General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> She's appalled......

Message started by raydawg on 06/04/17 at 12:12:11

Title: She's appalled......
Post by raydawg on 06/04/17 at 12:12:11

You must, MUST watch this video from the Chris Wallace debate....

Watch till Chris Wallace ask Trump if he will accept the election results.

Yeah, the guy is a tool, isn't that why so many can't stand him and love to see his bloody head hanging from a demented woman's hands, YES.... liar, huh....

He will say ANYTHING to get elected, yep!

Disgusting piece o' sheet, not presidential at ALL!

You must then watch Hillary's answer.....

It is even said her STRONGEST showing, answer, in the debates, perhaps.....


What.......oh no.
She didn't really mean it to pertain to her, HELL NO....

Watch folks, this is so ripe, YET......predictable, because we gotta spend our time on fake news, instead.

Yeah Bot, right, you and TT, smarter than everyone else.
Global warming, sure thang, you libs are WAY smarter than everyone else  ;D

I present YOUR candidate, Hillary Clinton, the answer to all that the right is too stupid to see. The first woman to be president....

PS: Every time you bring up orange cheeto small finger puzzy grab'n, etc, I will share this video again, and again, until you answer for your a man. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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