General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Maybe NOW it's smart..

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/17 at 14:43:55

Title: Maybe NOW it's smart..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/17 at 14:43:55

Calls on leaders to stem the flow from Africa
The Sun - JULY 5, 2017 213 Comments
Bill Gates warns Angela Merkel’s open-door migrant policy has left Europe at breaking point
Bill Gates has blasted Germany’s open-door migrant policy warning European leaders they must make it more difficult for North Africans to reach the continent.
The Microsoft founder and world’s richest person said Europe will not be able to handle the huge numbers of people desperately trying to leave Africa.
This comes as Austrian tanks have moved to seal off a vital border with Italy as over 84,000 migrants from North African have reached Italian shores this year – a 19 per cent increase from last year according to the UN.
Spain is also struggling to cope with the crisis with 6,000 people arriving by boat this year and dozens drowning during the treacherous journey.
Speaking with German news outlet Welt am Sonntag newspaper, US billionaire Gates, 61, said developed nations should instead be spending more on foreign aid to treat the causes of migration.
He said:  “On the one hand you want to demonstrate generosity and take in refugees.
“But the more generous you are, the more word gets around about this — which in turn motivates more people to leave Africa.
“Germany cannot possibly take in the huge number of people who are wanting to make their way to Europe.”

Title: Re: Maybe NOW it's smart..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/17 at 16:05:25

CNN Democrat Van Jones Admits Russia Collusion Story

Title: Re: Maybe NOW it's smart..
Post by Serowbot on 07/05/17 at 16:16:23

Project Veritas is a nothing burger... every time...

Title: Re: Maybe NOW it's smart..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/17 at 16:19:34

CNN Democrat Van Jones Admits Russia Collusion Story
It's a VIDEO, but you DENY it?

Why are those three so called journalists No Longer at CNN again?
Ohhh, yeah, because it's a nothing burger.. right.

Eat your crow or forever be known for what you are if you can't be WRONG when it's SOOO obvious.
If you people think you'll be taken seriously in the future, you're mistaken.
Own it.

Title: Re: Maybe NOW it's smart..
Post by Serowbot on 07/05/17 at 16:37:43

Calm yourself...
Events will unfold, the facts will come out...
Endless repetition of the same statements isn't going to convince anyone of anything...
Especially Project Veritas evidence...
Investigation is under way... (in it's infancy compare to the Hillary investigations)...

Meanwhile,.. we have bikes to ride...
Thank God... 8-)

Title: Re: Maybe NOW it's smart..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/17 at 16:51:25

You're not in Star Wars. These aren't the droids you're looking for
Won't work.
You people Repeated Incessantly not only unfounded claims, but NOW completely unsupportable

Explain the Words Clearly spoken. Explain why the people are gone.
You can't.

nd so I think the president is right to say, like, ‘Look, you are witch-hunting me. You have no smoking gun. You have no real proof,'" Bonifield said.

He explained that ratings motivate CNN's focus on the Russia story. Asked why the network aired so much Russia coverage, Bonifield said, "It's ratings."

"Our ratings are incredible right now," he added.

Bonifield said that the emphasis on Russia came from upper management. He detailed a meeting in which President Jeff Zucker advised staff to focus on

Eat crow .

Title: Re: Maybe NOW it's smart..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/05/17 at 18:11:33

6076617C64717C67130 wrote:
Calm yourself...
Events will unfold, the facts will come out...
Endless repetition of the same statements isn't going to convince anyone of anything...
Especially Project Veritas evidence...
Investigation is under way... (in it's infancy compare to the Hillary investigations)...

Meanwhile,.. we have bikes to ride...
Thank God... 8-)

Events will unfold, the facts will come out...

YESS, they will and they HAVE!

Endless repetition of the same statements isn't going to convince anyone of anything...

Proven by you lot and CNN.

One thing you should consider,
Just because people are Convinced of something,
That doesn't make it TRUE.

You guys need to learn how to admit you've been duped by liars who wanted RATINGS.
They said it.
And I don't see CNN saying the videos are fake.
But the people HERE are so Completely unable to admit what is Painfully Obvious that they won't admit it.
At this point, meaningful dialogue is impossible.

Title: Re: Maybe NOW it's smart..
Post by raydawg on 07/05/17 at 18:55:53

1107100D15000D16620 wrote:
Calm yourself...
Events will unfold, the facts will come out...
Endless repetition of the same statements isn't going to convince anyone of anything...
Especially Project Veritas evidence...
Investigation is under way... (in it's infancy compare to the Hillary investigations)...

Meanwhile,.. we have bikes to ride...
Thank God... 8-)

Or not, would be my guess of you.
Why, after all Comey has eluded, still uses the word "if", not certain, confident, or even likely, to find evidence re: Russia, Trump.

Title: Re: Maybe NOW it's smart..
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/06/17 at 06:57:02

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