General Category >> The Cafe >> Reminded

Message started by Armen on 07/19/17 at 07:23:49

Title: Reminded
Post by Armen on 07/19/17 at 07:23:49

again that I am basically white trash.
Working on this guys bike last night. Nice guy. Ask him what he does for a living. Says he works for an outfit that manages high end resorts.
Like where and how 'high end'?
He tells me the have a villa in the islands that rents for $40K/night 10 night minimum. Must be paid up front. So, 400 large just for the place..
Tells me it sells out every year.
holy crap....

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by stewmills on 07/19/17 at 07:37:36 reminded that those of us meeting at the Dragon this week are camping. NOT glamping, camping.  Right there with ya'.

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by Ruttly on 07/20/17 at 20:56:48

One year while motorcycle camping, we were sleeping next to the river , no tent just sleeping bags. I woke in the night cause something wasn't right turn on my flash light and the beach where we were sleeping was totally covered a few inches deep and completely covering us was millions of Daddy Longleg Spiders ! All because we couldn't afford a six dollar camp site. :o

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by IslandRoad on 07/21/17 at 01:11:01

Ruttly ... that is the stuff of nightmares!

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by Ruttly on 07/21/17 at 07:03:04

Indeed ! Very poisonous spider [ch128375] but their unable to bite human skin due to a tiny mouth. You never seen three grown men run outta there so fast.
I gently woke up a buddy and said hey we got company , he said who , I said about a million spiders his eyes got so big when I turned the light on so we left our other buddy there then started yelling and throwing stuff at him to wake him he got up and tried to run still in the sleeping bag and fell we were laughing so hard at him. I've had spider [ch128375] nightmares ever since that night.

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/21/17 at 07:38:21

Great Story!

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by LANCER on 07/24/17 at 02:14:02

Manteca Man, I believe that GOD is trying to get your attention.

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by ohiomoto on 07/24/17 at 04:58:33

Thanks for sharing this.  

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by Ruttly on 07/24/17 at 19:29:22

212C232E283F7F7A4D0 wrote:
Manteca Man, I believe that GOD is trying to get your attention.

Might very well be , cause that was a biblical amount of SPIDERS ! ;D

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by stewmills on 07/24/17 at 20:06:38

I woke up from camping this weekend at KSL and there was a full grown adult sized MM Ranch in my tent! Talk about freaking out and running for your life!
:D :D :D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by verslagen1 on 07/24/17 at 20:47:07

1st summer out of HS, my friends and I rode from Sacramento to LA.
A fair stretch of the legs.
One night we stopped at pismo beach, the ants were so bad we slept on the picnic tables.  The rangers came by and tried to shoo us off.  We told them don't get out or the ants will carry you off... they left us alone and left.

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by Dave on 07/25/17 at 03:41:25

When I go visit my brother/sister in law in Sarasota - I get the feeling that I am very poor in comparison.  When I go to a convenient store to get a soda it is not uncommon to see Porsche, Ferrari and Maserati cars in the parking lot as their daily drivers.  People are tearing down million dollar houses so they can build huge mansions - and some of these mansions are only occupied a few weeks each year!

However - I am very blessed to have a loving wife, a comfortable life in the hills of KY, and a garage where I can work comfortably on my affordable motorcycle projects.  Like everyone does - I sometimes dream of winning the lottery and becoming wealthy.....I most likely would end up like Jed Clampett and not really fit in and be comfortable with my life (but I still dream about trying it out for a while.....and I buy lottery tickets occasionally).  

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by Ruttly on 07/25/17 at 12:19:31

323524362C282D2D32410 wrote:
I woke up from camping this weekend at KSL and there was a full grown adult sized MM Ranch in my tent! Talk about freaking out and running for your life!
:D :D :D ;D ;D ;D

Stewy , Now that's what I call scary ! ;D

Title: Re: Reminded
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/17 at 12:45:26

er - I am very blessed to have a loving wife, a comfortable life in the hills of KY, and a garage where I can work comfortably on my affordable motorcycle projects.

Being happy doesn't require monetary Riches. You're not in poverty and your life is good. Enjoy.. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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