on 07/24/17 at 08:00:41

Title: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 07/24/17 at 08:00:41

Is there any interest in a trip to Suches GA yet this summer/fall?

The location is closer to MMRanch and Stemills - about 2 hours more driving for me.  The camping is $15 a tent and 1 occupant - $7 each for more tenants.  We could easily spend a few days riding the area, and the roads look to be a lot of fun.  We sampled a bit of 129 and Wolf Pen Ga, and they would have been a lot of fun if it hadn't rained on them and turned them slippery!

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by stewmills on 07/24/17 at 10:33:22

I'm game so long as I can sneak away and not get in trouble. Considering the distance and other things I am trying to squeeze in, I might be committed for a single riding day...arriving super early, riding all day, and going back home that night.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 07/25/17 at 18:00:39

We talking about a fall color cruse ?   If the date is not taken on my calander , then I'm game.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 07/28/17 at 18:34:29

Guys, say some dates ..... I have noted two (2) too many good trips "done gone away" this year alone because the proposers simply don't take the next step (the dates) in the process.

Trips with no dates tend to get treated as vague feeler proposals, ones with hard dates get treated as sign ups by interested people.

Example, me.    During the school year time off has to be done way in advance and fought for in some cases.   There is a calendar with blacked out weekends to deal with .... I need dates to even start the thing moving forward.

Or, if you can say the month I can tell you which weekends are blacked out already (and yeah, they can black them out at any time, it's their campus).   Getting vacation days locked into the Paycom system early helps with this, as once approved they become holy.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 07/29/17 at 16:55:50

I'll bet the first weekend of Oct. the leaves will be changing but maybe not dropping yet ?


Sept 20-23 (Wednesday.-Sunday)
Sept 27-30 (  "                  "       )
Oct.    4- 7 (  "                   "      )

Gentlemen , Its true ! " Retirement Life is GREAT ! "   8-)

Sad part is ... I might have to go to a lighter bike in another 15 - 20 years !  :-/

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 07/30/17 at 11:44:02

They haven't blacked out the football game weekends yet -- must be waiting for a schedule from the Athletics Dept.  

Strike now and I can get them approved before they even get blacked out.

This one I will trailer in the Savage to keep from getting all banged up by the big bike dragging the frame all the time.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 07/30/17 at 13:36:36

What if we put the last week of Sept. ?  Then if weather goes astray we default to the first week of Oct. ?  :-/

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 07/30/17 at 19:47:42

That seems like a plan with a backup plan.

Now narrow it down and state the days .....  Dave likes arrive on Thursday, leave on Sunday at the moment.

Primary days Oct 5-8

Backup plan days Oct 12-15

This gives a week or three between your farm and this trip --- and gives something concrete to consider more deeply.

Example:  I have a urological appointment the last week in September and that is very close following on to your farm trip anyway.   So I rolled the proposed trip to the first weekend in October to fix it.

Now that we  have something to respond to, we wait for the rest of the guys to have likes/dislikes and I will go act now to nail down the weekends mentioned, both of them.

Stew isn't coming but for just a day or so and he is bringing the big tent, so let's see what he is going to prefer .....  we may be just doing a quick trip to match him unless Dave can bring his bigger tent.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by stewmills on 07/30/17 at 21:36:27

Dates are ok for me at this point. To keep peace with the wifey and considering the 3.5 hour drive to get there my plan is to probably come for Saturday. Get up super early and get there in time to unload the bike and take off for the day's ride. Ride until we're done and then load up and head home. Which means...if I don't stay I won't be providing any shelter...

There is a chance wifey may take a continuing ed class sometime this fall so I could get lucky and have a surprise free weekend if it is somewhere that isn't convenient for me to accompany here, but those classes and decisions to go are usually last minute and no way I can make plans in advance associated with her classes.  

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 07/31/17 at 03:35:55

So, we are sleeping 2-3 people and that says middle sized tent.    

I betcha Dave opts for his white sided TajMahal so either MM or Dave can bring the middle sized tent.   MM's or Dave's middle sized tent can hold two air mattresses with a entry strip down the middle.   My small tent will barely hold one air mattress .....    :P

Stew, tell us if you get "weekend lucky", we are getting better and better at that flexible planning thang.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 07/31/17 at 09:36:56

Yea , My biggest tent is a 8'x10'x72" , door on both sides.  

I've got a commitment on Oct. 14th  , but might wiggle out of it if necessary.

I'm not looking at the V9 no more , the seat is too short for a "WeBike" and I don't want to replace the Savage "MeBike".    

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 07/31/17 at 14:55:17

I am interested, but have zero experience with any of this sort of thing.  I have been to meets, but only for the day and rode back home.

This place is fairly close by (110 miles) for me.  Do I need my own tent?  What else would I need.  And how long - just a weekend?

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 07/31/17 at 19:41:08

You need an air mattress, pillow and a sleeping bag.

As we develop a full head count we need to get the tenting aspect covered.    We got the needed tents in the group, we just need to sweat the details.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 07/31/17 at 20:39:31

Yea Buckeye ,  I've lost count of the # of years we've been doing this stuff ... its just FUN !    

OldFeller  , use-to  run-off and leave us     so bad ... But he'd always wait-up at the next intersection ... or show-up behind us to   run-off and leave us   again !  ;D

Dave and or OldFeller are really good at the details , and we take turns leading (some more or less LAW Abiding than others  ::) )   But only One of us has ever gotten pulled over ...  :-?

Wait a minute .... OLdFeller still    Runs off and leaves us !  :-[  

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by verslagen1 on 07/31/17 at 20:51:07

you need to borrow beast?
he jumps up and bites him in the a$$ when passes.   8-)

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 07/31/17 at 21:21:53

BEAST ... Bites anybody he wants too !    If Beast was geared like Dave's Beauty then he might not have a measurable top-end ?  :-?

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 08/01/17 at 03:15:38

Dave, when he takes it into his head to open the throttle on his café Savage up all the way, yes, Dave can run away from me.

Sometimes, that is ......

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/01/17 at 04:43:30

This last trip I spent most of my time at 1/3rd throttle.....I am starting to enjoy the tight corners far more than the straight sections in between.  The faster you go on the straights....the less time you have before you catch up to the SUV lumbering along ahead of you.  A few times on this trip when a slow car blocked our passage....I just turned around and rode the curves the other way for a bit - the curves are fun in "both" directions.

Just so you are all aware of the weather conditions - October can be really cold at night....even in Georgia!  Low 50's and even into the 40's are possible at night!  Daytime temps are up into the low 70's.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by stewmills on 08/01/17 at 07:29:44

Cold weather? Don't want to scare piedmontbuckeye on his first trip, but sounds like there may be some snuggling going on in those tents ;D ;D ;D

piedmontbuckeye, you'll have a good time. I ride with this group as well as a big Harley veteran's group (not a veteran but a supporter) and although the veterans group is fun and great people I enjoy this type of riding better.  It is smaller groups which means you have more fun not doing too much waiting around and you are all on comparable bikes that like the twisties.

As far as the camping thing, we mainly use the tents for sleeping and pop-up canopies for the "motorcycle garage". Bring a snack if you want, but we mainly source meals out so we don't have to fool with bringing food and accessories and cooking up a mess by the campfire.

Dave hauls his bike as do I so we try to listen out for those that are biking in and carry whatever we can to help minimize their load (tents, cots, etc.).

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/01/17 at 11:26:29

I have brought a cot instead of a air bed , if its a week long thing.   But I can deal with getting up off a air bed for a day or two.   Those air beds pack up so nice .
Bringing a chair is always a good idea . [ch128521]

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 08/01/17 at 12:37:40

MM, you need a sheath to go over your axe head, makes for a very Multi-purpose get up crutch.

Keeps them Dolly Partons off of you while you are sleeping, too.    ;D

Take a lookie at the 40 degree night temps and consider you are hoping to get up to a 68 degree high for the day.

Cold camping,  cold riding in other words.    Really chills the interest level, don't you know.  

Us old people, we likes to get pneumonia and die, you know.

How about later on in the current month of August?    Still warm weather ....

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/01/17 at 19:18:22

Yep.....I could do a late August trip - most likely without any shivering! 8-)

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/01/17 at 20:27:02


Does it have to over the weekend ?

The 21st (Aug.) is the eclipse .
I'm committed on the 26th (Aug.)  

I'll attend as best I can , on what ya'll working folks need to schedule .   8-)

but , I'm bring the Savage .  ;)    there won't be no wrestling the Harley through the Wolf-Pen !  :P


Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 08/01/17 at 22:43:05

Talk to Dave and Stew about the weekend thing, I have Sunday and Monday off every week supposedly and I can take vacation days anytime that isn't blacked out.   So I could meet up for part of any weekend trip.

Campus is beginning to swing back into life and we are now being told all vacation  (even locked in and pre-approved vacation) is blacked out until further notice.  

What this really means, nobody knows.  

We got a "new hire freeze" this spring because of budget shortfalls due to poor enrollment, and now that half our security people have quit over the summer we can't barely even cover the shifts with a bare skeleton crew here at the start of fall .....

Not a new thing, happens about every other year ......   after classes start (and enrollment solidifies) they will permit a few new hires to tide us over the actual school year, then freeze us again come early spring.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/02/17 at 04:36:01

A weekend is necessary for us working guys - if you retired fellows want to stay and ride into the workweek that is OK by me.

I have a City Council meeting on Wednesday, August 16th, and the 8 hour drive to Suches is too far for me to drive after the meeting.  I could drive most of the way and then stop when I am beat....then drive the rest of the way on Thursday morning.  This would allow me to ride most of Thursday, all of Friday/Saturday, and I would have to leave on Sunday morning to make the 8 hour drive home.  The eclipse happens around 2 PM on Monday....I won't hang around for it.

If you want to try for that weekend - we can just arrive/leave as it works out best for everyone.

The current weather forecast shows rain for that weekend....but who knows at this point.  Wolf Pen Gap is not a road to be ridden when it is wet.....and MM and Stew said they were sliding around in the curves on 129 when it was wet.  The roads we are going there to explore are road that should be ridden when they are dry.  

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by stewmills on 08/02/17 at 06:35:49

704B4651404C57514A424F50230 wrote:
A weekend is necessary for us working guys - if you retired fellows want to stay and ride into the workweek that is OK by me.

Ditto.  Weekdays are pretty much out for me. Missed too many opportunities this year to take long weekend trips with the wifey so if I dip into the work week for solo fun I'll get scolded. Saving the long holiday weekends for some of those make-up trips.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/02/17 at 08:39:30

Although I am not retired......I am pretty flexible on which weekend in August.  It is a bit late to plan on this weekend (Aug 3,4,5) - but I could go any of the other weekends.  

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 08/02/17 at 12:22:01

By management edict, I am out of this trip (no one is allowed any time off while we are drastically understaffed).

Somebody needs to pick a date later on this month and spit on it.   Then see who can  come.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/02/17 at 12:24:52

Sorry Oldfeller - sometimes work sucks!

OK......Stew, MM, anybody else want to try for the next "good weather weekend" at Suches?

The 10/11/12 forecast looks acceptable at this point...the later weeks are currently forecast to be a bit wetter - but we all know that can (will) change.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by stewmills on 08/02/17 at 12:46:05

I think I am relatively safe any weekend (Saturday at minimum) late September or Early October if a surprise weekend doesn't sprout up before then. I hope to have taken the wifey to the beach around Labor Day so that will earn me some motorcycling credits  8-)

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/02/17 at 13:30:12

Since MM's event is Sept. 8, 9 & 10 - I likely can't do a second get away in that month.

If MM or nobody else wants to go....I might see if the wife is up for a trip on the Honda - we can explore the Suches area riding double!

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by stewmills on 08/02/17 at 14:30:03

We should plan to do the Gauntlet! Heck, we already sis maybe 1/3 of it.

Click for map

Decent video of Wolf Pen Gap. Things start looking familiar about the 7:45 mark.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/02/17 at 15:07:02

Dave , looks like I'm going to Pa. , ... but If I get back in time !  ::)

The Wife needs an outing and might find some stuff to do in Pa.  while we are there !    So , I'm not sure when we'll go but , I an sure it will be in the next two weeks !  ;D

I think the Guzzi will be more comfortable for the passenger than the Harley , so maybe some time We can meet Ya'll  for  a weekend couple's ride.     :-?    The kind of ride the CMA bunch likes ???  

Already looking at luggage and back-rest options ...

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/03/17 at 03:57:05

I talked to Deb last night....and she was excited about the idea of going to Suches.  I am sure I will have to stop more often....and likely the stops will be at cutesy stores instead of BBQ shacks!

She has to be in town on the we will have to go the 17th - 19th or the 24th - 25th.  I believe we will just watch the weather and then pick a weekend that looks dry.

Stew:  That looks like a good loop ride - maybe perfect for a Ninja outing!

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by piedmontbuckeye on 08/03/17 at 15:29:01

I am definitely interested - but NOT on anything going on in those tents except sleeping.

If I can make it, I will let you know.  Also at that time I will get what you guys suggest I might need to bring along.

Also, I am an OLD geezer, and those who ride from corner to corner like madmen, usually don't like to ride with me!  I'm slow - I just like to ride sensibly and enjoy!

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/03/17 at 16:28:23


I limit my speed between corners too .    But , I don't necessarily slow for the corners ... but I'm easy enough to catch-up with on the straits.    
Enjoying the ride at an enjoyable pace is why we brought the big bikes last time  .     Fact is : my floor-boards on my Savage drag and move up just a little before the mounting (solid) stud touches down ... then the rear wheel comes off the ground and the bike pitches sideways a foot or two , then the wheel touches down again   , and  Repeats !   :-[  till I slow it down a little ... Very unnerving it is !  
You should be able to keep up with me easily .  :P

Yea , the floorboards are mounted about a big inch below the original foot-pegs.
But  its really nice on the super-slab (w/Kawasaki pulley).

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 08/03/17 at 18:26:48

Come on, Piedmont,  Lancer just used to threaten to shoot them if they went to sleepwalking on him.

Me, I just use my axe to trim their toenails ..... 'cept I can't see that well in the dark and sometimes tend to take off a bit more than I had planned.   <chunk> :o    MM, get him to show you all his toes and fingers ..... got him several times jest by accident.

Now you gotta get into the spirit of the thing, we ain't really trying to get cuddly wid ya .....  Step on you a little bit, mebbe, but that's by accident.

MM is the only one that ever got kissed on the mouth, and that was by Lilly, Dave's canine god daughter.    Woke him right up, it did.

Following MM closely through tight curves has gotten more folks dinged than any other given reason, he is PLUMB DECEPTIVE in his big 'ol swoopy curve patterns.   Dave is too, but he never has to lean over and he rides upright through stuff everybody else needs to lean way over to get through.

;D    ;D    ;D

You are picking a good trip to go on, because the wives are coming on this one and EVERYBODY will have to behave .....

I won't be going on this one as that "behave stuff" is against my basic nature ....

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by stewmills on 08/03/17 at 18:43:37

120B07060F0D0C1600170109071B07620 wrote:
Also, I am an OLD geezer, and those who ride from corner to corner like madmen, usually don't like to ride with me!  I'm slow - I just like to ride sensibly and enjoy!

You should come! Done worry about anything that's "worrying" you. My first trip I was feeling like I was meeting folks from a and having to sleep in a tent with them on the first date. Either I slept really hard or no one touched me while I was sleeping.

As far as riding, I was certainly the novice of the group. I never once felt like I was the slow guy. MM and Dave would occasionally zoom off but would be looking out for me just down the road, primarily on the Dragon. Most of the other riding is smooth cruising as a team and all around good riding.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/03/17 at 20:07:26

I'm staying relatively close to the speed limit ... I like having my driving license .  ;)

No need for that Crazy speed stuff , but I'm still making the road as  fun as reasonable .    8-)

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/04/17 at 03:38:50

There are several issue that come up when you speed down the straights:  1)  You could get a ticket.  2)  You might come into the curve too fast: 3) You catch up to that slow RV, SUV, Harley faster and then you have to ride slow on the straights and even slower in the corners.

We are all watching the speed limits on the straight - we do have to pass slow cars on the double yellow lines occasionally when they just won't pull over and let you pass.....there are plenty of places where even a 30 HP bike can pass a slow car safely.

If you ride a lot slower than the group.........I may turn around and ride the curves the other way until I see you.....then turn around and ride the curves again!  Most times we are not in a hurry to get anywhere.....riding the curves is why we choose to ride in the area.

And......with my wife on the back this trip I will definitely be slowing down a bit (she gets motion sickness easily).  The Honda is not nearly as nimble as my Savage, and the tires are 7 years old (I will replace them this winter).

The plan for my wife and I is to drive down on Thursday August 17th, and return home on Sunday August 20th.  If the weather turns bad for that weekend we will postpone the trip to the following weekend.  If both weekends are bad....we aren't going.

We will be camping at the Two Wheels of Suches- there is no reservation required for camping.

The weather is looking good for the 17th-20th - so far.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/04/17 at 07:34:18


Either I slept really hard or no one touched me while I was sleeping.

The way I heard it, you slept Hard,REALLY hard..
And that's A Good Thing, because now you don't have those memories that would send you to counseling.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by stewmills on 08/04/17 at 07:56:42

You know...MM and Dave were so nice and kept going and making me drinks behind the bar.  Hmmmmm...... :-?

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 08/07/17 at 02:07:38

Nice theory, except neither of them drink .....

(mebbe a wine cooler for Dave, but that's all)

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/14/17 at 04:21:18

My wife and I are leaving early Thursday morning for this trip (once again I have a Wednesday night City Council meeting and I know better than to drag her to the meeting.....then spend 8 hours driving to Suches and arriving at 3 AM).

I anticipate we will arrive around 4-6PM and set up camp and unload the bike from the trailer.

The weather appears to be about as good as can be expected this time of year.  The fog will burn off in the morning, the clouds will start to build after lunch - and then spotty showers will show up in the afternoon and go away in the evening.  With some creative riding maybe we can avoid getting wet?

We will be camping at the Two Wheels of Suches.  If anyone wants to come up and ride......let me know and we will set up a place to meet.  I will have my phone with me - send me a PM if you want my phone number.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/14/17 at 12:07:22

I'd go if I could Dave , the wife has too much other stuff going on [ch128533]

Take pictures to make us all drull [ch128521]

Don't scare Deb , hopefully me and Marcia can join y'all next time [ch128521]

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/14/17 at 12:48:40

It will definitely be a new experience for Deb.  She can get motion sickness easily - I will have to ride at a calm pace and avoid cornering in a way that makes me grin!  The tires on the Honda are also the original equipment 2010 model year tires the bike was sold with (probably made in 2009) they are old and it will be time to replace them during the downtime this winter - so I will not be getting very adventurous on this trip.

However it will be a good time to scout out the roads in the area......Oldfeller and I somehow missed the good roads when we were in the area last summer.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 08/14/17 at 14:11:15

Yes, we saw NO good roads on that trip at all, and we spent some time looking for them too.

We ran all the roads your contact referenced for you and we only saw a bunch of tar snakes running across some so-so roads.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/15/17 at 04:35:34


Wile riding the area I noticed that most the roads were in the open valley, and there were hills on both sides - it looked like there should be some good roads if you had the time to find them.

On the KSL trip last month, MMRanch, Stewmills and I ended up in North Georgia when we were trying to dodge the Saturday afternoon rain.  We were on a very twisty portion of 129 and beginning our trip back to the KSL, and we stopped at a historic site and talked to a young fellow who was driving a hopped up Miata and was with a group of Rice Rockets.  He told us the 129, Wolf Pen Gap, 60 route was his favorite loop, and he lives in the area and has explored them all.  I do believe it is worth looking may not be enough to satisfy us for a long stay - but might be worth a long day trip.

The weather forecast for this weekend is the typical weather pattern for this time of year.  The fog burns off early, the weather is nice until the afternoon clouds build, and spotty showers begin to develop.  The rain amounts forecast for each day are between 0.04 - 0.08 inches....definitely not a rain out.  My friend who has been riding in the area for year says they get out early and ride, and then come back to the campground to relax as the showers build.....then when the storms settle down in the evening they go back out and find a place to eat and listen to some music.  Seems like a good plan.....except I have a hard time being so close to the nice mountains roads and not riding in the afternoon!  (I am sure my wife will vote for a bit less riding time on this trip).  

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/16/17 at 13:04:07

I had a lady a the Council meeting last night tell me that they are expecting millions of people to come to the path of the coming eclipse.  I did a search and I read an article that said some hotels have been booked up for a year, that most people will come a day or two ahead of time, that they expect big crowds in small towns, and even fuel shortages.

Deb and I are leaving tomorrow morning for Suches, and we will be sure to buy gas before we park our car in the campground.  We will be leaving on Sunday when there is still more than 24 hour before the hopefully we won't get caught up in the craziness!

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by verslagen1 on 08/16/17 at 14:04:40

GA is on the other side of the line to you.
So you will see traffic until you cross it.

Personally, I'm traveling 13 hrs to see it.
I would expect that the closer you get to the line, the more traffic you'll see.
I would expect more traffic from noon on too.
So the closer you can cross the line by noon the better.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/16/17 at 14:11:06

I have a meeting on Monday that I can't we are coming home a day before the eclipse.  We may see the traffic from those that come to the party early - hopefully they don't like driving on the curvy roads around north GA!

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/18/17 at 04:30:46

My wife and I arrived last night about 6:15 PM.  The owner Bill was still on the porch of the restaurant and welcomed us.  The campground is very nice and shady, with a nice stream running along side.  The shower house has 5 showers, a lot of room, and it is very clean.  My wife really likes the campground, and last night there was 1 other camper on a Honda Silverwing and another fellow came later and is in a cabin, he is riding a BMW R1100S that is very fun looking!  We set up camp, unloaded the bike and went looking for something to eat.  We had to go about 11  very twisty miles to find a Chik-Filet.  On the way back it was very dark and we stopped at an overlook where the Appalachian Trail crosses 60, and the sky was brilliant!  It has been a long time since I was able to see so many stars at once.  As we pulled into the campground and got off the bike I was surprised to see just as many stars....and a falling star!

It is about 7:30 AM right now and the sky is about half blue and half clouds.  Bill said the cabins are all booked for tonight and the rest of the weekend - so I expect we will get a lot of company tonight.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/18/17 at 09:06:54

You must have made a wrong turn somewhere !     It seems you ended up in Heaven ...  :)

If I get the Guzzi all luggage'd up we'll join ya next time .  ;)

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/18/17 at 15:42:40

We are sitting at the lodge waiting to eat dinner.  The weather was nice all day long, and the roads were great.  The roads are in good shape, the traffic today was very light, and we found curves that suited the Honda and riding double very well.  We at lunch at the CHOPS at the south end of Lake Burton, it was really nice eating on a second floor deck and looking out over the lake.

My wife is holding up really well - I stopped riding at 6 and she was surprised we were stopping so soon.  I could have ridden a while longer - but I didn't want to wear her out on the first day!

Tomorrow we are going to ride down to the Ocowee to watch the folks in the kayaks and rafts.....seems they can turn the water on/off and the flow was really low on Thursday evening when we drove in - we were told it will be running fast on Saturday after 11 AM.  (Seems a bit weird that they can turn a river on/off).

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/20/17 at 05:17:50

Deb and I are packing up and getting ready to head home.  We had a great day of riding yesterday - the weather had been perfect.  Yesterday we rode down and watched the rafters and kayaks on the Ocoee river - and sure enough there was water in the river this time.  They turn the water on between 8 AM and 4:30 PM on the weekends.

It is time for us to go home......there is no tread left on the back tire!  I thought I could get the rest of the summer with it - we wore the darn thing out in just a couple of days.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/20/17 at 14:53:19

So how many miles did it do altogether , and what kind was it ? [ch128528]

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/21/17 at 05:40:09

We road about 150 miles each day - with this being my wife's first weekend adventure I didn't want to abuse her and make her hate these trips.  We didn't get on the road until about 9AM, and we returned home before 6 PM so we could enjoy the wonderful meals at Two Wheels of Suches.  They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner on the weekends, and the food is so good that local folks drive their cars for the meals - it is the best restaurant in the area.

Tinypic is being finicky this is an image using Cubeupload. (

This is what my tire looks like - the bike is on the trailer ready to go home.  The tire has just a bit over 5,000 miles on it.  The front tire looks much better and has an even tread across the tire - but it just starting to hit the wear bars and will be replaced as it is 7 years old. (

This is the rubber dust on the wheel after 2 days of riding, the swing arm and license plate also had a black haze of rubber dust. (

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Steve H on 08/21/17 at 16:40:21

Sounds like you had a good time. Maybe you'll be able to convince her to go on some more outings.

Can't get my wife to get on anything with 2 wheels.  She never even learned how to ride a bicycle.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/17 at 16:46:17

I have an idea what kinda riding wore that tire like that. I hope you didn't show your wife wadda wild man you really are.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Oldfeller on 08/22/17 at 02:54:22

Hot sun heated pavement can do that to a tire in just a weekend, especially when the tire gets old.

I left early on one mountain trip and limped home on a tire that was getting ready to show cord because of exactly that .....

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/22/17 at 08:42:30

I was surprised how quickly the tread on the rear tire went away.  I was enjoying the curves - but I was not riding at the same pace I would have gone if I was riding solo (or chasing Oldfeller or MM).  I even pulled over a couple of times to let a few hotshots in cars pass me (they were obviously trying to show they could out corner a couple of senior citizens riding double!).  Riding a bike double does put the rider directly over the rear wheel, and that may result in the rear tire wearing much faster.

The roads around Suches were fun - but somewhat different than the stuff I go looking for when we are up in TN/NC.  Wolf Pen Gap has very tight corners on the east end - two of them are 180 degree turns that require dropping down to 1st gear and there is a pretty big elevation change going on at the same time.......the eastern section requires a lot of gear and speed changes.  The western end is more open and the curves are less tight, and there is more room between corners.  The other roads are a bit more open and great for riding double........there are plenty of curves to be found - but they are not as tight as the Dragon, 28 going into Georgia, or 281 between Tuskasegee and Lake Toxaway.  The traffic was very light on most of the roads, and it did seem that when I got behind a truck - it wasn't too long before there was a truck lane that allowed a pass (one semi pulled over and let a group of cars go by before he came to a big hill).  

I do believe there should be a group ride in the area for 2018!

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/22/17 at 20:25:24

I do believe there should be a group ride in the area for 2018!    

* 2   ;)

I'm not sure I can wait that long   ::)
Wonder if brother Kent (Who lives in the area has been there ???  :-?

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/23/17 at 08:13:39

If another trip were to Suches were to occur this year - it would have to be within a week or two of your Lynchburg event.  Near the end of September the temperatures at night begin to drop out of the 50's and into the 40's......too cold for me to be sleeping in a tent!

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/23/17 at 09:48:35

I'm tinkering with Windshield mounting system today (while the hay seasons out).   The Luggage should be here just before ya'll get here , and I have a bunch of shop-clean-up to get done.    There ain't a lot of chance me getting away before the last of Sept.  
The way I remember :
Just before the last of Oct. the weather takes up a COLD , WET , nature.

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/27/17 at 04:14:04

Yesterday I replaced the tires that we wore out at Suches.  The bike is a 2010 and I assumed the OEM tires were also - but I was wrong!  The rear tire code was 3409, which makes it 8 years old - the front tire code was 3108 which makes it 9 years old!  It is a bit incredible to me that the factory mounts a 2 year old tire when they build a new motorcycle!

The front tire removal and mounting was pretty normal.  The rear took a long time as the rear tire is hard to get off the bike as the rear fender and license plate mount drops really low and that makes it impossible to roll the tire out the back of the bike - it would be impossible if I didn't have a lift with a removal panel that allows the rear tire to drop through the hole in the floor of the lift.  The worn out Bridgestone was incredibly stiff - the first bead came off fine but getting the second one off was really difficult as the tire would not bend enough to allow me to get the tire spoons in place.

The new Michelin PR4 tires sure do ride a lot nicer than the old tires! :)

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by MMRanch on 08/27/17 at 07:06:52

Dave , That's the Honda your referring too right ?

I suspect the Guzzi will be my version of the Honda , if all go as envisioned.

I took the LS-650 to the Tn. State CMAUSA meeting this year and easily won the slow race (again) .    ;)

I took the LS to our "Children's Home Ride/picnic ) yesterday too , there were just as many wanted to ride the Big Single as there was wanting to ride the GWings and HDs  .  

Title: Re: Trip to Suches GA?
Post by Dave on 08/27/17 at 08:16:01

Yep, the rear tire on the Cafe' Savage or the Ninja 250 come out really easily.  The Honda makes it more difficult as the rear tire is tucked up inside the saddlebags and rear fender.  I had to loosen the exhaust to give room for the rear brake caliper to move outward and give room for the wheel to drop down.  It will go easier next time as I will know what to do - if I ride this thing as much as I plan to in the is likely I will need a new back tire every 1-2 years!  The Honda is a Sport-Touring bike - but if I want to get 15,000 miles out of a tire - I am going to have to change my riding style and do a bit less "sport" and a bit more "touring" when I come to a corner!

Depending on the weather - I might just pack up the Honda with my gear and ride it down instead of hauling a bike down on my trailer. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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