General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Less we forget.......

Message started by raydawg on 07/04/17 at 08:21:31

Title: Less we forget.......
Post by raydawg on 07/04/17 at 08:21:31


The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

"We do have some freedom of choice"

Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government.

"He was a champion of Irish freedom"

synonyms:      independence, self-government, self-determination, self-rule, home rule, sovereignty, nonalignment, autonomy; democracy

"Revolution was the only path to freedom"

The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved.

"The shark thrashed its way to freedom"
synonyms: liberty, liberation, release, deliverance, delivery, discharge.

Not sure about you guys, but it seems pretty straight forward, black and white......
I'm thinking when you try to abridge its meaning as intended, that is when you get into trouble, yes?

Wanna look at the difinition again and tell me how force and freedom can coexist?

Does elections have consequences still allow encroachment of freedom?

Title: Re: Less we forget.......
Post by Trippah on 07/04/17 at 13:33:36

There is no such thing as power to act without restraint as Freedom, which is why there are, no yelling fire in the bath house, no raping, pillaging etc.

It is the balancing act that is so  hard to follow, especially when "correctly" is a shifting set of standards.

Title: Re: Less we forget.......
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/04/17 at 17:05:17

Especially when "correctly" is a shifting set of standards.

I've been waiting for Someone else to make that point.
Right and Wrong never change.
Accepting wrong, calling it Good and congratulating yourselves for dragging society into your ideas about how things should be, ??? Just because you can smile about it doesn't mean it's good.

After ALL the Progress society has made, we are more divided today than any time in the last forty years.
But don't let the fact that the Librul agenda has been fast tracked for decades and society has been going the same way.


Does your agenda follow societal change?
Or Precede it?

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